SoSuave male delusion calculator


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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As we lately get educated a lot about the exceptional capabilities of our fellow SoSuave keyboard DonJuans, i was wondering where the sudden flood of beautiful, young, single women is coming from that everyone here is procuring for themselves. Lacking that splendid selection of fine speci(wo)men availlable in my area, i thought maybe math could help me out.

If we say Jason Momoa is a 9.5, what are you? Lets give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are all 8´s or just about to become one very soon. According to your talks most of you are at least 8´s or women love to date down FOR YOU.

We also know you are all banging 9´s and its save to say that 9’s are the gold standard for every successfull man here on SS.

If you are going for less, you are a loser. If you date below 8, you are practically dating ugly women and people wonder why you are even on SS. Just delete your account and keep scraping the bottom of the barrel for that 6.5´s and 7.5´s which are basically only leftovers for the lazy and unworthy amongst us.

Now, lets have a rational mathematical approach to the delusion a substantial number of men seem to suffer from. Because, in spite of whatever you feel like you deserve, reality lies in numbers.

Letting aside that ones 9 is another ones 6, the common denominator we can agree on, i guess, is that 9´s are rare, whatever your taste is. We all know that 10s do not exist, they are unicorns and live only in our fantasy and the 9.5 is the best this world has to offer, so that 9´s must be pretty rare, right?

What makes that 9 so rare? Well the answer might differ for every one of us but in general the following points i guess count for almost all of us:

*of course looks in the first place



*no single mother

Against the seemingly common believe on SS, a woman with SMV of 9 /10 is NOT one in ten women.

Putting a number on the rarity of a 9 is most likely controversial but for the calculator lets say 1 out of 500 women meets the beauty standard of a 9 at a certain point in her life. Just think of your village, smalltown, district, how many beautiful women do you have in your area?

So, lets start calculating:

We will assume that our goal is not a ONS but to find a 9 for a LTR.
We will further assume to have 1.000.000 million people around us which lie in reasonable reach for dating/having a LTR.
Percentages are from my country and may vary at your place, like americans being fatter f.e.

*We start at a pool of 1.000.000 people in our area
*51% of them are women, 510.000 remain
*30% of women are single, because we don’t take hoes that cheat on their boyfriends, right? 168.300 remain
*33% of women declare that they cheated on their partner, we don’t want hoes right? 111.078 remain

*14% of women fall in the age cohort of 20-30, kinda subjective but bear with me when i say women above 30 aint SMV9, whatever their looks. 15.550 remain

*41% of women are overweight(including obesity), we don’t wanna fat chicks right? 9175 remain

*23% of women in that age are mothers, we don’t date single moms, right? 7064 remain

*Remember, we only date beauty lvl 9´s because the rest is for the losers, right? 14 remain

ATTENTION! Feel free to change the formula according to your local circumstances. If you think that every 100th woman is very beautiful and therefore a 9, go ahead, you are a lucky man and for you remain 71 women before the final weedout.

Now, out of that 14 (or 71), the only thing now left to do before you can start your Disney fairy tale partnership (you keep telling us bout) is to weed out:


*mentally disordered



*the ones not willing or not able to make gooood and loooong love to us

*the ones that, god forbid, don’t reciprocate our attraction

*the ones that we find out after a few dates that they are annoying or disgusting, don’t want to be a mother, don’t want to submit, don’t want to stop advertising to other men, don’t want to be a housewife or for whatever other personal reasons

So, whatever number you come up with….. good luck in finding that 1 or less woman out of 1 Million people and congrats, you now have ONEITIS.

Just remember, you need to be at the right place at the right time, otherwise another motherfvcker will prey on her and you are fvcked.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Rating women (and yourself) is a cope.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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This is a fun post; what’s funny is a large number of readers will miss the irony and sarcasm.

I’m dating over 40, often single moms, so I’m an utter loser. Oh, and I’m like a 7.0-7.5 on a good day.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2012
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I thought just being a member of this site puts me above 7.5. I think i even read it somewhere. That's the only reason i ain't getting off this site.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Okay okay, I don't want to brag but......

-I dated a girl that had 3 baby daddies and 4 kids. chic was loaded and barely had a job. She got naked in my truck going down the road on the first date. She said she was changing clothes.

-One stripper I dated lived in a half-way house, she was trying to get off drugs I guess. Her 3 kids were taken away from her by the state.

-I ended up fuhking my physical therapist after a few visits. She was fuhking another of her patients plus her husband and me. Once her husband found out, he wanted a 3 some.

Top that boys..........There is no scale for all of that awesome sauce! If that makes me enough of a loser, I want the award!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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It seems that everyone uses the 1-10 scale differently. To me, it's only useful as a way to rate women based on appearance (in other words, a woman can be a 9 appearance-wise but still undateable for all sorts of other reasons). I also think that the scale doesn't really apply to women who are 35+ because of aging. I mean, compare Britney Spears at 20 to Britney Spears at 40. Two totally different people.

To me, a 5 is an average looking woman in a specific geographic area. For example, a 5 in the U.S is ugly and overweight. A 5 in Eastern Europe is slim (or at least not fat) and plain looking (but not ugly). Anything above or below 5 is obviously above or below average.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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It seems that everyone all the little boys use the 1-10 scale differently.
Corrected for reality.
Only the immature rate on aesthetics.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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-I ended up fuhking my physical therapist after a few visits. She was fuhking another of her patients plus her husband and me. Once her husband found out, he wanted a 3 some.
I am impressed by this. I covered the topic of sex with healthcare workers in the thread below. In that same thread, I also mentioned sex with strippers, which you mentioned above as well too.

Generally speaking, if a man wants to have sex with a healthcare worker like a physical therapist, he would need to meet her during her leisure time, not as a patient of the physical therapy clinic.

Physical therapists have advanced degrees, so they are less appealing longer term than some other medical professionals. Shorter term, that matters less. There are some attractive physical therapists out there.

The idea of approaching women while they are at their jobs containing interaction with the general public is a topic that is somewhat contentious among men.

Healthcare Workers: It is a pretty common scenario to find an attractive woman as a nurse or medical assistant at a medical office or hospital. Dental hygienists at the dentist's office are common hotties. Years ago, when my grandmother died, I went to the assisted living facility where she died right after her death to help family members clean out her unit. There was a hot nurse/medical assistant there. My grandmother lived in another state not nearby and I was only in the city for a few days and did not have logistics. I also had a girlfriend at home at the time. There was a bit of a flirty vibe there. My cousin, who was in a declining marriage at the time, and local probably could have tried it. I think guys in their 20s/30s visiting their grandparents in facilities can hit on workers there, or guys in their 40s/early 50s with their declining parents.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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And what do you rate women on? Their inner beauty?
I don't 'rate' them. They're divided in two groups. Women I'm attracted to. Women I'm not attracted to.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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In other words, you have a binary rating system.
Yes, like a binary fork in the road. Please knock that binary shyte off. You don't have to qualify for me. Go impress the ladies with your acumen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Did I trigger you? I'm sooooo sorry.
You don't sound apologetic, so I don't give an airborne copulation about your 'sorry'. You're mean and I don't like you.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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"rating" women is dumb.

Does she give you a stiffy or not?
If yes: put it in her.
If no: don't.

Her personality qualities matter little to me. How many children and baby daddies she has, matters little to me.
Aren't we just picking up women for fun? Not for emotional investment?

I don't think any LTR-seeking Don Juan should be pursuing 9's or even 8's for an LTR. You are better served by being her best option; date down a point or two.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I don't think any LTR-seeking Don Juan should be pursuing 9's or even 8's for an LTR. You are better served by being her best option; date down a point or two.
Isn't that what you did? Married a girl who you weren't very attracted to...and now you don't even want to fvck her and are contemplating a divorce? Doesn't sound like dating down has been working out for you.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Married a girl who you weren't very attracted to...and now you don't even want to fvck her and are contemplating a divorce?
Its interesting how far off you are here.

My wife was and still is attractive. She was far more attractive than I was when we married, now I am more attractive than her. As I said, she is still attractive. I still fvck her 3x a week on a slow week, usually with HJ/BJ on other days.

My reasons for contemplating divorce are rather complicated and not the subject of this thread. You are more than welcome to go actually read the threads you thought you read, and find out what those reasons are though :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Its interesting how far off you are here.

My wife was and still is attractive. She was far more attractive than I was when we married, now I am more attractive than her. As I said, she is still attractive. I still fvck her 3x a week on a slow week, usually with HJ/BJ on other days.

My reasons for contemplating divorce are rather complicated and not the subject of this thread. You are more than welcome to go actually read the threads you thought you read, and find out what those reasons are though :)
Didn't you say that you married the first girl who was willing to have sex with you because you weren't getting attention from other women? Or am I confusing you with another poster?
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