Are we (Red Pill) the bad guys?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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I'm 34, have moderate success for my age, have improved my physique in the last 2 years after having low T, have no kids. Now for the post, I look at my contemporaries, pretty much all married, and some stuck in a marriage, most of them have had kids out of wedlock, have multiple baby mommas etc, fat unattractive, low paying job. Maybe they didn't know any better, but those same guys were the "bad boys" in my school, the ones who were sneaking alcohol and drugs in the school bus, the ones that every girl was after.

Of course they are some with good marriages but until when? I see all of them chanting "happy wife, happy life" with their wives getting fat as fck, I mean, its fvcking crazy a guy, who has put in the work, making himself a good catch, just to have a fat unattractive wife who doesn't even wanna put make up on. And of course nobody should unplug anyone, they should be ready and do it for them.

Maybe crashing and burn made find the red pill and it was definitely for the better, cause I look at my past self and I wanna die of cringe, wouldn't go back to that person. Now, have you ever asked yourself like a Cypher moment in Matrix and wanted to spit the red pill back, "Am I wrong? I mean I see all these men living their life of quite desperation but they seem happy"


Don Juan
May 16, 2022
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You answered your owns questions by laying out how pathetic a lifestyle others live.

Would you rather know, and deal with the consequences. Or be ignorant and "happy"?

What you're experiencing right now, with this post, questioning your decisions, is completely natural. This is part of growth. It can't always go up. Progress comes in waves, it needs corrections, like the stock market.

Right now, what you're feeling, is a test of your resolve. How bad do you want it? Are you going to give in now because of a plateau? Or push through to the next stage of greatness? This shvt feeling will pass and you will look back at it, from good times once again, and be glad you held out.

Always be grateful, life owes you nothing.

Wish you the best brother.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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A lot of these guys are willing to compromise who they are to appease a wife. They sell their soul in order to keep a woman. I've heard their complaints so many times.

I used to have a bunch of married neighbors. They would see random girls coming and going from place. They all loved hearing my stories. And it never failed once I told them about the girl that had just left that morning they would start in about how their marriage sucks, but none had the balls to leave.

A red pill guy doesn't fall into the trap. He isn't afraid to grab his balls and get up and leave if he needs to. Sure he has to put in work to keep a steady supply of pu$$y. But he lives life mostly on his terms.

What's your freedom worth?

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Nobody's the bad guy, in this sense there is no wrong way. Everyone's got to do what's best for him. We look at those guys as living lives of quiet desperation, but we don't know. They might be saying the same thing about single men. At some point it becomes a form of rationalization when it's not really necessary. Only the individual knows for sure if he's being true to himself. So I just worry about me.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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In short, red pill guys are not the bad guys. The red pill is reality.

I mean I see all these men living their life of quite desperation but they seem happy
A lot of these guys are willing to compromise who they are to appease a wife. They sell their soul in order to keep a woman. I've heard their complaints so many times.
Most of the men living lives of quiet desperation aren't expressing their negative feelings in-person to their social connections AND they are posting happy pictures on social media. It can be easy for an outside person to conclude that the blue pill lifestyle brings happiness. Married people are usually excellent at hiding their problems from outsiders, especially non-married outsiders. The happy pictures and videos you see on social media are usually not reflective of reality.

Let's consider this thread below about my primary social circle that is mainly blue pill in ideology.

Posts #84 and #86 - Multiple married men complain about their sex lives. Also that day, all the married men at that gathering had figurative electronic dog collar on and were rushing home to see their wives and/or babies.

Post #91, #94, #104 and #123 - Male friend gets married in Q3 2023 and refuses to invite me to the wedding at the request of his fiancé, not informing me that I was not invited until approximately 24 hours before the wedding. This is a man who sold his soul to keep some harpy careerist woman who makes more money than he does happy. I still have not spoken to that guy since he pulled that stunt and it is likely that our friendship is finished. I will not be making any efforts to contact him again. I'm open to a discussion if he initiates it, but it has been 3+ months since that incident and I have not heard anything.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I'm 34.. I look at my contemporaries, pretty much all married, and some stuck in a marriage, most of them have had kids out of wedlock, have multiple baby mommas etc, fat unattractive, low paying job. Maybe they didn't know any better, but those same guys were the "bad boys" in my school, the ones who were sneaking alcohol and drugs in the school bus, the ones that every girl was after.
These sorts of observations are common for one's 30s and early 40s.

There are fewer children out of wedlock in my social circle, but my social circle isn't a representative sample. My social circle since the early 2010s has been more White and bougie than average.

I have known some guys outside my primary social circles/guys I knew before moving to my current city who had conceived children out of wedlock. In those cases, the guy either married the woman while she was pregnant or married her soon after the birth. In those cases, those marriages resulted in eventual divorces.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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No, but I do not envy the life of an average red piller either.
But I'm not taking about the guys following Tate, or fresh and fit, who say all women are this or that. I'm talking about truth of the matter. Ignorance is a bliss like the saying goes, maybe is better not knowing than knowing

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Ignorance is a bliss like the saying goes, maybe is better not knowing than knowing
Red Pill ruined a lot of songs for me. A lot of movies too. Even some books.

It's less fun, but more effective. There is nothing fun about unplugging, but at least you can start to get what you want out of life; at least, that's been my experience.


Mar 6, 2017
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No, we are not the bad guys. Part of the Red Pill is self improvement and there´s nothing wrong with that. The only "bad" guys are supposedly the plate spinners who string girls along knowing d@mn well these girls want something more than plate status.

But that´s more the femin@zi narrative (supported by SJWs, White Knights, Captains Save a H0, etc). In reality its not the plate spinner´s fault:

I blame the girls for opening up their legs before marriage. You reap what you sow.

Most girls give it up "for free" (without marriage) when they are young, and then years later they are suprised when Chad & Tyrone wont punt a ring on it. Women hate accountability, so its easier for them to preach that we are the bad guys instead of accepting their own mistakes.

Imagine a hypothetical world where more or less 30% of 18-21 hot girls were virgins and they decided to stay virgins until marriage. Would they have any trouble locking a High Value Red Pill Guy? Hell no.

Would they ever say that we are the bad guys? Again, no. We are only the bad guys because we dont wanna buy cows that have been giving the milk for free to other guys since before we even met.

I guess @pipeman84 and @Modern Man Advice mostly agree with me on this. But they should feel free to elaborate if Im missing something.
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Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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The result of TRP is that women are now more hypergamous, more picky, less respecting, less committed to one man, and more likely to open a relationship and have high body counts. TRP just amplified all of these behaviors. This is often blown off as "that's just female nature." Ok, but it's not good for us as a whole.
If I'm understanding you correctly, I disagree.

Red Pill is a toolbox to navigate the culture that currently exists. As in, that culture was prevalent before TRP existed. TRP just gives men tools to manage it, as we're (men) ill equipped to handle intersexual relationships under modern terms.

I do agree that it does not make the current culture better - but I do not think anything will either.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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guys just understand, people need a bad guy to blame, they are not to blame for they life choices, its always someone else, be it god or that prick who is messing with my girl/guy.

just ignore and move on, people will always hate anyone who have a better life they have

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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No, it's not "bad," quite the contrary imo. But it has made dating worse.

TRP adapted to the current culture, which just made polygamy and thots more common (spinning plates, etc.). PUAs will say "but the women were already like that" or "if I didn't tap that, someone else would have" and they're probably correct. A lot is justified by calling all other men cucks, betas, and soyboys. But that doesn't change how it's led to an exacerbation of the initial problems (feminism, divorce laws, etc.).

The result of TRP is that women are now more hypergamous, more picky, less respecting, less committed to one man, and more likely to open a relationship and have high body counts. TRP just amplified all of these behaviors. This is often blown off as "that's just female nature." Ok, but it's not good for us as a whole. Malaria is natural as well, but we're civilized enough to tame it, are we not?

AfaIk, very few RP men have rose up to fix these initial problems after all they've learned. They just buy a nice house, keep chasing women for casual sex, and live their lives as individuals. That's it. Some will start little podcasts, some will resign from society and wait for it all to collapse in isolation. RP men don't force themselves into positions of high influence, or become political lawyers, or start pressure-group institutions, or obtain other means of 21st century power.

It could have been something more. That's my big criticism of it. Regardless, it's a significant net positive.
On my path of developing a redpill belief system and becoming a top 25% guy, I began to see how much influence a man has over a woman. Women are like water, they change their shape due to the environment they are in. Men create that environment. We define the expectations. lol, I'll be that guy that resigns from society and watches it collapse. My desire to chase women is definitely not what it used to be. I've learned too much. Although I enjoy women, there is nothing that special about women, and they don't really offer much more than sex and companionship. A man eventually reaches a place he is content with himself and doesn't need much from the outside.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Red Pill ruined a lot of songs for me. A lot of movies too. Even some books.

It's less fun, but more effective. There is nothing fun about unplugging, but at least you can start to get what you want out of life; at least, that's been my experience.
Same here.

Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams" is about an alpha male.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Of course they are some with good marriages but until when?
We don’t know they will end. Do we? There seems to be a tendency around here to predict all marriages are doomed. Most of my friends and four cousins of mine are happy with their marriages, and from what I know and have heard, their marriages are pretty darn good. One friend in his second marriage with a woman he has a second kid with is happy as a pig in ****. I myself am married with two kids and am dedicated to the family.

But yes, I am talking about highly-conscientious, physically and mentally healthy, attentive, vice-free people who want it to last and are highly-invested parents. Two couples are in the rich class and the others are middle class. They also have hefty extended family involvement which I think keeps people on their toes.

When you say stuck in marriage, what do you mean? Are they being mistreated or abused or neglected and don’t have the resources to get divorced?

We now have no-fault divorce. Anyone can divorce someone for any reason. So I don’t see anyone being trapped.

I believe I was on the road to being red-pilled at thirteen years old in 1992 and was red-pilled by seventeen, though the term wasn’t around yet.
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Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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We don’t know they will end. Do we? There seems to be a tendency around here to predict all marriages are doomed.
To be fair, there's a study out there somewhere that says 50% of marriage will end in divorce.
There's another study out there that had something like 30% of marriages being a dead bedroom (sex less than once a month).

While I'm sure there's some maths involved, it sounds like 65% of marriages either end in divorce and/or are sexless.

I'm happily married as well, but we all know that women are getting worse - not better, and they are the ones who end 80% of marriages.

It sounds like the happy marriage is the exception, not the rule.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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The RP has become mainstream because of douches like Tate and Mystery, and not in a good light. Hell, when a woman in her 50s starts talking to me about "red pill" I know the cat is out of the bag. Couched properly red pill ideology can be consumed by most as common sense, the issue is the way its presented by opportunists and parroted by autists.