Do U think women reject men who've been w/ prostitutes because it's an indication of being a loser?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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I think it comes down to self-esteem.

If you're a guy with little self-belief in himself and feel your worthless, then I can understand having no qualms with visiting a hooker. You'd already believe you're unattractive and so the idea of a woman (hooker or no) not being into you is already an accepted belief by you.

However if you have a healthy self-esteem, then you should believe you have value. Personally I believe women having sex with me should want to be doing it, I shouldn't have to be paying them.. therefore the idea puts me off.

Funnily enough though, I was talking to a friend of my parents the other day when I bumped into the street. He's in his late 60s and never married. I don't know how we got onto the topic but he openly said he visits prostitutes whenever he feels the need for sex. For some reason I could sympathise in this scenario. I guess when you're nearing 70 you realise that really, no woman is going to be lusting after your body like they may have ~30+ years ago, so you can sort of skip that threat to your ego and just have sex for the fun of having sex.

I try not to be too judgemental on these things.. to each his own.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I was viewing this video, and it got me thinking:

Although the chick commenting says that it's OK for men to go to prostitutes, she would not date such a man.

My opinion: Women consider a man that goes to prostitutes as a man whose sexual marketplace value is not high enough to get a woman to sex him for free and therefore compelled to pay for it, and thus such a man has been been judged by women in general to be loser, and hence should be rejected as a possible mate.
I don't get the logic. My first (and so far) last use of a prostitute occurred after a separation which meant I was married and therefore had a high enough sexual value to get married in the first place. In fact, I fixed my first use of a prostitute in such a way that it would only happen in such terms (i.e. after a big sexual validation of having sex for free such as getting married and then try it for kicks if the marriage didn't work out at the end of the day). The most satisfying encounter to date was with the prostitute because they were very hot and it was convenient to set it up in contrast to the roller-coaster rides of real relationships and great mental, emotional and financial exaustion. Also, many people use prostitutes for theraputic purposes (i.e. talk to someone, cuddle, etc....) and not necessarily sex.

Also, just getting sex for free doesn't mean anything if you don't like the woman, or had to settle for a WARPIG or someone you are not satisfied to be with, or have an otherwise rotten arrangement with a woman, to get the free sex. That being said, I do see that the prostitute thing is extremely gross to the point of vomit, and can understand and respect the fact that some women may be disgusted by it. I almost had to go into the emergency part of the hospital to deal with panic attacks resulting from the utter grossness of it. Therefore, if I had such a reaction to that, I can understand if people could be grossed out by the idea as a principle. There is no other possible arrangement one can make with the opposite sex that is that gross (i.e. unless you are abducted by a UFO and a female alien rapes you?). It puts gross to a level that shakes the earth.

However, everyone makes mistakes and I don't believe that people should be defined by the mistakes they make in life. When you move-on from a mistake that's made in life then it should be carried to the grave because it's just wrong to bring any past mistake to life, it doesn't help with your current relationship and if you feel you are "ruined" and nobody wants you then you may be tempted to go back there and use a prostitute again rather than having a fresh start and moving on. In that regard, I don't see how this, as a mistake anyone could make, differs from others.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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I’ve been with high-end escorts, from time to time. As the joke goes, you’re not paying for the sex, you’re paying them to leave. A few months ago I found a concise explanation on Reddit of why women shame men who visit prostitutes:

Three main reasons:

Lack of empathy: Women project their more conditional sex drive and their ease of getting sex on men. From a female point of view, paying for sex is ludicrous and unnecessary. Thus, a man who visits prostitutes is somehow damaged in their eyes.

Misconception: Women (and men) often think that all prostitutes are in some way forced into it and any encounter between prostitute and a John is exploitation.

Gynocentrism: Women might feel offended/threatened by men circumventing courtship and commitment, which both benefit women heavily.​


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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most women will think you're a loser for needing a prostitute, but if you try to explain why you'd need a prostitute without being a loser, you may end up digging a huge hole for yourself


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
This is all bullsh!t. When I was in the army, privates and cadets routinely screwed the hookers, especially during BMQ. I had one private spent all of his paycheck on escorts and molly in one night in Montreal. All of this followed by binge drinking and going to strip clubs. I could tell that about half of the platoon were either getting rub-&-tugs or bonning the call girls in hotel rooms, which we discussed after the fact. And our boys didn't have much trouble getting girlfriends later on, but there is a reason why Petawawa is the capital of std's in Canada. I too have experiences like that, which I can share if anyone wants to hear.
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Jan 15, 2017
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There is no one type of man that goes to prostitutes. A broad range of men do so. Powerful politicians go to them to have an affair or to engage in some fetish that his vanilla wife won't partake in.

Athletes go to them because they have cash to burn and actually want to burn it, so why not throw her $10,000 for the good night just to show off? Half these women are single moms with bills to pay.

And yes, AFC's also go to them too.

Been with two prostitutes actually. One was in the Red Light district in Amsterdam. Found a HB10 Bulgarian, 6'1" in heels, $50 for a half hour...and it was horrible. She didn't give me the girlfriend experience because she didn't have to. She worked by the hour and was raking in 15 clients a day at $50 a pop. Very dry personality and obviously a fake interaction so I couldn't perform.

Another time was at an Korean massage parlor HB9 who did give me the girlfriend experience for $100 tip. Complete with foreplay, dirty talk, moaning, I had no problem busting. Girl had style because I might have been her only cash ticket that day. It was just like a ONS except I gave her cash instead of putting a half dozen drinks in her system.

So there is no clear cut answer to this. I think it's OK from time to time or to break out of a dry spell. I'm surprised more men don't do it, especially a 30 year old virgin whose suicidal or about to go on a shooting spree. Just pay the b*tch right for the full experience. I think if Elliot Rodger had found an escort who could give him the gf experience 6 people might be alive today.
Someday I will found the Elliot Rodger Foundation

Donations will fund hookers for angry virgins on the brink of violence

If that's not a noble cause, then I don't know what is


Mar 12, 2011
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Although the chick commenting says that it's OK for men to go to prostitutes, she would not date such a man.

My opinion: Women consider a man that goes to prostitutes as a man whose sexual marketplace value is not high enough to get a woman to sex him for free and therefore compelled to pay for it, and thus such a man has been been judged by women in general to be loser, and hence should be rejected as a possible mate.
The woman in the video should be so lucky any man would consider dating her after going to a prostitute.

Guys, when women say something that attacks your ego/sense of worth/value, spin it around and put it back on them. If you get this rattled from a girl in a video, what do you do in real life?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Lack of empathy: Women project their more conditional sex drive and their ease of getting sex on men. From a female point of view, paying for sex is ludicrous and unnecessary. Thus, a man who visits prostitutes is somehow damaged in their eyes.
I think this is the big one. Women fundamentally can't empathize with men. They may feel sympathy, but they can't see/feel/understand things from a man's perspective. Women have no idea how men relate to women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Why would you tell a woman? That is just stupid...


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Why would you tell a woman? That is just stupid...
Yeah it is. Think it just weighs on people's conscience silently and gets agitated whenever you get close to someone. It's the people that have a conscience, or good people that tend to worry about this to the point of telling someone. The advice sites all say never to disclose your past unless it's a landmark type of past (i.e first love, marriage, divorce, kids, STDs), and if there is nothing coming from that especially if it's a one-off then it should be quiet.

If my hypothetical future spouse or gf was an advocate against sex-trafficking then I wouldn't tell her that either since I don't believe paying for sex locally has anything to do with that. They already have police investigating and looking into that type of stuff and if a girl doesn't look right then of course, you contact police and report it. Most of the moral opposition towards these things in the secular world is about sex-traffic and power dynamics. Good men who see women that are not doing that freely out of their own will then will report it to the police more likely than a bad person who doesn't care. I don't see there are any power-dynamics involved in paying for sex if you are poor to begin with. It sounds like the woman has more earning power and I'm losing money, how does that make me feel powerful in that exchange? That's insane.

What other type of women would care? I think Christian or devoutly religious women would. Then I'd say that type of past is between me and God unless I contracted a demon which will resurface and destroy a potential relationship or marriage, or if I'm apt to go to one again if there are rough patches in the marriage. Again, I don't think I would disclose that I went to one since it's too much of a one-off and I suffered too much after the fact to feel guilty about it now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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I think the main issue with hookers is the contempt they have 4 their clients. That's going to eat away at a man's confidence. Otherwise it's a transaction. I don't know many guys haven't had to pay boyfriend tax in a ltr. And it has its advantages as my friend says you pay them to go away afterwards. I personally just download slvts from online dating when I'm in a slump. That's my version of slumming. However I do have to put up with a certain level of bull**** to do that. Some guy's can't be bothered and would rather have the job done by a professional.


New Member
Jun 10, 2016
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I find the whole hooker debate in PUA to be an Americanism.

Where it is legal ,like my country no one cares.You are actually deemed to be an idiot here if you go to strippers.In my town strip bars stay open so people go in them and drink.Women I know ask like I do.
"Why are you wasting your money on being teased why not just go to the brothel?"

I too was in the Army .All the alpha dudes use to go hookers as well as pick up.I never went to hookers except once .It was bad .

Fast forward 20 years and I'm divorced.
I went into a brothel/massage parlour.It was like Victoria's Secret.It was awesome I had a ball.So every time I fly to Sydney I go to this joint cause I love it.I love switching off and being pampered .I've done it in Europe after a Euro jaunt and spent all day in a FKK club in Vienna.
I never felt bad I never felt horrible or guilty or dirty.It was fantastic.It was like doing HIIT.

My mate rings me up when US military hits Sydney and ask me where he should send them.You got chicks from all over the world doing it legally earning good coin.We got brothels in Melbourne listed on our stockmarket
It does not have the growth pick up provides granted but the dudes getting offended the most about it come from countries were it is not legal and not controlled.
Guys here go as a group"Hey lets go to the gas cookers" and they are not AFC alot of naturals I know go.It was good for me cause it made me realize the price of ***** was $130.Why should I bang some 40 year old ***** when I can bang a glamour from Brazil who is 23.That the option is there was liberating.

Free??I'm paying a woman $700 a fortnight cause she use to be married to me..Bloody hell the sex wasn't worth $700 a fortnight.
That's just my view and in the US I would not use hookers cause it's not legal.And give me a break Vegas had the most hookers in the da club that I've seen anywhere in the world.I've got hooker radar.
"You wanna party"
I kinda do really well there and dig yank chicks.
Also chicks are sucking coke dealers ****s for a line here in OZ so who are they to judge.


I find the whole hooker debate in PUA to be an Americanism.

Where it is legal ,like my country no one cares.You are actually deemed to be an idiot here if you go to strippers.In my town strip bars stay open so people go in them and drink.Women I know ask like I do.
"Why are you wasting your money on being teased why not just go to the brothel?"

I too was in the Army .All the alpha dudes use to go hookers as well as pick up.I never went to hookers except once .It was bad .

Fast forward 20 years and I'm divorced.
I went into a brothel/massage parlour.It was like Victoria's Secret.It was awesome I had a ball.So every time I fly to Sydney I go to this joint cause I love it.I love switching off and being pampered .I've done it in Europe after a Euro jaunt and spent all day in a FKK club in Vienna.
I never felt bad I never felt horrible or guilty or dirty.It was fantastic.It was like doing HIIT.

My mate rings me up when US military hits Sydney and ask me where he should send them.You got chicks from all over the world doing it legally earning good coin.We got brothels in Melbourne listed on our stockmarket
It does not have the growth pick up provides granted but the dudes getting offended the most about it come from countries were it is not legal and not controlled.
Guys here go as a group"Hey lets go to the gas cookers" and they are not AFC alot of naturals I know go.It was good for me cause it made me realize the price of ***** was $130.Why should I bang some 40 year old ***** when I can bang a glamour from Brazil who is 23.That the option is there was liberating.

Free??I'm paying a woman $700 a fortnight cause she use to be married to me..Bloody hell the sex wasn't worth $700 a fortnight.
That's just my view and in the US I would not use hookers cause it's not legal.And give me a break Vegas had the most hookers in the da club that I've seen anywhere in the world.I've got hooker radar.
"You wanna party"
I kinda do really well there and dig yank chicks.
Also chicks are sucking coke dealers ****s for a line here in OZ so who are they to judge.
Amen to this.

And when you find that 23 year old Brazilian HB10, and she names her price, pay her double for the VIP experience. Foreplay, your position of choice, and a little massage after. Money talks, bullshlt walks. She'll treat you way differently as a man who'll pay double for quality than the guy who tries to barter her from $130 down to $100.

To my fellow Americans reading, would you swallow your damn pride if you could AS A SURE THING bang a young HB10 of your choosing for $130, and for $250 get a VIP experience? I sure as fvck would. Most of you now are dropping $200 at the club any given weekend to maybe have a chance with some 7 whose gonna play games with you for 3 hours first.


Oct 20, 2006
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Women don't hate prostitution. If they did, it wouldn't have to be illegal.

Only fat, old women hate prostitution. Who will pay their bills if the man can spend less and have a hotter woman? That means these older women will actually have to TRY to be NICE and accommodating to a man. They might have to learn how to COOK or GARDEN or MASSAGE like their ancestors did. They do NOT want that. They just want the state to say "You pay her or else, because all women are special".


Women don't hate prostitution. If they did, it wouldn't have to be illegal.

Only fat, old women hate prostitution. Who will pay their bills if the man can spend less and have a hotter woman? That means these older women will actually have to TRY to be NICE and accommodating to a man. They might have to learn how to COOK or GARDEN or MASSAGE like their ancestors did. They do NOT want that. They just want the state to say "You pay her or else, because all women are special".
You're right that old women hate it because they're past the wall and their men wouldn't stick around, but I think a lot of young women hate it too. They'll tell you it's because it "objectifies women" or some such lie, but it's really to do with their own power. They enjoy the game because they are the gatekeepers to sex, and they get all that attention whether they give it up or not. Take that dynamic away with all men going to escorts instead, and all of a sudden WOMEN are the chasers. Legalizing prostitution in the west would change the dating world as we know it overnight.

And you know what? Nothing EMPOWERS women to "do what she wants with her body" and make a ton of money more than a well regulated, clean, legal prostitution profession.