Zero Females


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2019
Reaction score
Man. Dating is **** .

7 Days , 4 dates all cancelled the day before .

I can understand why people are going back pill.

Women are so picky with nothing to offer
It is ridiculous.

I am in the best shape , have my own home and garden and still not getting anything.

Maybe it is my location, but I feel so tired of dating
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
Man. Dating is **** .

7 Days , 4 dates all cancelled the day before .

I can understand why people are going back pill.

Women are so picky with nothing to offer
It is ridiculous.

I am in the best shape , have my own home and garden and still not getting anything.

Maybe it is my location, but I feel so tired of dating
I don’t get flakes anymore but they still waste my time lol. Trust me, you ain’t missing out lol.
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Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Man. Dating is **** .

7 Days , 4 dates all cancelled the day before .

I can understand why people are going back pill.

Women are so picky with nothing to offer
It is ridiculous.

I am in the best shape , have my own home and garden and still not getting anything.

Maybe it is my location, but I feel so tired of dating
4 flakes in a week? You have to be doing something wrong. I would take a step back and revaluate things. I get maybe 2 flakes in an entire year…


That’s what I was thinking too. The old advice on here to text only to set up the date is horrible
After COVID, many people turned socially awkward. Girls are now aware of that and nothing is more disappointing than having nothing to talk about on a date. It fits my texting style since I send paragraphs and only been flaked on once - where it was short lines and meetup within 4 exchanges.

Women are aware of PUA tactics, same as them knowing about RP and they filter for them. Nothing beats the genuine approach. ‘Game’ is always changing, either adapt or get left behind


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
After COVID, many people turned socially awkward. Girls are now aware of that and nothing is more disappointing than having nothing to talk about on a date. It fits my texting style since I send paragraphs and only been flaked on once - where it was short lines and meetup within 4 exchanges.

Women are aware of PUA tactics, same as them knowing about RP and they filter for them. Nothing beats the genuine approach. ‘Game’ is always changing, either adapt or get left behind
Respect. This guy is not chadsplaining. You want to pay close attention to this poster very carefully and mark his results as it might really be repeatable. He is schooled by @European-DJ in the dark arts of seduction who has taught him to talk ALLOT with his prospects, even if is a bit off the wall. If he's sending paragraphs it might be part of that method. There is defintely merits in establishing comfort by having allot to talk about rather than being guarded and worried you are going to mess it all up.

I wonder how many second dates or first date lays have you got so far? Does he subscribe to the no-porn/no-fap thing? Think he's like looking for an LTR.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
Man. Dating is **** .

7 Days , 4 dates all cancelled the day before .

I can understand why people are going back pill.

Women are so picky with nothing to offer
It is ridiculous.

I am in the best shape , have my own home and garden and still not getting anything.

Maybe it is my location, but I feel so tired of dating
Location is big, you might want to visit other locations and test the waters.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
@Bandolero - how did you go about setting these dates up? Texts? Call before? Brief texting, lots of texting? What did you talk about? talk every day before the date? Break down your communication beforehand so we can help you out. Why do you think they all flaked? Live too far apart?

Did @TheGambino come to your town and steal your girls? Haha


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
@Bandolero - how did you go about setting these dates up? Texts? Call before? Brief texting, lots of texting? What did you talk about? talk every day before the date? Break down your communication beforehand so we can help you out. Why do you think they all flaked? Live too far apart?

Did @TheGambino come to your town and steal your girls? Haha
I probably slid through and took a couple, but I made painfully obvious that I was only visiting and wanted nothing serious


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
nah OP, u never had dates to begin with, those girls were just being polite. thats where you are going wrong. you're mistakinng her 'sure why not' response to your date plans for a 'yes sounds great!'
u need to filter for there investment before setting the date. its not what they say, but HOW they say it. there is only one goal of texting - to screen for her emotional investment. girls that are interested will be emotionally open when they text, seem upbeat/excited and be willing to qualify themselves.
THEN you set up the date. and you dont get a flake, because you knew the girl was already sold.

The idea of text game that people have mentioned is also BS. you cannot attract a woman through text. you cannot raise a womans interest level over text. you cannot make a woman see you as a catch who didnt recognise immediately it from the cold approach or your OLD profile. if a woman sees you as a catch, passive texting will NOT turn her off.

with texting you can do three things - logstics to set up dates, sustain an attraction which was already there (with occasional witty messages and conversations) or lower an existing attraction by being to available/saying something silly/beta.

say u meet a girl and get the number. send her one or two low effort texts which force her to put in effort to sustain the convo - for example send her 'how was the rest of your weekend?'. if she complies, and responds in a way which seems enthusiastic/she gives a f@ck about the convo...THEN u ask for the date. your text style should be laisse faire. if she doesnt give effort, or gives responses but doesnt show much interest in your life...u delete the number

the game has not changed since the 2000s because people are the same. the idea that now you have to 'have long convos' etc with women over text before the date is BS. u have to establish a mutual interest, thats it. u screen to see if shes as interested by seeing how her responses 'feel' - how long she takes to respond, how much info she gives you, how genuine her messages seem...

if the interest is there, u set the date as a reward. i guarantee if u showed me ur messages with these girls, there would be clear indicators of low interest/flakiness from the convos.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Yet that is what @BackInTheGame78 does and he kills it. All this is chadsplaining.
agree, the texting has very little to do with whether a woman meets you or not.
if she finds you attractive, passive texting is seen as 'mysterious'. if she finds you attractive, lots of texting is seen as 'fun'. if comes down to if she finds you attractive - which comes down to her perception of your social value - which is composed of so many factors and highly subjective

OP needs to learn how to send 'feelers' to guage womens interest


Aug 29, 2021
Reaction score
Have you ever made an approach where you were in a fun, upbeat mood and it went pretty well?
That's not really my personality type. I'm more of the brooding,stoic/laid back kind of guy. Which is probably the reason why I don't do well in high energy environments like nightclubs.

Travel memoir21

Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
Reaction score
Rio Grande Valley, Texas
That's not really my personality type. I'm more of the brooding,stoic/laid back kind of guy. Which is probably the reason why I don't do well in high energy environments like nightclubs.
Do this as an experiment next time:

- Watch a funny comedy
- listen to your favorite upbeat music
- Call a friend to get your social juices flowing
- Then go out and approach.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
Yes , the majority from the flakes comes from old, but even in bars they give out numbers , text and flake .

Like they are paid by the government to waste my time
There's nothing that women like more than to waste a man's time. Their second favourite thing is spending money. Their third favourite thing is looking at shoes. I think sex comes in somewhere much further down the list.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2019
Reaction score
@Bandolero - how did you go about setting these dates up? Texts? Call before? Brief texting, lots of texting? What did you talk about? talk every day before the date? Break down your communication beforehand so we can help you out. Why do you think they all flaked? Live too far apart?

Did @TheGambino come to your town and steal your girls? Haha
Only text .
I find a topic from the beginning and hold the conversation about 2 days before asking out .
Not more than 4 messages a day , no paragraphs but also no Smalltalk or one sentence answers.
I am screening their pictures and find something to talk about . Either their vacation, their home interior if seen in the Pictures or their messy bed .
90% of females don't make their bed before taking pictures. Low quality,but a topic .

I reach out 1-2 days before the date and ask if it is still set . Either they don't answer at all , or something came up .

I think you are right about the distance.
In my area I have a bad name due to club hookups and I mostly get matched from women which are 25+ miles away . Sounds not much ,but due to the infrastructure here that is about 40 minutes one way .

2 dates were about 25-30 miles away
The other one about 45 and the last one about 85 miles away.

I usually invite them to cook or bake at my place or meet in the middle and go to a spa or something like that , because that's my thing on weekends and I do it regardless, with or without them .

I don't want to change my weekend activities just to get someone to know