Yuppaz Field Reports of Trials and Tribulations


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Crazy - was at my normal coffee spot for lunch when these two platinum blondes walk in. Wanted to figure out a way to talk to them but didn't seem to be a good way. Kept looking over at them when they were sitting down. Noticed they were speaking another language. Later had a chance and opened with "were you speaking German?" She says

Her HB9: "Yes, how did you know"
Me: Used to have a German houskeeper
Her: Do you speak it?
Me: Yes, fluently (sly look on my face)
Her: you lie!
Me: hahaha
Me: check this out, I saw the Black Pearl, from Pirates of the Carribean the other day (show her pictures)
Her: that's cool, you got to go up to it?
Me: no had to be on a boat to do it, but if you wear a swimsuit you can flag some guy down and jump on
Her: smiles and her friend enters, they both laugh
more convo, I offer to get them the address, get it and she brings a napkin. I say this is all you have, she says yes and I tell her I should write on her arm instead, she laughs.

We chat for a bit, I tease them a little and get them the address and add my phone number for texting if they need (THAT was dumb dumb dumb). I could have asked them out right then and there. GOD I wanna bang that 9, or both of them, either way!!!!!

I noticed though that I was pretty nervous, was weird. Maybe I need to remind myself that "They all wanna f*ck me"

ANYWAY , fun times, calling the Estonian tonight!


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Got laid last night from a same night pull. Barely new the girls. One was having a birthday and I was with my cousin at a club. We weren't having a great night. Talked to a bunch of girls, not very aggresive. Talked to a birthday girl early on. Later in the night we tell them we're leaving and ask them to come to the after party. Drive them to my place. Hang with cousin and girl for a bit (his girl passed out) kissed her after a while, picked her up carried her to the bed and ****ed her. The again in the morning, then again in the afternoon. Weird we didn't even know each others names.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Having more success with women recently. Have been dating more and when on dates, just being relaxed and having fun! I think the underlying reasons for this are the following:

1. Forgiveness - I've forgiven and forgotten about all the resentments (especially the big ones) I used to have, which has basically helped me to let go of my unsuccessful past. I've realized there is NO way to ignore and fight my way around past hurts and disappointments, I had to think about them and deal with them to move forward.

2. Positive self reinforcement - I'm starting to catch myself when I am in a funk and instead of going with my funk thinking (I suck, that guy is cooler then me, I'm just a sham etc.) I am thinking about all of the good things I have in my life and all of my positive attributes. I can now be in NO mood to socialize and can turn it around very quickly by doing this

3. Accepting the realization that I'm actually good enough without needing any trickery & accepting that other people have the same issues and thoughts that I do. Now if I go to a club or do a cold street approach, I'm really not thinking "Oh crap, how do I have to act to get this person to like me" I'm thinking "God, she's so pretty I really want to see what she's like". Also the positive feedback I'm getting in approaches is helping me to remember that. I bet if I approached more for a while I could really drill this thinking into my head.

4. Texting / calling game - don't let anyone fool you on this one, there is definite game needed for follow up. Calling - call 48 or so hours after meeting her & just chat bs, then set the time and place by saying "I was gonna go checkout X on X, you should come with". Calling does indeed show balls, and I'm finding that girls are just as scared to call back as we are to call initially. Texting first is bad, texting later is fine.
txt game: texts should not be boring. They should be short. They should be misslpelled (to make it appear as if you weren't putting in much effort). Staying in touch every few days via text is fine if she's kind of stand offish or whatever, just make it interesting when you do text. Reply times should at first be slow in coming, and should require responses. If a girl is unsure, include her in mass texts to a bunch of people to have group invitations, that gives you great social proof and makes her more comfortable with you. I don't have that many friends, but will mass text a ton of girls and a few guys to do stuff, then later the girl is WAY more receptive. Plus this way you never know, she just may show up to an event in 2 months.... no need to lose them, no need to pressure them. After the first couple days of texting, vary response times to sometimes be shorter, sometimes longer so she doesn't catch on to your game. The point is to get her out, so do what f*cking ever you need to to get her @ss out w/ you. Even if short, aloof replies are not your style, do that anyway.

5. Set the date when I'm with her in person, that commitment she makes when feeling good with me is much more likely to stick then something that may be planned in the future.... so easy to bail on stuff planned hypothetically in the future.

more to come


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Will continue with list, but quick update. Have been feeling crappy but actually doing ok with even more beautiful women then in the past. Strange huh? Actually it's quickly becoming my new opinion that I really only should be going for women that I find VERY beautiful. If I have any remaining nerves about being good enough etc. I should be able to get over it in time and then I am hitting my original goal of being able to spend time with the most beautiful women around and in abundance will become a reality. Been going out some lately and doing well by just really having fun, being my funny self and getting to know the girl(s). I do still occasionally slip into self consciousness from time to time.

Interesting scenario w/ average / kind of ok ish social circle girls and vs. 3 brand new knockout 9's.

Interaction with social circle girl:
Had good conversation, she was kind of uptight. Told her a lesbian joke and she didn't really laugh much. When trying to give her a hug for seriously feeling bad because of bringing up a sensitive topic for her (really wasn't my bad at all, but just felt bad for her) she shy's away. Every time I try to touch her (even innocently) she shy's away. She does try to flirt with me back and ask me a lot of questions. Later she's bothered that I smoke and she tells me "You know hot girls don't like smokers", I say "huh? I date beautiful women all the time and they are ok with it". She gets quiet. Later she spills her drink on my sleeve and I teasingly get angry at her for it (it was pretty obvious that I was joking) and she gets very apologetic and doesn't understand that I was only joking.....really not fun! I was basically trying to do my friend a favor by hanging out with her. Her friend, the one my buddy was hooking up with on the other hand wasn't that hot but she was fun and not so self conscious.

Cold approach with 3 9's:
Met them outside, intro with a joke and they ALL crack up. When first opening a feisty smaller one was immediately asking me all kinds of things about myself. Joke with them some more, cold read them and tease them. Put my hand on their shoulders while doing a mini read and they LIGHT up (not f*cking shirk away from me). The initial instigator even starts teasing me playfully and I tickle her, tell her I hate her and she LOVES it. She asks me to please come with them to the next venue. Asks me like two or three times to come. I tell her I can't tonight, but ask the tall 9 to give me her number and we can all get together another time. She complies immediately, and when she puts in a nickname on my phone teases me. btw I completely AMOGGED this guy they were with (think they were using him to buy drinks), like he wasn't even there. Maybe kind of ****, but I'm way higher value and they are a better match for me, plus there were enough of them so he could hook up and I could too.

LESSON: Hot girls are more fun, more receptive and have less issues then average girls


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Quick update. For some reason my state hasn't been all that great. But I am actively working through it and trying to avoid it hurting my momentum. I've recently been reading Tony Robbins book. He has some really good stuff about managing your state (funny lots of pickup and self help relies on NLP basics) by asking yourself better questions. So instead of getting caught up in a negative feedback loop with questions like "Why didn't anyone reciprocate when I went out last night? Is there something wrong with me? etc." I would ask myself "What's great that I can learn from that experience? How can learning that make me feel? (in a good way)" Think for me managing my state is the difference between success in life (& with girls too) and failure. It is critical for me to handle and work on. Change the questions we ask and we get better quality answers and positive, reinforcing answers keep us moving forward and keep our mind in the right place.

So setup a date (but was VERY careful not to call it that and dispel the idea that it was some super formal even with expectations attached, to keep the girl relaxed (and frankly myself too)). She is the hottest girl I will have ever been out with. Hotter then any of the other girls I've mentioned in my reports, and she's also interested. Keeps getting back to me, and wanting to communicate with me. She loves my sense of humor (awesome). If anything, I don't have any expectations or plans for escalation, just want to have fun and hang with her. If it feels right will go in for a kiss or whatever. My friend gave me some good advice last night. He told me that I should wait for the invitation to touch before touching, like being invited into the house before breaking down the door. Going to try that.

Last night, went to this 80's night venue. Didn't do well at all, but had fun and did approach. I really wasn't feeling confident in myself. I let my friend be the Alpha that night. He needed it, I needed to show him that I respected him and let him know I don't think I'm all high and mighty (he used to be very defensive around me he thought I was better then him) so that we could be com-padres instead of competitors. I need a wing... So opened a bunch of sets, failed pretty badly. Bad body language, lack of confidence, in my head, not very fun conversation etc. Did see some spark of attraction physically but couldn't pull it through. I honestly think I drank too much too fast and that was a bad thing, but I've been a bit quieter than usual lately anyway. So the night didn't go great, but I'm ok with that. Sang some karaoke and dressed like an 80's rocker fool. It was still fun anyway.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Interesting times recently. I met guys from the local PUA lair, hung out with them a bit. Good guys, all different styles, some direct some indirect. One of the direct guys had some serious balls when out sarging with him and this other guy, he hit the 10's sexual and direct, but think that he gave them objections to use by asking if they had a boyfriend. Still he said it cut a lot of bull**** so if that works for him, then good. May join their group, may not....not sure yet but they were good wings for sure. Winged a couple sets for me and handled perfectly w/ obstacles. Whoever reads this besides me, make it a point to learn to be a good wing, it is an invaluable skill to have.

Been seeing a couple girls steadily. Screwing one I pulled from a club on her Birthday, haven't even kissed the other. Went out Sat night to what was supposed to be a double date with my lil J-Lo. My friend showed up 1.5 hours later. Did the double cause my girl is REALLY shy and hoped that would help settle her a bit. She sang Kareoke and has SUCH an incredible voice. That's something I really dig, she sounded like Jewel. She's gorgeous and sings like an angel. I was stuck on that and kept calling er Jewel in texts later. After a while she (in a funny way) told me to stop...she REALLY doesn't like compliments. I compliment a lot and it hurts my HAND in the relationship. I am making a personal vow right here right now to stop complimenting / supplicating in any way....I don't NEED to, it really just screws me up. Better to think of them as guys, until they sit on my d*ck. ANYWAY so that Karaoke night ends and I drive them to their car. Come back to the Karaoke place and get this 9+ bartenders number after bantering / teasing her for a bit (my friend didn't think it at all possible, that she was "out of our league" proved him wrong...and told him to never think like that again....no girl is out of my or any of my friends leagues..I could tell later that bruised his ego, he was trying to own it, gain status by calling a girl he's been seeing for a while and kind of demanding she come to his place , in front of me.....it sounded REALLY bad from where I was sitting, like he was asking her to drop what she was doing because he kind of needed her). Haven't heard from him. This worked well because I walked in with two 9's / 10's (if I rated) and it was INSTANT social proof for the bartender. Could tell it was on when I went up to her earlier while on the date. I offered my friend the go, as it was great proof and he had an unreal opportunity, and he was a bit scared.

btw if your so inclined, having really hot girl friends and going out w/ them could be ALL you need for night game....especially if you don't like cold approach pick up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Lots going on lately, have been trying to focus more on other aspects of life and still improve in my dating / sex life. Had a crap night last weekend, was in a club surrounded by players that went to major extremes to get attention & I didn't like it. Drank too much, it was lame. Next morning, while slightly hung over met a cute blond German (well actually two, but first one didn't work out, this was second) had a really fun pickup, talking about anything I wanted too, threw in some teasing but also 1 genuine compliment. Gave her pity for being born in Canada...poor thing. Then somehow the topic of being Amedextris came up and I had her write her name and number on the back of an envelope with her left. Looked terrible and teased her about that, then just told her "so what's your schedule like so we can get together?" she told me what she was up to, schedule didn't look very good. Told her we're going to meet on Wednesday night for Martini's and wrote a goofy little note on the back of the envelope (something mildly to the effect of was nice to meet you blue eyes with a smiley face on it). She tried to turn it over while I was there but I scolded her and she laughed.
Went on the date with her, picked her up she looked good. grabbed her hand right from the get go and took her with me, we found a spot. I scooted her chair with her in it closer to me. We talked for a bit and then I kissed her at some point.. I slowed it down and we talked some more, had a couple martinis total and told her "you like wine right?" she said yes. So I grabbed her hand and brought her back to the car. Didn't tell her where we were going just pulled up to my place. No objections. Kissed her again, slowed it down grabbed some wine and talked. Pulled her into the bed, she said something about moving fast. I asked her if it was too fast, she said yes. I slowed it down and went outside with her, hung out a while longer, had some wine. Kissed more and started gropin, pulled her to the bed again and was more gentle with her, took off her clothes and f*cked her. Was interesting she was really nervous. I asked if she was a virgin but she said no, that it had been a year and her last was her ex boyfriend. f*cked her a bunch of times and she was getting into it. She likes being naked. I love German girls!


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
good stuff. Getting a nice streak going. I can tell you aren't sweating the ladies as much by your typing. Keep em coming yuppaz


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks Macallik! Starting to have some fun with this...also some very clear sticking points. Saw that your really rockin on your report too, keep that up, know that you basically can have whoever you want when you meet them.

Problem I'm starting to have is with follow up. I can set a date within 5 minutes of meeting a girl (many girls at this point... I just assume they are into me and apparently they are into me...haha... confidence in that area is bordering on arrogance), and can get together with her, but think I'm needy to the core, and that makes texts etc. come out badly. Have a hard time keeping things going with someone. My JLo look alike FZ'd me (she got scared or something, then I got uber needy after that and told her she was beautiful etc etc. which basically killed attraction completely and she is HUMORING me if I text her, I stopped texting. Will keep her in the loop when there are events or whatever but it's demoralizing and apparently the FZ with her is not something my self esteem could take...hoped I was stronger then that but not yet). Sad really, she's a cool girl, but once she started seeing me as this cling-on guy she is now just humoring where before she liked hearing from me....gay gay gay.

Ok, so have still been meeting girls etc. Had a date planned with this cute black chick who was the waitress at the bar I was making out with German girl at. Gave her my number she text me, the back and forth was real bad (mostly my part...because of neediness) and I basically am just gonna hit the next button, then I met a cute Thai girl last night that owned a night club, she was into me got her number text her right there. She is telling me she really doesn't have time (kinda believe it) but it would be fun to flirt. Later did bad job meeting girls at this music even with my buddy (interesting a girl he was seeing gave her phone number to his friend, and my friend just found that out. He thought she was distant and now he knows she already mentally moved on...he was bummed, started liking the girl, but he'll be fine). I opened a few sets but couldn't think of **** to say at all. That was a non drinking thing, trying to ween myself off the need to drink while clubbing, just don't like the tiredness the next day. Later went to this buy me drinky Karaoke house for my buddy to get some steam out and met an even hotter black chick (very dark skin and pretty face and body) who is a nude model. She has only been here for a few months and we're going to go hiking on Sunday w/ her one of her friends and me and my friend. That kinda cheered him up and me too. One girl replaced with an even hotter one.....life is good as long as I can remove this neediness and rebuild self esteem I should be fine. Wish all these reports were of the 9's and 10's I'm f*ckin but sometimes you have to take a step back I guess before you can take a step forward.

Also working on a larger goal of building recurring income for myself (no MLM bull**** though just recurring billing for services I don't have to babysit).


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Thought it worth a post. Had an interesting weekend.
Friday met this lesbian chick and was out and about trying to pickup another girl to have a threesome with her. Didn't work out, her fat dike friend was a major **** blocker and screwed it up. Got her number though, we'll see if she still wants the occasional ****.

Met this adorable little thing with pretty eyes and such pretty lips...married though, she wanted me to meet her at this club the next night.

Also was supposed to call this girl that is dtf to get a drink, but forgot and called way late.

Next day I went and met up with this newly developing pickup group in Waikiki. Nice guys, some experience. Helped one guy to help get him out of his shell a bit by smiling and saying hey to strangers. After saying hey about 4 times he wanted to jump into conversations etc. It was really cool seeing him get all excited. Trying to influence the group to go the route of being a man with standards and just being ok with expressing themselves around women and building a natural connection vs. using trickery, we'll see how that goes (SOME trickery sometimes feels necessary....like with text game). Will be giving a talk on body language and qualification on Sat.

Anyway that day met a little sexy girl that was all toned. She was married though, invited her to where I was going that night, she flaked. Met a cute black chick a few min later and got her number.

That night went to the club I mentioned. Met a blond milfer with big tits. Talked to her and her friend for a while. Later went downstairs and had a cig, she was there got to talking and a few minutes later start making out with her behind the building. Gettin kinda freaky but she can't leave with me because she's with a friend and she's married (but separated). I tell her all the dirty things I want to do to her (jiz all over her, shut her up by putting my **** in her mouth), she's loving it. Then me, her and her friend go to ditch this jar head at the bar, I tell her tell her friend to meet us over there by going into the bathroom. Then I see the girl I came to see. She was really excited to see me, I got turned on and took her and sat her on my lap and started talking to her real sexy like, and used her as cover from the girl I was hanging out with before (she was looking for me and this sexy girl was my blocker...hahaha). Took my new girl later to another part of the club and kissed her, she tasted sooo good and she was so into me. BUT.... she was unhappily married, and even though the husband was in another state and she didn't want to take it farther she straight told me she liked me and later texted me that I was amazingly perfect....like the best compliment I've ever gotten, but also kinda concerning...am I trying to hard to be perfect?

Later that night, this guy was REALLY trying to amog me. He seemed to have hated me for some reason (maybe because I hooked up with two chicks that night and he was high and dry...???). He held himself strong, when I was talking to original set he said "excuse me"? I'm like "what's that?" and he goes "I thought you were talking to me" and I say "Nope, have a good one"..and brush it off. Later I'm just chilling at the bar and he kicks my feet, I first ignore then he does it again and I look at him like what the ****? and he looks down and we have the same shoes. I think, ok whatever he wants some attention and that is kinda funny. I say hey you've got great taste in shoes man.... thinking wtf is going on here? Still later I'm opening a set with a kinda cute girl, just being somewhat dominant and in a fun way asking her "who are you"...she tells me name, I tell her no, like as a person... then this guy comes up again and stands right next to me looking at me not saying anything. I tell her, her this guy has great taste in shoes, or something being playful. And the guy is not amused and just stands over me looking right at me. Not saying anything. I am ashamed to say that I just walked away and didn't say anything. This dude did not like me from the start. I have no idea why except that maybe he had some issues or was jealous of the attention I got or something. He may have been the brother of the girl I was talking to at the end, she mentioned something about that's her brother. Those are the moments when I need to stand up, the guy wasn't that much bigger then me, he was just a **** / amog. I need to stand up


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Realizing more and more every day that Dbot and Johnny Soporno's way is the golden route to love, connection and TONS of beautiful women. Amen to them! It's almost like everything that even somewhat resembles a set is blowing wide open almost instantly and girls be swoonin! Yeaaaaaaaa. try it out, the 5 A's and just be 100% honest and yourself


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
It's kind of uncanny how much more successful I've been when I've been making my interactions with women about the connection and about unconditional love instead of an us vs. them battle. In almost every set I get into these days the girls seem to really, really like me and all I'm doing is saying exactly what's on my mind without trying to impress, look cool, maintain hand etc. I'm not even opening girls as much really a lot of the time they are opening me. If I do open them, it's usually with exactly what's on my mind "Wow you have really pretty hair, I like the way you laugh etc. etc.". I had a girl smile really big at me when I walked into the vitamin shop and say HI, from the top of a ladder. Then later when she was ringing me up, after I gave her my phone number for the discount club, which was a fake number, but easy to remember she makes me repeat her phone number like 3 or 4 times right in front of her boss, and I didn't even TRY ANYTHING....???? later another girl opened me after I walked past and said excuse me, she asks me "Hi, where are you from"?

It's all about being a giver, knowing that you are good enough as you are and having genuine conversations and showing appreciation with women and men.

I also did an hour long speech on qualification with that pickup group, and also on body language, great group of guys. Lots of hope there. On qualifying I made it more about having standards and communicating them with the girl, not as a trick but because you really should have standards that you won't budge on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
So I've been trying to help guys out with women lately and I feel kind of dishonest about it deep down because a lot of guys just want to use game to get laid and I've been there and done that and it really isn't the answer to being happy. Have recently had a lot of success with women and am finding that I want more then just sex, it's kind of empty after the act is done. They think it'll make them happy. The leader of the group is trying to learn pickup to cheat on his wife, which I have a moral objection to and the guys just want ass, which creates women that are used and abused...even if some girls are cool with that a lot of them aren't and it's hurtful to them. I'm teaching inner game stuff because I realize more and more that is the issue, it's self doubt and fear that hurt us with women.

For my love life very recntly I'm in a strange place. I know sex won't make me happy, but I like it. I know I can get it but don't feel like going through the effort unless the girl is much hotter then I'm used to. I need to be approaching much prettier girls because I want an ltr with someone I think is really pretty.... I want better quality and more time spent. It's lonely and tiring chasing ass all the time and it's hurting my ability to move forward in my other goals in life / finding my purpose.

I was feeling in abundance and giving unconditional love and for some reason I feel like I have a hold inside lately that I need to fill with something, going to get back to where I was but not sure how I got back here to this place of lack....would like to know how so I can put a practice in place to eliminate that step backwards in the future.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Just wanted to write some **** down and since I already have a journal here I may as well. Lately I've been feeling this emotional roller coaster and I'm not sure where it is coming from. I'm doing my best to stay positive and in the moment but it's like strange feeling just keep leaking out of my body. I don't know if I'm getting depressed or lonely or what really. I have had some crappy moments with girls I know and mostly it's because I'm trying to fill this void inside. The good things, I guess is that I know that's the reason and I know exactly what to do if I want to resume my dating life and have abundance with women, (give love freely and be accepting of them and say exactly what's on my mind without hesitation...given that I'm coming from a giving and not a taking place). It seems like I'm somehow letting myself down in some way, but I can't figure out HOW. I've been focusing on trimming fat and doing great with that, and actually the thermogenics pills I'm taking are supposed to have bad side effects like this and that may be the root cause...wow good thing I'm writing this because that may be it.... The guys I'm helping are doing awesome, they're mostly all getting dates and just having fun. The ones that aren't just don't have much to talk about and seem to not have much passion or self belief and think they aren't interesting to girls. I don't know how to get them past it right now. Facing fears isn't enough, they are approaching but are just boring the girls. I think I've really helped one guy out who has been struggling. He has been reading and thinking about this stuff a LOT, he even paraphrased the entire mystery method book...daymn! He's a good guy, but needs to work on how he relates and get's curious about the girl. He also needs to tell his stories of his life in more fun ways and get more physical. I had a couple approaches last weekend. One was on the beach with this little doll Japanese girl. I fried her circutry because I was physically aggressive (trying to get her to take a walk with me, trying to pick her up etc.) then later in the night was grinding and kissing this other Japanese girl. It was lame though, got her number and no wanna hang out after... was too aggressive for her too. Blew it sort of with a girl I really like by texting with her and her understanding the wrong day I wanted to get coffee with her. She was down but thought it was the following day when I explained it was thanksgiving day. So that to her is almost like a rejection, and feels bad. She's very feminine and desired and I may not be able to save it. She's my polar opposite, I believe. She attracts me like a freaking magnet...seriously. Very feminine & soft / emotional.

I think part of this issue right now is that I desperately want to find a purpose to my life and I haven't been able to. I also want to let out my inner masculinity and am having a hard time doing that as well. I figure I will face my fears to get there, but not really sure what I'm afraid of. It's so strange that I am so good at analyzing certain parts of myself and my mind and SO bad at others. I'm doing an exersize to help find my purpose, maybe that will help. I have goals to work towards which is helpful and I'm mostly doing them but as of now, there is no big picture. I have passion now without direction...it's like firing a rocket without any guidance....it goes in all sorts of directions and burns itself out before it really gets anywhere.

My current goals in success with women is to continue to make strong connections with more beautiful women. I'm scared of really beautiful women... I subconsciously think they are above me in value and need to get more comfortable with them. I used to be like this with almost any women so I have made good progress but it's time to go for what I deeply desire, abundance with BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL women that compliment me as a man and bring out the best in me while I do the same for her.

Writing this sounds crazy as hell, I know. Just wanted to release some of the sh*t pent up in my head to kind of send it out there into the world and (hopefully) let it all go..... accept life as it is, stop resisting and be at peace and happy in my world.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
yuppaz said:
I need to be approaching much prettier girls because I want an ltr with someone I think is really pretty.... I want better quality and more time spent. It's lonely and tiring chasing ass all the time and it's hurting my ability to move forward in my other goals in life / finding my purpose.
I have found the more success you have, the higher your standards. The 7's just no longer seem worthy of LTR. And the 8's+ are still hard to lock in. That is the dark side of learning game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Exactly.... the somewhat attractive women are fine and I can meet and hook up with them fairly easily these days, but if I am going to have something of an LTR I would like the girl to be VERY pretty and very compatible. It's not so much about knowing there is SOME kind of success I can have as much as it is about having success with the ones I would really like to be around. I honestly believe the issue is COMPLETELY in my head. I KNOW that and am working on reconciling it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
I had a dream last night where my subconscious was SCREAMING at me to bring out my inner narcissist, then I started thinking about all the guys I know that are good with women and it clicked, they are more about themselves then they are about the girl, they are actually judging the girl vs. seeming to. I think I need to keep reminding myself that I'm the **** and have a LOT going for me...that I'm the king of my castle and people invited to view my castle are lucky as hell, not the other way around.... I'm not lucky to be around them. Again, this is random but wanted to have it written down.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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I'm very tense lately, I'm pretty sure it's the thermogenics pills I've been taking. I had a really crap Fri night, got shut down quick and often because I was needy and feeling anxious. Wow man I have some issues, it's like I keep getting to the edge of being really good then backslide, then get even better. Would like some consistency for once. On the bright side the guys I'm helping are really starting to come around with my help, on the downside it's affecting the **** out of me (well either that is or the pills are). What I think I was feeling when things were smooth was that these girls are ALL into me and I'm giving them a chance by introing myself, what I think now somewhat unconsciously is that they are judging me and I am not worthy of them....****.....


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Pills got you geeked up it sounds like lol. Have you been working out and getting enough sleep? In my experience a lack of either can lead to negative thoughts and stress creeping up as well. Maybe a day of just picking apart your negative thoughts with logic helps. For example, off the top of my head:

Problem: I feel like women judge me and I am not worthy

Logical Thinking: I have had girl friends so I have been worthy before. I have had women chase me so I am desirable. There may be women who I come across who are not interested but that just means that I need to find another women who is interested. I have a journal full of interactions with women so I know that meeting them is not hard. Also, I have met women interested right after I met a woman not interested in my journal and so I don't sweat women who are not interested. There are some stuck up cute women who might think I am unworthy but there are also cute women who notice quality when they see it.

New Thought Process: Women can judge me and the ones who think I am not worthy obviously are mistaken. I can't show every woman the light and go out of my way to realize how great of a guy I am, but the smart ones that see it will be justly rewarded.

That is some random ideas I thought of off the top of my head after reading your last post but you should to fill in the blanks with your own experiences and thoughts so that you can identify with it more. Rinse and repeat the N.T.P. or shortened affirmations or some sh!t and it will become ingrained in your sub-conscious.

Keep the approaches coming.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Always looking out for me....it goes both ways bro - I hope your keeping on. It's funny that before I even read what you posted I started doing just that with a limiting belief that I've had for a while which was "I'm not good enough for beautiful women" where I'm now replacing with "Beautiful women would be lucky to have me in their lives". So far it's working fairly well. Honestly recently I think it was the pills, they have some f*cked side effects. Your right though that I need to break these feelings down logically and look back at past experiences to see the truth (beautiful women actually do like me, I am great with women and am a great person in general). Also have been doing this weird exersize I came up with where in my head I'm saying I love you to everyone I see. It's been interesting in that I'm getting looked at more and just feel better in general.

Did a bunch of approaches this past weekend, they were all pretty decent... but got called a player a couple times and freaked a few out with my total confidence and there lack thereof.... they didn't trust me for being so open, but then would I want to be around people like that anyway???

One approach was funny, I opened the girl with "You are going to have the strangest ass-tan by laying out like that" - got into set and sat on the girls towels. German girls, very cute but my girl had a bf she was really into, she flirted but I didn't want to ruin things for her. The other one I put into set with this guy I just met (a thanks for playing harmonica for me) turned out to be a girl I opened for another friend a couple weeks ago...oops!

Another beach set was a couple swiss girls, invited out to an 80's night thing tonight and a boat on w/e. Phone thing was messed up though because they were tourists from Switzerland and I don't want to pay for a long distance phone call. We'll see if they call me...doubtful but whatever.

Had a date with a pretty girl, had a lot of fun and was very romantic / loving with her. We ended up sleeping together a couple times. I tried inviting her to something a couple days later but she texted me (I called her) that she couldn't make it. Called again last night and no answer, I didn't bother leaving a voice mail. I'm starting to think I may be bad in bed or that she doesn't have interest because we f*cked too soon.... if that's the case, it's too bad... I don't want it to be. I was feeling kind of needy when we were together, wanting her to stay etc. at one point I could see she wanted to go and I was telling her how much I loved her soft skin all night.... I might have come off too eager, I don't know. I do know that girls I didn't f*ck too soon are still interested even if hundreds of miles away and even in different countries.... so it may just be these situations. Feels good to write this **** down and kind of let it go.