Your Hunger For Sex Is Undermining You


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Browsing the forums it is commonplace to read content like "Whose getting laid tonight!!!??? WoooooHoooooooo"

And "I finally got laid bro"

And the classic " Going out with the boys tonight to get girls. Gonna be so fun".

You realize the mindset behind these statements is corroding your chances of ACTUALLY attracting women right?

The emphasis constantly being on sex makes you nothing more than a lapdog with your tongue out wagging and begging for your owner to drop a dime sized piece of bacon. It's pathetic. And until you eradicate this mindset and learn to evolve into a true alpha male, you will continue to be influenced by vag1na and vag1na only.

"What are you saying? That I should embrace a life of masturbation?"


I am saying that your focus should be UPON YOURSELF. What did you do today to advance your career? What new skills did you learn today? Did you read something today?

Once you get over the fascination of pu$$ learn that there is nothing to fascinate about. It's a part of life. Quit acting like a freshman frat bro and start to PROGRESS AS A MALE. I have been dating the same woman now for 3 years. I get laid whenever I want. Why would there be such a fascination for me? I dont say this to brag....I say this to prove that life is bigger than getting fvcking laid.

Once you get over pu$$y, you will finally excel at LIFE. Arrive to this destination as soon as possible brothers.

***And a finishing note! It's ironic that the biggest woman haters and MGTOW care more about pu$$y than any other male archetype. They obsess over it and practically see it as the only reason women exist. Just something humorous to think about, next time one of these terds give you advice. Do you really want to end up like him? ***


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2012
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I had been on such a long dry spell that I am even ashamed to admit it on a forum where no one knows me. But when I did get laid after that long period, I didn't feel any different or better. It's all in your head.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
Good post.

I always thought that this place was more than just picking up women.
Self improvement and discipline is what makes first a dj great.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
hah, such an irony of life. If you are not 'obsessed', so to speak, with sex and pvssy what happens is get zero sex.

If you do not dress nice to impress women, if you do not go out to pick-up women, if you do not try to do all this stuff on a regular basis...NO SEX FOR YOU.
If you just do other stuff, and think women are just gonna come to life in disneyland.

So on the right hand you should not be obsessed, should be aloof etc, but on the left hand if you do not put quite a lot of effort, you end up with nothing.

Life is hard, for the majority.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
TheException said:
I have been dating the same woman now for 3 years. I get laid whenever I want.
I understand your point and you are right about taking the p*ssy off a Pedestal.

However- do you not worry that you've lost interest in sex and it's lost it's pleasure for you?


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
The problem with this type of advice is it implies excelling at life and getting women are mutually exclusive. Excelling at life and getting women to sleep with you have NOTHING TO DO with each other. I know guys who have everything, but have trouble meeting and sleeping with women. I know guys who have a lot lot less, and have no trouble getting women to sleep with them.

I understand the logic behind it, but it doesn't really work. Guys come in here and read it and say "OK, if I only work on myself, get ripped, dress well, be social, be relaxed, get money, smile, laugh alot, look good, grab life by the balls, have energy, join clubs, enjoy everything life has to offer and more, I will get laid by the hottest actress."

They do all that stuff, the girls don't care, and then they get pissed off and frustrated, thinking they were lied to and everything in life is a joke and unfair. You should work on yourself, but you also have to concentrate on getting girls. To say "I'm gonna improve my life and THEN girls will notice who I am and will come." It almost never works that way. Girls are on their own schedule, they don't have time for you to "get your life together" and then decide they will have sex with you.

Once you get over the fascination of pu$$ learn that there is nothing to fascinate about. It's a part of life. Quit acting like a freshman frat bro and start to PROGRESS AS A MALE. I have been dating the same woman now for 3 years. I get laid whenever I want. Why would there be such a fascination for me? I dont say this to brag....I say this to prove that life is bigger than getting fvcking laid.
Bro I completely understand this and props to you, but that's akin to a rich guy saying "What's $100,000? That's peanuts for me, why should I care about that?" For new guys who come in here and are nervous and anxious and desperate and lonely with women, to say that doesn't help them, it just makes them even more agitated.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Trump said:
The problem with this type of advice is it implies excelling at life and getting women are mutually exclusive. Excelling at life and getting women to sleep with you have NOTHING TO DO with each other. I know guys who have everything, but have trouble meeting and sleeping with women. I know guys who have a lot lot less, and have no trouble getting women to sleep with them.

I understand the logic behind it, but it doesn't really work. Guys come in here and read it and say "OK, if I only work on myself, get ripped, dress well, be social, be relaxed, get money, smile, laugh alot, look good, grab life by the balls, have energy, join clubs, enjoy everything life has to offer and more, I will get laid by the hottest actress."

They do all that stuff, the girls don't care, and then they get pissed off and frustrated, thinking they were lied to and everything in life is a joke and unfair. You should work on yourself, but you also have to concentrate on getting girls. To say "I'm gonna improve my life and THEN girls will notice who I am and will come." It almost never works that way. Girls are on their own schedule, they don't have time for you to "get your life together" and then decide they will have sex with you.

Bro I completely understand this and props to you, but that's akin to a rich guy saying "What's $100,000? That's peanuts for me, why should I care about that?" For new guys who come in here and are nervous and anxious and desperate and lonely with women, to say that doesn't help them, it just makes them even more agitated.

Well put.

Getting your life in order is great but I think that some of us (I'm sometimes guilty of that) except things with women to happen because we are getting better. It's definitely not a correlation but it certainly helps.

OP, the post is correct up until that point in my opinion:

I have been dating the same woman now for 3 years. I get laid whenever I want. Why would there be such a fascination for me? I dont say this to brag....I say this to prove that life is bigger than getting fvcking laid.
Very easy to have no fascination for something that you are getting (pretty much taking stuff for granted)

What we should all thrive for is to stay strong, continue to aim for greatness, keeping our standards high despite not having a female to satisfy our needs, despite being broke, despite being hurt, despite things not going our way.

Continuing all this and believing that things WILL get better.

Very hard to execute, but at times when I get to this level, good things tend to happens (gains at the gym, having fun with the homies, better job, better cars and getting women)

Focusing on things that we can control and enjoy the ride. I think most of us get frustrated because we sometimes view this DJ lifestyle as something we can completely control. We can control our approach and be better we don't know how it's going to be received on the other end.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
SayWhat said:

I had been on such a long dry spell that I am even ashamed to admit it on a forum where no one knows me. But when I did get laid after that long period, I didn't feel any different or better. It's all in your head.
Well that's it. Think about all the time your probably spent to "trying to get laid". Probably not enough joy in return to warrant such attention right?
NSX-R said:
Good post.

I always thought that this place was more than just picking up women.
Self improvement and discipline is what makes first a dj great.
You have to know where to look :up:
Mauser said:

And I would add, don't underestimate the power of money to bring happiness.

Does it guarantee happinees? NO

But it buys you freedom, peace of mind, and the ability to do what you want, when you want..

"Money can't buy happiness" goes the quote . but have you ever wondered why all the rich people aren't giving their money away? Think about that

Pursue your career. Personal growth. Make money.Stay debt free. Travel.

Puzzy? It's great......but you can buy it, if you choose, for a day's wages.

Not that valuable, really when you think of it in those terms.
Correct. Personal satisfaction via interests, career, monetary goals, traveling etc have way more of a positive effect on your well being than getting laid from the skank at the local bar.
There's always a happy medium in these types of situations.

Always go out with your first priority as FUN. You're with friends and yall just wsnt to kick it. That's cool. If you happen to see some cute girls, go over and spark up a convo. Now this is where social skills come in handy, because if you can make them laugh and feel like they're having even more fun with you there, then you'll be able to get numbers, dates, or if you're in the right place a ONS.

The thing I absolutely hate is when dudes are begging for sex. My AFC friends tell me stories about it, and I've seen it with my own eyes. Worst thing is, my friends think it's actually funny that they beg for it, and it makes their girlfriends laugh. Smh
Unfortunately....we all know those guys. And advice from sosuave can turn you into one of those guys if you are not careful.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
pyros said:
hah, such an irony of life. If you are not 'obsessed', so to speak, with sex and pvssy what happens is get zero sex.
Completely disagree. In was only when I grew out of the "sex obsessed" phase, that I was getting laid left and right.

If you do not dress nice to impress women, if you do not go out to pick-up women, if you do not try to do all this stuff on a regular basis...NO SEX FOR YOU.
If you just do other stuff, and think women are just gonna come to life in disneyland.

So on the right hand you should not be obsessed, should be aloof etc, but on the left hand if you do not put quite a lot of effort, you end up with nothing.
"Becoming non-obsessive about sex" is not the same as "not trying".
Lozboss said:
I understand your point and you are right about taking the p*ssy off a Pedestal.

However- do you not worry that you've lost interest in sex and it's lost it's pleasure for you?
I've not lost interest in sex. It simply is not my "number one interest".


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Trump said:
The problem with this type of advice is it implies excelling at life and getting women are mutually exclusive.
Quite the opposite. They are necessary and sufficient for one another.

Excelling at life and getting women to sleep with you have NOTHING TO DO with each other. I know guys who have everything, but have trouble meeting and sleeping with women. I know guys who have a lot lot less, and have no trouble getting women to sleep with them.
Using anecdotal information will take this conversation nowhere. I could say the exact opposite of you from personal experience.

It's not about the few people you know and what you observed with them. The fact is women will find a man with a personal vendetta against the world far more attractive than the slob going out every night trying to pull tail.
I understand the logic behind it, but it doesn't really work.Guys come in here and read it and say "OK, if I only work on myself, get ripped, dress well, be social, be relaxed, get money, smile, laugh alot, look good, grab life by the balls, have energy, join clubs, enjoy everything life has to offer and more, I will get laid by the hottest actress."
Then you in fact DO NOT understand the logic behind it. In your example the fellow is still unfortunately motivated by sexual conquest, and thus disappointed.

I am saying that you must alter your entire mindset away from sex as the "big finish line". You should not do all of those things mentioned above just to get laid....

They do all that stuff, the girls don't care, and then they get pissed off and frustrated, thinking they were lied to and everything in life is a joke and unfair. You should work on yourself, but you also have to concentrate on getting girls. To say "I'm gonna improve my life and THEN girls will notice who I am and will come." It almost never works that way. Girls are on their own schedule, they don't have time for you to "get your life together" and then decide they will have sex with you.
You are rambling at this point and no longer addressing the post.
Bro I completely understand this and props to you, but that's akin to a rich guy saying "What's $100,000? That's peanuts for me, why should I care about that?" become the rich guy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Ruler said:
There's always a happy medium in these types of situations.

Always go out with your first priority as FUN. You're with friends and yall just wsnt to kick it. That's cool. If you happen to see some cute girls, go over and spark up a convo. Now this is where social skills come in handy, because if you can make them laugh and feel like they're having even more fun with you there, then you'll be able to get numbers, dates, or if you're in the right place a ONS.

The thing I absolutely hate is when dudes are begging for sex. My AFC friends tell me stories about it, and I've seen it with my own eyes. Worst thing is, my friends think it's actually funny that they beg for it, and it makes their girlfriends laugh. Smh

Is that you Cook?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
If u want a fun lesson on what chasing azz without working on yourself does read a novel the shallow man by coertes. My 2 cents. Life is random just get out there and u ll randomly pick up. How u play it from there is the DJ bit. Your progress in life affects the quality of the women u can attract and keep in an LTR.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I agree 100% with this post....


To get to the point where you can quit focusing on sex as a priority, you need to gain the skills to get yourself all the pvssy you want. Once you realize that all pvssy is generally the same with a woman's personality and looks being a side-effect, only THEN can you realize that sex isn't a priority.

You need to truly embrace this before you can quit making it a priority. The only way to embrace it is to experience it. Once you're at a point where you truly realize you don't need pvssy, it will fall into your lap. Not only that, women will no longer be able to bribe you with it...

"I'll have sex with you if you buy me this!" No thanks babe, my money's more important than your vagina. Nice try though!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
TheException said:
Browsing the forums it is commonplace to read content like "Whose getting laid tonight!!!??? WoooooHoooooooo"

And "I finally got laid bro"

And the classic " Going out with the boys tonight to get girls. Gonna be so fun".

You realize the mindset behind these statements is corroding your chances of ACTUALLY attracting women right?

The emphasis constantly being on sex makes you nothing more than a lapdog with your tongue out wagging and begging for your owner to drop a dime sized piece of bacon. It's pathetic. And until you eradicate this mindset and learn to evolve into a true alpha male, you will continue to be influenced by vag1na and vag1na only.

"What are you saying? That I should embrace a life of masturbation?"


I am saying that your focus should be UPON YOURSELF. What did you do today to advance your career? What new skills did you learn today? Did you read something today?

Once you get over the fascination of pu$$ learn that there is nothing to fascinate about. It's a part of life. Quit acting like a freshman frat bro and start to PROGRESS AS A MALE. I have been dating the same woman now for 3 years. I get laid whenever I want. Why would there be such a fascination for me? I dont say this to brag....I say this to prove that life is bigger than getting fvcking laid.

Once you get over pu$$y, you will finally excel at LIFE. Arrive to this destination as soon as possible brothers.

***And a finishing note! It's ironic that the biggest woman haters and MGTOW care more about pu$$y than any other male archetype. They obsess over it and practically see it as the only reason women exist. Just something humorous to think about, next time one of these terds give you advice. Do you really want to end up like him? ***

I see what you're saying but you don't know how bad some guys have it here.

Since you get laid all the time you don't know what it's like to never get puss.

If a guy is dying of thirst all he wants is a glass of water.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
TheException said:
Quite the opposite. They are necessary and sufficient for one another.

Using anecdotal information will take this conversation nowhere. I could say the exact opposite of you from personal experience.
OK, the point is there are always 2 sides to every issue.

It's not about the few people you know and what you observed with them. The fact is women will find a man with a personal vendetta against the world far more attractive than the slob going out every night trying to pull tail.
Of course. But having a personal vendetta against the world has nothing to do with getting a women. They may find you attractive, but they won't sleep with you. There are several other factors that come into play too. Guys are always out to get sex, they are not out to talk about baseball with the girl. And if you don't push for sex shortly she will think you are gay, too shy, or wasting her time.

Then you in fact DO NOT understand the logic behind it. In your example the fellow is still unfortunately motivated by sexual conquest, and thus disappointed.

I am saying that you must alter your entire mindset away from sex as the "big finish line". You should not do all of those things mentioned above just to get laid....
Again bro, if sex is not the finish line, then what is it? Is it for the girl to call you more? Is it for the girl to say you are a good person? Is it for the girl to say you are gentlemen? Everything guys do is motivated by sex. If there were no girls in this world, would guys be competitive? Would guys be about money? Want six pack abs? Dress in top suits?

You have to get results, she has to sleep with you or get out of your face. become the rich guy.
The point isn't becoming the rich guy, the point is you can't tell new guys in here " I get laid whenever I want. Why would there be such a fascination for me? I dont say this to brag....I say this to prove that life is bigger than getting fvcking laid." and expect them to understand it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Yes its undermining your success but its there so you can pretend it doesn't exist to boost you power levels but its all smoke and mirrors and women know it. You are desperate fuk who wants to get inside her pants.

Unless you got a hotter than her GF. Of course then theres the moral question and its risky. When I had a LTR, I cheated with this plumpy girl, my boss's daughter, but only 1ce or 2ce, then cut her off and got fired ofcourse :D. Anyway it was kinda sad when she told me: "My cousin saw you with your GF, I didnt know she was so gorgeous". Like, it was sad.

****s fuked up bruh :D Welcome to life. But we are desperate for sex you cant hide that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
Sure you can. It is a mindset. As you get older, and have screwed more women, it is an easier mindset to adopt.

Id put it this way - you just get better at the smoke and mirrors thingy with time.

You know as a kid I was so certain that I cant get laid that I didn't even think about getting into a girls pants, so that I made them want me like that.

But I cant do this no more the honey is too sweet :D. I look good, so basically any girl wants me based on looks. So I found that its best to just touch\grab\kiss without much talking and they dont say no - the more I talk, the more a fuk up, but talking to women is good too couse when they open up you get plenty of grim reminders of their nature to keep you grounded :D

But I miss the days when I could just hide behind masks and trap girls into wanting serious things when I'm not at that stage at all, I miss that, but I am real now, and when they see me they instinctively know Im only good for a vibrator. Its amazing how the way you think changes the way others percieve you tho.

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Yeah it's funny, I haven't had sex with anyone in close to 2 months and I'm totally fine with it!