Your friend's ex OR your ex's friends...


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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It's the return of Sexy_Malibu... I hope you guys didn't think you had gotten rid of me ;)

Anyway, I'm not asking for "advice" :D ... I'm just curious again...

What is anyone's stance on dealing with the friend's ex or the ex's friends... Are you allowed to stay friends with them? Are you allowed to hook up with them? Do you have to cut them off completely? Are you allowed to maintian some civility with them? Are there "exceptions" or special cases where the "rules" wouldn't apply? What does everyone think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
The only rule I have is... is too short to deny yourself ANY chance at happiness. If you think there's an attraction, go for it. It's better to have tried, than regret later for not trying.

A lot of peeps on here probably will have the opposite views... that you don't mess with your friend's ex, etc... but I say if you're both single, and everyone's moved on to a degree, lets get on with it.

Like I said, sometimes in life you have to go thru a lot, just to find the one... what didn't work for them, probably will work for you two. Do not limit yourself.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
There are 3.5 billion women on the planet , wy go for your friends girl and lose a friend ?
Cant you find your own ?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
That is the point that is always made.. there's a jillion on the planet.. but... if you know all of them, then there's no need to... but chances are ya don't.. besdies, if he or she is truly a friend, they wouldn't stop you from trying to make something of it. After all, it didn't work for them as a couple, maybe it will for you... ppl have to move on and not dwell in the past. Sure it would be nice to say 'Hey bro, I know it didn't work out with you two, but, I see what attracted you to her, and I like her, so I want you to know first.' ....this is not a rule, you don't have to do this, but I would.

Again, it takes a lot of peeps to spin this planet, and everyone has there own views. If a buddy wanted to date my ex-wife, I won't stop him, shoot, I wish them both the best. It will be a tough job to fill my shoes but hey... I want ya to be happy, and if you both are happy, that's all that matters.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
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Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
What does everyone think?
I think you're a wh0re.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Your friend's ex OR your ex's friends...

Originally posted by drZaius09
I think you're a wh0re.
ahhh I forgot how much I missed the DJs ;)

anyway, if that statement was in reference to this thread... as I said I'm not asking for advice, I am not talking about a specific situation, and I didn't even give my own opinion (yet). I was just curious.

if that statement was not in reference to this thread... and was just in reference to me in general... well okay I understand then :D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score
There's an unwritten buddy rule that all males should folllow that states:

You are to never hook up with any girl whom your buddies d&&k has been in contact with.

If the girl has given your buddy head, sex, or jacked him off - no go.

If your buddy has given the girl head, sex, or fingered her - no go.

If your buddy has given the girl a d**k in the a@@ - no gol.

If the girl has given your buddy a finger, toy, or cucumber up the ass - find a new friend.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I want my friends to stay the fock away from my exes, so I'd always give them the same respect.

As for my ex's friends, if they're interested then why not?


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
the uwnritten rule that I have with my best mates is simple.

we don't ever hook up with either ones ex girls. it's a big no.. and if something like that occurs the person should considder if it's worth to live his life alone without the rest of the group only for a girl that either has used or has been used by one of his best friends.

if he takes his chances good luck for him, he won't ever be able to look anyone of us in the eyes.

but I'm sure my group of friends won't do such a thing.and I won't either.

about the friends of my ex... hhmm only if it's superficial... no problem but once they bring any kind of "drama" generating topics.. I'm outta there.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Michigan, US
I don't think there is neccessarily a right answer to this question. It depends on the circumstances and the volatility of the situation. Personally, I've never been much of a fan of dating within one's own group of friends, as it is often more awkward, more likely to cause complications, and brings along extra "social" baggage in addition to the usual, personal kind. To me, It's like dating your hot second-cousin; There's nothing especially illegal or immoral about it, and the sex may be good, but others are likely to frown on it, and your left with the nagging feeling that maybe you should be "diversifying your portfolio," so to speak.

I think cooling off period is always in order to step back from the situation and decide what you should do. Was the breakup messy? Are there hard feelings all around? Does your friend or your ex seem to be over the situation or are they hanging on to the hope that the relationship may be salvaged? It never ceases to amaze me how some people stuck in these kind of situations can't manage to wait a few weeks for people to sort through their emotions, and instead jump right into a touchy enviroment and end up having everything blow up in their face.

I once had a friend start dating one of my ex-girlfreinds about a month after we had broken up. To his credit, he approached me and told about how he had run into her and been talking to her the previous weekend. They had made tenative plans to go out that saturday, but he had the guts to come to me and say "I'd like to go out with her, but if this is going to get you all pissed off and make things difficult between us, then I'll just take a pass"

When he started to tell me, I felt a twinge of jealousy and anger start to build up in my gut, but the more I thought about it, the more I remember that she wasn't right for me, that I was foolish to hang on to any remaining hopes of things working out. I felt an awfully deep respect that my friend would have the both the courage and empathy to tell me the truth and ask me how I felt. I had never handled it that well when I was in his position. While I was prepared to give him my blessing, I decided to ask him one quesion. "And if I say **** off, don't do it?" He said "Well, there is lots of ***** to go around and we can both go nail a couple of drunken skanks this weekend" LOL Just thinking back about it makes me laughh. What a bro!


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
This is an interesting subject, because there are clearly 2 schools of thought here.

First of all, there's the whole bros before hoes thing. Supposedly it's not cool to date your buddy's ex. Here's the problem with that theory. First, they are no longer together, and if they were meant to be together, they would not have broken up. Even if only one of them thinks that they should be together and the other doesn't, it makes no difference because it only takes one of them refusing the other for it to not work out. Everything after this is just envy and jealousy. If your friend has a problem with you getting with a girl who broke up with him, then there's a problem in that he should be happy for you if he was your friend, but he isn't because he's jealous.

I think that there should not be a problem with going after your friend's ex-GF because it didn't work out between them, so why the heck not?


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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I just got in touch with a girl who was very good friends of an ex-GF of mine. I had always sort of had a thing for this girl, who I met after getting together with the ex-GF who was friends with her (I hate it when that happens, you get a GF, then her friend is even hotter and you can't do a thing about it).

Anyways, this girl just left the country unfortunately for a semester of school abroad. I had not spoken to her in at least 4 years or so, maybe more, since the breakup with this ex-GF. Totally lost touch with the ex-GF and all of her friends as a result of the breakup. Anyways, this girl was very excited to hear from me, and I've been keeping in touch with her since. I hope to see her when she gets back from her study abroad.

If I get together with this girl (I don't know if she's single, but I'm guessing she might be), it might be a bit awkward, but at the same time, my ex-GF and I were totally incompatible, and if she has anything to say about it, that would be totally out of line. She doesn't need to be happy for me, but she also certainly doesn't have to butt into other people's business either.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
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In this Economy?
i think it really depends on the situation

if its one of my closest friends then i wouldnt touch her with a 40 foot pole

cause there is a certain amount of respect there

if its an aquantaince then it doesnt really matter all that much
-try to get his/her permission before you act on it (if possible)

i was talking to my cousin who is now in a similar situation and his friend has "put him on hold" as long as they are dating

i found that to be pretty immature and the kind of person who needs to grow up but thats for a different time

with my friend's GFs i really never thought much of them. some were nice, some were quiet, some were down right biatches but i didnt really care as long as they were happy but i knew as soon as they broke up i was going to have nothing to do with them

its just to bad that they did not

i guess with me and my boys there is just a certain code of respect

honestly though they have joked about tryin to get with some of my Ex hookups, GF's, etc. and i tell them to go ahead b/c i really do not care.

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
Originally posted by Disco
There's an unwritten buddy rule that all males should folllow that states:

You are to never hook up with any girl whom your buddies d&&k has been in contact with.

If the girl has given your buddy head, sex, or jacked him off - no go.

If your buddy has given the girl head, sex, or fingered her - no go.

If your buddy has given the girl a d**k in the a@@ - no gol.

If the girl has given your buddy a finger, toy, or cucumber up the ass - find a new friend.

clap..clap...thank you for finally stating this DISCO, it's too bad I didn't know this in 1998 when I could've used it.

If a guy you know has done anything sexually or whatnot with a girl there is always a "comparison" between guys and that's not a road ANYONE really wants to take. Let it be and find someone/something else.

By the way, cucumber up the @$$? What the f*ck is wrong with some of you people?