Your fitness level


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Been lurking here forever and am now having something happen that has made me decide to post. Just to bounce this off people I guess.

For the past maybe half year, I have been dedicated to diet and exercise. I don't know what my body fat percentage is, but it's definitely the lowest it has ever been. I'm lean and have managed to add some muscle to boot.

The other day, when I approached 3 different female coworkers (not to game, just to talk about work) all 3 had a wide eyed look. And for the duration of our conversation, none of the girls blinked. Just wide eyed, non blinking and not moving their eyes to look at anything else. Just right at my face and all-business.

This threw me off for most of the day and I kept thinking if there was something about me that was scaring them or making them uncomfortable. Then it hit me. They were trying NOT to check me out! They were trying to be all-business and hide any potential attraction.

This particular day I was feeling real good and I wore a shirt that kinda showed off the new lean physique.

Anyway, I realized that that wide eyed all business look is EXACTLY what I do when I talk to girls with nice bodies. My eyes get wide and I'm struggling NOT to look at their boobs, hips, butt, or whatever... and I focus on their eyes/face and I don't blink. Pathetic, I know, but its interesting that now women are giving me this same look.

Basically, I've fallen on the side that looks do matter. They may not help you keep a girl, but they sure as hell will open the door to gaming a wide variety of women with very little resistance. I mean.... deep down I think I knew all of this but to actually begin to experience it is something else.

Yesterday, at the post office, two women were in front of me and both did a very bad job at pretending to turn around to look at something behind me....when it was obvious that one said something to the other when I came in and both turned at different times to check out the meat that just walked in.

I can't even begin to tell you how my confidence has skyrocketed since I've begun to notice these reactions. I would encourage any man to work on his fitness. And I'm not some tall dude either. I'm short and I wear glasses and I'm not anything women would go for on paper....yet just being in better shape than probably 95% of the men around me has put me one step ahead of the competition.

Drop the junk food, guys. Put on some muscle, get lean and see how these women react to it. Just getting their attention is half the battle right?


Interesting, but what does any of this have to do with someone's fitness level? I always assumed fitness level referred to someone's stamina? FYI, I can run 1.5 miles in 9:20. But you are right though, women like men with a good body as much as men like women with good bodies.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
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Of course.

Guys come here and become deluded with all the how to this - how to that etc. Improving looks is as important as other stuff. Looks - 'game' - money. You increase your chances by improving in any category. But in a relation looks - 'game' you can't absolutely focus on one, e.g. I got buddies with awesome bodies and still uncapable to attract women. But as long as you are on the right path and have patience, you're gonna get there.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Great post. I agree. Diet is key. There are so many subtle factors involved when you eat better. Your breath, your skin, your eyes, your smell. It gives you an advantage over 90% of other men.

Remember: when you see a woman, you immediately guage her physical, chemical reaction to you. When it's not strong, you get used to it and don't know what you are missing. Then when it is strong, you realize it's great on some days, not so great others. Your diet and health at that moment are what matter.

Don't forget to dress sharp too.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
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I'm in a rut right now dealing with a DUI charge and my gf leaving me, I've been training hard for 2.5 years now, yes it makes a huge difference... Thanks for the motivation, I was going to bury myself in junky food and say **** the workout for today... Ps. If u ever juice you'll notice attention really picks up with the girls I think something about it makes them catch on to having such a high testosterone level.... Anyways just been down in the dumps lately and you really picked up my day thanks for that.


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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yeah, my bad. I guess what I'm referring to is physique and not fitness.

And you're right, Nicholas about looks, game and money.

An old friend of mine used to say that he never focused on women. He just focused on being in elite shape, having good money (meaning not having millions, but having enough to not have to be on a budget all the time or complain about the price of anything), and cultivating a good personality.

I never really paid him any attention for whatever reason. I think I just wasn't ready for the massive self improvement I needed to make at that time. Looking back, this guy had women he didn't even know existed orbiting him and pining for him. He focused on always being the best HE could be and women were just lining up to dive behind his zipper.


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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yeah, my bad. I guess what I'm referring to is physique and not fitness.

And you're right, Nicholas about looks, game and money.

An old friend of mine used to say that he never focused on women. He just focused on being in elite shape, having good money (meaning not having millions, but having enough to not have to be on a budget all the time or complain about the price of anything), and cultivating a good personality.

I never really paid him any attention for whatever reason. I think I just wasn't ready for the massive self improvement I needed to make at that time. Looking back, this guy had women he didn't even know existed orbiting him and pining for him. He focused on always being the best HE could be and women were just lining up to dive behind his zipper.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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OP, why are you posting here to convince us (and probably yourself) that women think you're physically attractive? Because if you're not turning these into lays then there's not much difference between you and the guy they're staring at because he's got a huge hair sticking out of his nose.


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Zarky, I didn't post to brag about my attractiveness at all. I mentioned that I'm not what women would look for and I am probably still not. I decided to post because I've noticed that being in shape has gotten me looks from women who probably wouldn't have looked at me twice.... which in turn has given me enough confidence to go on the to next steps which are approaching, getting laid, etc....

We all gotta start somewhere and I think being in good shape is a good jumping off point for any guy. A solid foundation if you will.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
They notice you but that alone is not enough. You can get by with the looks sorely only if you are really stunning in elite shape. But yes, being in shape makes any woman happy to talk to you and is a great confidence builder. That's my personal experience.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
PapiChulo said:
They notice you but that alone is not enough. You can get by with the looks sorely only if you are really stunning in elite shape. But yes, being in shape makes any woman happy to talk to you and is a great confidence builder. That's my personal experience.
Yep....cosign this. I dropped almost 20lbs (while maintaining my muscle mass) since getting out of an LTR last year. Women now are definitely more receptive to me, eyeballing me, etc. But yeah it doesn't make their panties fly off any easier. It's just a foot in the door. At the very least I went from getting definite "no's" to now getting "he's cute....maybe."

Being a douchebag or a social retard can negate any positive physical attributes, but I still see being in good shape as a necessary prerequisite to dating attractive women at ease.