You know, STR8UP might be right here...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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I recently heard that an ex-girlfriend of mine is married. It's the DETAILS that seem to corroborate what STR8UP said in a bunch of earlier posts about women marrying an easier to control guy after dating someone who is harder to pin down...

--I was reluctant to commit the time she and I were together. She is a wonderful woman, but she also has two kids from a previous marriage. I do take commitment seriously, but wasn't sure how I would feel about helping to raise someone else's kids.

--She and her now husband married within 18 months of she and I breaking up. I guess he had no such worries.

--He is living in her house, and my understanding is that he even took her last name! Wow.

I wish them luck. That's the only other thing I can say.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
##17 said:
I recently heard that an ex-girlfriend of mine is married. It's the DETAILS that seem to corroborate what STR8UP said in a bunch of earlier posts about women marrying an easier to control guy after dating someone who is harder to pin down...

--I was reluctant to commit the time she and I were together. She is a wonderful woman, but she also has two kids from a previous marriage. I do take commitment seriously, but wasn't sure how I would feel about helping to raise someone else's kids.

--She and her now husband married within 18 months of she and I breaking up. I guess he had no such worries.

--He is living in her house, and my understanding is that he even took her last name! Wow.

I wish them luck. That's the only other thing I can say.
WTF ! Gulp ! He took her last name ??? That says it all. Some guys are wiiling to take "pvssy whipped" to new extremes.

I wonder how long it is going to take her to bang the TV repair guy !
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Some women need 'pvssys'. just be happy you were not one of them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"He is living in her house, and my understanding is that he even took her last name"

What a fvckin pvssy.

And yeah Str8up is right on just about everything he says when it comes to women.

His threads only get conflict because some people don't like to face reality which Str8up teaches us all about in his topics.

"Kx, wipe your nose."

Says the guy with his tongue up fing's large intestine by now.

NLG creates more hypocrites than Mcdonalds serves big macs.
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Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
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Midwest USA
Marry a single mom, take financial liability for 2 kids from another guy, AND take her last name????

This guy indeed has set a new low for men. She will divorce him in 3 years, have him pay 18 years of CS for the other man's kids, and she will go back to the business as usual of banging bad boys. Mark my words.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
I've watched this play out over the past 18 years with almost every woman I have banged more than half a dozen times.

Never fails....they push for "more", I don't budge. They move on, and are generally married within the next 6-12 months.

There is a running joke with some of my friends. I realized after seeing the movie that I am indeed the real life incarnation of "Good Luck Chuck". I fukk a woman's brains out giving her the best orgasms she has ever had. Next thing you know she finds the "man of her dreams" and gets married. I'm not kidding.

The last chick that I had a quasi-relationship with would embarrass the hell out of me (even as she was engaged to her new man) by telling our entire group how good the sex was. When I told her best friend that I realized that I was Good Luck Chuck, it got back to this chick and evidently she was in agreement.

Just goes to show that there are guys out there just as desperate to settle down as women.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'd rather die then give up my dignity and pride in such a manner. This isn't a man, it isn't even a boy- hell he's not even a pet with a name of his own.....

No my brothers- this sad specimen is nothing but a draft animal that this woman sees fit to be exploited- for what is a man without his own dignity, pride, goals, and sense of self?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Aenigma said:
No my brothers- this sad specimen is nothing but a draft animal that this woman sees fit to be exploited- for what is a man without his own dignity, pride, goals, and sense of self?
And they call this man........

A "husband".

Sorry, couldn't resist!


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
And they call this man........

A "husband".

Sorry, couldn't resist!
Animal Husbandry:Controlled cultivation, management, and production of domesticated animals

Coicidence? I think not.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
I've watched this play out over the past 18 years with almost every woman I have banged more than half a dozen times.

Never fails....they push for "more", I don't budge. They move on, and are generally married within the next 6-12 months.
Str8up, what are the things that would make you budge? Do you have a criteria or are you happy with being Good Luck Chuck?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
In this example, the guy sounds like a certified pu$$y.

One thing I've considered, though (even though I agree with the principle of this thread)'s easy for a guy to see an ex girlfriend find a new man, even get married, and think to himself, "I bet that guy is a pushover...psh, I was too much of a risk for her I guess." It's often correct, but it's also a self-satisfying mentality. "I am the badass she couldn't tame, he's the 'nice guy' who she won't respect." Perhaps that is a self-fulfilling prophecy, part of the DJ mentality.

I've wondered about this, because I've had such thoughts, only to re-evaluate and think, "well, I also slipped up when I was with her, and went against my own principles a couple of times - that didn't help."

But I agree, this particular guy is a sorry sap.



Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
I have seen this deal many times in the past 30 years too.
Because women have been brainwashed into believing that they are entitled to a magic carpet ride, it follows that they need an obedient guy to provide that for them.
Enter the raging AFC who willingly plays his part .
Hence we see the compliant, desperate male married to the dominant, self centered female.
The guy follows her around like a pet and she barks orders and he accepts whatever crumbs of attention and sex that and she tosses him with gratitude.

Men have gone from being warriors and heroes to being villains and servants of women.

Tragic .

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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"One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous vagina".


Don Juan
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
I've watched this play out over the past 18 years with almost every woman I have banged more than half a dozen times.

Never fails....they push for "more", I don't budge. They move on, and are generally married within the next 6-12 months.
I was wondering about this myself.

I can lick my own eyebrows, so I've found I'm kind of popular with the ladies. My USP if you will. Just as well really, my tongue is longer than my ****. :whistle:

In my limited experience, its not that women dont want sex, they dont want BAD sex. They'd rather go without. When they meet a bloke that floats their boat in the bedroom, they want to hang on to him, cause he's kind of a rare & precious thing.

Thing is, if the girl doesnt get the commitment (whatever that means) she's looking for, she bails, regardless of the sex. I'm not sure if its a case of women valuing security over a roll in the hay (she can get that from the TV repair man) or whether they know they cant hold on to him/dont want to compete & just take the easy option & go for steady Joe that gives them what they want.

Women, eh?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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That's girl I dated for only a few months, and am still friends with (there was no bad fallout, we just had a fling), is practically engaged now to a guy who sees a therapist on a regular basis. She's told me more than once that "the sex isn't amazing, it's just okay." But the guy makes good money, and her clock's ticking!

One night, while he was working late, she and I went to a party together. On the walk home, he called her, and after she got off the phone she told me, "he said, 'Sam better not be putting the moves on you.'" You know, real secure, right? I just laughed. But, I'm sure they'll have a big house and 2.4 children someday.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i have to throw in my two cents, because i feel it's appropriate.
i am glad from reading your post that you were honest about taking commitments seriously and that you just were not very sure about having step children.
however, let's be honest... being a step parent is not an easy job but thank god there are people that actually don't mind doing it. i am sure that those children deserve to have 2 parents in the home love and care for them just as much as any other children, and their parents divorce wasn't their fault.

in the general thought of it all, i'm sure she even deserves to have a husband that comes home to her and loves her.

maybe he did move into her home, isn't it good that the kids didn't have to relocate?

maybe she did marry him a little sooner than it takes other people to get married, but whether he's a pvssy or not is all just speculation.

my question is..."why would any man take any woman's last name?"
i guess we could sit and speculate on that all day too?

if you truly wish them luck, then be glad for them that they found some happiness and be glad you have your own life filled with time and opportunities to do what you want in life.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
STR8UP, I now see what you were talking about. You were right!

penkitten, it's not my intention to say anything bad about single parents nor step-parents. And it's not my intention to gloat about her life. She WAS really good to me when we were together, and I actually was very sad about our break-up. I've said as much on here previously. I WAS hit by a bunch of emotions (shock, some sadness, and yes, a HUGE amount of relief that I am NOT the guy she married) when I heard the news she was married.

Underneath all those emotions, I truly do wish her well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
##17 said:
penkitten, it's not my intention to say anything bad about single parents nor step-parents. And it's not my intention to gloat about her life. She WAS really good to me when we were together, and I actually was very sad about our break-up. I've said as much on here previously. I WAS hit by a bunch of emotions (shock, some sadness, and yes, a HUGE amount of relief that I am NOT the guy she married) when I heard the news she was married.

Underneath all those emotions, I truly do wish her well.
i wasn't saying that you were downing her, i just wanted to say what i said. if that makes sense?
anyhow, i am very glad that you are taking things the way you are and that you wish her well. in my opinion, it seems that you have a very healthy mind and that is what is important.