Yet another POF thread


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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I've always thought of those that used dating websites as desperate losers. But the other night I found myself with spare time and not much to do so I decided to create a POF account to kill some time.

I have made a fake account before to "troll" my mate who was on there. I used a picture of a 6/10, pretty average looking girl. I never once messaged or viewed any other persons profile yet received 20+ messages a night so I did know what to expect with competition.

Yet still, I'm totally amazed at how hard it is to even get a reply. I'll do well to get replies off 5's and 6's that I wouldn't really look twice at in real life. I've had two nights on POF and that's two nights too many. I give up feeding average *****es ego's, making them think they're 8's or 9's. I'm closing my account.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
MM92 said:
I've always thought of those that used dating websites as desperate losers. But the other night I found myself with spare time and not much to do so I decided to create a POF account to kill some time.

I have made a fake account before to "troll" my mate who was on there. I used a picture of a 6/10, pretty average looking girl. I never once messaged or viewed any other persons profile yet received 20+ messages a night so I did know what to expect with competition.

Yet still, I'm totally amazed at how hard it is to even get a reply. I'll do well to get replies off 5's and 6's that I wouldn't really look twice at in real life. I've had two nights on POF and that's two nights too many. I give up feeding average *****es ego's, making them think they're 8's or 9's. I'm closing my account.
20 a night? i was getting around 100 a night when i was a girl.

if you know how often girls are getting hit on on a daily basis you ought not be surprised at the lack of replies you get. i still had 100 messages unread in my last female incarnation because i didnt have the time to read them all. imagine what its like for a real girl!

all the more reason you need to stand out.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score

There's a truth here.

Online: Women do often go after guys who are better looking than the guys they get in real life.

I don't believe in the # system, but it's convenient to use here, so...

Let's say a woman is a 6. And for the sake of this: Let's say her face is almost ugly, but she has an amazing body. She normally gets good looking guys, but not the hot guys that some of her friends get....

So, she sets up her profile.... She shows off this body in her profile, wears extra makeup in her pics, and makes herself presentable.

In the back of her mind - she's thinking of the guy who's going to come sweep her off her feet, and make all of her friends jealous of her.... And guess what? That guy is going to be as good looking as she can imagine...

So what happens? Guys who fit that bill begin messaging her.

She sets up some dates...

Get's excited about the prospect of finally having that hot guy...

Then she ends up fvcking the first one on the first date...

Then he ignores her after that...

She ends up texting him something like, "I guess you were just using me for sex."

She then updates her profile: "If you're just looking for sex - go somewhere else. I'm not that kind of girl!"

Now guys are messaging her differently. But the smart guys know that that's nonsense....

Another guy (out of her league) comes along... And they hit it off well.

She tells him most guys on the site are creeps (guys she's not attracted to hitting on her), and somewhere in their conversation she asks the guy if he's looking for a relationship.

He's a good looking guy, and naturally a player.... He tells her, "of course... with the right girl."

So she accepts that answer and they go out on a date and he fvcks her...

She asks him if he wants her to cook him breakfast in the morning, he says he has to go help a friend move (at 8am).

Then doesn't completely ignore her follow up texts, but shows no interest in seeing her again.


This cycle will repeat over and over....

She will also fvck guys who are not on the "hot" level (but at least meeting her standards for looks.... aka: not ugly). Guys she could relate too. Guys who were interesting and caught her when she was bored. Guys with "game". Guys who she had crushes on at a place she used to go to school/work. Guys who have connections in something she's trying to get into.

And with these guys: SHE is the one who's not returning their calls after they fvck. She is the one back on POF at 3am the same night...

And what's she doing? "Looking for Mr. Right, Not Mr. Right now"


What's funny is - this same thing happens when the guy dates up.

I've fvcked a handful of very good looking women online (at least 8's on the scale thing). Wild, passionate, kinky, hours of hardcore sex.... One even told me "I've never been this sore immediately after sex" (which i considered a good thing)....

And then... The ignore happens...

[This is why I preach to fvck on the 1st date...]


Are ALL women who use online dating tainted though?


But anyone who's been there for a significant period of time is...

I see LOTS of women who have been there for years (because i have too)...

And no matter how much their profile says: "I am not the type of girl who..."

You better believe she is: The type of girl who...


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I'm at the point with the onine thing where I usually get 4-5 winks/emails a week. Maybe one of them I will follow up with. But I've gotten so fed up with the B.S. that I never send out emails to girls anymore, if they contact me I go from there. But I'm done with emails. I'm not angry or bitter, I'm just going to concentrate on meeting in real life. These girls online are, for the most part, a pain in the a**. In the long run it has helped me get used to rejection, flakiness, etc. so overall I see it as a positive thing.
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