Yesterday with my girl - looking for comments / advice


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2002
Reaction score
I'm a 17 year old high school student

Hey guys. I'm the one who posted this article about the girl who didn't want to do sexual stuff, against her religion, even though she had done that stuff (but not sex itself) with her last BF.

Anyways, turned out to be a misunderstanding. We completely agreed the whole time: we want it, but no promise because she's afraid it'd be the reason i stayed.

Thursday, I went over to her house after school. (4-9). We were home alone for about an hour, and the rest of the time we were basically home alone (her brother and his GF were upstairs). Tons of great kino, spanking, making out, wrestling, etc.. She did do somewhat of sexual stuff too. We were pinching each other the whole night, mostly our inner legs. She pinched my manhood, and i said "hey now, be gentle with that" and she started rubbing it and squeezing it through my pants. She did this for about 5 minutes, than late for about 25 minutes (I didn't come, i had pants on!).

Things I'm looking for advice on: Towards the end of the night (last half hour), I'd go in for a kiss and she'd just blatantly reject it (and I know she likes them). Obviously, she was trying to assert some sort of control. I can't exactly deny her next attempt for a peck on the lip, because we never "peck", it's all tounge. Whats even odder: when we were eating she was sitting on my lap, but when she got up to get a napkin, she sat down in a stool. She put her feet on my chair and I sat on them. Now at this point she wasnt kissing me, but she was giggling, feeding me, pinching my inner leg, and wiggling her toes to rub my balls; so she must obviously have been trying to hold back kisses to gain control, right?

I'm wondering, I'll see her monday maybe sunday, but I'm sure we wouldnt kiss or anything monday (bus & school); what can I do about her denying kisses? Deny holdinging her hand playfully, etc...?

The other issue: She was layed across me rubbing my **** with her hands and biting the inside of my legs. I was saying "oh that feels good" and rubbing her ears with my lips and kissing her neck, etc.. She'd always say "no, it can't, you're lieing". Most of the time when I went down to rub her, she'd grab my hands and pull them away. I said "Don't you like it" and she said she did. What's the deal there?

All in all, great night.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
I dont think its a control thing, against you anyway. I think she's just trying to control herself. She noticed it was going to far or too fast, so she backed off, just being scared. You dont want to push her too hard, or you'll screw everything up. You also dont want to be teased either, understandably, but keep it going and she will give in. If she wasnt a virgin, I'd say she was gameing. She may be testing you, so dont lose your cool if you get too flustered. She is seeing if she can trust you. Losing virginity is a much bigger deal for chicks, than guys.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
No its a control thing, Ive had girls do it to me several times,just go for a hug then a kiss change it up from French kiss to kiss on the cheek to closed mouth kiss to sensual kiss on the forehead whatever the hell you want don't be the same old all the time then just leave. If she starts a game make up a game of you own . You say shes religious so i assume that once you start rubbing her your getting LMR cause after that theres nothing to do but sex so agree with her 100% don't let it faze you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Washington state
woods said:
I think she's just trying to control herself. She noticed it was going to far or too fast, so she backed off, just being scared. You dont want to push her too hard, or you'll screw everything up.
I agree. Since she's a virgin, chances are you'll have to go slow. Be patient and she'll love you forever for it.

Also, she probably likes teasing you because it builds suspense, and when after 15 minutes of teasing you finally get that kiss, it brings more satisfaction as opposed to just kissing outright. Women enjoy the chase. I suggest you tease her right back, playfully. If you're holding her, suddening withdraw your arm and adopt a neutral expression. I guarentee you she'll go crazy trying to get your affection. :thumbs:

Next time she pulls your hand away, just ask her why and respect her boundaries. Be patient and you will be rewarded.