

Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
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We've all heard it before. WWJD? What would Jesus do, right? We'll this ain't about Jesus because he didn't pick up women.

Let's think of it differently. WWED? What would Elvis do? Right?!?!?!

Really! What would he do?

Think about it! He would go after what he wanted in the best way he knew how, and you cannot deny that. If the guy would get on the stage and gyrate his hips in a time when he was ridicule for it, that says... Go do to it! What do you have to lose?

Look, I'm not going to tell you what to say or how to say it because I know that if you thought of yourself as the guy that had it all, you would act accordingly.

I want you to sit there and think. I want you to really soak this in. If you were that guy that had it all, how would you act? How would you act toward women and friends and family and coworkers and siblings and puppies (ok, just kidding about the puppies)?

If you don't know the answers to these questions, you need to go and find someone that can give them to you. If you can't find someone to give you the answers, you need to observe other guys who have great success. You need to swallow your pride and get help. I'm serious as f*ck about this too. If you're having problems with women, you need to find someone that is successful with them and learn from them.

Another thing is... Put what you've learned to practice. You can sit there and read sosuave until you're blue in the face, but that will never EVER get you a woman or get you laid. You have to put it into PRACTICE. You have to try it, and the more often you try, the more often you will see results.

You absolutely can not let rejection be the reason why you will not try. In the beginning, it's about the Law of Numbers. The more women you try to SLEEP with, the more chances you have of SLEEPING with them. But once you've tried over and over you begin to build a system. You begin to work out tried and true methods that WORK for you, but you will never figure them out if you do not even try.

Really, ask yourself WWED?

If "WWED?" doesn't work for you, then find another SMOOTH a$s mother f*cker to fill the "E" in "WWED?"

You will not ever figure out what works until you try, practice, eliminate what doesn't work, and put into effect what does work.

Don't get me wrong. Don't go dressing and talking like you're in the 50s. Just think WWED?
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