wtf does this mean?She said "I cant ever imagine you getting into a fight with anyon


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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So yea we were lying in bed and just cuddling and talking and out of no w here she goes "You know, I can't ever imagine you getting into a fight with anyone" and Iwas like what? Um I usually don't prefer to fight but if I had to I would. and she kept saying like Oh I can't ever see you get into a fight. WTF does that mean? She thinks im a pvssy or what? I don't know how to act towards this. Im not an AFC to her, she actually got mad because I was being mean to her and not saying please or thank you, so i dont know.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
I think, she means to say.. you are too laid back. You are well liked. It would be a surprise.. to see you fighting. High class people with high value don't get into stupid fist fights.

Take it as a compliment.. or if your in doubt.. ask her.. what do you mean? Ask her to explain. Either way.. don't get mad over what a girl says.. even if it does offend you. You are so confident in your own reality.. that anything you don't like bounces off of you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Were you yourself talking about fighting to her baurman?

Like are you a fan of MMA, boxing or wrestling or something and she knows about your being a fan of this stuff and thus brought up the stuff about not being able to imagine you fighting???

If this is the case she is likely just trying to make harmless conversation.

If you are not a fan of these things and have not talked about such things to her and she said this I still wouldn't take it to mean an insult.

Its like the blueballs poster has said meaning she probably just thinks you are laid back is all.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Only AFCs say "please" and "thank you?"

Something was lost on you.

Anyway, I think it means you're laid back and agreeable. Not really a bad thing in my opinion as long as you're firm when it really matters.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
baurman said:
she actually got mad because I was being mean to her and not saying please or thank you, so i dont know.
its not words that make the AFC, its actions. please and thank you are a form of basic respect towards other people, women included. don't be rude, its making you look like an a-hole.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
infact...women love a man that displays class and non afc behaviour but has the humility to respect others below him.

like the highest forms of interest i have had from girls on dates is when i say "please, thank you etc" and refer to the host/hostess/barman etc at restaurants etc by "sir, ma'am, excuse me". i have always got that "wow ur such a polished gentlemen" smile from the girls ive been like that infront of.

some ppl say even opening doors for a woman is AFC, i think on special occasions with special women like your LTR when she's dressed up for you is infact right opposite of AFC.

either way, i also recommend being courteous in general because you never know if your future boss is the person next to you listening.

anyway as for your woman, dont worry she probably only meant it as a compliment.
are you trying to create drama between you and her? because this seems like smtn she would do if you mentioned something about her shoes etc.
calm down and let it slide.

especially when it comes to talking about fighting, you dont have to win bar fights to be a man. and if she is in bed with you and saying it she probably means no harm or insult, maybe she likes a guy that is not arrogant and violent. you shouldve asked her. but dont create drama just coz the sake of it. that would come across more AFC to me than you saying please and thank you. its like you're trying to prove a point that you're violent and you're a dont have to prove nothing..especially if she's already in bed with you! lol..enjoy your time with her dude.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
I always like when I see these. Girl says something to guy. Guy gets a little butt hurt because he doesn't understand why she said it, or what she meant by it. Come on site and asks other guys for a translation.

First off women are emotional creatures. Not men. When a woman does or says something, do not get emotional, especially anger.

Next time a girl says something to you, and you don't understand, simply ASK. "What do you mean by that?" Regardless of the answer, reply with a shrug, and give her sort of a "Hmm" statement, then change the subject. You're neither agreeing with her or disagreeing with her. Whether the statement was good or bad doesn' matter, cause you really don't care eitherway. You know who you are and a womans statement or opinion about your doesn't define who you are. YOU DO!


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
She doesn't view you as an alpha male so you might want to work on being more assertive, macho, type A, etc. And no, being a jerk to her doesn't count. But if she brought this up, then she is probably one of those girls that is impressed by that manly stuff (most of them are, especially young ones).
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Don't well liked people have enemies who are envious of them and want to fight them? People with power and status and alpha males usually have to fight,(mentally and physically) to keep thier thrones. I think it means that you are low status or that you are too nice and people pleasing.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
kdnash82 said:
First off women are emotional creatures. Not men. When a woman does or says something, do not get emotional, especially anger.

Next time a girl says something to you, and you don't understand, simply ASK. "What do you mean by that?" Regardless of the answer, reply with a shrug, and give her sort of a "Hmm" statement, then change the subject. You're neither agreeing with her or disagreeing with her. Whether the statement was good or bad doesn' matter, cause you really don't care eitherway. You know who you are and a womans statement or opinion about your doesn't define who you are. YOU DO!