wtf do muslims gain by bombing Europe?


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
The solution is simple, they want America off of their land, I wholeheartedly agree. We don't bomb them anymore, we don't have talks or negotiations, we just send in an entire invasion force, wipe them the fvk out and claim that land as our own, New America. Done deal. Setup western farmers and build a wall around the country. Yeah Christians were violent and its time to rise up again and take back our rightful place as the dominant culture on Earth. No pandering, no excuses, just Trump, b1tch.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
1. But Christians don't follow the violence that muslims do. You can claim all the violent words in the Bible that you want, but by and large Christians aren't blowing up planes, beheading people, raping entire countries, etc,... based upon what their book tells them.

2. If we do nothing, they will quite simply overwhelm and destroy western Christian culture.

Try and defend it all you want, but western Christian countries have every right to live and survive. And the only way to do so is to recognize that these people want to kill and subjugate and it is based upon their faith.
Ever heard of the Crusades ? Or the NATO interventions in Mid-East?

Christian nations are in advance on ''mid-eastern - Asia'' timeline.... but these things change.... Back in the 1960 Arab countries were socially more advance than ours.... like they were in the Mid-Ages.

The crusaders were christians defender of faith sent to invade Arab land to take back Israel.... (they killed a couple of christians countries on the way too)

Boy, 1000 years later we still there and having the same damn issue.

The Islamic-Arab empire was the most modern and scientifically developped empire where Christian, Jews, Muslims, Buddhist could live in peace.... until the Mongolian empire destroyed that famous centralized governement... and the empire was divided in many.

Sure, Christians blow up schools, planes, kill people, bomb hospital.... you see it in the news every day... We have an army.... the poor we shooting down have what ?.... How you think they enable their vengeance ?

When Christians are attacked.... people ask for Muslim blood or vengeance.... When Muslim blood is spilled... they ask for vengeance and who's blood ?

Ask yourself.... who shooted first.... usually its the Christians who attacked first originally. Syrians were happy alone, Irak never asked to be invaded, Iran to be isolated, Russians to be feared, Kuwait to be occupied

In politics, no one wants a united Middle East.... because a Middle-East that is united would be a big player in the power struggle between Asia-Europe-Africa.

Don't be surprised if Muslims have the same reaction has christians.... we all human... and when you are poor and have hate in your eyes (vengeance).... you become desperate.

For some people.... Death is better than a life of suffering

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Theoretically, if Christian nations go in and kill a bunch of muslim nations (and yes, innocents will be killed too, things happen in war), and this results in a safer world for more people......then is it really evil? I don't think so. That is simply how I look at it.

I think muslims need to be eradicated, simply because they do not value life outside their own. Christians do. End of discussion, honestly. But doing this, you are showing you care MORE about the vast majority of people.

Fact is - muslims are more violent, the most violent, group on Earth. No, I don't particularly WANT these people to die, they are God's creation too after all. But if they stay and kill, then they HAVE to go, in order to survive.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
Theoretically, if Christian nations go in and kill a bunch of muslim nations (and yes, innocents will be killed too, things happen in war), and this results in a safer world for more people......then is it really evil? I don't think so. That is simply how I look at it.

I think muslims need to be eradicated, simply because they do not value life outside their own. Christians do. End of discussion, honestly. But doing this, you are showing you care MORE about the vast majority of people.

Fact is - muslims are more violent, the most violent, group on Earth. No, I don't particularly WANT these people to die, they are God's creation too after all. But if they stay and kill, then they HAVE to go, in order to survive.
This may be the most ****ed up thing I have ever read...


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Theoretically, if Christian nations go in and kill a bunch of muslim nations (and yes, innocents will be killed too, things happen in war), and this results in a safer world for more people......then is it really evil? I don't think so. That is simply how I look at it.

I think muslims need to be eradicated, simply because they do not value life outside their own. Christians do. End of discussion, honestly. But doing this, you are showing you care MORE about the vast majority of people.

Fact is - muslims are more violent, the most violent, group on Earth. No, I don't particularly WANT these people to die, they are God's creation too after all. But if they stay and kill, then they HAVE to go, in order to survive.
Advocating genocide with a touch of xenophobia.

Zieg heil!

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Advocating genocide with a touch of xenophobia.

Zieg heil!
Eradicated might be too harsh a word. How about, quarantined in their own country and not allowed to come here. Or is that too 'ghetto-ish' for you?

Oh, and here you come over the top with the newest buzzword. Yesteryear it was 'institutional racism', now it's 'xenophabia'.

Please God let Trump win.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Eradicated might be too harsh a word. How about, quarantined in their own country and not allowed to come here. Or is that too 'ghetto-ish' for you?

Oh, and here you come over the top with the newest buzzword. Yesterday it was 'institutional racism', now it's 'xenophabia'.

Please God let Trump win.
Be a googletarian.

Your ascribing of what I say on here is a testament to your limited powers of observation


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Children of Men.... good movie about England putting everyon in jail.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Christians blow up schools, planes, kill people, bomb hospital.... you see it in the news every day... We have an army.... the poor we shooting down have what ?.... How you think they enable their vengeance ?
This is nonsense.

Confusing Islamofascists with the actions of nations is crazy.

The West is not a group of evangelical Christian nations on a holy war. The Islamos are more similar to early 20th century anarchists than anything else.

This is not evangelical Christian versus Islam. That is what the Islamos would like it to be. You can type all you like. You cannot prove otherwise.

It's true enough that 639 years ago, which is precisely how much younger Islam is than is Christianity, Christians were doing crazy barbaric things. That excuses nothing.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
This is nonsense.

Confusing Islamofascists with the actions of nations is crazy.

The West is not a group of evangelical Christian nations on a holy war. The Islamos are more similar to early 20th century anarchists than anything else.

This is not evangelical Christian versus Islam. That is what the Islamos would like it to be. You can type all you like. You cannot prove otherwise.

It's true enough that 639 years ago, which is precisely how much younger Islam is than is Christianity, Christians were doing crazy barbaric things. That excuses nothing.

School shooters?

Pro-right guns other than for hunting?


Norwegians guy who blew up a couple of people?

Organized army are a form of terrorisms

Yep Islam is younger, hence more progressive than Christianity... Islam codified women right etc...

I hâte religion all type. There are more muslisms than christians... 99% of both side are happy camper. The 1% are just mentally ill people.

Nazis were christian.. Trump could be one.

I understand the entire mid-west of the USA want war for economic reasons. The Army in the US is the biggest direct and indirect job provider (4 to 6 millions) and mostly located in the evangelical areas.

The best solution would be to just stay home and build our economy and intégration policies.
Attacking people makes people to shoot at you back, unless you make money out of it why would you want that?

Obama understood it and seems he'll be considered the best président of all time.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport

School shooters?

Pro-right guns other than for hunting?


Norwegians guy who blew up a couple of people?

Organized army are a form of terrorisms

Yep Islam is younger, hence more progressive than Christianity... Islam codified women right etc...

I hâte religion all type. There are more muslisms than christians... 99% of both side are happy camper. The 1% are just mentally ill people.

Nazis were christian.. Trump could be one.

I understand the entire mid-west of the USA want war for economic reasons. The Army in the US is the biggest direct and indirect job provider (4 to 6 millions) and mostly located in the evangelical areas.

The best solution would be to just stay home and build our economy and intégration policies.
Attacking people makes people to shoot at you back, unless you make money out of it why would you want that?

Obama understood it and seems he'll be considered the best président of all time.
I have no intention of responding to this garbage bin of loosely affiliated words.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
I used to think this too, until I learned about the battle of Tripoli and the birth of the US Navy, which was in response to muslims capturing US merchant vessels and enslaving the people in the name of Allah and against the infidels.

The US was still an infant nation without a Navy, yet the religious subjugation war had already begun.
The U.S. was a slave-based economy in 1804. Not much of a moral high ground there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Nazis were christian.

Well...that's a stretch. Both extremes of the political spectrum, fascist on the right and commie on the left, worship the state above all else. With Islam, religion and the state are the same, so the state is also worshiped.

If you hate religion so much, you should study it, so you can become a more effective debunker. You'll need to read the old & new testaments, as well as the koran.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Islam needs to be reformed or eliminated. Its really that simple.

How one goes about achieving that is the issue.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Nazis were christian.

Well...that's a stretch. Both extremes of the political spectrum, fascist on the right and commie on the left, worship the state above all else. With Islam, religion and the state are the same, so the state is also worshiped.

If you hate religion so much, you should study it, so you can become a more effective debunker. You'll need to read the old & new testaments, as well as the koran.
Did Theology, read the Quran... had religion class before they got removed from the education system.

Everyone I know who followed religion or a political ideology suffered more than it did good. Some took religion and it saved their lives... but the system... just destroyed lives.

I remember.... Priest saying if you get an abortion you'll be banished, women should not get jobs cause its for ''men'', divorce is not allowed otherwise you'll be excommunicated (so dead in the eyes of society), money should go to your church etc... Lasted well until the 1970.

Now Church makes good concert hall, library or museum

Where I live we banned Christianity of our lives because they dragged us down and the State replaced it.

In the end, they just political stuff made to ''push against'' others.

What made the Western world be able to separate itself from religion as a whole ? It was the World War and a strong political leadership built over centuries of war

The middle-eastern had strong political leadership but they were caught in a struggle of balance of power..... 1) Arabs are divided 2) They have 3 religions 3) Persians are not arabs 4) Israel and the Western world will do everything to dismantle the Mid-East

Why point4? Last time the Middle-East was united we had the Arabic Islamic Empire.. which went from Mid-East to Austria crossed Africa into France (Spain was muslim)... than the Ottoman Empire.

Asia (russia, china, iran) could use it to push the ''realist balance of power''

There are no difference between Christianity and Islam.... they both came from the same spot after all and in similar context of war.... They are just 600 years appart... making Islam more ''open and modern''.... too bad the actors now are behaving more backward and with legitimacy.

Why more open and modern? Sure the Quran is garbage like the Bible, but in the Quran they state women have right of divorce and wealth equality to man, also that they don't have to cover their head.... Basically, everything we attack the ''islamic'' for.... are not even in the book.....

Islam brought Christianity its theological revolution/renaissance because Islam kept the Greek records while Christians were burning it (St-Augustin, Aquinas, Prostantism, Holy Trinity)

Christianity is our cultural heritage but remember how much we upgrown it.... remember if Christianity was strong like before.... Websites like DJ would be illegal

About Obama.... since Obama came in power... its the first time since Reagan the US is not a laughing stock of the world... but politics is like religion.... no fact... just emotions.

Also the USA is now considered to be the place cause the economy is doing great compared to us Canadian or Europe.

Time has affected not the system but its factors.... Like Islam said: Christians and Jews are our brother... let's hug them and show them the Islam way.... Jihad is internal war, a war of the soul.

As a profound atheist, guy who dated girls of all religions and diverse ethnicity and travelled the world.... People are not different from one and another, 90% of people don't practice their ''paper religion'' and there are nut case everywhere who will cause act that hurt people because they have ''no more reasons to live, hurt, crazy etc''

If we put fire on the oil... the fire will get bigger and than you will institutionalize it... making it ''Fair to act violently''

As my teacher once said.... if you want women right or democracy to emerge in the third-world.... don't force it in their through... let them do it at their own space.... look what happened in Irak, Afghanistan, and every other countries a ''stranger'' came with guns..... it always got worse.

Remember in the Arab world.... before Khaddafi, Hussein, Al-Assad.... their countries had basically 10% literate rate.... now its over 90%.... they modernized the place ''arab way''... until the West decided to send them back to the middleages... by doing so... we killed innocents...innocents asking for vengeance and alot of ''refuge or immigrants'' that are being pushed back with nothing
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Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
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One percent , are you fvcking kidding me?

Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americas

Since when was the Center for Security Policy a reputable source?

And even if it was true, what would be your plan to neutralize the Sharia-law proponents without any treading on the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights of American citizens? (Keep in mind, American law doesn't stand for guilt-by-association.)


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Since when was the Center for Security Policy a reputable source?

And even if it was true, what would be your plan to neutralize the Sharia-law proponents without any treading on the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights of American citizens? (Keep in mind, American law doesn't stand for guilt-by-association.)

Honestly ,we should kick them all out and let the door hit em on the way out. No muslims should be allowed into any western nation.Every "moderate" muslim is only one bad day away from becoming a jihadi.