wouldn't it be easier if there was no fb, whatsapp, twitter...?


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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As you may know, it is recently the first time in history where women have the highest number of possible suitors, everywhere, 24h.
Never before they've had so many options (men) to choose from, and never in history they've had so much power over men, it was the other way around actually.

15 years ago they only used messenger, and they had an email account. No smart-phones, no twitter, fb, instagram, dating sites, dating apps...etc, so the only men they bumped into where either friends, friends of friends, and occasionally guys from clubs, so we could say they had 1/5 of the options they have nowadays, and therefore their egos were way lower, they did not ride the **** caroussel (except sluts), and in general it was a nice time for men when dealing with picking-up women and finding a partner.

I'd like to know if men older than me (around 45 or more) could confirm my intuition, that it was indeed easier to pick-uo women and have a good relationship with them one decade ago.
Today I spend, like almost everyguy here, a lot of time in meeting and picking-up girls, not just to bang them, also to find a good-relationship but its like an uphill battle: women flaking, having attitude, thinking theyir vagina is gold, manipulating men, going from **** after co-ck, never feeling satisfied, getting divorce, always trying to find a bigger and better deal...etc. while we men try to 'survive'.

It is becoming insane...men settling for fuglies or women that are way below their value, or if they are lucky they find a similar value girl that is likely to cheat at some point due to her huge number of available options, besides she's likely spoiled because of all the other di-cks she's met in her life, etc.
Men get desperate and thus they become super beta and afc.

What do you think?

For example, a girl I know, 18 years old HB7. Today she uploaded a selfie on FB. After two hours she had 35 likes, mainly from men, 13 comments, mainly from men etc, and she's just 18!
I saw her in a club last week and I noticed two guys were hitting on her (I saw this in a 10 mins time span when I looked at her...), and a few others wanted to dance with her. After a while she was hugging some guy that apparently is her FWB...nice.
She could be banging one new dude each day if she wanted, and they all would be good looking. Just imagine when she'll be 26...she'll be a master in manipulating and using men...


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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The situation we have today isn't something you can really blame on social media. It just aggravates what was already there. Most men who think their wives actually want them are kidding themselves. They want the most alpha man that they know of to f*ck and commit (ie. take care of the kids) to them, anything less is to settle and compromise their ideal reproductive strategy. It sucks, but reproduction's purpose isn't to be pretty. I think you can partly condition this away socially but what we're really seeing is a fuller picture of the female reproductive strategy (but it has partly been f*cked up because human brains have evolved new parts that use sex for its pleasure's sake rather than just having babies as intended, you won't see snails going out and f*cking for pleasure's sake), not some mutation of it that we can destroy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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It gives women more option but that also applies to men. Men can participate in whatsapp, Facebook and co as well. Its only a hindrance if a man prefers traditional ways to meet women because he has more competition.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
pyros said:
Just imagine when she'll be 26...she'll be a master in manipulating and using men...

when she's 26? she's already manipulating now bro, chicks start out right away doing that these days.

AttackFormation said:
The situation we have today isn't something you can really blame on social media. It just aggravates what was already there. Most men who think their wives actually want them are kidding themselves. They want the most alpha man that they know of to f*ck and commit (ie. take care of the kids) to them, anything less is to settle and compromise their ideal reproductive strategy.
you're crazy, social media is exactly what started this crap we have today.

every girl wants to be a drama queen seeking attention 24/7 on social media like a kardashian.

fat chicks who wouldn't get a second look out in public become in demand from all the afc's on dating sites, why do you think they never leave?

fat and ugly chicks who post cleavage shots gets likes from horny afc's who are looking to bang, they couldn't do that without social media.

social media inflated their egos, also helps women cheat, get divorced, it also makes it easier to get laid, but you have to deal with their aw b.s. too

alpha men don't commit, they only fvck them, the betas are the ones who settles down when the women start to lose value.

when you are a high value guy you will get women with no problem.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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carrying on from where i left off last week ^^^

this is becoming a serious problem in the field and needs attention(excuse the pun)...... immediately

i see nobody has a counter measure to this sort of development in female behaviour besides not being one of the guys that likes the pictures which can only get you so far

I'm working on it by focusing on increasing my value to the kind of levels required now just to hold these hoes attention asides from that I'm stuck :confused:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Social media is turning men into faggots.

Grow some balls and try day game. Who knows, the girl might be impressed you actually talked to her. I think most guys don't even have the balls to do this...they want to hide behind their computer screen and use POF or some shyt.

I stopped using FB. Now, I will only talk to people in person. I have not lost anything by leaving. I'm actually gaining because now I'm not wasting time looking at retarded news feeds all the time.

Just go out and meet cool people. If you have a good social circle you'll get girls. If you don't, you'll be fapping on Saturday night.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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This is coming from a good looking guy that crafted his Fakebook profile to be very unique to attract as many women as possible and I can tell you it didn't do jack sh!t for me. I have experimented with FB a lot and have used it to talk to women but I don't get very far. I've tried sending unique messages, sending friend requests etc... basically doing my best to stand out as much as possible and it didn't get me too far. If you want to see it send me a PM and I'll add you.

Women are the ones that are capitalizing off this like crazy. Even the ugly ones. A model who I added basically posted a picture that had 5 windows open with guys trying to talk to her. Where do I stand?!? I've seen some profile pages of some ugly women with more than 100,000 likes. It's very bad. Women are feeding off the attention more than guys and it's super bad.

A lot of guys are also trying to do the same thing by updating there status's everyday and are just plain AFC. It gets old -- most of my news feed is either people getting likes because they are getting married, pictures of there kids and or uploading picture of there foods. I haven't seen anyone's profile like mine so far and still no luck.

My new experiment is to max out the friend's list so I've just been adding people. Holla atcha boi!!!:rockon:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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asa_don said:
you're crazy, social media is exactly what started this crap we have today.
What I meant is that women always wanted to do this and social media lets them, but it's not social media's fault that women want to do it. Yeah it's a technical difference but gotta be accurate...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2014
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This is from The Warriors (1979):
Swan – My name’s Swan. Why do you care about names so much for?

Mercy – I like telling my friends if there was somebody particular. You know what I mean?

Swan – Why don’t you just tie a mattress to your back? You don’t care where it is do you?

Mercy – Look, what do you got against me? You been picking on me all night.

Swan – You want me to tell you the truth?

Mercy – Yeah sure, go ahead.

Swan – I don’t like the way you live.

Mercy – The way I live?

Swan – Yeah, I keep hoping I’m gonna run into something a little better.

Mercy – What kind of crap is this? Who are you? You ain’t any better than me.

Swan – I guess you like the way everything’s going for you huh?

Mercy – Well maybe I do. Friday nights are pretty good, Saturday nights are better.

Swan – I don’t think you can remember who you get on Friday and Saturday nights. I don’t think you can remember what they look like.

Mercy – Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. Who gives a damn? I see what’s happening next door and down the block. Belly hanging down, five kids, ****roaches in the cupboard. I’ll tell you what I want. I want something now. This is the life I got left. You know what I mean? You get it Warrior, huh? Get it?

I don't think much has changed since then.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
I remember posting something similar to this in another thread, when it comes to online dating and social media I simply feel "out-gunned." Not by other peoples game, well maybe once a blue moon, but out gunned as in just the amount of numbers I'm up against.

But you know, I'm getting pretty smooth in the day and especially at night. I do find myself neg hitting women more often than I should when I feel they are overtly egotistical.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but

There is the same amount (if not less...) of hot guys than there are hot girls

Hot alpha guys end up with hot girls, so average girls have no choice but to end up with average low-value men, no matter how much social media access they have

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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Dreama said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but

There is the same amount (if not less...) of hot guys than there are hot girls

Hot alpha guys end up with hot girls, so average girls have no choice but to end up with average low-value men, no matter how much social media access they have
Keep it in mind that alpha guys land a lot more girls.

I also agree with Frayzer:
I simply feel "out-gunned." Not by other peoples game, well maybe once a blue moon, but out gunned as in just the amount of numbers I'm up against.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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mangotot said:
It gives women more option but that also applies to men. Men can participate in whatsapp, Facebook and co as well. Its only a hindrance if a man prefers traditional ways to meet women because he has more competition.
The point is that despite offering the same product to both, such "product" which is attention is fuel for the woman satisfaction and ego but not for the men needs.

Men get their ego satisfied when they get ther d1cks wet inside a girl, not when a girl checks him out or make him a compliment.

Facebook is to women what a brothel is to men, something which gets you what you want without you being required to give something in return, you get paid by the currency you accept but you dont have to pay with yours.

Men give attention in exchange of sex while women give sex in exchange of attention, facebook gets women attention for free.

Dreama said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but

There is the same amount (if not less...) of hot guys than there are hot girls

Hot alpha guys end up with hot girls, so average girls have no choice but to end up with average low-value men, no matter how much social media access they have
The point is that if there are 10 guys and 10 girls in order of attractivness, its not gonna be that guy10 gets girl10, then guy9 gets girl9 and so on.

Its more likely that guy 10 gets girls 10-9-8, guy 9 gets girl 7-6, guy 7 gets 5-4 and so on, till guys below 6 either get sh1t or get uglies given that those uglies still dont aim at the top dogs.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Social media is by it's very nature, girly. Let them get lost in it. It's better for a man to work on himself anyway. I doubt guys like Ronaldo, Chris Brown, Chris Hemsworth and as much as I hate to say it Justin Bieber, I doubt they're worried about how social media is affecting women.

If a man plays it right, his value only goes up with age. For most women, their value only goes down with age. Everyone has their time to shine and for women aged 18 - 24 or so. This social media time is a great time for them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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It may well have been easier before the times of social media. The net result of the e-comms revolution is that girls, women everywhere now know that they are in demand.

The unique man these days is the one that pays little or no attention.

The example given in the OP, where some selfie induces a deluge of 'likes' and comments simply exemplifies the attention-seeking behaviours that we know all too well. These saps think that 'liking' or commenting beside another 30, 40 even a hundred other saps just like them is in some way going to set them apart from the crowd and in turn going to incite some higher level of interest from the chick than the rest of that crowd; that crowd that he belongs to and is behaving in accordance with.

The unique man, the more successful man these days, is he who gets on with his own business and doesn't engage with the frivolous attention-seeking. The saps are, by all intents and purposes, simply reciprocating the attention-seeking. There is precious little point engaging with it.

The most success I have realised recently has resulted from confident and slightly distant self-assurance during largely incidental real life approaches. I do not engage with women of interest on social media whatsoever.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2014
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my big IMO is that people are generally now much more lonely than ever before, this kinda applies to dating. i think girls are approached less on the streets as guys have so many different options and substitute activities. hate me for this opinion :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
on one hand I do agree that this bs about attention wh0res is really f**king things up for all guys. A good girl is very hard to come by because like you guys are saying, she knows she has many other options. Its not until they get into their late 20s that they realize they are losing their looks and need to find an AFC to settle down with while she still has some of her good looks left. Thing is that after these women wh0re themselves out to dozens of guys I want nothing to with a woman like that for anything long term, shes lost the most womanly trait (IMO) of being innocent.

The best advice in here so far is to just better yourselves. Like Who Dares Win says "Its more likely that guy 10 gets girls 10-9-8, guy 9 gets girl 7-6, guy 7 gets 5-4 and so on, till guys below 6 either get sh1t or get uglies given that those uglies still dont aim at the top dogs." Better yourself and you will move up on the scale. The guys that dont get sh!t are the ones that dont care to try and improve.