Women who you are most atracted to are attarted you more than other women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
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"Women who you are most attracted to are usually most attracted to you as well.
This may seem counter intuitive and I won’t get in to evolutionary psychology
here, but really the women you find absolutely “MUST HAVE” tend to wind up
seeing you as more attractive than other women also." -dynamic sex life by gunwich

This is true some how, I have experinced this. But could some one explain as to why this happens...


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
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Actually, back in my AFC days when there was a girl I really liked and had oneitis for.. (but wouldn't dare talk to) I would notice sometimes eyeing me and smiling. Too bad I didn't know the ins and out of the game. At the beginning of this year the girl I liked started liking me too.. but stupid me I got all excited about it and turned back into my old AFC ways. So yeah.. now anytime I get to close to a chick I have to slap myself and get a reality check, unless my friends do it first. Haha.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Physically? Maybe. Once you get past the initial attraction this is bs. If you all dont like any of the samethings, dont share the same beliefs and values, and have different expectations out of life how are you gonna work out? If you want to get into evolutionary psychology, people tend to be attracted to others who are like them. Whether it be potential mates or friends, people dont stray far away from people who have similarities as themselves.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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I learned in Sociology and Psych class that when you do feel that extreme attraction for someone it means that that person must somehow look similar to you or a close family member. Subconsciously last year, I was really attracted to this one chick and my mom happened to see her myspace pic on my laptop and my mom said "Hey, she looks like your sister!"...i know, that was gross as hell.

Point being, people are really attracted to those that look like them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Rebound Material said:
Point being, people are really attracted to those that look like them.
Just like i said, hence, opposites dont attract.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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So Im mostly attracted to tall blondes, does that mean tall blondes will find me the most attractive?

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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oakraiderz2 said:
Just like i said, hence, opposites dont attract.
I think when people say opposites attract, i believe they're talking about personality characteristics, values...yea sh!t like that.

edit: Good Guy = Bad girl
Good Girl = Bad Boys


Oct 22, 2006
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Rebound Material said:
I learned in Sociology and Psych class that when you do feel that extreme attraction for someone it means that that person must somehow look similar to you or a close family member. Subconsciously last year, I was really attracted to this one chick and my mom happened to see her myspace pic on my laptop and my mom said "Hey, she looks like your sister!"...i know, that was gross as hell.

Point being, people are really attracted to those that look like them.
whoa! i would not be attracted to sumone who looks like my dad.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Rebound Material said:
I think when people say opposites attract, i believe they're talking about personality characteristics, values...yea sh!t like that.

edit: Good Guy = Bad girl
Good Girl = Bad Boys
I highly doubt people with opposing values are attracted to each other. Religion for example, differs among many people. Why would you want to be with someone who has such a radically different view than you do? Opposite values...no. Personally, im a sarcastic kid and i consider myself intelligent. My friends are the same way. Id prefer to hang out with people like myself as far as personality goes, however people who differ provide their own thing. Same with girls. I look for a girl who isnt shy,has a good level of intelligence and is kinda fiesty. To go even deeper, i would prefer a girl who doesnt have the opposite views, values and beliefs as i do. I refuse to be with a girl who believes STRONGLY in organized religion. I may be making an assumption, but i believe the majority is similiar to i...or maybe im an exception to the rule. About the good girl bad boy thing...yada yada yada, i could go into the whole socialization thing but i wont. Some people appear to be bad who are actually good and vice versa.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
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oakraiderz2 said:
I highly doubt people with opposing values are attracted to each other. Religion for example, differs among many people. Why would you want to be with someone who has such a radically different view than you do? Opposite values...no. Personally, im a sarcastic kid and i consider myself intelligent. My friends are the same way. Id prefer to hang out with people like myself as far as personality goes, however people who differ provide their own thing. Same with girls. I look for a girl who isnt shy,has a good level of intelligence and is kinda fiesty. To go even deeper, i would prefer a girl who doesnt have the opposite views, values and beliefs as i do. I refuse to be with a girl who believes STRONGLY in organized religion. I may be making an assumption, but i believe the majority is similiar to i...or maybe im an exception to the rule. About the good girl bad boy thing...yada yada yada, i could go into the whole socialization thing but i wont. Some people appear to be bad who are actually good and vice versa.
I disagree bro. i like a variaty in my friends. i have a very diverse group of friends each bringing something differnt to the group. mabey its becaus im from california or mabey its because i dint really have any friends that looked like me grown up. anyways i am talking about "mating" and women, not friends. but i will conseed to you in that people are more confertable with what they are femilier with.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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cyp6 said:
I disagree bro. i like a variaty in my friends. i have a very diverse group of friends each bringing something differnt to the group. mabey its becaus im from california or mabey its because i dint really have any friends that looked like me grown up. anyways i am talking about "mating" and women, not friends. but i will conseed to you in that people are more confertable with what they are femilier with.
I understand, man. The cool thing about my group of friends in high school was that we were all different. But the core of out personalities were the same. In group out group bias and all that crap. I cant really say that the women im most attracted to are attracted to me more than other women. I dont understand how that would be. I talked to a friend about the girls he likes and which ones he attracts. The kind of girls he wants he doesnt get, but he attracts the good girls because he appears to be a preppy guy, which he isnt. They dont know who what hes like.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
i think it all comes down to the old saying "you complete me". i know it sounds afc but i think the hardest thing most people have is admitting what their imperfections are. i think once you truly understand what your strengths are and focus on them yet understanding that your not perfect it will attract a female with the traits you do not possess to comeplete you as a whole. but also at the same time the equation works both ways.

example- i can't do mathematics to save my life yet my woman is a mathematical genius. my woman is a pushover yet a have a huge backbone and don't back down from anything. i am killer at english and writing and my woman is from the country and has a really hard time with it. i am bad at saving money yet my woman is awesome at bills and saving money. i have a huge imagination and dreamer and my woman wishes she could think like i do, etc. you get the point. but we our at harmony and she rocks.

we hunt down to reproduce is the strongest genetics are passed along. and are weakest are discarded, thats why i think the prodigy child is produced from a couple who has made each other whole.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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i think it all comes down to the old saying "you complete me". i know it sounds afc but i think the hardest thing most people have is admitting what their imperfections are. i think once you truly understand what your strengths are and focus on them yet understanding that your not perfect it will attract a female with the traits you do not possess to comeplete you as a whole. but also at the same time the equation works both ways.
This is EXACTLY what my lady says... and I've come to believe it. In my relationhip now, i'm VERY emotional and almost flippant in the way that I speak and express myself. When i'm emotional, I have no control and whatever is on my mind WILL find its way out of my mouth...

My girl on the otherhand is very calculating and thoughtful. Almost emotionless in the fact that she never lets on too much without first thinking how it will effect herself and those around her.. I LOVE this about her because I don't have it, I learn from seeing her interact with me and other people.. she has traits I adore and just makes me fall in love with her even more...

On the other-hand, i'm a natural leader. When I walk into a group or any setting, I'm always the one talking or asking questions or easing the tension with some laughter or something and she says she LOVES to see me work because she can't do this.... she's very quiet and a listener, but the ease at which I can adapt and lead a group is attractive to her because she respects it since its a weakness in herself..

Great points and its true... when u know yourself, you'll seek to find people that complete you BUT share the same core values...

So I agree on both points, opposites attract but core values need to be shared...



Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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Like minds attract. Superficial likes and dislikes mean squat, men and women are different, for a couple to like EXACTLY the same things is odd and a rare find... and frankly i would never want to be with a woman who is into "guy" things, I want a FEMALE with female qualities... otherwise I would marry a guy.

That's the surface, that's where opposites really tend to attract.
In the inner qualities, the important ones, outside of high school opposites VERY rarely attract. We flock with our own kind, that alone makes it damn near impossible to end up with someone who is your opposite.

A family-oriented man who enjoys helping out in the community in his free time and learning about investing will probably not be found getting crazy at the hot local nightspot where a lot of party girls might be.
He would most likely meet his match while doing volunteer work, at an investing seminar, at church etc. where like-minded people are.
Birds of a feather flock together.

Take me and my last girlfriend. We were into completely different movies/music everything, I'm more humble and reserved and she was very into herself and her clothes etc. But at the core we were both two people who enjoyed a high-class type of lifestyle, we wanted to go in that direction in life, we were not into partying etc. At the core we were twins.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2006
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people are attracted to "opposites" who have some admirable quality they don't have or would like to have..for example, an ambitionless guy would find a motivated girl attractive..

other than that, the whole "opposites attract" thing is bullsh!t.."attract" implies directly, but in reality it takes a really long time to accurately figure someone's character/personality out..


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Unfortunately I never seem to experience this idea. Whenever I am really attracted to a girl, she does not find me remotely attractive.

The girls that fall for me and are all over me, I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. :rolleyes:

Some people have sh1t for luck.