Women troll me for attention.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Is it normal or I am doing something wrong? I don't give it up all that easy.:confused: perhaps they know that they can get it out of me either through childish behavior or putting in a little bit of work ( wh*re themselves out in a way). Like a validation trap?
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
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Need more details than a two liner. Give some specific examples.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
At work I get an older married woman do all these nice little things for me (she is a b!tch) which is out of character for her. She flirts, touches me, all that stuff. The more I ignore her, the better treatment I get. Other 30+ year old women at work run out of their way to get me to notice them, don't like when I ignore them. Young chicks sometimes act mean trying to get a rise out of me, creating a little bit of a conflict. Other women who witness this get jealous and join in on that. I know they all are interested only in attention, and I on the other hand am interested in sex with the above women. I guess they do pick up on the signals I am sending out, not really as in " gaming " them, just being my self.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
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How exactly do you know they are "only" interested in your attention? Are all of these work situations?

Sounds like you're getting some decent IOIs. Have you actually tried to meet up any of them? I've had similar situations where some women that are known as "*****es" be extremely nice and flirty with me as well. It could be that they actually respect you and don't see you as fake and seeking their approval. The most notorious "*****es" are sort of feared, especially at work, so people are really careful around them and try to be extra nice. If you're not this guy, but rather honest and upfront and relaxed, and aloof, it will be a nice change for her and she will respect you more. This could be why she is acting this way towards you. I actually have a simlilar experience with a lady at work (who is actually MUCH older so I'm definitely not advancing on any of it LOL). How old is the one you're talking about and is she attractive? Sometimes also when women are MUCH older they are just way more open and appear to be "flirty" with younger men but simply they just don't give a damn anymore and know that they aren't gonna do anything with them since the guy should not want her in a first place. Hell, I even had a lady in her early 60s make a sexual remark, (somethign about how long has it been since she had some or whatever, not sure how it even came up, but it took me off guard) and she just laughed it off as did I, and she goes "I'm old enough to not care or be embarassed by something like that, i know you can take it", and we just both laughed. And this is percieved by everyone as the "nice old grandma type" LOL, just saying. So part of it could be this.

Another part that I just dont' understand why you're excluding it is that they can be actually interested in you. How do you know they are "trolling' you or wahtever you say, if you haven't actually made a move? LOL common man, if you think you might be getting IOIs and jealousy acts by a lot of girls, go ahead and find out. Make a move and see if you can get some of them. If they all turn you down, then you can stop wondering what all the fuss is about lol.

And what the hell do you mean young chicks sometimes "act mean"? LOL what do you mean by acting mean man? You sound like a chick takling abuot a guy, "oh he was acting mean". Once again, not really sure what you mean by acting mean, if you're talking about "flirting" than that's different, once again, why not make a move (hopefully these "younger" chicks are over 18, keep it legal :rolleyes: ) and find out. If you're talking about, let's sayyyy, your computer monitor cracked, and someone asks you "how did that happen" and a "younger" girl looks at you and giggles and says "he was staring at it", and you're talking about this kinda mean??? than that's actually being playfull and flirting (unless you look like Shreck). If they're cursing you out with a pissed off look LOL than thats mean. And if that's happening, obviously they don't respect you otherwise they woulnd't be treating you like that. And if that's the case then obviously the other women are not getting "jealous". Just the fact that you are saying the other women are getting "jealous" and joining in, makes me believe that you are saying that these girls are actually FLIRTING with you, otherwise there is nothing to be jealous about, correct? lol, now, IF THEY ARE flirting with you, ?? then why not take advantage of this and take it to the next level and see how many of these girls you can have fun with. Sounds like a good problem to have. I dunno, something just seems a little off in what you said. Are you really looking for advice here (I see you've been here a few years) or are you kinda bragging?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
yep, same thing here. The reason why I doubt that the interest is genuine is because I should not have interest in them at all: they are work mates, much older women (30-55 age group), have husbands, it's everyone's business to know who is doing who. These are pretty much off limits unless I receive an invite. That older woman does respect me, hence I kind of challenged her at the beginning, and we used to hate each other. And she is pretty open to non-vulgar stuff.

The younger ones I discredit as AWs. It is a flirt going on (play-fighting and I usually win), and the rest of them can't really figure it out why I am not giving them a second look, thus they validate themselves. I make a move - they flee. That's exactly the reason why I ve learned to discern the false IOIs.

It is a great problem to have and makes others think that I am a lady's man, but in reality, how many of these women I might hook up with? Very few indeed.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
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Ha ha, I hear you. I actually had a disagreement with my old coworker lady as well at the beginning, and I just told her was up, but I think in the end it made us respect each other more and now everyone at work knows that I'm probably one of only a couple of people that she likes lol. She always says that since my parents are thousand + miles away in a different state, that she "is my mom" and sometimes she treats me like her son. She will call me here and there if I'm off and ask if everything is ok, she would try to give me opinion on my girlfriends and what not (actually, usually spot on advice from her, she is also a leader in her local church so she is the "alpha" lady that doesn't hold anything back, and so far most of her "advice" has been spot on).

As far as those "younger" girls, I think I "kinda" know what you're talking about, but it's never a sure thing that the IOIs are false. I have many a time converted a girl that I initially thought just wanted to be a friend and gamed her up enough that I ended up doing things with her. Sometimes persistancy really pays off.. don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about ASKING A GIRL OUT over and over, no, not taht kinda persistancy, but the flirting and gaming a girl, and even kino. However, if this is at work, then be really careful. Honestly, I tell everyone just to NOT even get involved with chicks from work. I've had like 6 or 7 experiences and none of them turned out pretty, one time it was actually a reason why I lost one of my jobs (when I was much younger thankfully, the job wasn't a killer job or anything, but it had a lot of hot chicks and I started seeing some of them and eventually when I got my termination one of the reasons in there was also inapropriate contact and hugging with girls in breakroom... NOW.. ALL of the girls working there always gave ME hugs, so this was obviously a bunch of bull****, and I actually wrote a 5 page letter complaining to the owner about everything ... I was pretty much the outgoing little bad boy and my b**ch supervisor was jealous of other girls.. she even used to rub my back sometimes and I was sure to write this in my complaint letter.. she once misheard somethign I said, and sent me home, and then chased after me crying saying she misheard me lol, I'm telling you I'm not making this up and I wrote it all to the owner who eventually ended up offering me my job back, but I turned it down because I had alraedy moved on with another job).... But yeah, from here on out, my goal is to NEVER get involved with girls at work. I know it can be hard as I do get crushes here and there, but I purposely keep my self away and try not to flirt with them or lead them on or anythign if I sense it might be getting seroius..

So if these chicks are at work, just consider it as your "practice flirting" and dont' do anythign with them, but then use that practice flirting in your life outside of work to pick up other girls.. Once you develop a habit of flirting, it will transfer that much easier outside of work.

Plus, they may lead to banging some of their girlfriends if you meet them at functions outside of work! This has worked a few times for me as well, but it does lead to a "reputation" at work once again, so based on how important your job is, keep that in mind. You may have 10 chicks at work that meet your criteria, and there are 100,000 outside of work (provided you live in a nice size city).. WHY risk your job when you can game the other girls? (yes yes, i know you have the time advantage at work, but it won't help you if you lose your job or don't advance like you worked hard for).

And if some of those younger girls are outside of work, don't be afraid to isolate and try to close out. I've been surprised a few times lol. And then there were a few times when they would be like "uhmm, I gotta get back to my friends" lol, so just don't let it phase you when you fail. DON'T be appologetic, and be a man about it, dont' even address it and dont' act weird towards her. Keep flirting with her for taht matter! lol I had a girl that I never honestly though I had a chance with because she blew me off a few times when I tried escalating (I tried escalating PHYISICALLY though, NOT asking her on dates and what not) but I still kept it playfull so her responses were not "dont' touch me creep" but more like ..giggle... giggle... "no, no, no, enough of that, be a good boy" giggle giggle... this is one of those cases where I said persistancy pays off.. she always was dating one dude or another, I never asked about if she was seriuos or not but she WASSSS flirty with me, even suggestive sometimes!! which I think is what you're talking about, she would stick her tougne out and this and taht and be messing around.. so SHE was sexually suggestive, OFTEN, but would always turn down the advances.. hell she even let me rub her breasts for about good 15 seconds before she was finally like giggle giggle.. "not a good idea" giggle giggle.. but when I was doing this I didn't have this serious creep look on my face.. I was flirting with her the whole time, had playfull banter going on, sexual inuendos and jokes and the whole nine yards.. but I personally never even took seriously.. not even while I was rubbing her breasts or massaging her ass, until ONE DAY she didn't stop me LOL... I kissed her neck and she didn't say nothing, I proceeded and started making out and she made out with me right back (this was in the morning after coffee, she DID not have any alcohol and me neither lol, just saying). SHE started rubbing my junk and as women say "one thing led to another, and it just happened" LOL. I actually coudlnt' believe it because this is one of those chicks that "you know" and you don't think anything is gonna transpire, plus she had someone on the side, bf or whatever, not sure never saw the dude.. and she asked me "how come you dont' have a girlfriend" I looked at her and said while smiling "who says I dont' have a girlfriend" and left it at that. I actually didn't at the time but f*ck it, let her think about sh*t lol. I called my brother up and woke him up and I was like "dude, you ain't gonna believe what the f*ck I just did" LOL.. we called her "pocahontas" cause she looked like her. Chick was FINE lol. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't see her after that for A WHILE so I guess she might have had some regret or just wanted some fun before she went to study abroad for like 4 monts (this was the day before she left). And then when she came back she didn't contact or anything, which was ok with me, and a few years down the road she ended up marrying the dude she was with.. so it all worked out fine in the end :yes:

Moral of the story lol: you never know, and as some people say, persistance sometimes does pay off... BUT, make sure it's not the oneitis type of persistance.. I didn't really give a damn about this girl, she was flirty as hell with me and sexual when she saw me but I was seeing tons of other girls and never even really considered this chick as an option or gave her the time of day, would only see her here and there but since she was so flirty and sexual I would make sure to hit on her and try to advance if I was in a position to do so lol, you can't have shame man.. I usually don't go home wondering if "something could have happened had I tried" lol.. If I was obsessed with this chick and had a oneitis, then I would TOTALLY advise against anything, I usually suggest cut contact alltogether for that... and if you REALLY want, when you're "ready" with game, and willing to simply just go for it and try to rail her and kiss her and all of that, contact her, but don't become "friends" with her again, make sure to try to score with her and if she still just wants you as friend just don't be one lol. I have a story with a HUGE oneitis from many years ago that I eventually ended up turning around soooo good taht she ended up having a oneitis with me.. this was a girl that I literally wanted to be with FOREVER and thought to my self, "if I had a choice to be happy with this girl, or have 40 million in cash, I would take this girl WITHOUT thinking about it" that's how strongly I wanted her!! she was my best friend and I saw other girls but over time I fell in love with her.. she didn't feel the same.. YEARS LATER, I spun the plates.. she wanted marriage with me and the whole nine yards, I literally did EVERYTHING possible sexually with her and I NEVER in my life though I would be able to.. hell I used to think if I just had a kiss with her, my life would be complete (total AFC thinking from a HUGE player back then,, she really had me folks!! lol).. But I calculated my every move years later and got her to be obsessed with me.. I actually ended up not wanting a relationship with her and turning her down.. remains to be seen if I made the right move or not lol... she is getting married in a few months lol.. sooooooooo weird how when someone is obsessed with YOU , then YOU think less of them and are not that interested.. kinda puts things in perspective for ya... That's like a 50 page story though, so I'm not going into it here.. lol.. unless some of you REALLLY wanna hear it, it might take me hours to type up, as I like pointing out details and small stuff that makes a difference in this game of dating and DJing and picking up girls, but that a lot of folks ignore.