Women should be FUN

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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I think a big part of the problems most modern men have with women is they have lost the "sport" aspect of dealing with women. In the end its a game.. and a FUN game if you play it right. Most men play the game by women's rules which is why they lose.

This is why I always say women are a sport and source of entertainment. This attitude alone makes all interactions with women "FUN" by nature AND it makes women want to f*ck you because they have FUN when they are with you.

Girls just want to have fun.. but so should men. Increasingly, men have become desperate, clingy, faggots who calculate and analyze every move a woman makes.. then wonders why they have no power in the relationship. It is simple.. you have no power because you are NOT HAVING FUN. And when you are not having fun, your desperation for a woman becoming very obvious. So a woman will just exploit you for whatever else you offer.

If you are having FUN with women you WILL get laid. And very often. And since you are so indifferent the women will chase YOU for relationships.

I find women are most fun in the beginning. Then they get dark and serious as things progress and I refuse to become their loyal beta dog. This is because I am winning the game and they are losing. The person complaining is always the LOSER. But this is a much better problem to have than what most people are posting about.

Women are a sport. You win the game when you spin plates and f*ck on YOUR terms YOUR way. You lose when you get married, get oneitis or become a woman's b!tch.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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It is because their 'ego' depends on sex with a woman.Without sex they feel like trash.They got tricked into beliving if they unload into some female they are the boss,the rulers of the world and the alpha males.They don't get they can get validation from others things like sport,money,adventures,art,music, if you understand your value, lack of sex doesnt make you lesser man and you are not desperate.

The lack of self-worth and validate through sex.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
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Poon King said:
I think a big part of the problems most modern men have with women is they have lost the "sport" aspect of dealing with women. In the end its a game.. and a FUN game if you play it right. Most men play the game by women's rules which is why they lose.

This is why I always say women are a sport and source of entertainment. This attitude alone makes all interactions with women "FUN" by nature AND it makes women want to f*ck you because they have FUN when they are with you.
For many of us it's not fun at all. For me, it's been a constant grind just in hopes of getting the simplest of street or transport-approaches to yield the time of day or even reject me in a polite fashion (or in the case of faster-moving street approaches, to recognize my existence). There's nothing entertaining or fun about that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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I think it should be fun, it must be fun.

But in order to be fun...first you need to have a "fun" life, or at least a life you like. I mean, if you have a lot of problems, dont like your job etc. then you are sad, irascible etc so if you go to pick up a girl in this state of mind of course it becomes hard, tough, boring, frustrating etc.

If, however, you more or less have a lifestyle you like, you feel positive etc, so:

1) you're not obssesed with women because you have other fun things in your life that you like.
2) you're happy and positive so when you interact with a woman you project this.
3) because of 1 and 2 when a woman rejects you you just shrug your shoulders.

Also, you cannot make picking up women like a job, task, or duty, because if you look at it that way...OF COURSE IT IS A PAIN IN THE ASS, and you hate it.

Besides, you have to "evolve" so meeting and banging chicks is not your main goal in your life, and it is not the source of your happiness. It is just a part of it, but no way it is half or more of it.
Forget about the myth of that guy that fvcks tons of women with little effort, that is not real life unless you're millionare or a super celebrity.

The average Joe fvcks just a few women in his life, and more than half of them are not that attractive.
You wanna be a DJ, you improve yourself, learn about how women really work etc...so you end up banging chicks than the average guy, so it is fine. Maybe you do not fvck super models, but hey, you're not a millionare so forget about that nonsense.


Of course you have to beat your natural laziness when it comes to go to talk to a new girl, but...it is how it is. And of course it kind of hurts when you get rejected, but as I said, if you have a life you like, then it is not such a big deal.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Poon King said:
I think a big part of the problems most modern men have with women is they have lost the "sport" aspect of dealing with women. In the end its a game.. and a FUN game if you play it right. Most men play the game by women's rules which is why they lose.

This is why I always say women are a sport and source of entertainment. This attitude alone makes all interactions with women "FUN" by nature AND it makes women want to f*ck you because they have FUN when they are with you.

Girls just want to have fun.. but so should men. Increasingly, men have become desperate, clingy, faggots who calculate and analyze every move a woman makes.. then wonders why they have no power in the relationship. It is simple.. you have no power because you are NOT HAVING FUN. And when you are not having fun, your desperation for a woman becoming very obvious. So a woman will just exploit you for whatever else you offer.

If you are having FUN with women you WILL get laid. And very often. And since you are so indifferent the women will chase YOU for relationships.

I find women are most fun in the beginning. Then they get dark and serious as things progress and I refuse to become their loyal beta dog. This is because I am winning the game and they are losing. The person complaining is always the LOSER. But this is a much better problem to have than what most people are posting about.

Women are a sport. You win the game when you spin plates and f*ck on YOUR terms YOUR way. You lose when you get married, get oneitis or become a woman's b!tch.
Pretty good post considering the author....he did have to throw in the usual pablum at the end though.

But he's right. You can't interact with women if you are scared, nervous, shy, bashful, etc. You have to arrive at the point of true outcome independence.

Because at the end of the day, women are fun! Meeting a different woman every weekend while in college made for some of the best times. Make sure to have male friends too. If makes everything more fun.


Mar 12, 2011
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Chronocidal said:
For many of us it's not fun at all. For me, it's been a constant grind just in hopes of getting the simplest of street or transport-approaches to yield the time of day or even reject me in a polite fashion (or in the case of faster-moving street approaches, to recognize my existence). There's nothing entertaining or fun about that.
That's because you are valuing them bro. As PK said, if you just treat them as having fun with, just like going to sporting event or driving a nice car, they will want to prove their worth to you and you will end of having sex.

If you are in your teens or early 20s I could understand valuing them a little because its so important to have sex, but once you get past 25 you should be able to make their head spin without even trying. :up:


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
I agree, women should be fun. Many of them are and I very much understand they won't let men who aren't fun near themselves, it would ruin their fun. Same applies to men, a man having fun would be crazy to let a woman ruin it. To be a fun guy we just gotta have fun.

I disagree on marriage being losing though and spinning plates being universally the only way to have fun and winning. If spinning plates is the only way for you to have fun then sure marriage is a bad idea. It's a big world and there's a sh!tload of things that's fun besides seducing and fvcking one woman after the next. I don't consider marriage a loss, I just consider it stating I have such a good time with a woman that I don't WANT anyone else.

It's perfectly possible to be married and continue to have fun, my parents are living proof of it and they've been married 20 years. The point of marrying is to clearly state that neither part wants it to end because it's working so well, if a woman doesn't hold the same view and degree of committment you shouldn't marry. If you fear losing half your stuff then that fear will probably make you lose your fun and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Apart from that I agree on every other point, but as much she is a source of entertainment to you so should you be to her. Otherwise it's just you using women and unfairness isn't sexy.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
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Trump said:
That's because you are valuing them bro. As PK said, if you just treat them as having fun with, just like going to sporting event or driving a nice car, they will want to prove their worth to you and you will end of having sex.
Why would I bother with them if they weren't of any value? I have other things in my life that are of value. Where's the fun? Not in approaching, not in being blown off, not in being ignored, not in not receiving a single IOI as I go through my day, nothing. I fail to see how it is in any way enjoyable in and of itself, or where anyone is proving their worth to me.

Trump said:
If you are in your teens or early 20s I could understand valuing them a little because its so important to have sex, but once you get past 25 you should be able to make their head spin without even trying. :up:
"Should" doesn't mean much. Nobody's head is spinning as I walk up to them on the street and they walk right by me. And no, nothing in the world has ever happened in my life without trying. Women never approach me, so I'm forever left doing all the trying.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Not so post communist state in Europe
Wholeheartedly agreeing with Poon King on this. In essence this is an aspect that many if not most of us forget while I believe its one of the most important ones. It is disarming the woman and flipping the script at the same time.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Chronocidal said:
Why would I bother with them if they weren't of any value? I have other things in my life that are of value. Where's the fun? Not in approaching, not in being blown off, not in being ignored, not in not receiving a single IOI as I go through my day, nothing. I fail to see how it is in any way enjoyable in and of itself, or where anyone is proving their worth to me.

"Should" doesn't mean much. Nobody's head is spinning as I walk up to them on the street and they walk right by me. And no, nothing in the world has ever happened in my life without trying. Women never approach me, so I'm forever left doing all the trying.
The reason women are not fun for you is because you are 100% outcome dependent.

For me its fun to flirt with a woman I find sexually attractive. The interaction is fun regardless of whether it ends in sex or not. In the end, we as men have a choice to interact with a woman or not to. And so, I know the interaction will stop fast if I stop having fun.

If you enjoy flirting.. most women will flirt back because they enjoy the attention and they don't feel threatened by it since you are not approaching them from a place of desperation and co-dependence like 90% of beta b!tch loser men.

BUT many of today's women are indeed toxic and impossible to have fun with. You can simply choose not to interact with them. To allow their toxic mood to influence your own mood is weak and unmanly. In general you should not care how women feel unless they have demonstrated high interest by having sex with you and being fun to interact with.

Most men allow their desperation for sex and validation to strip away the fun of dealing with women (because of outcome dependence). They also allow this pathetic desperation to lower their standards to the point that they are willing to date, f*ck and marry toxic women who are NOT fun.

The high prevalence of toxic women today is the result of weak men who don't have standards or the strength to walk away. Women have little incentive to follow any rules since men are too weak and desperate to make rules that risk turning women off and losing access to that validation and poon they need like oxygen. God forbid one dumb b!tch doesn't approve of them. Its basically the end of the world. :crackup: :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
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Poon King said:
The reason women are not fun for you is because you are 100% outcome dependent.
And everyone in the world is outcome dependent. I can't name a man in the world who considers it equally enjoyable to experience doing the hottest woman in the bar in the nearby restroom in minutes as it is to experience being glassed by an angry boyfriend. (True, those low-probability outcomes, but nevertheless outcome independence would mean that both are equally enjoyable, as it is allegedly the process of approaching a stranger and not the outcomes of the interaction that make it enjoyable.)

Poon King said:
If you enjoy flirting.. most women will flirt back because they enjoy the attention and they don't feel threatened by it since you are not approaching them from a place of desperation and co-dependence like 90% of beta b!tch loser men.
Fine, then clearly I'm a beta b!tch loser man. But name-calling isn't changing the situation. What's so enjoyable about walking up to someone and being walked right by as I try to say hi?

Poon King said:
BUT many of today's women are indeed toxic and impossible to have fun with. You can simply choose not to interact with them.
How exactly? There's no way of knowing that on sight. By the time I find out, I've already interacted with them. Not interacting happens in the form of them already cutting the interaction off, but that doesn't change the situation any.

Poon King said:
For me its fun to flirt with a woman I find sexually attractive. The interaction is fun regardless of whether it ends in sex or not.
Again, what is so fun about opening oneself up to social risk, mouthing words, and being walked right by?

Poon King said:
In the end, we as men have a choice to interact with a woman or not to. And so, I know the interaction will stop fast if I stop having fun.
The way things have been happening, I have the choice only to continue an attempted interaction or not, provided it hasn't been already cut off by the other person. If I don't constantly proactively reach out to people, I guarantee zero results, fun or not.

Poon King said:
In general you should not care how women feel unless they have demonstrated high interest by having sex with you and being fun to interact with.
It matters, however, if women in the aggregate aren't showing high interest, being fun to interact with, and having sex with me. It's a clear sign that something's going badly wrong with my social interactions. There's a big difference between "one-itis" vs. "chronic failure".

Poon King said:
Most men allow their desperation for sex and validation to strip away the fun of dealing with women (because of outcome dependence). They also allow this pathetic desperation to lower their standards to the point that they are willing to date, f*ck and marry toxic women who are NOT fun.

The high prevalence of toxic women today is the result of weak men who don't have standards or the strength to walk away. Women have little incentive to follow any rules since men are too weak and desperate to make rules that risk turning women off and losing access to that validation and poon they need like oxygen. God forbid one dumb b!tch doesn't approve of them. Its basically the end of the world. :crackup: :crackup:
I'm sure that's true. However, this isn't what's happening. They're the ones walking away, literally, as I walk up to them on the street.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Chronocidal said:
And everyone in the world is outcome dependent. I can't name a man in the world who considers it equally enjoyable to experience doing the hottest woman in the bar in the nearby restroom in minutes as it is to experience being glassed by an angry boyfriend. (True, those low-probability outcomes, but nevertheless outcome independence would mean that both are equally enjoyable, as it is allegedly the process of approaching a stranger and not the outcomes of the interaction that make it enjoyable.)
When you have abundance, you don't care about the outcome with ONE woman. Just like if you have a bag of M&M's you don't care if you drop ONE.

If you're a homeless hobo with no money and you see one M&M on the sidewalk.. then suddenly it becomes a "big deal" if a rat eats it first. :crackup:

Chronocidal said:
Fine, then clearly I'm a beta b!tch loser man. But name-calling isn't changing the situation. What's so enjoyable about walking up to someone and being walked right by as I try to say hi?
You don't know what you're doing. Remember you are talking to a stranger. Its important to disarm them before you go after what you want. This means opening with a common thing you might say to a stranger like: "Do you have change for a dollar?" or something that gives you a good reason to talk to them. Then you start flirting.

But since you don't enjoy approaching women.. it will show. This is a sport. You have to enjoy challenging yourself and taking risks. But it should be for your own entertainment.

Not knowing how a woman will react when I approach her is what makes approaching fun for me. Its a new experience every time. Never gets boring.

Chronocidal said:
How exactly? There's no way of knowing that on sight. By the time I find out, I've already interacted with them. Not interacting happens in the form of them already cutting the interaction off, but that doesn't change the situation any.
You approach women you want to f*ck. If she acts like a c*nt you stop interacting with her and move on with your life. Not rocket science. :crackup:

Chronocidal said:
Again, what is so fun about opening oneself up to social risk, mouthing words, and being walked right by?
I don't care about "social risk" because I'm not living my life for others. I'm playing a sport I enjoy.

Chronocidal said:
The way things have been happening, I have the choice only to continue an attempted interaction or not, provided it hasn't been already cut off by the other person. If I don't constantly proactively reach out to people, I guarantee zero results, fun or not.
Here's the thing... either approach women you want to f*ck or DON'T. Its your life and your time. If you suck at a sport.. find a way to get better. If you can't get better.. then play a different game.

Chronocidal said:
It matters, however, if women in the aggregate aren't showing high interest, being fun to interact with, and having sex with me. It's a clear sign that something's going badly wrong with my social interactions. There's a big difference between "one-itis" vs. "chronic failure".
You are chasing women out of your league.

Chronocidal said:
I'm sure that's true. However, this isn't what's happening. They're the ones walking away, literally, as I walk up to them on the street.
Remember this is a sport. See my comment above about how to talk to COMPLETE STRANGERS. Its silly to expect complete strangers to automatically want to talk to you. I hate when random people approach me in the street because I KNOW they want something. So I am usually very rude and keep walking. Can't expect women to be any different.

So you need to disarm them first. Some will be very friendly while others will be rude. But for me.. its fun to flirt regardless of the outcome.

This is a sport. You need to make it FUN or simply don't play.

Co-dependent betas will never win this game. They are doomed. All of them.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
Very good post. Even I forget sometimes that you should just have fun, nothing serious. If you are not having fun and stressing about women then it's a waste....women can sense that.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Let's be honest...outcome independence only developed from having lots of quality options AND lots of experience.

Telling a guy who has never had that to get it is like telling a poor person to act and think like a rich person.

The truth is, everyone is outcome dependent until they finally reach the limit of what they desire and don't feel the strong "need" for it anymore.

If you are a virgin with no.options or someone who has only banged a few mediocre options then you aren't going to be outcome independent... Unless you are asexyal in general.

What you can do in the beginning though is train your self to.ignore or wipe off rejections until you reach the point of getting what you want eventually leading you to.outcome independence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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zinc4 said:
Let's be honest...outcome independence only developed from having lots of quality options AND lots of experience.

Telling a guy who has never had that to get it is like telling a poor person to act and think like a rich person.

The truth is, everyone is outcome dependent until they finally reach the limit of what they desire and don't feel the strong "need" for it anymore.
Zinc, this is a self limiting belief.

Don't be so quick to dismiss the power of rationalization. I have rationalized away some of the sh1ttiest decisions in my life. Everything from bad business deals to being a needy desperate beta chump at times. Something as simple as...."well at least I learned my lesson. Good. It was worth it".


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Hey PK, I know you get a lot of slack about being a d1ck but this is your best threads (and most true) to date. I dig it and agree with it. So much stress comes along with pick up these days. Guys analyze EVERYTHING down to the ****ing minutes between texts. Relax and have fun is the Moto in this game.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Poon King said:
When you have abundance, you don't care about the outcome with ONE woman. Just like if you have a bag of M&M's you don't care if you drop ONE.

If you're a homeless hobo with no money and you see one M&M on the sidewalk.. then suddenly it becomes a "big deal" if a rat eats it first. :crackup:
I won't claim to have abundance, but I don't think anyone here would dispute that one-itis is bad.

Poon King said:
You don't know what you're doing. Remember you are talking to a stranger. Its important to disarm them before you go after what you want. This means opening with a common thing you might say to a stranger like: "Do you have change for a dollar?" or something that gives you a good reason to talk to them. Then you start flirting.
Thanks for the tip. So far most of them simply have been walking away from hi's on the street before any specific conversation tactic has happened, though direct game hasn't been working either; maybe this is where I've been going wrong in the cases where they responded to the initial hi. Still not sure why the initial hi's are failing, though, or why they succeeded in the cases where they did, but hopefully things will be more clear in time.

Poon King said:
You approach women you want to f*ck. If she acts like a c*nt you stop interacting with her and move on with your life. Not rocket science. :crackup:
That's exactly what I've been doing, though it's been the women who are cutting the interaction off first by rejecting me, in case you haven't figured out such simple matters that clearly aren't rocket science. I don't think there's anything to discuss there.

Poon King said:
Here's the thing... either approach women you want to f*ck or DON'T. Its your life and your time. If you suck at a sport.. find a way to get better. If you can't get better.. then play a different game.
Would I be actively day-gaming and also discussing things on this board if I wasn't looking to improve?

Maybe I should discuss this more on a day-game thread.