women overrated?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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I feel women and relationships are overrated. Do any of you feel the same?I like being alone better than with someone who doesn't acknowledge me.

Guys on sosuave:
"NAWALT, you are just bitter and blackpilled, who hurt you?!"

Same guys on sosuave:
"Nah i dont want a LTR, i just keep pumping my 5 plates, i am good."


Sep 10, 2014
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I feel women and relationships are overrated. Do any of you feel the same?I like being alone better than with someone who doesn't acknowledge me.
You feel this way because like a lot of people on here, they view their value as a man based on the hotness of the women they fvck or how often they get laid.

Then you begin to realize how empty that mindset leaves you feeling and start thinking they are overrated.

No. What the actual issue stems from is that you've given these women an inordinate amount of importance to who you are and how much self worth you have. Then when you realize this doesn't make you feel better about yourself after a while you say they are overrated.

You simply don't understand where your real value and self worth comes from(internally) and are trying to use extrinsic sources to boost it which will never work. You have placed far too much importance on them to begin with.


Sep 10, 2014
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I broke a frustrating 3 week dry spell early in the year and I remember after I was done I was like I need to have sex again. I literally went through all that frustration and pain for 10-20 minutes of sex and afterwards it was like I was back in my dry spell.
What were you actively doing to prevent that from happening in the future? See the issue isn't that these things happen, because they happen to everyone at some point, the issue is most people have no plan of action to make any real changes to ensure it doesn't happen in the future if that is what they want.

People go back to doing the same things that led to the long dry spell(3 weeks isn't long btw, some people are on years), and somehow expect different results? That is craziness...if you do something for a period of time and get the same results why would anyone think continuing to do the same things would lead to different results? But people do it all the time because it's convenient and comfortable to not push themselves out of their comfort zones.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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NAWALT is a lot more rational than AWALT. One is a generalization and one recognizes the variance. AWALT is directly irrational, it says "all" suggesting there aren't even exceptions. NAWALT does not say that no women are like that, it says "not all" suggesting some unquantified proportion of women still are like that.

You can believe AWALT all you want, but know that it is fundamentally irrational.

Yeah the blue pillers use this term, but that in itself is a poor argument for it's incorrectness. The blue pillers find other ways to abuse the truth of this, such as denying that women can be bad. I do not deny such things, but I know for a fact not all of them are bad.

Can you confirm to me that you believe half the population of Earth is one big homogeneous group of people? Or are there difference within this group?
@Serenity , you are on a high level of thinking. I can see the various stages of thinking laid bare in many men's posts here.

"AWALT" was never meant to be some catch-all meaning all women are clones. It was meant to be a simple way to short circuit the brains of men who create narratives about women before ever getting to know them. A man thinks a girl is special, hopes to ask her out, equivocates, meanwhile she got rammed last night by the dude who escalated. Or, he thinks she's a princess but her fantasies are secretly filthy. Etc.

It doesn't mean it's true because every girl is different. What it means is it's possible, APALT, because we're all responding to the same basic prompts. The purpose is to save a man time wasted on dreaming and projecting.

Once a man is high value and experienced, he knows that women are varied, because he's had enough to know this. Any woman can do anything if she chooses. So what? That's such a small part of who a person is, especially if it's not acted on. For a lot of guys, AWALT is just another narrative they've projected, a blanket judgment on women before they even know her. (All women are like what?) Once you start trafficking in judgment, you lose your center. Similar to how some women think all men are scum, because some are.

What I've learned is that each woman is like herself. Some are on my wavelength, some aren't.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
"AWALT" was never meant to be some catch-all meaning all women are clones. It was meant to be a simple way to short circuit the brains of men who create narratives about women before ever getting to know them. A man thinks a girl is special, hopes to ask her out, equivocates, meanwhile she got rammed last night by the dude who escalated. Or, he thinks she's a princess but her fantasies are secretly filthy. Etc.
Yeah, I do get that, but AWALT is a poor expression for it, more often than not it's used to convey bitterness and pessimism rather than being constructive.

I think it's far more useful to point out exactly what's bad, how to identify it and what to do about it. These blanket statements will only leave the clueless guy just as clueless as he was before, he hasn't gained any appliable knowledge. Only that all women are like X, so what is he to do? With time it colors his views, without coming even one step closer to truly understanding women, he's now another parrot in the masses saying women he doesn't know are all like X.

I was very strict with logic in my previous post, I know that, but these generalizations and exaggerations extend beyond this one example. It's problematic because it just ends in circle jerks of guys who have essentially given up and for some godforsaken reason has to share their pessimism with everyone. It's just too much.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Being married with the 2.2 kids is def one of the things that "you have to do if you're going to be respected in society". Blue pilled programming at it's finest, and society teaches men to over-value women because of it.

Being alone has a lot of value for self-improvement and reflection.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I broke a frustrating 3 week dry spell early in the year and I remember after I was done I was like I need to have sex again. I literally went through all that frustration and pain for 10-20 minutes of sex and afterwards it was like I was back in my dry spell.
3 weeks is a dry spell? Lol. Bruh, there are times when I welcomed a break from having broads come thru. Best of all, not having a rotation saves a lot of money.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2019
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Being married with the 2.2 kids is def one of the things that "you have to do if you're going to be respected in society". Blue pilled programming at it's finest, and society teaches men to over-value women because of it.

Being alone has a lot of value for self-improvement and reflection.
Being married with the 2.2 kids is def one of the things that "you have to do if you're going to be respected in society". Blue pilled programming at it's finest, and society teaches men to over-value women because of it.

Being alone has a lot of value for self-improvement and reflection.
thanks that makes a lot of sense


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2019
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Bout $100. On average I smash by the third date. Sometimes longer and more money. Gotta take into account gas / tolls / Uber / train fare into account also
thats not expensive good for you


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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From all the posts of experienced djs on this site, it seems to me that if hypergamy exists, then awalt. From reading the posts of ltr proponents on this site, it's just a matter of taming/gaming the hypergamy which makes them seem like nawalt.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
This seems like a cope to me.

You're focusing on rare female exceptions to the norm, of which I truly don't think exist at all. All women are driven by the same nature and base primal and subconscious behavior. AWALT. Some just hide it better than others, and can unleash it when you least expect it.
Eh, all people are at any time potentially capable of anything unexpected, all humans are driven by an even more primal shared nature. Might as well find a padded room to live your life in if you're going to live by that mantra.

Staying away out of fear of what a woman can potentially do isn't coping?! That's the least adaptive form of coping there is...