Women asking you for help?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
A girl "friend" of mine (friend is a tentative term here - we've sort of known each other for 4 years, but we aren't particularly close, more like well-known acquaintances) asked me for help on her homework for a class I had already taken, as she was having trouble.

I strongly considered not helping her - as this was just totally out of the blue, no prior precedent or anything -but I eventually met up with her.

The whole time we were working, I couldn't help but consider the possibility that I was just being used...I don't even know if she sees me as a man really. She later texted me something along the lines of "You're my hero, thanks so much for today! If you ever need help with anything let me know!" I'm not really sure what to make of that, but I do know that it's pretty darn unlikely that I'll be asking her for something >___>

More generally, when women ask you for help, how do I know/can I discern whether she is just using/tooling me or whether she actually values me as a man and is genuinely appreciative of me as a person?

When I see someone in trouble, or being hurt, or feeling sad or stressed, I want to help them...that's just how I am (maybe it's because I was just raised to think this way or something, I dunno), so I've always put other people's considerations before my own. I have a tendency to sacrifice my own time to help others out, and I used to take a great deal of pride in this. But after being exposed to the redpill, I'm very skeptical now, as I now know that people (both men and women, but wary of women in particular) can use you without really caring about you. Now, I have in the back of my mind the fear of being viewed as, and used like, a chump.

In my heart of hearts, I want to help people...but at the same time I don't want to give up my dignity and self-respect while doing so. Any thoughts on this matter y'all?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
When you know that you are been used, you shouldn't have helped her.

You also mentioned you keep other people needs infront of you, and you also said you don't want to be used, those are contradicting.

Why don't you hit her up and see what she is up to later this week.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Ye this is called narcissism you have to kill it inside of you or you will not prosper. "She doesnt see me as a man" and what does she see you as a girl?

Dude now listen to me and remember:

Youre cool alright. Youre a cool person. She should feel delighted you spend time with her. If she doesnt, she doesnt deserve your time.

So help her, but before that say: "Alright, Ill help you, but no such thing as free lunch, youre gonna have to buy me a beer later"

So ye double bonus, you help her without looking like a chump and you get a date set up with no trouble. If she refuses, dont help her, its easy. If youre afraid that will hurt her feelings, you dont deserve to get laid anyway.

You dont want to be her HERO. Youre not a HERO, you want to be the dude that grabbed her by the waist, kissed her, touched her jugs and then reached inside her pants. This guy is not a hero, but he gets laid. Heroes are too busy saving the day to get laid.

Kill the narc inside of you. Putting other peoples needs before your own is the ultimate *******ry, couse you do it only couse it makes you feel better, lemme guess, you also cant take compliments and treats like normal people you feel embarassed and refuse to accept. Start from there. Kill the narc traits or they will kill you. I speak from experience.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Konduit said:
A girl "friend" of mine (friend is a tentative term here - we've sort of known each other for 4 years, but we aren't particularly close, more like well-known acquaintances) asked me for help on her homework for a class I had already taken, as she was having trouble.

I strongly considered not helping her - as this was just totally out of the blue, no prior precedent or anything -but I eventually met up with her.

The whole time we were working, I couldn't help but consider the possibility that I was just being used...I don't even know if she sees me as a man really.
I think your imagination is running a bit wild.

A "friend" of yours....who just happened to be female asked you for help with a class that she's having trouble with,but that you've already successfully taken and passed. Sounds innocent enough to me.

You say you're worried about being used by her. Huh???

You've known her 4 years.....said that you and her aren't even close to each other,are more like aquaintences.

She asked you for ONE FAVOR.......in 4 YEARS......and you're worried that she may be using you???

More generally, when women ask you for help, how do I know/can I discern whether she is just using/tooling me or whether she actually values me as a man and is genuinely appreciative of me as a person?
Well here,I think this chick was just appreciative of THE KNOWLEDGE you obtained of that class. I don't think she was trying to tool or get over on you,what she did made perfect sense. If a person has car trouble,and they have a friend or know someone who's good with cars.....chances are,they're going to seek that person out for help.

If you know someone good with computers,and yours is acting up,you're going to seek out your friend who's good with computers.......right?

That's all she did. If she was coming to you about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING,taxing your time,I might agree with you. Course then,your statement about how you two aren't that "close" wouldn't be true.

She asked for your help......in something you have considerable knowledge in. And it's the ONLY TIME she's sought you out......in the ENTIRE TIME she's ever known you.

Konduit....give it a rest. Don't let all this "game" stuff make you paranoid.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
BrainDamage92 said:
So help her, but before that say: "Alright, Ill help you, but no such thing as free lunch, youre gonna have to buy me a beer later"

^THIS^ :up:

If a female friend asks me for help and she has helped me with stuff in the past OR I am reasonably sure she would, I will help her.

If a woman I am dating asks me for help, similar deal, but she must have ALREADY done something for me in the past that I asked of her or that really helped me out and impressed me. A good example: a HB I see now has done a lot for me. She came over and cleaned my carpets free of charge. She has ran to pick people up for me that were in another town, she cleaned my house for me one time, she has bought me stuff, she gets me drinks from the fridge, etc, etc... SO she is in like flin, I would do almost anything she asks me to do for her. On the other hand, if all she did was lay on her back and let me blow my load in her, and then complained when I asked her to go get me a beer, forget it, I wouldn't do squat for her even if it was something really small.

I guess the bottom line about helping women for me is this: What's in it for me???


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Girls never know what they want or what they are really doing. All that girl knows is that you can help her and that she is not totally grossed out by your appearance.

This is all you have to work with right now.

Nobody knows whats going through a girls head. What your job is, is to create situations. Give her the "buy me a beer later" line. Take the opportunity to talk about yourself a little bit, suggestion is your friend here. Casually mention how that bear you killed last week with your hands was particularly big for this time of year kinda thing.

And always remember you don't know this girl so don't go looking for her approval on things. You have no idea if she is even worth your time or not. Your job is to get to know her and see if she is even something that compliments your life or not. She's obviously stupider than you are so there's something you know right off the bat immediately.

Relax, have fun, and think of your cawk.