Women are more Loyal than Men - Challenging Hypergamy



Few things:

1)"Game" is efficient way to seduce women but it has very limited use and requires powerful mind to use efficiently (otherwise you are just riding ***** carousel so to speak) game should be used to lay with proper women not with every doable women you can lay with - it's waste of time, resources + phucking around messes up with your head (my brother phucked over 60 women before he was 28 and before 30y old he had erection issues strictly connected with his mental stability - he phucked at least dozen of BPD's)

2) Some guys mess their own attractiveness with game efficiency - I have read dozens of manuals about seduction and no tricks could beat simple efficiency of my status as I grew up - simply put my status and education is more efficient right now than anything I have played with regarding game in my early 20's - so please don't mix efficiency of game and your own attractiveness/status/wealth because even if they are wired, they are really separate things - I have seen women falling for beta chumps or mental losers simply because of their status and wealth while I couldn't pick them up even if I had the primary advantage of mental prowess and even looks - women are about "here and NOW" not about perspective catch in the next ten years or so. Old type of women thought like that because they were guided by their parents (mostly strong father's being guardians of the nests). This type of thinking is long gone. Women that think like that are married to decent guys with perspectives in early 20's. That's why rich people tend to mix with rich ppl as well.

If you were able to lay 8/10 or 9/10 in high school then trust me, I do envy you because I was never that attractive in my teenage years, but we do change and life is about our ability to adapt to changing circumstances so to speak, and it really is about trying to be the best human being you can be at every stage of your life. You can use this forum to gain invaluable knowledge or alternatively wave your ****s around. It's your choice really.

3)This community should concentrate on regaining male power and dominance (it doesn't sound nice but it's only efficient way to secure progress for human civilization, women mentality is about maintenance, not about development)) and this is done by respecting your male adversaries - what I see here is smart guys trying to prove how cool they are to each other (it's waste of time in internet discussion really, maybe you're as cool as you say, maybe you are not, who knows) and some female forum orbiter throwing things into fire (funny).

Guys, guys, guys. Stop.
It was cheap entertainment and a bit fun.


Jan 14, 2018
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And I thought there was a party going on here while I was fvcking from 2018 through 2019...

I'm disappointed.

Well then, to conclude this thread, women are not able to display loyalty towards a man simply because the man is unable to effectively lead her, he should proceed to dump her noob @ss and move on, however if you still can't elicit loyalty from various woman then u r the problem.

Take ownership and stop blaming women for ur lack of leadership skills.

And before you start asking abt step 1, 2 and 3, I've seen bricklayers effectively leading their women so it's not a question of game (you know all those disgusting bootlicking techniques that some guys are learning non-stop in SS for years) nor is it related to having a high IQ.

Then proceed to take some night classes on leadership - get some minor management (as in managing people) job for some hands on experience. Just make sure you exercise ur leadership via empowerment and ownership, you'll do fine.

Cheers guys and Happy New Year !


Dec 31, 2018
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And I thought there was a party going on here while I was fvcking from 2018 through 2019...

I'm disappointed.

Well then, to conclude this thread, women are not able to display loyalty towards a man simply because the man is unable to effectively lead her, he should proceed to dump her noob @ss and move on, however if you still can't elicit loyalty from various woman then u r the problem.

Take ownership and stop blaming women for ur lack of leadership skills.

And before you start asking abt step 1, 2 and 3, I've seen bricklayers effectively leading their women so it's not a question of game (you know all those disgusting bootlicking techniques that some guys are learning non-stop in SS for years) nor is it related to having a high IQ.

Then proceed to take some night classes on leadership - get some minor management (as in managing people) job for some hands on experience. Just make sure you exercise ur leadership via empowerment and ownership, you'll do fine.

Cheers guys and Happy New Year !
Sir you've joined January 14, 2018, are closing in on 4000 posts and get used as the forums Bozo Bopper Bag. Time for you to take your nap and call it quits. You're never going to make it.




Sir you've joined January 14, 2018, are closing in on 4000 posts and get used as the forums Bozo Bopper Bag. Time for you to take your nap and call it quits. You're never going to make it.
Now lookey here. A phantom vigilante. That’s just right. The new boss hog. Lol
And you’re a degenerate from where?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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Sir you've joined January 14, 2018, are closing in on 4000 posts and get used as the forums Bozo Bopper Bag. Time for you to take your nap and call it quits. You're never going to make it.
Sup T?


Jan 14, 2018
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I see our resident feminist ninja - sazc has new tool haha


I see our resident feminist ninja - sazc has new tool haha
Men have killed each other over these types of manipulations. Wars. I will not engage. I will not be manipulated in any fashion. I already knew what was going on long before now.


Jan 14, 2018
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One has to wonder, where are their friends, family, plates, obligations and hobbies, etc etc etc?


Shame, because it's yet another would be interesting thread jacked by the usual suspects with absurd post counts.

I've also noticed that women with a good investment in their relationship are not easily tempted to do the dirty. It's also quite easy to tell the sorts who are actually happy. There's a consistancy to it. They'll enjoy the banter, but they have good boundaries. The antithesis of this is perhaps the attention/validation wh0re, which is perhaps why it's considered such a red-flag.

Not exactly sure where it fits into the typical game philosophy, other than the hypothesis of """if you had more LMS"", which i don't find intellectually satisfactory.

Just thinking aloud. Had a few drinks.
You won't be dumbfounded once you're attained effectiveness as a man.


Jan 14, 2018
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Unfortunately, it's a question which confounds even the greatest minds.

How do you kill that which has no life?

The effectiveness of men is on display everyday.

Take Trump for example, he has plenty of free time to tweet whilst an average man in his position will have a nervous breakdown.


Dec 31, 2018
Reaction score
One has to wonder, where are their friends, family, plates, obligations and hobbies, etc etc etc?


Shame, because it's yet another would be interesting thread jacked by the usual suspects with absurd post counts.

I've also noticed that women with a good investment in their relationship are not easily tempted to do the dirty. It's also quite easy to tell the sorts who are actually happy. There's a consistancy to it. They'll enjoy the banter, but they have good boundaries. The antithesis of this is perhaps the attention/validation wh0re, which is perhaps why it's considered such a red-flag.

Not exactly sure where it fits into the typical game philosophy, other than the hypothesis of """if you had more LMS"", which i don't find intellectually satisfactory.

Just thinking aloud. Had a few drinks.
Only "plates" these whackadoodles will be spinning are the ones implanted in their deformed skulls after they've had their much needed lobotomies.

Till then I picture them dressing up as furries, blowing snot bubbles, then choking themselves while fapping furiously in the shower till they pass out and sh-t themselves.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Take Trump for example, he has plenty of free time to tweet whilst an average man in his position will have a nervous breakdown.
Interesting point. Everybody criticizes Trump for tweeting, but I'm sure there are worse ways for a President to blow off steam.


Jan 14, 2018
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Interesting point. Everybody criticizes Trump for tweeting, but I'm sure there are worse ways for a President to blow off steam.
If he's effective with his time management then he can basically do many things.

Time management is basically just delegating responsibility and empowering people to handle various jobs.

Trump is not blowing off steam, he is projecting and galvanising - that's a power play.


Jan 14, 2018
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it's literally become impossible to discuss any issue like an adult here since these clowns got spam happy. There is no objective reality it's just them and their ego.
There's nothing adult about being stuck with a perpetual victim mindset.

And spamming BPD, no loyalty or some other conjured trait that's a reflection of you is not helping yourself but it's destructive as you're stuck in an never ending loop of hurt.

When r u going to decide that enough is enough ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Trump is not blowing off steam, he is projecting and galvanising - that's a power play.
I'm looking at it as more of a leisure time activity. But they're not mutually exclusive.


Jan 1, 2019
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One has to wonder, where are their friends, family, plates, obligations and hobbies, etc etc etc?


Shame, because it's yet another would be interesting thread jacked by the usual suspects with absurd post counts.

I've also noticed that women with a good investment in their relationship are not easily tempted to do the dirty. It's also quite easy to tell the sorts who are actually happy. There's a consistancy to it. They'll enjoy the banter, but they have good boundaries. The antithesis of this is perhaps the attention/validation wh0re, which is perhaps why it's considered such a red-flag.

Not exactly sure where it fits into the typical game philosophy, other than the hypothesis of """if you had more LMS"", which i don't find intellectually satisfactory.

Just thinking aloud. Had a few drinks.
You have a low IQ.