Women and "Bad Boys"


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
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I recently overheard a very attractive woman talking about how she was sexually harassed at some club.

While sitting at the bar, someone reached up her skirt and put his finger where he shouldn't have. When she turned around, she couldn't tell who the culprit was because the place was so crowded. A few minutes later, the culprit struck again; but this time, she caught him and told him to cut it out. She then left the bar and headed to the dance floor. A few minutes later, the culprit apologized for his behavior and offered to buy her a drink. I was stunned as I overheard this woman say that she not only accepted the drink but later went out with that low-life for a bite to eat.

Few examples better tell the tale of womankind's love for the "bad boy." The aforementioned sicko broke every rule in the book - not to mention laws against sexual assault - and still got a date with a knock-out. This got me thinking about the possible reasons for this perverse phenomenon:

1. Women do not, in fact, like bad boys; the bad boys win these women by impersonating nice guys, while the real nice guys are too shy to approach women.

2. MTV, Hollywood, and the rest of the moral sewer that is pop culture brainwashes women from infancy to believe that the swaggering, foul-mouthed, mysogynstic jerk (e.g., Eminem, Snoop Doggy Dogg, etc.) is the real man in this world, while the nice guy with traditional values is a weakling and a loser.

3. Women think bad boys are more fun to be with, while the nice guys who build model rockets and keep ant farms are dull.

Of course, those who believe that most women prefer bad boys could be dead wrong. What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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lol i think she should have reacted a bit different if somoene was doing that to her


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
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Originally posted by Stavrogin
I recently overheard a very attractive woman talking about how she was sexually harassed at some club.

While sitting at the bar, someone reached up her skirt and put his finger where he shouldn't have. When she turned around, she couldn't tell who the culprit was because the place was so crowded. A few minutes later, the culprit struck again; but this time, she caught him and told him to cut it out. She then left the bar and headed to dance floor. A few minutes later, the culprit apologized for his behavior and offered to buy her a drink. I was stunned as I overheard this woman say that she not only accepted the drink but later went out with that low-life for a bite to eat.

Few examples better tell the tale of womankind's love for the "bad boy." The aforementioned sicko broke every rule in the book - not to mention laws against sexual assault - and still got a date with a knock-out. This got me thinking about the possible reasons for this perverse phenomenon:

1. Women do not, in fact, like bad boys; the bad boys win these women by impersonating nice guys, while the real nice guys are too shy to approach women.

2. MTV, Hollywood, and the rest of the moral sewer that is pop culture brainwashes women from infancy to believe that swaggering, foul-mouthed, mysogynstic jerk (e.g., Eminem, Snoop Doggy Dogg, etc.) is the real man in this world, while the nice guy with traditional values is a weakling and a loser.

3. Women think bad boys are more fun to be with, while the nice guys who build model rockets and keep ant farms are dull.

Of course, those who believe that most women prefer bad boys could be dead wrong. What do you guys think?

I think two things.

1. Of course she was initially disgusted and felt abused.

2. She felt turned on by the audacity and the recklessness of the guy.

3. I am betting he was terribly good-looking. Like meself.

I guess thats 3 things, eh?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
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Well, yeah, she said the guy was "cute," but for crying out loud: the guy had absolutely no respect for her and probably has no respect for women in general.

[]D [] []V[] []D

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2004
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Does that girl have AIDS? cuz that would solve this whole mystery.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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southern usa
Originally posted by []D [] []V[] []D
Does that girl have AIDS? cuz that would solve this whole mystery.
She might now!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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Re: Bad boy police

Originally posted by ( . )( . )
And whats your point? what are you her conscience or something?
haha damn u sonned him


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
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If you were in a club and an incredibly hot chick grabbed your dank. What would you do?

Please close this thread.:crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
You sound like a level-headed dude Stav .. and can no doubt see that wreaks of shallow behavior.

You sure can't corrolate looks with decency, especially at the club scene. The majority of these girls are highly insecure with low self-esteems so they think some cute guy that's taking a profound interest to like her *goods* is a geniune thing. They end up dating these types, usually for a short while only to be dumped thus making them even more *fickle*.

Many actually think if you're not like the foul-mouthed immoral jackazzes you speak of, then you're not normal. It's really messed up but then so are they - devalued, impressionable, and no major life experience. Some never grow up either.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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I don't think that it's the bad boy attitude that dude has that turned on that girl. What I think is that, that girl is mentally disturbed or something and your lucky enough that you're not with her that night.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
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I have not posted here for quite some time but something about this thread intrigued me, especially since I spoke to my brother about this topic yesterday. For some background information my brother is very successful with women and currently has a stunning Eastern European girlfriend one of many he has had over his life. I on the other hand have had very limited success with women. My brother was tearing into me yesterday that I was way too nice to women and as long as I would not understand this I would get nowhere with them. He told me his secret was he had absolutely no respect for women and he would never treat them in a nice way. It was quite funny because he said it was actually very sad if you tried to understand this logically, he told me how doing the most pathetic things when going out with women brought him the most reward. My brother told me he himself did not understand it, but he told me what is there to understand if you treat women with too much respect and niceness it gets you nowhere and that I had to look at myself to see the proof. He quoted an example of his current girlfriend that had asked him in tears why he was such a bad boy a week earlier? He had no answer to her question and he told me frankly he did not care, but wound up sleeping with her one hour after she had asked him. Well I thought I’d just post this here for as some food for thought.


Feb 10, 2005
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Setlur55's reply was interesting, but there's not enough details to really emulate this "bad boy" attitude or persona.

1. Women do not, in fact, like bad boys; the bad boys win these women by impersonating nice guys, while the real nice guys are too shy to approach women.
This is an interesting take from the usual argument given, "nice guys aren't really nice..", but I think bad boys do impersonate being nice guys. However, nice guys do approach and fail. There's plenty of theories why being nice fails, and keep in mind even if your nice in reality, you have to be nice in the girl's perception.

2. MTV, Hollywood, and the rest of the moral sewer that is pop culture brainwashes women from infancy to believe that the swaggering, foul-mouthed, mysogynstic jerk (e.g., Eminem, Snoop Doggy Dogg, etc.) is the real man in this world, while the nice guy with traditional values is a weakling and a loser.
I don't think women are attracted to misogyny from an average guy. Females are very gender-centric and criticising the female gender will get you blown out quicker than anything. You can criticise a girl and this would be like a neg, but criticising women in general, I don't think works.

Well this guy did something braizen, maybe iit could've be considered desperate and pathetic. But she gave at least a token resistance to it. He apologized and buoght her a drink, I don't know how much of a "bad boy" he really seems. I think not enough is known about what happened.what kind of conversation ensued, and his appearance played a big part of it... Like the girl said "he was cute". Many here want to say appearance doesnt matter, but I think it matters a lot, the most.

I think too much is made of badboy/jerk, tactics and conversation material. I think many girls like some amount of braizenous, lack of inibitions, confidence, etc, but it's always about appearance and body language and nonverbals. Then it's just a matter of being able to hold conversation and the girl will be wiling to be closed.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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Well, given the choice whether to date a bad boy who breaks the rules and does new things every weekend VS a boring AFC who rather spend time at home playing video games. Which do you think is more exciting?