Woman demands to see a "White Doctor"


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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Hmm, I think she ate all the white doctors! :D


Jun 23, 2014
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Hmm, I think she ate all the white doctors! :D
I bet if her fat a.ss was suffering from a heart attack from all of those fried chicken wings she eats.......then she wouldn't give a damn who "doctored" on her, as long as they could save her fat a.ss life.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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I bet if her fat a.ss was suffering from a heart attack from all of those fried chicken wings she eats.......then she wouldn't give a damn who "doctored" on her, as long as they could save her fat a.ss life.
Yep, this fat asss bytch is DELUSIONAL. Who laid down with this whale? :rolleyes:

Yuck, I bet she stinks too! :confused:


This happened in Mississauga, just west of Toronto, where I live. Very diverse city, just like Toronto. Some people were defending her actions stating that she has a right to request a doctor who speaks English. But she kept reiterating that she wanted a white doctor who spoke English and didn't have brown teeth. Lots of native English speakers in Mississauga who are not white. There are millions of second generation 'non whites' in and around Toronto who speak perfect English.
This is where this woman lost credibility. If she was complaining that she needed a doctor who knew how to speak English that would be understandable as English and French are the official languages of Canada and medical professionals are required to be fluent in English in every province except Quebec, where they would need to know French.
But she kept stating white, in a city full of people of different colours, and that's why she is now being labelled a racist, which she appears to be based on that video.


Apr 9, 2010
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It wouldn't matter who the doctor was if her child was the one being treated. Now if she was the one who needed medical help, then I can somewhat sympathize. However, if as a mother you want what's best for your child, then it is best to let any doctor with the credentials to to his duty and medicate the child as soon as possible. A doctor's appointment in general needs to be made weeks ahead of time. Doing this probably made her wait for another four hours.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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Idk can you really blame her? I wouldn't care what race my doctor is or what culture he comes as long as he's equally qualified. The problem is this http://www.aei.org/publication/acce...irmative-discrimination-for-blacks-hispanics/

Affirmative action and other mandates heavily water down the quality of all industries. It shouldnt matter what race or gender you are, you should be held to the same standards of everyone else no matter what.

If you look at these statistics they're much less likely weed out poorly qualified black doctors, and most likely to weed out poorly qualified Asian doctors. Your best chance is an Asian doctors.

View attachment 820

Nice try, close but no cigar. Her kid(who by the way is biracial) was having chest pains. That is an emergency, so maybe she should have called the hospital FIRST and asked if there were any white doctors just waiting around and overjoyed to see a fat racist white lady who ironically has a biracial child
. :rolleyes:


I feel sorry for this child and people who think like you make it even worse. If you call what you're doing thinking that is..

Or going by your(lackluster) theory maybe she should move to an Asian country, or ask for an Asian doctor, since by your own admission THEY outperform WHITE doctors..

Or, do you mean to tell me that this lady, should ask a BLACK doctor how well he or she performed on their sat, mcat, act or uslme test scores and GPA? Because you are inferring from your post that black doctors will most likely be less qualified than white ones.

How would you be able to make that determine without knowing the information I posted above first? The only way to do that is to prejudge someone based on skin color alone


And so we must conclude that you are also racist, right? Or, should we assume that you mean NOT all black doctors are mediocre?

Shouldn't at least some of them be brilliant?

And so isn't it possible that she could inadvertently be doing herself more harm by possibly turning away a BLACK doctor who might be brilliant?

Again, because that information is not readily available to most people, then what kind of person would jump to conclusions and make assumptions unless they are a bigoted, racist person..

Is this what you're intimating here??o_O

This lady is a RACIST and she uses the "N" word all the damn time around her black neighbors.




Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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The woman was being obnoxious. But, I find the video posted somewhat obnoxious too.

The fact that some silly b*tch asking to see a white doctor becomes any sort of news is laughable, and shows how little racism there is when people get so outraged over some random causing such a minor fuss. The people on the video discussing her "lack of fear for what she is saying" strikes me as very unsettling too.

Honestly, I find it all just as bad.
How little racism there is? :eek:

If anything this video shows how unintelligent, petty and asinine racist thinking people are. :rolleyes:

The people in this video are acting just the way a normal person would act. And yes she's bold because SHE'S clearly the odd man out but because she is WHITE she feels entitled to special privileges.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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The fact that some silly b*tch asking to see a white doctor becomes any sort of news is laughable, and shows how little racism there is when people get so outraged over some random causing such a minor fuss. The people on the video discussing her "lack of fear for what she is saying" strikes me as very unsettling too.
well of course a white guy(you) wouldn't have a problem with the implication that white people make better doctors lol. you don't often see asians complaining about being considered smart or black guys complaining about being considered well hung,

the problem however, is the implication that not being white somehow makes you less skilled, and that's pretty universally offensive to everyone who isn't white, especially if they worked hard to get into med school.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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Well I didn't read the whole story. Nothing you said invalidates my previous post it's literally a fact. If you look at the numbers, they have to lower standards for blacks in order for them to me accepted into medical school or actually any universities. Sat scores matter, they show a persons ability. If they didn't lower standards for blacks not many would get accepted into schools. So either refute the facts stated in my previous post or get over yourself, its not racist for me to state facts buddy. Like i said i dont care what your skin color is. I care about what kind of person you are and i do judge people based on how they talk, especially how articulate they are, and, less so, how they carry themselves and how they treat other people, especially people that are in some form below them (like subordinates,or someone they have more ability than).
Dude, do you really want to ride this train?:confused:

What you stated is irrelevant..

Dont get mad at me that despite being white you have failed in a soceity that is designed for you to succeed. Its always the poor, unsuccessful whites that bring up all these irrelevant case studies, iq tests and other gibberish. The really talented and gifted whites are not being passed over for minorities that bvllshiit.

Again, like i stated earlier, the doctors race is irrelevant because you can not look at someone in that position and assume how competent they are, its a blind faith type of deal. However, there exists a minimal level of competency that has already been proven because its mandatory otherwise they wouldn't be a doctor in the first place. They have to have a certain level of understanding, intellect and competency to get past all the obstacles that are designed to weed people out black or white!

The most competent doctors are the ones would easily be able to rule out certain diseases by an mri, xray or cat scan and these types of tests are usually read by a radiologist. The attending physician is NOT the physician that is reading the mri, Ct, or xray. So they are NOT the ones making the decisions on major health issues. If they suspect something more simple they suggest a course of treatment with antibiotics and send the patient home.

In this case(chest pains) they'd they'd most likely suggest a cardiac workup, ekg, stress test etc.

I own an xray and mri bussiness so i know what im talking about. I have two centers one in Dallas, one in La and working on one in houston and would like to open one in Michigan.

Around oct 20' 2016 you posted this:

"Lately I feel like I've become a flesh containment unit for anger and hatred.

I'm Fed up with living in a halfway house. All the "staff" here I'm real cool with, we get along, and more or less I feel like they're my friends. they never give me a hard time and never act authoritative towards me."

By your own admission you are a failure and have your own issues to work out. Stop projecting your own faults onto others.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Idk can you really blame her? I wouldn't care what race my doctor is or what culture he comes as long as he's equally qualified. The problem is this http://www.aei.org/publication/acce...irmative-discrimination-for-blacks-hispanics/

Affirmative action and other mandates heavily water down the quality of all industries. It shouldnt matter what race or gender you are, you should be held to the same standards of everyone else no matter what.

If you look at these statistics they're much less likely weed out poorly qualified black doctors, and most likely to weed out poorly qualified Asian doctors. Your best chance is an Asian doctors.

View attachment 820
DAYUM.....that will leave a mark.

Soflobro, I'd say you ended this discussion. But shonolov will go emotional on you and try to move the goalposts, so I suggest just leaving this alone, let him be moronic alone.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
DAYUM.....that will leave a mark.

Soflobro, I'd say you ended this discussion. But shonolov will go emotional on you and try to move the goalposts, so I suggest just leaving this alone, let him be moronic alone.
That's probably what you SHOULD have did Mr handyman..

Goalposts??? LMFAO..o_O

This is laughable, I see you got more Jokes than you have toilets to clean and..

"Considering the 500 year headstart that whites have had on blacks in this country, from their own hand in the institution called slavery and later on, Jim Crow, a white person should be ashamed of themselves if they cannot beat out a black person for a spot in med school given all the advantages they have had in life.


You can hold any number of leadership positions, but without the right MCAT score and GPA, you’re not making it in to medical school.

If you don’t have the MCAT and GPA, you better have a damn good essay, fantastic bench research and amazing volunteer experiences among other things

If you didn’t make it in to med school and you’re white, you just failed. Go back and blame yourself and stop whining about the few spots that went to people who were better than you."

But, like I said before the doctors race doesn't matter and you can believe what you want to, but the people to be really worried about are the surgeon's, radiologist and people who really diagnose pathology etc.. If that's a concern to a white person like you then you need to up your game and be able to afford top notch health care..

Again, beggars cant be choosy!

But again why am I wasting my time talking to a poor, RACIST white man like you? You do handyman work for a living, you have ALSO failed in life, deal with your own inadequacies and stop blaming black people who are more intelligent and successful in life than you. :rolleyes:

And yes anyone who believes that a doctors race matters is racist, care to disagree?


Jun 23, 2014
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Affirmative action and other mandates heavily water down the quality of all industries. It shouldnt matter what race or gender you are, you should be held to the same standards of everyone else no matter what.
Nothing you said invalidates my previous post it's literally a fact. If you look at the numbers, they have to lower standards for blacks in order for them to me accepted into medical school or actually any universities.
Okay let's break this down further.......

- Here's a breakdown of medical graduates in a typical year. You will see that at least 60% of them are white and only about 5% of them are black: http://www.kff.org/other/state-indi...0&sortModel={"colId":"Location","sort":"asc"}

- Other studies further confirm that only about 5% (some report as low as 3.8%) of US doctors are black:

So there's very FEW black doctors in the first place, the vast majority are white (60% - 70%).

But your theory @Soflobro is that these FEW black doctors only got accepted and through the program due to some affirmative action program? Then, your theory EXTENDS to state that blacks in GENERAL get accepted and through college (in general), due to the same affirmation action program? Now....for degrees such as Liberal Arts Degrees, anybody can just "slack off" and pass through those programs, but correct me if I'm wrong @Soflobro:

- For Doctors: To pass through Medical School, don't you have to actually know your shyt, take up residency, and do a variety of other things to get through that? Don't they take the same exam and go through the same rigorous requirements to get certified, regardless of their race, or am I wrong on that?

- For CPAs: Doesn't every CPA have to take the same CPA Exam to become licensed?

- For Attorneys: Doesn't every attorney have to sit for the same State-based Bar exam in order to become licensed?

- For Engineers: Doesn't every Engineer have to go through the same rigorous program?

- For Computer Scientists: Doesn't every Computer Scientist have to go through the same rigorous program?

- For Nurses: Doesn't every RN have to go through the same rigorous program?

- For IT Specialists: Doesn't every IT specialist have to take the same long list of IT certification exams to rack up the various certifications?

If the answer to the above is YES, how does your theory make any lick of sense, that the black people somehow got through just because they were BLACK?

Affirmation action (maybe not in 100% of cases, but in the vast majority of cases) does NOT kick another race OUT. What it does, is allows black people who are qualified to do the job an opportunity to get IN, whereas before, said black people were not allowed to sniff at the door.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
The very few blacks that are doctors are held to lower standards.
but he already answered that nonsense:

- For Doctors: To pass through Medical School, don't you have to actually know your shyt, take up residency, and do a variety of other things to get through that? Don't they take the same exam and go through the same rigorous requirements to get certified, regardless of their race, or am I wrong on that?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Idk can you really blame her? I wouldn't care what race my doctor is or what culture he comes as long as he's equally qualified. The problem is this http://www.aei.org/publication/acce...irmative-discrimination-for-blacks-hispanics/

Affirmative action and other mandates heavily water down the quality of all industries. It shouldnt matter what race or gender you are, you should be held to the same standards of everyone else no matter what.

If you look at these statistics they're much less likely weed out poorly qualified black doctors, and most likely to weed out poorly qualified Asian doctors. Your best chance is an Asian doctors.

View attachment 820
FYI, there are tons of Indian doctors who are identify as Asian, but could easily be interpreted as brown. Anyway, there are plenty of women and men like that in America. Surprised that happened in Canada and not USA. Plenty of idiots out there.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
And those 5% were held to much lower standards than whites and especially asians. The very few blacks that are doctors are held to lower standards.
What lower standards are you referring to? Provide more evidence and facts to back up this theory. I know in my own profession (Finance/Accounting) everyone is held to the same standard. Again, with the CPA Exam, it's the same Exam nationwide, there's no CPA Exam for Blacks that's easier and then another one for Whites that's harder.

Of course there exists some very intelligent black doctors who are far above average ability, but they are very rare.
There are certain standards you must have to apply for Medical School and PASS Medical School. If the black guy got in Medical School and passed it, please show evidence/proof that they allowed him to pass with lower standards provided compared to the white students.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
What lower standards are you referring to? Provide more evidence and facts to back up this theory. I know in my own profession (Finance/Accounting) everyone is held to the same standard. Again, with the CPA Exam, it's the same Exam nationwide, there's no CPA Exam for Blacks that's easier and then another one for Whites that's harder.

There are certain standards you must have to apply for Medical School and PASS Medical School. If the black guy got in Medical School and passed it, please show evidence/proof that they allowed him to pass with lower standards provided compared to the white students.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Canada is highly underrated when it comes to racism, highly highly underrated.
Do you live there or just going by what you read or heard? I haven't read or heard too much, but I live in the great United States of AmeriKKKa, so it wouldn't surprise me at all.