Witty remarks made by girls


New Member
Feb 2, 2007
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girls constantly try to say stuff to put you under them, all the time, as everyone on this forum should know

is it right, to reverse the situation and make her realize that its you should be trying to impress.

if she says well atleast I don't do that, atleast im not as stupid as you. Should you come back with a witty comeback, ignore it?


New Member
Feb 2, 2007
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sometimes I can be too witty, like ill think of something that there is no possible comeback for, the kinda remark that leaves a sting;-)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
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harryg said:
girls constantly try to say stuff to put you under them, all the time, as everyone on this forum should know

is it right, to reverse the situation and make her realize that its you should be trying to impress.

if she says well atleast I don't do that, atleast im not as stupid as you. Should you come back with a witty comeback, ignore it?
It could be signs of interest..
They may do this if they suspect you're weak..
They may simply be trying to enjoy your company..

The Muscly Jerk


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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Typically, women who fire back with a smartass or witty remark are trying to make you stumble. In some cases, they are just wanting to take you off your A game, and make you look like a wannabe playa.

For me, it depends on my mood. If i'm in that good playful mood, and she turns it around with a smile, I'll return fire as quickly as I can.

If I'm already having a rough night, and I can see that she is doing it to get me to make a mistake, I'll return with a neg-hit. the prettier the girl, the stronger the hit.

(Hot Girl orders Vodka).

Me: Hey, you don't look old enough to be drinking. <smile>
Her: I don't see how that is any of your business <no smile, or slight frown>
Me: Well, I just don't want to see you earning 75 cents on your knees in the bathroom once you get hammered. <walk away> (my return implies that she is not only easy when she is drunk, but brutally cheap as well.)

I can hardly count the number of times I've had her come over and apologize for HER behavior after I put out a line like that, lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
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Personally lately chicks who start being *****es to me I don't sting them back I just start ignoring them. This basically makes them try to get you to start taking to them again. And it also forces them to keep respecting you since you must assume they want you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
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Make sure to laugh at whatever they said though like they are a joke to you.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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harryg said:
girls constantly try to say stuff to put you under them, all the time, as everyone on this forum should know

is it right, to reverse the situation and make her realize that its you should be trying to impress.

if she says well atleast I don't do that, atleast im not as stupid as you. Should you come back with a witty comeback, ignore it?
I have a problem at times with my mouth ALMOST getting me into trouble.

I'm a total smartass, and I have had to learn when to be sarcastic...and there are moments that you shouldn't. Ah, but I do have my favorites.

"Am I funny?" - "Yeah, but looks aren't everything!"

"I only have dollar bills..." "Ok, stop spending all your time at the male strip clubs."

Several ways to handle it.

1) come up with something to "one up" her. For this one, you'd better be prepared for several more good verbal jabs.

"At least I'm not as stupid as you..." "Nope, you're just uglier."

Or you look at her for a second, consider something... then dissmiss it, say "too easy." - If they ask "what?!" "Oh, I was describing you." (if it's a dude you're talking to, then add "your mom instead.")

2) One of my newer lines is: "well... da*n it, I'm just to proud of you for that one to be angry at you." You use this one sparingly. Myself? I don't often admit defeat so quickly.

3) You ignore it, or poke fun at her with something about her insult. Oh, you're bringing my mom into this?! What is this?! 5th grade?! Then laugh at her because she's childish.

Another idea is that you can practice with sarcasm on your male friends. My friends have a sarcastic sense of humor (hey, they're my friends, so of course we find each other funny!). So we have to be on our toes with our friends, and make sure they either can't get us, or have something good planned.

Some of my best and deepest friendships have gotten better through smartass comments. So I'm used to it a bit more, and I can defend myself against a woman's attack a bit better than if I were out of practice.