Winter BC - Week 8

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
This is supposed to be two weeks. I'll be on vacation so it might take me 4 more days until I can congratulate you if you made it^^


Sir Shinra

Now, it's your responsibility to complete every week on time. You have to:
- Do the reading
- Complete the exercises
- Write a Report at the end of the week
You may:
- Listen to the music (recommended to get into the mood )
- Report any time during the week in this thread
- Ask questions in this thread
- Give tips in this thread or a thread of the other BC-Groups
If you learn anything new that you think is valuable to others, you are encouraged to post this inside the Tips-Section.

In your Report at the end of the week please state if you were successful completing the week or not. If yes, I am going to move your name to the next week. If no you can either stop or give yourself more time. However, I am not going to take care of you anymore in terms of moving you name further. You have to organise yourself then but can still use this thread.

Each week starts on thursday morning and ends on wednesday evening. Use your local time.

That's about it as general information goes.

The link to the BC one more time:
or word Version:

There you will find each weeks reading material, music picks and exercises. I am just going to repeat the exercises in short form in this threads.

1) Number Close the next HB9 you see, no matter where and what the situation is
2) Go to a social place (bar, club, whatever) where noone knows you and approach several groups of women (3 or more) and close at least at one of them.

Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Mad props so far to sir shinra for getting this far and also getting this far in a foreign country that isn't exactly foreigner friendly.

SS how long you staying in korea for?

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Thanks for the encouragement Al Moh, AAAgent. I have to stay on my toes. I already feel myself getting lazy, since I'm done with my daily approaches and dates. Regardless, I'm still getting a number or two on occassion (and it feels better since I'm not OBLIGATED to do it anymore) and

Though I'm usually busy in the eveings, I'm keeping my weekly schedule full of dates. Have four lined up this week (minus one that flaked) I've also been on two more dates since Week 7 ended.

I feel like counting my statistics so far...

Approaches: God, I've lost count. Two-four a day for almost three months? Probably over 200.

Numbers: Well, there are over 150 numbers stored in my cell for the three months I've been in Korea. I'm sure about 2/3 of them are attractive women. Let's call it an even hundred.

Rejections: Lost count. Trust me though, it's a lot.

Dates: Here's where it gets nice-looking

Total dates went on: 26
Total first dates: 18
Total second dates: 5
Total third dates: 3

Number of dates that didn't happen because the girl flaked: 9
Number of times stood up: 1

Kiss closes: Here's where I can get a bit more specific... and where the statistics get much less encouraging.

Total women kissed: 10

Women kissed in clubs (aka drunk): 6
Women kissed outside club (sober): 4
Women kissed outside club (drunk): 1
Women kissed on dates: 3
Women who have initiated kiss with me: 1

Number of kisses involving tongue: 6
Number of sober kisses involving tongue: 1

Now it starts looking really bad.

Number of times reached 2nd base: 0

Number of times reached 3rd base: 0

Number of F-closes: 0

Number of women kissed who let me kiss them on the next meeting: 0
This is, without a doubt, my biggest hangup.

So that's all I can think of for now. I can go into more detail, but I've been spending over three hours at the comp typing up these reports. Time to go do some martial arts.

By the way, everyone in my martial arts class calls me a 'playboy', since I've taken so many days off to go on my dates. ;) I don't think I will tell them that that all of them have gone pretty much nowhere. ;)

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
AAAgent, I'll be in Korea for one more year, as it stands. I'm living in northeast Seoul. Do you plan to come this way?

I have a couple questions for you too.

1) I hear conflicting reports of Korean women from my friends/coworkers. Some say that it is easy to get them in bed, while others insist taking it slow. Which is correct?
(My hypothesis is to take it slow in the dating scene, and go for the insta-lay in the bar/club scene. Korean women seem kinda two-faced in that they'll pretend to be naive and innocent, and turn into a complete slut when nobody's looking. It's like they're not even the same person. What do you think?)

2) How many dates does it usually take to get to get the kiss close with a Korean woman? Is it worth pursuing beyond the second date?

3) F-close?

4) Can Korean women be trusted in an LTR? Cheating seems like a fact of life here. I actually had two cougars approach me in two days last week... on the train, not in the club!
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Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
i should graduate in june 09 and then take all the test/paperwork and i should be heading over whenever im done that.

Korean women are major social *****s. Their groups of friends/circles/looks,etc all mean A LOT to them.

Unless you leave a real good impression and make her feel like your different from all the other guys and not just trying to get in her pants if you hook-up with her at the club i'd say half the time you won't hear from them again.

I'd say in general they are freaks and love sex, but at the same time like any other female they want to appear innocent. I like to take my time and within a month or two i'll usually progressed from 1st,2nd,3rd to home base. By making them feel like your going at their comfortable pace, its easier to get them to open up. i've never had a hook up on first meeting with a kgirl turn into a f'close/relationship so if i see a girl i like, i get their number first. Get a good convo, and make sure i lay in 1 VERY FUNNY phrase/sentence that gets them balling, grab the number and eject. I set up the first date about 3-4 days later and go from there.

I make sure all dates are planned ahead of time. I give a kiss on a cheek on 3rd dates. Since the korean culture has all those korean drama's and want to be swept off their feet, i always think of something original that will always get the girl thinking about a next date with me and how im different from the rest of the guys. It's hard since im chinese and they're korean and their culture is really strict so im already at a disadvantage.

1st date-nothing
3rd-peck on the cheek but do it originally
4th-french kiss/with tongue at one of our places
5-6th-2nd base

i stay around 2nd base and just get them aroused by touching them all over but not directly touching her pvssy for the next 2-4 dates.

By then some of them ask to do it, some kind of force me into to it, or i just make the move. I get no resistance since i have never pressured them once into anything. If you take your time it just makes everything easier.

When on your dates, take your time to actually get to know them without letting the date get boring. I think the fastest f-close after we officially started to date was like less than 2 weeks. i was seeing her almost everyday though. and we dated unofficially for another 2 weeks.

cheating.... alot of koreans cheat. They hide it well, i find that by taking it slower, you build more of a bond with them. By prolonging the dating process you show less attention then they would like and they always have the second guessing thing about if they do something wrong if you'll be there or not, since your supposed to be the catch.

Have you bumped into any k-girls with the princess complex/k-girl complex? They basically think their the sh!t and walk with their head held high? I haven't been successful with any of those.

Are you looking for a gf or just fwb/many lays? I think it you play your cards right, you being white and decent looking should get you many lays. Alot of guys on the korealair forum get laid all the time. It does take alot of filtering out if u want good gf material.
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Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Wow, your view is a far cry from the mainstream thought of this forum, that I should be kissing a girl by date 2 and bedding them by date 3. So far I've just been trying to tongue kiss by date 2/3, and that's where I've been stuck so far.

How can I be creative with a cheek kiss, also?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
its two totally different cultures. east asians are probably one of the most reserved people. I'm not saying it won't work the western way but you will probably get different reactions and judging by your attempts you always get different reactions from what you normally expect.

haha i can't give you all my secrets or i'd have nothing left. I usually keep the date fun/casual/normal until the drop off or parting. then i trick them into looking another direction saying whatever it is and peck on the cheek and run off. They either call for me to come back or are just shocked. either way i don't look back.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Halfway done with week8, and I'm not satisfied with my progress.

Have number closed 3 HB9's so far... at least, I thought they were HB9s until closer inspection. Now they're more like 8.5s.
I think I'm just being picky. I'm now not approaching women that I would have otherwise because I'm looking for 9's... even with women I would have considered 9's earlier, I find myself being nitpicky and coming up with excuses not to approach them ("oh, her face is a little rough," or "her legs aren't as toned as I'd like")

Haven't even started on the club thing yet. My schedule has been packed with dates. :)