Winter BC Week 5

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Week 5.

Sir Shinra

This is were it starts getting fun. Don't forget to keep you numbers pool at 10.

If anyone is interesting in sharing e-mail, aim, icq, msn, whatever, you may post it right here.

This week goes until next thursday evening. That should be enough time for you to finish the exercises.

Now, it's your responsibility to complete every week on time. You have to:
- Do the reading
- Complete the exercises
- Write a Report at the end of the week
You may:
- Listen to the music (recommended to get into the mood )
- Report any time during the week in this thread
- Ask questions in this thread
- Give tips
If you learn anything new that you think is valuable to others, you are encouraged to post this inside the Tips-Section.

In your Report at the end of the week please state if you were successful completing the week or not. If yes, I am going to move your name to the next week. If no you can either stop or give yourself more time. However, I am not going to take care of you anymore in terms of moving you name further. You have to organise yourself then but can still use this thread.

That's about it as general information goes.

The link to the BC one more time:
or word Version:

There you will find each weeks reading material, music picks and exercises. I am just going to repeat the exercises in short form in this threads.


1) Set up a non-weekend date. You can go whereever you want to go.
2) Use techniques to raise interest level as discussed in the BC material
3) Always have ten active phone numbers

Good luck DJs!

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
no attempt to close (2)

1) Girl I sat next to on the train. Was giving me good eye contact, makeup artist. Didn't close because she told me she was in high school.
2) little wierd lookin one standing on the train, no time to close and wasn't that cute anyway

rejections (a lot)

1) girl in dollar store- I noticed her from close up, hesitated to approach and I think that's what killed it. I came up next to her and as soon as I said 'hi' the gives me a disgusted grown, flicks her hand at me dismissively and moved elsewhere in the club... what a ****ing *****, eh?
2) Western girl and her korean friend from cali - seemed friendly but no time to build rapport. After 3 minutes I ask for her number as she's leaving the train but she said she forgot her number (she's on vacation)
3) There was a girl on the train who smiled at me as I got on. I was doing another approach at the time (though not where she could see, as I was out of her audio/visual range so I didn't approach until 5 minutes later. When I did approach, the conversation went like this.
'hi' *she removes headphones*
'what's your name?'
'why you ask me your name,'
'do i need a reason?'
'that's kind of wierd. Whydid you ask me? '
you seemed like a nice person. was I wrong?'
'maybe. Where are you going?' *I tell her where*
*at this point, I go on the offensive*
'why you ask me that?'
'i thought you were going to ask me for directions
' i know where I'm going. I live here.'
'ok. bye'
'bye' *she puts headphones on, i stick my tongue out at her*
*disgusted grunt and rushes to door of train.*
*I take her seat. Least I got something out of that wasted interaction*

I think my two biggest flaws with the last approach were:
- Telling her where I where I was going before trying to turn the tables on her. Too compliant, no mystery
- Sticking my tongue out at her. I do it playfully, but Korean women don't react positively to this at all. Must be a cultural thing. I'm not going to do it anymore.

4, 5, 6, 7) Various other girls who just give me the wide eyes (or don't look at all) after I say hello, and they don't say anything back. If they don't bother acknowledging my presence, it is pointless to continue, right? This is where I start getting self-concious

Number closes (6, but only 5 count!):

1) I saw an HB8 wearing a bright red scarf which got my attention. After contemplating my approach for awhile (I think she knew she was on my radar) I ask her for directions. She looks at me confused, as it usually takes awhile for their English warm up. We enter the train together, and I sit next to her and start a conversation. Don't remember what it was about. We both get off at the same station, and I ask for her number. She tells me she doesn't wanna give me her number because she is 'afraid of foreigners.' That one hit my by surprise. "What? What is it about foreigners that is scary?" She tries to avoid answering, but I press on. She finally agrees to speak with me again. I can sense that she won't answer the phone... but I take the oppurtunity to notice the dangly doll thing from her phone is something a Japanese girl would do. I mention to her, and it turns out she speaks Japanese. This instantly made things much smoother, and we continued for another 2 or 3 minutes in Japanese. She seemed more open and happy to speak to me. I decided to test her interest by setting up a coffee date there on the spot. I ask her which of two days is better, and she says Tuesday. I offer a time, and then, oddly, she starts spouting the same **** (this time in Japanese) about 'scary foreigners.' At least, that was the only part I understood. I will call her in a couple days. Whether she picks up is another story.

Saw a girl standing by herself by the station exit, obviously waiting for her friends. I pass her by once, intending not to approach, then change my mind and walk back to approach her. She was very surprised that I spoke to her (they always are. The wide-eyed reaction is always disheartening... you know they're afraid of you!) Had some conversation about something fun to do in the neighborhood. I tease her early on that her friends probably forgot about her. Tried kino with a light shoulder touch, and she steps back. She looked nervous through the interaction. After 8 minutes or so, I try to number close. "I don't speak English well." "You've been speaking English for the past 10 minutes." She complies. I know this one will be useless.

I'm walking on the street and smile at a passing girl in a white scarf. She smiles back. I say hello, she says hello back. I walk forward a few feet, and decide to approach her. I ask for directions for something "beautiful" to see in the area. She pretends not to speak English but I got her warmed up after a few minutes of speaking. Did basic 'whats your job, etc.' Got her number, BUT like a dumbass, I hit the hang up button before my phone had a chance to store the number (my phone is stupid like that). By the time I noticed she had already gone into the Starbucks to meet her friends. I decided it would be creepy to follow her.

I'm conspicuously (on purpose) looking lost, staring at my map in one of the smaller stations. A girl approaches ME and asks if I'm lost. We actually have an interesting conversation, as her English is very good. She tells me she's going home from working out, where I tease her and squeeze her muscle, "seems pretty soft to me" I later lead her downstairs onto the station main floor, and challenge her to an arm wrestling match on the station bench, which requires us kneeling on the floor in public. "This is embarrassing." "I know, it's great right?" I tease her for awhile, making it look like she's gonna win. She doesn't buy it. I beat her. We're making good eye contact and talking about interesting stuff but there are periods of silence. I think I made a fatal mistake though. I change my plans to follow her to her station (I didn't get off with her, though. It was on my way home) whereas I was previously going somehwere else (in reality, I didn't care. I was only out to make approaches). I get her number pretty easily, but when I tried to set up a date, all I got out of her was what day is best (Tuesday) and then the door closes and she is gone.
QUESTION: Should I call her TOMORROW and arrange date for Tuesday, or disregard what she told me and go for a Thursday date instead?

I'm eating at a roadside food stand in a busy area of town. Two girls walk in and, upon seeing me, smile, but then begin scooting to the other area of the table. I made fun of them and start scooting the opposite direction. We get into a conversation, and I discover by accident that one of the girls (the cuter one) speaks Japanese (two in one day is pretty rare) so we have a little tidbit of conversation in Japanese while her friend looks confused. I know leaving the friend out is a mistake, so I translate the important bits. I got the cute one's number, saying I wanted someone to speak Japanese with.

I see a REALLY cute girl selling shoes in the mall, and I ask her for directions to the electronics district. It went surprisingly well considering how the rest of the day went. She was constantly smiling and giving me eye contact. She asked where I am from, and I tease her telling her its rude to ask where I'm from before my name. She takes me all the way up to the computer district, about a 5 minute walk, a big IOI considering she is supposed to be working. I causually ask what she likes to do for fun, and she misunderstands: 'with you?' I take the oppurtunity to tease her and call her a 'pervert' for her misunderstanding, but she misunderstood THAT sarcasm and didn't react well. I quickly salvage her attention, and ask for her number. She gets a little defensive and asks 'what do you want?" I tell her 'you seem like a nice person and I wanna talk to you again later,' She gives me the number.

I expected better results for being out for over 10 hours. Part of hte reason is I never follow the 3 second rule, and once I make the approach it seems like they had noticed my presence, and were thus very cold. I think they noticed me hovering around them (though I didn't make it obvious).

Another thing I noticed is that most of these girls seemed really AFRAID of me. In the past three days I have had 2 tell me straight up that they were hesitant to see me again because they find me 'scary.' What should I do?

By the way, one of those girls that told me I was scary, I ended up kissing that very night.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
are u still in korea shinra? and are you white/asian/black? i know for a fact alot of korean girls have attitudes that people consider *****y/feisty.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Yeah, the field report I just posted was of my first day back in Korea. I was in Japan for the past 2 weeks where I did week 4, and took a litle break afterwards. I am white, by the way.

Good news. I actually DID manage to achieve my bonus objective of kissing a girl before leaving Japan (on my last day, with 12 hours to spare). I numb er closed her at her workplace at the airport that morning (funny story, I accidentally showed up a day early because I read my flight schedule wrong), and arranged to meet her that night. There was no tongue, barely any lip, and she finished the kiss before I did, but it was still a kiss and she was an HB7.5 who wasn't drunk or even remotely slutty, so I think it's something of an accomplishment considering I had only known her for one day.

Intersting thing though, is that I actually had to argue with her to see her. same thing that happened to me yesterday: she told me straight up that she didn't know me that well and it's kinda scary. she asked to talk to my female friend I was staying with. I found this kind of embarassing and at first hesitated, but an hour later I called her back and let her talk to my friend, as it was my last day and I nothing to lose. She gave me directions to her friends place, met me at the train station, gracing me with a pretty smile, and took me to her friends house wehre there was a party with 7 or so other girls. Being the only guy, a foreigner who speaks Japanese, I was naturally the center of attention, and all hte girls were fawning over me. Only two were ****able though: the girl who brought me and another, a 6.5 or so, who was giving me "I wanna **** you" looks the entire night. An easy close, but I was going for the 7.5.

At the end of the end of hte night, both the 6.5 and 7.5 are walking me to thetrain station, and while the 6.5 is using the restoom, we are standing outside and the 7.5 is complaining about the cold. I use it as an excuse to stand in front of her and block the wind, at which point I try for the kiss, start kinoing her hands and hair/face as I talk to her, but she complains that my hand is cold so I take it off her face. We keep walking. When we arrive at the station, the 6.5 head inside, and I stop the 7.5 to buy her a warm drink from the vending machine. I hand her the drink, but keep my hands on top of hers, for the dual purpose of warming them and to try for another kiss. I lean in and get one meeting the lips. We go into the station, where the three of us talk until our train approaches, I and hte 6.5 start heading for hte gate, and after she goes, I drop my stuff and go for one more kiss with the 7.5. I get two this time. No progression to tongue or anything though. I wave bye to her, burst through the station gate (no one was there), and hte 6.5 and I ride to the main station together. She was giving me so much eye contact and the sexual tension was intense. I wanted to kiss her so bad and I know it would have been easy, but I would've felt like sleaze and I know word would have gotten back to the 7.5 and her friends, so I contented myself with the knowledge that I could just tease the 6.5 for the rest of hte night, which I did. It was a great way to end my trip.
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Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Report for Monday

Geeze, approaching in Asia is harder than I thought. I really need to learn Korean.

Didn't have time to go out and do approaching, so I decided to do what I did during the first three weeks and make approaches on the train. Here's how they went.

No close attempt

1) Sat next to a girl, carried a pretty decent, if broken, conversation. She was giving me good EC and maybe was intersted, but I didn't close because she told me she was in high school (although graduating this year).

NOTE: Why the hell are only high school girls and below receptive to conversation with strangers? This seemed to apply back home as well. It's like as soon as they graduate, they suddenly become shy and their ***** shield goes right up. It's an unavoidable rule. Anyone have an explanation for this?


1) I noticed a girl with a notebook from the other side of the train car. I sat next to her, said hello, and asked what she was studying. She is a music student, studying Chopin. I could tell she wasn't interested and didn't have much to say, so I stuck the basic stuff like 'what do you do for fun, etc.' This went on for about 8 minutes until my stop. Asked for her number, she says, "why?" I respond with "Why not?" She just looks back and forth at me and my notepad and says nothing.

2) Approached a girl that was texting and listening to her iPod at the same time. She takes off her headphones and I ask her if she likes hip hop, since she seemed to be dressed as such. All she says is "I don't speak English" in Korean. I responded with "I don't speak Korean either" in Korean. Since that's basically all the Korean I know, I dropped the convo and headed to the other car.

Number closes

1) I was scoping out my next target and I noticed a girl looking at me. I smiled and she returned it. I wanted to speak with her but there was no seat available, and trying to talk to someone sitting down while you're standing up is kind of awkward. I didn't see any other viable options, so I said **** it and talked to her while standing. It went kinda awkward at first and she had to ask me to repeat myself a lot. I noticed the dangly thing on her cellphone is something Japanese girls wear, so I asked if she had ever been to Japan, and she said yes, during high school. I followed up with a question that she didn't hear, when the person next to her moved. I sat down next to her and asked her what she does, where she works, blah blah. She was giving me decent eye contact (kinda looking back and forth between my eyes and forehead). When we got off at the same stop she tried to say bye but I told her I was going the same way (I hope this doesn't come off as creepy stalker, cause I really was going the same way). When it came time to part ways I asked for her number and got it without resistance. Donno if it's fake or not though.

In other news

The woman I asked in my earlier post whether I should call her the next day or not called ME telling me that I was supposed to call her that day, even though I never said that I was gonna call her today. We arranged a date for next Tuesday.

I also set up a date with one of my older numbers from about a month ago, before I went to Japan. Normally I wouldn't wait this long but since women here don't get approached by foreigners every day, I figured I could get away with letting the number go a bit stale. We're on for Thursday afternoon.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
my white friend went to korea 2 years ago and he said they dig white guys and go crazy over them at clubs. he got more than 30 numbers in 3 nights going out. people are more than willing to come talk to u to learn english and also help you.

He said the girls act really crazy though when u actually do call them. he said none of them picked up and the few that did went crazy on him.

they asked who it was and he said the white guy from the club and gave his name.. they then blatantly said,, y r u calling me and blah and acted really scared and freaked out.

the majority of the women i have dated have been korean and i speak some korean and conversational japanese. let me know if u need any help on the language.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Sir Shinra, you are doing great, this is very inspiring, keep it up :):up:

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Thanks for the encouragement, Al Moh. It's really hard to find encouragement on the field. I have to go make it myself.

AAAgent, I see where you're going with the 'girls go crazy over white guys in clubs' scenario and it has happened to me a couple times. Girls I don't know sometimes approach ME and ask for my number, etc. This isn't the rule however. For every 1 girl who approaches me there are 99 who have their ***** shield turned up to the max.

Adding to that, I am not much of a club guy anyway. The majority of the approaches I do are on the train or other public scenarios.

In public, things are much different. They're not in a drinking scenario so the social expectations, especially the 'Don't Talk to Strangers' and especially 'Don't Date Foreigners' principles kick in to the max. I'm starting to think that Asian women in general only like Westerners for a quick lay, and that would explain why your friend was stiffed when he tried to call them later on. One time, after a really bad night of clubbing (nobody would talk to me in that club, at all), I had a Korean woman pull me from where I was sitting and practically beg me to call her. I tried to kiss close her but she gave me the cheek. I never called her. I knew the **** was coming.

So, if you don't mind me asking, why do you go specifically for Korean girls? As far as Asians go, I prefer Japanese myself (and I speak conversational Japanese, which sometimes comes in handy when I'm speaking to a Korean girl and I randomly ask 'do you speak Japanese?' Makes things a lot smoother, if she speaks it well, that is.)


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
their more *****y/fiesty and they make the chase more fun. after u filter out all the bad ones and have the good ones, the independent lifestyle that most korean women have that shows they can take care of themselves and tell other guys to **** off just makes me have to worry about other pua out there.

I find them more attractive, although they have ALOT of drama if u play it right and filter out the right ones and get rid of all the childish/gold digger ones....there are ALOT of them. Their *****y standoffish attitude leads to a VERY loyal and caring gf.

i bet u it seems like a whole bunch of the girls think THEY ARE THE SH!T...even the ugly ones right?

i go about picking asian women different than white...

i think i had a post about why asian women are different before.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Report for Tuesday

I only have 15 minutes before hte net cafe kicks me out so I'll make this one quick:


Woman in a tan business-ey jacket at the grocery store. A little older but had a nice face and great ass/hips, probably one of the hotter women I saw here and was attempted to do a direct approach, but asked her where the cereal was instead. Turns out it was right behind me and while I was laughing at myself for beinga dumbass, she scampers off. Later I see her at the counter and she's checking out, I make fun of her because ALL SHE'S BUYING IS SWEETS, but she just kinda brushes it off and quickly heads out the door. Pretty sure she was creeped out

Woman on the train, I commented on her clothing but she didn't have much to say. Just let it go.

Another woman on the train. I noticed her scarf and hat matched nicely. I asked her where she got it and she just kind of ignored me and put on her headphones. I said bye (still smiling) and went back to where I was.

Saw a woman standing by herself on the street, she gave me a good smile. I walk a few steps and decide to approach her, at which point she sees me and instantly looks the other way. I know she knows I'm approaching her and that's why she's looking away. As soon as I saw hello her boyfriend comes up. Good thing I don't speak Korean. That was actually kind of embarassing.


Noticed a girl making eye contact with me on the stairway at the station so I walked with her, and ran into her friend. Turns out they were both in middle school. Once again, we have more of 'only the ones that are jailbait will look at/talk to you.' I don't understand this. And Korea is a place where it is really hard to tell how old someone is. The women age so well

Talked to a couple giggly girls on the train. I made fun of one for holding some math pamphlets, and her friend says "I like math," at which point I go "why?" They are constantly laughing and giggling, and the prettier one asks me where I'm from, an indicator of interest. I'm enjoying the conversation but it turns out their stop was the next one, so I didn't have time to build up more than a minute's rapport to ask for their number. QUESTION: Should I have asked for a number anyway? Better yet, I really think I should have gotten off at their stop to resume teh conversation, then catch the next train home. Would that not seem creepy/stalker-ish?

Email close

Approached a group of 3 girls giggling on the train, commented on one girl that her shirt looks like a lumberjack. The conversation was going pretty well and the prettiest one was good at english, as she had lived in Britain. Unfortunately she has to leave, and that leaves the one lumberjack girl that iddn't speak English. I tried to make something of it by writing down what I wanted to say, but she didn't understood. I got her email anyway (it really is that easy to get numbers here)

Number close

Noticed a cute older woman standing next to me going through her cellphone, and I notice a cute puppy on it, so I ask her about the puppy. She seemed really interested and was giving nice eye contact, but her English was also not great at all. I found myself using Korean half the time. I got her number anyway.

So there you have it, both contacts I got are probably useless because they don't speak English. Might as well try anyway.

In other news

I set up two more dates today, which brings my total for the next week up to four. These are Korean women however, so I am expecting a high flakeout rate. Hopefully not 100%, like it was during my first 3 weeks here.

One was one of my stale numbers from three weeks ago. A girl who works at the U.S. military base, so her English is good. She's only around a 6, but she seems interesting so I will meet her Saturday afternoon (sorry, couldn't manage a weekday for this one).

The other I called just a few minutes ago. She was my last approach on Sunday, the shoe-selling girl that led me to the electronics district. She is by far the prettiest of the girls I approached this week, probably an 8.5. What more, when I called her the first thing she asks is 'where I live,' so that's a big IOI as SHE wants to initiate the date. Fine by me. It took about 10 minutes to arrange a spot due to language/schedule conflicts but we're on for next Thursday.
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Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
I hope I don't have to finish the boot camp alone.

Speaking of alone, has anyone who has done this before/is doing this bootcamp gone through the same range of emotions that I have? Lately I have been so preoccupied with the bootcamp, it is always the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when going to sleep. I access this site every day, even at work. I eat, sleep, and **** the bootcamp. Whenever I'm on the train, I am always scanning for targets and when I see one, I don't feel good about it or get excited. I think "God dammit, there's an attractive female. I guess I should go approach her now *grumble*" and I think that's part of the reason my approaches are often met with a cold shoulder. I don't have the passion. I'm doing it because it's a chore, and I hate chores. What should I do about this?

My preoccupation with the bootcamp is starting to affect my psyche, in more negative ways than positive. It's taking up so much time and so much space on my mind, even though I'm talking to new people every day I often feel very lonely, because I know that the interactions are supposed to be light and I'm not supposed to reveal to women who I am until much later. I haven't had time to maintain my relationships with friends (admittedly, I don't have very many friends here in Korea), so I'm missing a support network. Of course, I haven't told any of them I'm doing this bootcamp. They wouldn't understand.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
It's not all bad, though. Here's a brief update on how I've been doing. Hit and miss. No (sober) kiss closes this week. It's not going to be as detailed as my last three responses. Next week will be pretty intense work-wise, but I will try to post one more time before Thursday.

The basics

I am approaching 2-3 girls a day (not today because I feel like I need a holiday)

I have more numbers than I know what to do with, and I usually get one or two per day. I have a bulletin board with numbers on it and I actually am starting to get track of who they belong to. Most of them I'm pretty sure aren't interested, but I'll give them a call eventually. Since I'm a foreigner I know they will remember me, so I'm not worried about letting them sit for week or two.

I have gone on two dates.

- A brief coffee date with a HB6 who doesn't speak English well. As a result, the conversation was pretty tame, and I didn't feel any sexual tension. I do think it was cute that she made a nice long script of things she can say in English, with the help of her afterschool English teachers. We both had something to do afterward so the date only lasted 40 minutes. Not sure if I am gonna call again.
(By the way, she was 30 minutes late because she allegedly got lost. I didn't mind, since the meeting spot was right next to my apartment)

- I learned something valuable about Korean culture from my next date. I arranged a week before to meet an HB6.5 at a train station about 3 stops from where I live. I arrive at the station, and send her a text stating that I have arrived. A minute later I get a message,
'What, why didn't you send me a text?'
'Why did I need to? We already agreed to meet at this time and place.'
'Okay, sorry, be there in a few minutes.'

I wait... and wait... and wait...
I even had time to approach one woman who was obviously waiting for someone. She gave me the cold shoulder.

Almost forty minutes later, I am getting pretty pissed. I get back on the train and start heading towards town by myself. One stop over, I'm about to send her a text saying 'forget it' when I finally hear from her... so do I go back or save my pride and teach her a lesson?

I went back. Maybe I could guilt her into a free meal. We meet at the station and upon seeing her face I couldn't help but smile, I don't know why. I put on the C&F, "your assignment is to think of a way to make this up to me," etc. She giggled (and did pay for the meal). Here's what she told me:

Apparently in Korean culture, the guy is expected to call either the day before or the day of the date. If he doesn't call or text, the girl will automatically assume that he is busy and is not going to show up, and that's why my message caught her off guard. She in fact, did not forget about my date but was actually stewing at her mom's house, thinking "I guess he's busy, so our plans are cancelled." When I called her, she had to shower, etc. Of course, she could be lying, and maybe she really did forget, but judging from her high interest level throughout the date, I'm pretty sure she was telling the truth. Next time I will send a 'friendly reminder' on my next date.

Anyway, were gonna meet for coffee but decided to go eat instead. We pretty much made up what we were gonna do as we went along, as she is indecisive and I don't know the city that well. Yes, I know it's a bad idea to go on a date and not know what to do.

We later decide to go bowling, and use the computer at the subway station to find a place. The date went well. She beat me three times. I see some great oppurtunities to kiss close (she's poking me playfully, looking back and forth between my eyes and lips, etc.) but didn't because it's the first date and we were in public. We later went to a coffee shop and talked/played for awhile. Upon running into her friend (who mentioned that she has been talking about me a lot, another IOI) we went our separate ways (Note to self: I let the date go on too long and should have separated at the bowling alley instead of going onto the coffee shop. We were together for about six hours).

Later that night....

Since my date ended in the clubby area of town, I phone up a promising wingman I met a few weeks ago and we go cruising for chicks together. We took turns opening sets but nothing came of any of them, even the ones who were Japanese (which is supposed to be my specialty). They all had boyfriends/weren't that interested, etc. At last we go into a really packed dance club, and he manages to pick up a girl midway through the visit. I made no progress at all. None of the girls would dance with me, even if I tried to do that 'just take her hand and lead her' thing the guys in this forum say to do because 'she'll appreciate how ballsy you are'. They all declined, reviled, shrank away, etc. All of them.

Anyway, around 5:20 me, my wing and his pickup (who really didn't seem that interested, they weren't kinoing or making out, and barely talking to each other), and another couple go eat at a restaurant, and none of us are in a good mood. I'm the fifth wheel, but I'm okay with that since it looked like my wing wasn't gonna get any either.

Me, my wing and his girl start walking towards the subway and he stops her behind me. They talk for a minute or so while I wait outside of earshot. Keep in mind, she's not giving many IOIs at all. Suddenly my wing walks up to me and says 'we're going to go chat at a motel, see you.' I just think to myself, "WTF??"

So he and his pickup start walking up this dark alleyway, and like before they aren't holding hands, locked arms, or even touching each other. How the hell did he convince her to come up to a motel with him, just like that? I don't understand! Any ideas?

Anyway, at this point I'm alone, the clubs are closing, and I'm feeling like total ****, and not because of the alcohol. Total failure. I woke up this afternoon feeling likewise. I told myself that this feeling is normal and necessary to progress in the boot camp, but it still sucks, especially since I know this won't be the last time my wing scores and not me.

Haven't heard from my wing yet. When I do, I will be sure ask him every detail of that conversation they had before going to the motel. I just don't understand the nature behind one-night stands, especially in Korea when it's supposed to be so easy for foreigners.

By the way, props to anyone who sat and read through all of this.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Sir Shinra,

you're doing well. Archimedes said: "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth."

This place to stand, like a foundation, is the sum of your hobbies, job, social circle and family. This BC is so much easier to do when you have friends to fall back on. It's important to get your mind off of it from time to time, so why don't you take one day off? One day of not even thinking about the BC.

This is by the way the reason I am not making progress right now, since I am struggling to maintain my social circle. Like you said, the BC needs full concentration which I can't afford right now.

Remember, your emotional world is about balance, and right now you are off-balance. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. If you can take it, go on. Your improvements are incredible, even if it doesn't seem to you that way. Approaching women might be like a chore to you now, but it'll become a habit and once you finished the BC it'll become fun and natural.

So my advice is to take a day off and then go on until you're all the way through.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Well, I had written up a nice, lenghty, detailed post that had taken me about 30 minutes, but then ****ing IE killed itself on me, so now the past 30 minutes of my life have been wasted.

Oh well, oneitis has taken much more than that from me.

Anyway, I had really good news to report, so this time I'll keep it brief as I'm running late for my martial arts class.

I made 2 approaches last night.

Both resulted in numbers.

One was an HB8.5, who was so into the interaction (I noticed the 'hair stroke' IOI and 'her eyes dart back and forth between your eyes and lips' IOI) that she asked ME for MY number (of course, I didn't give it to her without teasing her some more). I have never had an 8.5 express such obvious interest in me before, much less ask for my number.

Needless to say, I felt on top of the world.

On the way home, I made fun of one girl for doing the 'it's really cold' dance. You know, the once where they're bouncing up and down? That's what she gets for wearing miniskirts in below freezing weather. Anyway, she wasn't attractive and neither was her friend, but I enjoyed the energy of the interaction, even if it was one-sided (they were so busy giggling I couldn't gauge their interest level).


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
hey sir shinra, if ur interested in meeting dj's in korea, go to and register. there's a few american guys there in korea dj'ing and those guys know alot more ppl that would be willing to tell you good hot spots as a foreigner and also they'd be more than willing to meet up n chill and talking about djing.

as for korean culture, im very familar with it if you want to know more, shoot me a pm.