Windows of Opportunity


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
I read a lot of posts on this site that start with the words “I met this girl a couple of months ago”. 9 times out of 10 you have missed your window of opportunity. It can be saved in some situations but the fact is this. It’s much harder to fix what you’ve broken than it is to meet someone new and start from scratch. There was an old rule in the community called the 7 hour rule. It states that it takes around 7 hours to go from meeting a girl to sex. I never felt that rule was 100% accurate, but I now believe the rule in reverse. If you can’t close the girl within 7 hours it’s probably not gonna happen. Cut your losses and move on and meet someone new.

I’ve dealt with this problem in my past and I see it’s a huge problem I see with most guys that ask me for advice. What happens is that most guys get caught up in the moment and are happy that they got this far and got the girl on a date. If they physically escalate and get shot down, that girl will get mad and leave. The reality is she wants you to make a move on her. She wants you to succeed in seducing her. But you don’t. You fail to make the move on her. She thinks to herself, I like this guy, I’m attracted to him, but why is he not making a move on me? He must not be very confident. He must not be very experienced with women. I guess he’s not as attractive as I thought. Well he’s still nice and fun to hang out with. He compliments me and makes me feel good about myself. He buys me drinks and dinners, I can live with being his friend. You missed your window of opportunity. You have now been friend zoned. You will still continue to chase after her inviting her out to hang out, she’ll flake most of the time but when she doesn’t have anything else better to do she’ll meet you out somewhere. You still don’t make a move on her, but because she hung out with you, you think you still have a chance with her. You don’t, the reason she hung out with you is because the guy she wants to have sex with just blew her off. She hangs out with you cause she knows you will compliment her and make her feel better about herself. Don’t be that guy, close the deal the first time.

We also know that guy that meets girls in bars and hooks up with the girl the same night. If he doesn’t hook up with her that night its usually a few nights later. It doesn’t take him weeks or months. He closes the deal. This guy also usually never gets hung up on chasing one girl and getting what we call one-itis. This is because he knows he can go out and meet a new girl that night and close the deal with her within a night or two. What makes him different is that he’s not afraid of failure of his advances. He knows that more times than not he will be successful because he’s done it in the past. He also has a goal and a plan in mind. His goal is not to just get a phone number. His goal is to not just get a date. His goal is not to just get that first kiss. His goal is to get laid. He knows that every girl he meets and every conversation he has with the girl has to have purpose. It must advance and escalate physically in order for him to accomplish his goal in having sex with her. If you are not advancing the interaction to a physical level she will always lose her attraction for you. Take advantage of every window of opportunity. Make your move, take risks, and escalate the interaction. Bottom line if you don’t make your move you will lose the girl.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
Yeah, I can personally vouch for what you're saying. It's rare that you can turn a long term acquaintance or friend into a lover. You need to move faster really. I've missed many opportunities to jump on the romantic train early and then paid the price for it later. I did however once turn a friend I've known for 2 years into a girlfriend of 4 years so it's not impossible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
If you want to be a PUA, and all that matters is pu$$y to you, then yes good advice. However, pu$$y isn't the ultimate goal for most of us. Being a man and having core values and having a solid mind set stands value too. Nonetheless, good advice for PUA.


Mike32ct said:
I agree with this. A chick's interest in you is usually a limited time offer.
That's the same with most people though. A person isn't going to wait around for years until you pluck up the courage to make a move. I saw a girl recently who used to have a massive interest in me around 4 years ago and well let's just say I'm gutted I missed the opportunity and that was down to me not having any balls. She's a beauty, an absolute beauty, but she'll never be mine now and that's because I was a shy and unconfident. Someone should have banged me on the head at the time, but there we go. I'll not be making that mistake again. :D


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Quite interesting. I was actually speculating something like this recently. It doesn't really matter if you are patient sometimes; it wont just cut it in certain situations with girls.

They might like you now but then on 7 hours they will change their mind completely. Got to strike fast!

I have noticed my recently fails have been probably because I didn't acted in time. Heck!! I have been patient, desire less and cool but its not working.

Also that lead me to this conclusion was reading Gunwitch's method.

Better to be aggressive on the get go till you get a solid rejection then move on.
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Sandow said:
If you want to be a PUA, and all that matters is pu$$y to you, then yes good advice. However, pu$$y isn't the ultimate goal for most of us. Being a man and having core values and having a solid mind set stands value too. Nonetheless, good advice for PUA.
It applies to everyone; you need to strike early on because once her interest in you diminishes, you can bet your annual salary she will move onto somebody else.