will Antidepressants affect Bodybuilding?

anunimuus magi

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
So much for women, I'm an neurodivergent despite unofficial diagnosis, I just noticed it now. So will it affect body development?


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
Don't self diagnose, especially something neurological. Even if you have a chemical imbalance, changing your diet and lifestyle can have a much stronger impact than some drug.

Self diagnosing is also a way to sidestep being accountable for your life choices and their consequences. "Oh I'm not capable because of x disorder, so I won't try to change/improve. I am a victim of a disease/disorder."

Yes antidepressants directly and indirectly affect brain receptors and body development. How and to what extent depends on the specific drug, dose, and a myriad of other factors.

Have you exhausted all other resources to manage what issues you've noticed?

anunimuus magi

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
Don't self diagnose, especially something neurological. Even if you have a chemical imbalance, changing your diet and lifestyle can have a much stronger impact than some drug.

Self diagnosing is also a way to sidestep being accountable for your life choices and their consequences. "Oh I'm not capable because of x disorder, so I won't try to change/improve. I am a victim of a disease/disorder."

Yes antidepressants directly and indirectly affect brain receptors and body development. How and to what extent depends on the specific drug, dose, and a myriad of other factors.

Have you exhausted all other resources to manage what issues you've noticed?
Lifting consistently, motorcycle, but struggle socially (friends, relationships, etc)

My diet is not strict(I don't fully eat sheet but sometimes I wanna feel human) since I wanna enjoy life atleast.

In regards to women, very low result (but hey I'm getting lots of signals from milf, girlfriends, passerby, and insecure males). I'm living in asian country and collective mentality really takes a heavy toll for independent lifestyle.

The negative feeling doesn't seem to stop, Facebook reduced and so on.

Regarding to career and job, can't immerse fully with people due to being different


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
Lifting consistently, motorcycle, but struggle socially (friends, relationships, etc)

My diet is not strict(I don't fully eat sheet but sometimes I wanna feel human) since I wanna enjoy life atleast.

In regards to women, very low result (but hey I'm getting lots of signals from milf, girlfriends, passerby, and insecure males). I'm living in asian country and collective mentality really takes a heavy toll for independent lifestyle.

The negative feeling doesn't seem to stop, Facebook reduced and so on.

Regarding to career and job, can't immerse fully with people due to being different
Sounds pretty typical.

Why does a strict diet have to suck? Make it tasty.

Negative internal monologues are a sign that you see issues in your life. It's a blessing to have the awareness to know something could improve. Figuring out exactly how to improve is always a challenge, for everyone.

The last thing you should do is get frustrated or give up. Keep trying new things, often times novelty is all you need to remember what all life has to offer.

And sometimes you may feel crappy and not know why. It may be irrational, an echo of a past that no longer matters. One thing is always certain, the feelings will pass, and be replaced with other feelings.

Be patient, and develop a good relationship with change. When you feel a negative internal pep talk, counter it with a positive pep talk. 'I have my health, I have my bike, I have the freedom to go where I please and do what I want.' keep listing things until you remember to be grateful for them.

Get some social hobbies, where interacting with women is essential. Have fun.

Believe in yourself and in your positive pep talk. It can be easy to only believe the negative, but that's moronic. You simply must believe yourself and your ability, and that can start at any moment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
So much for women, I'm an neurodivergent despite unofficial diagnosis, I just noticed it now. So will it affect body development?


  1. differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used with reference to autistic spectrum disorders); not neurotypical.
    "there are some things that neurotypical people just know or can figure out and that neurodivergent students may need to have a model for"

anunimuus magi

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score


  1. differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used with reference to autistic spectrum disorders); not neurotypical.
    "there are some things that neurotypical people just know or can figure out and that neurodivergent students may need to have a model for"
Yes I've read contents like ASD and it's fine with me now. Getting red pilled somehow made me realize what everyone really is talking about and how I've always looked somewhere else while everyone is connected

anunimuus magi

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
Sounds pretty typical.

Why does a strict diet have to suck? Make it tasty.

Negative internal monologues are a sign that you see issues in your life. It's a blessing to have the awareness to know something could improve. Figuring out exactly how to improve is always a challenge, for everyone.

The last thing you should do is get frustrated or give up. Keep trying new things, often times novelty is all you need to remember what all life has to offer.

And sometimes you may feel crappy and not know why. It may be irrational, an echo of a past that no longer matters. One thing is always certain, the feelings will pass, and be replaced with other feelings.

Be patient, and develop a good relationship with change. When you feel a negative internal pep talk, counter it with a positive pep talk. 'I have my health, I have my bike, I have the freedom to go where I please and do what I want.' keep listing things until you remember to be grateful for them.

Get some social hobbies, where interacting with women is essential. Have fun.

Believe in yourself and in your positive pep talk. It can be easy to only believe the negative, but that's moronic. You simply must believe yourself and your ability, and that can start at any moment.
Thank you for the encouragement sir, it's exhausting, really exhausting but good thing there's always a realigning insight


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
youll have the worst E.D known to man, on all these meds. achieving orgasm is like a 4 hour marathon for which you will be sweating profusely..

listen to what @EyeOnThePrize says


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Disclaimer: I'm not a trained medical professional so don't listen to me and seek help from someone who's trained for the same.

Some antidepressants can cause weight gain, dehydration. Even excessive sweating, drowsiness, dry mouth, sleepiness. Stimulants could lead to increased heartbeat.

I'm not sure if antidepressants can make you lower muscle protein synthesis.

It's probably even possible that with good mood you'd want to go to the gym more.

Please consult an expert before making drastic lifestyle changes.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2021
Reaction score
I used to take AD's. I currently take 'bout 2gms of tyrosine in the AM and it seems to help.

But don't make any do anything without your doctor's consent, etc., etc.,................


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Don't self diagnose, especially something neurological. Even if you have a chemical imbalance, changing your diet and lifestyle can have a much stronger impact than some drug.

Self diagnosing is also a way to sidestep being accountable for your life choices and their consequences. "Oh I'm not capable because of x disorder, so I won't try to change/improve. I am a victim of a disease/disorder."

Yes antidepressants directly and indirectly affect brain receptors and body development. How and to what extent depends on the specific drug, dose, and a myriad of other factors.

Have you exhausted all other resources to manage what issues you've noticed?

There's far too many people self diagnosis. You see it with dorks on YouTube. Everyone's ex gf is bpd when really they got rubbish game.

Op get medical attention and a 2nd opinion.

anunimuus magi

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
It's been long but this comment still touches
Sounds pretty typical.

Why does a strict diet have to suck? Make it tasty.

Negative internal monologues are a sign that you see issues in your life. It's a blessing to have the awareness to know something could improve. Figuring out exactly how to improve is always a challenge, for everyone.

The last thing you should do is get frustrated or give up. Keep trying new things, often times novelty is all you need to remember what all life has to offer.

And sometimes you may feel crappy and not know why. It may be irrational, an echo of a past that no longer matters. One thing is always certain, the feelings will pass, and be replaced with other feelings.

Be patient, and develop a good relationship with change. When you feel a negative internal pep talk, counter it with a positive pep talk. 'I have my health, I have my bike, I have the freedom to go where I please and do what I want.' keep listing things until you remember to be grateful for them.

Get some social hobbies, where interacting with women is essential. Have fun.

Believe in yourself and in your positive pep talk. It can be easy to only believe the negative, but that's moronic. You simply must believe yourself and your ability, and that can start at any moment.