Why you shouldnt build a LTR based on a girl being hot...

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Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
BEFORE YOU READ THIS UNDERSTAND, this is no literary masterpeice the order probably doesnt make sense i had to rant so here. :D

I built an LTR off a girl being hot. I admit it, thats so AFC of me but I DJed her and made her fall in "love" with me using all my dj tactics. We'd click for a couple weeks then fight etc etc etc. You see guys, you can't just find a hot girl and make a relationship it's to hard, i did it and no matter how hard i tried it just wouldnt work out perfectly for to long. Some people try as they may, are just gonna continually **** up. She fell hard for me for about the first 8 months, a little sketchy at first but i always was back in her life a few days later. I felt like i owned her, I was even bored of her for a while. The true test of if you should be with a girl is when you have them completely commited to you, do you still like them 100% as a person? That's the clearest point of your thought process so trust it, Its like the 5 minutes after sex where you look at the girl and your like **** i wish i was at home...:D We shared alotta first's together and all i heard from friends/family was how shes so beautiful, we look 'perfect' together and how did i manage to catch a tall beautiful girl like that bla bla bla. You see i felt like she was the most beautiful girl i would ever get, she could easily be on tv, and she chose me. But it never felt quite "right". Her looks were so stunning that i would start to notice myself trying to change her personality and thinking i could make her suit me. I found out you can't do that. You cant make chicken salad out of chicken ****.

It has been a week since we broke up, for good. I know it's for good this time because she already is on the way to replacing me with some new guy she met at a party. I accept that and im only looking to the future. I dont have hope. I dont want hope. Hope is what makes all you *******s feel ****ty forever. When your hope for getting the girl dies, you see clearly and realize its over. I want someone new and even with that mind set the first couple days were hard, barely eating, puking even OVER A GIRL. And i consider myself a dj... It's so hard. :( I finally came to terms with it tho, since the day after we broke up when i went back over there to get my stuff, i decided i should just let it be a clean break and get her out of my life. She was so mean to me when i came over and for no reason other then she knew i wanted to be with her more then she wanted to be with me. I didnt act like myself, I usually would snap and get pissed but i Acted like a little ***** and i was like do you still love me? questions that you ask and you wait for the dagger to hit you and you wonder why you even ask. She said "No Ryan, GO HOME". After a year and a half it was just what i was used to and it was hard to just throw that away, but not for her obviously.

I've learned so much from this experience that i had to share it with all of you out there. I can't stress this enough, don't force an LTR with a girl based on beauty. It will ultimately fail. You will feel so good when its good, and sooo bad when its bad. Now im faced with the difficult task of replacing this girl and of course my ****y ass, i'll have to top her, but this time it won't be just in the looks category. I called her yesterday, to see how her life was going it was one of those things you know is a mistake but your weak and just do it. She was telling me how she doesnt really miss me cause theres somebody there to fill the void, and just being blaitenely mean to me. the kind of **** that would make you explode if you werent blinded by the fact that its over. Out of the 2-3 times I had talked to her I realized not one of them had made me feel any better. She trampled my pride, I made it clear I didnt want her back and i was only calling to make sure she was alright and because I care about her as a person, and she still treated me like ****, she then proceeded to bull**** me about how she was ina hurry to get to her basketball game and she had to go. She never tried to comfort me enough ever, not even now.

It was when I hung up after that phone call that something snapped in me. I remembered the old me, who didnt take **** from her or any girl for that matter and i had to make ammends for the past couple months of being a prideless vagina. :mad:

I called her back on her cell, she said "whats up" all bubbly. I snapped so bad and cussed her out. Who the **** is she to treat me ****ty when im showing concern? This ***** didnt value my feelings at all. It all finally became clear to me that I was the one that changed I became the ***** in the relationship who put up with things and for what? cause she had a pretty face? Real men are ****ing hi-jacking ships on the open sea and chopping down trees. I was an ******* when i met her and i was gonna go out like an *******. I owned this ***** at one point and now i was the one calling and acting like a *****? **** that. I Layed it on her, I basically told her to **** off every way possible and i would never let anybody walk on me like that again. She called back about 10 minutes later and i Yelled "Why are you calling me? i dont like you anymore stop calling me. bye" and i hung up. I felt in power again for the first time i saw her for what she was, a boring, ****ty gf. Who gives a **** if shes hot, shes a boring, ****ty, gf.

Moral of the story, dont let yourself get to into a girl because shes hot. I would never take that ***** back again i deleted her from my phone book and got rid of everything that reminded me of her. I hate her now. Her non-chalant additude that she got twords the end of our relationship finally got to me and i can finally say i am over her. Oh yea and ending the convo with "i dont care if you die" pretty much eliminates chance of the future ;) and thats what you need to do to move on. I havent been on this site for months cause i havent needed it or so i didnt think, but im gonna be glad to join you boys again in the dating world ha.

With this post i put the past to rest and im only looking to the future. :D
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Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
I can so relate to your story. Back in my afc days my first Gf was probably an 8.5 or so. Beautiful girl, but damn, what a *itch. I, like you, blew up at her and told her what a *itch she had been and told her she was nothing special. (all while drunk mind you).
I have learned something from the experience though, and I hope you do to. You gave her what she wanted when you blew up at her. She felt bad for breaking up with you in the manner that she did because chances are she has had this guy lined up for a while. Now she gets to live with a clear conscience because you acted like an a$$hole. It really is better to just let those things just pass. Never call her again and let it go. That incident alone taught me a lesson I will never forget. On the bright side of things at least now she is completely out of your life and you have burned any chance of getting back with her so you can start to move on.
In time you might feel regret for what you did, but realize that she pushed you too it, she knew your buttons and she was pushing them. You have no time for women like that.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I think you got where you need to be, but I gotta say, it looks like a pretty ungraceful way to get there.

There is always a strong urge to tell other people off. But in the end, it doesn't really do any good. It may make us feel better in the short term, but we'll always feel ackward about it in the long term.

And harbor no illusion about it -- it just convinces the person you are ranting at that you are an a$$hole. So why bother?


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
If your GF is treating you sh|tty shouldn't you call her out on it? It can be done in a nice way. I don't think you should just be silent and let her believe what she is doing is OK.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
To put it succintly, she may look great naked, but what are you going to do with her when she inevitably want to "Let's, talk about us." Let's...not and say we did.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
I'm committed to a tall, extremely hot girl. We're a great-looking couple and there's nothing wrong with that.

The point is to not be focused on her looks. Looks attract, but it should not be a big factor when considering your connectivity.

If she's a *****, then good looks or not you have to drop her. Looks are a bonus - the important things include:

1. you guys connecting

2. your conflicts resolving without grudges

3. living without a power struggle

4. enjoying talking to each other

5. having a relationship that is time-tested

6. enjoying excellent sex

7. keeping things light and fun

If you focus on beauty, you may be blinding yourself to a shortcoming.

About losing control and cursing her out...you're not her dad. You are no longer with her, so you should not give a damn.

What you actually accomplished was the opposite of what a reasonable person would want: You invested more of your time to show concern or try to improve her. Now you'll be wondering what her reaction is and you'll be constantly thinking of how you acted and how to justify it. She now has ammo to convince herself to never speak to you again, and speak badly about you to her friends with a clear conscience.

You got yourself involved again, when you shouldn't have been looking back.

I wish you luck with your next girl.

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Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
wow, its so wierd that its "over". the connection hasnt been there in a while it was more games keeping us around. id have to do other things to seem busy to keep her intrested and i dont really want a relationship like that. i seriously thought i loved that girl tho and at one point she loved me too.

so what are you guys saying, do i leave on this bad note and never look back and just imagine how pissed she made me to comfort myself or should i give her a call in a week/month and apologize for snapping and tell her we had something special and i dont wanna taint that and wish her good luck.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
Don't contact her again. If you see her and feel like you should apologize by all means do but now is the time when you need to move on and get her out of your head.