Why you should stay *No Contact* (my story)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
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Hi DJs,
Writing this post to encourage you guys to stay no contact. I'm sure you will find some useful lesson in this story. Here's what happened to me: Recently (this summer) a girl moved in next door and within 2 weeks we started talking. But I'm not really big on talking on the phone whether texting or calling, so naturally I set up a date for us to chill pretty quickly. She told me she smokes and although I don't, I usually have some ganja just to entertain my women guests if they do partake. She decided she would cook for our first time handing out and that I should come over. I bought something (alcoholic) to drink for myself, and the ganja for her. He hung out that night and had a pretty good vibe. She is sexy. I made the move on her and we made out and ended up having sex that same night.

As she puts it, I was "living the dream". I was a 31 year old man, killing my (hot) 18 year old neighbor. She was absolutely right.
(For older gentlemen involved with younger girls, observe my pitfall, and don't make the same mistakes)
We were having sex for several weeks before I fell ill and could not have sex for about a week and a half. But I didn't mind because this girl was draining me almost every night (and if she could get me to lay pipe in the morning she would gladly accept). I was glad to get some rest because of my short illness since, in the week prior to me falling ill, I was starting to make excuses when I would get her inviting texts: "come over if you want your d1ck sucked" or some other sexy message that left my jaw unhinged. "Sorry babe, can't come, I have to run to the grocery". Looking back on this, wth was I thinking??

In fairness to myself, I'm a pretty fit guy. I exercise for 30 min/5 times a week, but this girl was something else, and on top of that, I would have to work pretty long hours at work and my job is very stressful so I would be mentally drained. I knew we would not make it inasmuch as we were incompatible because of our mentality/hobbies/habits (she was a daily smoker, occasional pill popper). Our connection was that we were both home-bodies and had the same taste in music. Because of this I avoided buying any more weed for her, and tried to cut back with spending money on her in general (in the way of planning dates, etc). I was basically trying to keep things super player (to a fault) and just have a buddy to have sex with, but I was catching some feelings on the low. Admittedly, I could have put forth a greater effort to drill her into bed every night, but she was so into me sexually (she would get wet with just a simple touch from me) that I had the thought that maybe, just maybe, withholding sex from her some nights would make her even more infatuated with me? You guys will tell me if I'm mistaken or if this thought is just downright foolish since I've recently heard the saying that "there's nothing a woman despises more than a man she invites into her bed but doesn't go".

Moving on. After I recover from my illness, she goes on her period, and then the break up comes: I pick up the vibe that something is off with her energy. And one day, when I was supposed to go over to her place, she texts me not to come because she is with a friend. Two days after I go over to her and kissing on her she stops me and says we have to talk. She rolls out a long laundry list of things I have not been doing including only having sex with her 3 times a week, not opening up to her emotionally (only making small talk when I am with her but not revealing anything meaningful), that I come over and just sit stressed out about my job while she tries to make me feel better but just ends up absorbing all my negative energy; that I should not sleep in her bed if I am not going to pipe her down, and that I took advantage of her since I knew I would not be staying in this state and that she was wasting time with me when she could be out finding her future husband. (me not staying in state came out during the argument. Admittedly, I thought I made this clear but she misunderstood). Bottom line I told her she basically sidelined me with all this stuff.
Gentlemen, I was caught completely off guard, but I did know two thing, she had planned this very well and that there was some other guy in the picture.

1 week after this argument and no contact. I started seeing a guy sleeping over. This broke me. Although I play "the game" and I knew me and my neighbor would not last, I was upset to see this happening right in front my face (every night) and it made me regret ever going "grocery shopping". I knew she wasn't mine and it was just my turn, but I was still bothered seeing this. I couldn't help but look out my window for a recurring dose of pain. But although I was hurting I showed no outward signs. I started going out again, meeting people, flirting, getting back into hobbies and other things I should have been doing to broaden my life. I stopped being an energy vampire to those around me because of the stress I was dealing with at my job. I am still learning how to successfully deal with my stress (pointers would be helpful).

Anyway, I caved and texted her that she was wrong and that I did care about her and wasn't intentionally taking advantage of her. My message was short and I tried as much as possible to:
1). Not sound like a simp.
2). Not sound like I wanted her back.
3.) Magnanimously let her go and accept that we were over.

However, breaking no contact is breaking no contact after all, and generally, the advice I get is that I made a wrong move to reach out. She replied that she had no hard feelings and that we could still be friends. Her text was short and without feeling --it made me feel like the argument was her trying to get me out of the way so she could move on with the new guy, and that she didn't really care to be friends, but found utility in it. I (foolishly?) accepted because I didn't want to seem bothered that we were through. But both times since she has reached out to me, its asking for me for advice/favor. So far I have held up, but alas, this is the lesson gents: When you break no contact, you will be at worst-- a simp that is begging to have her back, and at best-- someone she can use conveniently.
Perhaps there are other lessons in here too, such as: if you're older, don't act like a bore, still be exciting, talk, LAY THE PIPE. Because women will always have other men waiting for their chance, waiting to have a stab at it (pun intended).
Maybe there are more reasons for us ending that she did not mention, maybe the reasons she gave for the breakup are all horse crap, maybe the other guy treated her better and bothered to spend time and money with her and genuinely liked her, I don't know. I have only now, after 3 weeks, come to terms with never really knowing in full. Let me know what you guys think. I joined this group just to share this story, but looking forward to sharing (success) stories in the future.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2020
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It was a nice experience but it seems like you invested too much emotionally in the end when you realized she got less interested. This made you feel frustrated. Ideally no girl should be able to make you feel like this but it's a nice lesson for you.
The fact that she replaced you so Quick could even led you to question yourself worth.

She is a monkey branching slvt like all of them and just wanted to make you feel bad/responsible for her monkey branching. She has all the Red flags you shouldn't even expect anything other than that from her.

You're right it was your turn and now it's over. It would have ended anyway even if you would've done everything perfectly.
Doesn't mean that you didn't any mistakes in the "relationship". But at this point you cant make anything better by negotiating with her or being nice to her etc. We have to accept our flaws and work on them.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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The best thing is to leave the door open in case she wants to come back and start sucking your **** again, but at the same move on emotionally and forget her if she's not cooperating. Don't worry about having to prove something by going no contact - just say what you need to say and then move on.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
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You guys will tell me if I'm mistaken or if this thought is just downright foolish since I've recently heard the saying that "there's nothing a woman despises more than a man she invites into her bed but doesn't go".
This sounds like a power move into compliance and feminist talk. At the same time we know that women respond better to men who challenge them.

I will say however there's a distinct difference between not having time for her because you're busy living your life, and turning her down in way she feels that you're not interested in having sex with her. First is attractive, second is not.

You had a nice situation going for you. This girl enjoyed you for some care free sex as long as it lasted and that was all she was looking for.
Don't be fooled by her words at the 'breakup talk', that was just rationalisations why she monkey branched to this new guy.

You can't take a 18 year old girl seriously, she will jump from shining toy to a better shining toy in the blink of an eye.
Of course work on your work related stress. Try meditation, forest walks and regular work outs. I found those to be the best.
You seem to be aware, don't let this girl question yourself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
I really don't like the term 'going no contact'. I prefer 'moving on'. You do this so that you stop wasting time and getting fixated on a chick that has lost interest.

Obsession happens when you THINK about someone. The more your mind drifts towards thinking about a chick, the more you get sucked in. Ignore her, stop checking out her social media, avoid anything to do with her and get busy with other things. When you find yourself thinking about a chick, get busy with something else, stop thinking about her.

Saying that you are going 'no contact' isn't enough... you really have to forget about her... if you are going no contact, yet you are still thinking about her you are fvcking up. In fact, it's actually worst than not seeing or communicating with her... because if you are still thinking about her... your imagination fills in the gaps with stuff that could take you off the deep end.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Leave them hungry.

OP, you started off well but had no staying power. This is classic case of too much too soon. You simply burned this one out. Gotta spoon feed yourself.

The correct play gents is to leave her wanting more of you than you are able to give. That means, you have to be unavailable. Never accept same day dates, even if she is your neighbor and the pvssy is wet and accessible. Use the counter offer. Push her out at least a few days. The pvssy will be even wetter.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2019
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Leave them hungry.

OP, you started off well but had no staying power. This is classic case of too much too soon. You simply burned this one out. Gotta spoon feed yourself.

The correct play gents is to leave her wanting more of you than you are able to give. That means, you have to be unavailable. Never accept same day dates, even if she is your neighbor and the pvssy is wet and accessible. Use the counter offer. Push her out at least a few days. The pvssy will be even wetter.
I feel like some guys are limiting themselves with rules like "Never accept same day dates".
If you have time and want to see her, do it. Rejecting and "pushing her out at least a few days" can make interested girls loose interest. You have to find a balance. Postponing dates does not work in real life. Maybe only if the chick is desperate, but who's looking for that?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I feel like some guys are limiting themselves with rules like "Never accept same day dates".
If you have time and want to see her, do it.
Mistake. Do NOT do this. This is called being too available. She will think it’s cute for a week to two like the OP likely did, then she will find herself losing interest. When they don’t have to work for you, they lose respect for you.

Rejecting and "pushing her out at least a few days" can make interested girls loose interest. You have to find a balance. Postponing dates does not work in real life. Maybe only if the chick is desperate, but who's looking for that?
Wrong. You’re going against human nature my friend. Scarcity increases value. No interested women is going to drop you for counter offering. That’s a contradiction.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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I feel like some guys are limiting themselves with rules like "Never accept same day dates".
If you have time and want to see her, do it. Rejecting and "pushing her out at least a few days" can make interested girls loose interest. You have to find a balance. Postponing dates does not work in real life. Maybe only if the chick is desperate, but who's looking for that?
I sort of agree...but experience has taught me that dropping everything when I get a horny text often backfires in the long run. I think the important thing is mindset, as usual. The OP should not have been banging her "almost every night" as he said.

What I don't get is that the OP says he was slammed with work and exercise but seemed to spend all his free time with her. If I'm that busy I need to be alone and I'd get sick of being around anyone that much, even for sex.


Sep 10, 2014
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Not necessarily. There are ways to do it properly that work. Otherwise nobody would ever get women back and it happens all the time. You just didn't do something that worked, that's all.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
It was a nice experience but it seems like you invested too much emotionally in the end when you realized she got less interested. This made you feel frustrated. Ideally no girl should be able to make you feel like this but it's a nice lesson for you.
The fact that she replaced you so Quick could even led you to question yourself worth.

She is a monkey branching slvt like all of them and just wanted to make you feel bad/responsible for her monkey branching. She has all the Red flags you shouldn't even expect anything other than that from her.

You're right it was your turn and now it's over. It would have ended anyway even if you would've done everything perfectly.
Doesn't mean that you didn't any mistakes in the "relationship". But at this point you cant make anything better by negotiating with her or being nice to her etc. We have to accept our flaws and work on them.
Absolutely right. I did invest too much in the end. Thankfully when I started to question my self worth, I thought on the amazing life I have, my great friends all over the world that I keep in touch with, supportive family and the career goals that I am working towards and have accomplished within the past 2 years!

She was definitely monkey branching and tried to project a whole bunch of BS onto me to justify me potentially judging her when I found out that she moved on so quick. In the argument she actually said to me "this is your fault, you put yourself in this situation."

Thanks Baibars. Definitely got my sanity back after that brief grief. I guess I have to work on getting a better handle on my emotions because even though I knew it was going to be very short term, I still found my self invested in the end when I got blindsided.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
The best thing is to leave the door open in case she wants to come back and start sucking your **** again, but at the same move on emotionally and forget her if she's not cooperating. Don't worry about having to prove something by going no contact - just say what you need to say and then move on.
haha, I was actually debating if to allow her back into my life or not. My foresight tells me that situation would look something like her inviting me over to "chill" sometime in the future and once I go there we probably talk and flirt. But decided that I would snatch back a bit more of my dignity by just politely turning her down. It may or may not come to pass.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
This sounds like a power move into compliance and feminist talk.

I will say however there's a distinct difference between not having time for her because you're busy living your life, and turning her down in way she feels that you're not interested in having sex with her. First is attractive, second is not.

Don't be fooled by her words at the 'breakup talk', that was just rationalisations why she monkey branched to this new guy.
Okay, thanks very much for this bcude. You're right, on two occasions where I was invited by her to have sex -> I was really going to the grocery one time and then another time I was out at a restaurant with a buddy from work when she invited me over after cooking. In the latter situation I had a genuine excuse which probably did not make her feel like I was uninterested, however the former situation probably made her think "he'd rather go to the grocery than come get in my bed". You made me realize there is a big distinction when turning a woman down for sex.

I agree with you that her 'breakup talk' was all rationalizations (to herself mostly) for her monkey branching.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
I really don't like the term 'going no contact'. I prefer 'moving on'.

Saying that you are going 'no contact' isn't enough... you really have to forget about her... if you are going no contact, yet you are still thinking about her you are fvcking up.
Yeah I was definitely fixated on her and the situation after the breakup. Mainly because I would see her and the guy almost everyday when I looked outside my window. My window became a constant source of curiosity and pain for me and I knew I was fvcking up. I am working from home currently so I have come to visit my family out of state and MAN, it has really done wonders with helping me move on.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
Mistake. Do NOT do this. This is called being too available. She will think it’s cute for a week to two like the OP likely did, then she will find herself losing interest. When they don’t have to work for you, they lose respect for you.

Wrong. You’re going against human nature my friend. Scarcity increases value. No interested women is going to drop you for counter offering. That’s a contradiction.
what it sounds like you're saying EyeBRollin is that economics state when supply (my time) is too great, my value goes down.
meanwhile andreihaha is saying just live my life and don't concentrate too hard with manipulating the situation (if I have time to see her, then see her, if I don't -- then don't see her)

But I think bcude said something profound in his post: "there's a distinct difference between not having time for her because you're busy living your life " and just pretending to be busy living your life.

What I'm gonna take away is that I should genuinely be doing things in my life that broaden it, and keep me busy. And if her or anyone else needs to reach me, but I determine that it will lower my value, make me seem to available or is just inconvenient for me, then I can simply turn them down because I have enough TRUE reasons for why I can't see them on their schedule.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2019
Reaction score
I sort of agree...but experience has taught me that dropping everything when I get a horny text often backfires in the long run. I think the important thing is mindset, as usual. The OP should not have been banging her "almost every night" as he said.

What I don't get is that the OP says he was slammed with work and exercise but seemed to spend all his free time with her. If I'm that busy I need to be alone and I'd get sick of being around anyone that much, even for sex.
That's what I mean. I don't limit myself but I also don't have every night to spend with a random chick. The inherent problem is not accepting same day dates, but having no other plans.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
what it sounds like you're saying EyeBRollin is that economics state when supply (my time) is too great, my value goes down.
meanwhile andreihaha is saying just live my life and don't concentrate too hard with manipulating the situation (if I have time to see her, then see her, if I don't -- then don't see her)

But I think bcude said something profound in his post: "there's a distinct difference between not having time for her because you're busy living your life " and just pretending to be busy living your life.

What I'm gonna take away is that I should genuinely be doing things in my life that broaden it, and keep me busy. And if her or anyone else needs to reach me, but I determine that it will lower my value, make me seem to available or is just inconvenient for me, then I can simply turn them down because I have enough TRUE reasons for why I can't see them on their schedule.
Dont overthink it. “Fake it until you make it” creates the same effect. Whether it’s “real” or not is irrelevant. Fact remains, by seeing her too often you dry up her pvssy. When you first start dating a woman, you shouldn’t be seeing her more than once a week. A greater frequency than that is a mistake if you want to keep her around for any significant length of time.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
Dont overthink it. “Fake it until you make it” creates the same effect. Whether it’s “real” or not is irrelevant. Fact remains, by seeing her too often you dry up her pvssy. When you first start dating a woman, you shouldn’t be seeing her more than once a week. A greater frequency than that is a mistake if you want to keep her around for any significant length of time.
I understand better now what you're saying. Let me ask you this:
For argument sake, let's say that she only broke up with me because I made myself too available to her too soon causing her juicy papaya to shrivel up toward me haha. Do you think if I had set a boundary for myself of seeing her not so often (once a week), this would have allowed the "relationship" to last longer? I mean, we agree that because of all the differences between us it was doomed to be a short fling. But just curious if you think she would of had a sustained interest or if she would have moved onto another guy even faster?

I ask this not out of any desire to beat myself up about this situation, I'm past that now, but merely for two reasons:
1.) out a sense of improving my interaction with (younger) women in the future.
2.) because of some advice I saw in a pimp interview that said a pimp should get as much out of a hoe as quickly as possible because hoes are fickle.

Not saying I'm a pimp, but I think the principal could be applied in this situation.



Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I understand better now what you're saying. Let me ask you this:
For argument sake, let's say that she only broke up with me because I made myself too available to her too soon causing her juicy papaya to shrivel up toward me haha. Do you think if I had set a boundary for myself of seeing her not so often (once a week), this would have allowed the "relationship" to last longer? I mean, we agree that because of all the differences between us it was doomed to be a short fling. But just curious if you think she would of had a sustained interest or if she would have moved onto another guy even faster?
The answer to this question depends on the type of woman she is. If she’s a healthy, sane woman.. she will be patient and gently pursue you. Women that initiate texts, calls, and dates cannot dump you; as that is a contradiction. The concept with pushing things out a bit is that she is put in a position of chasing and desiring, rather than you being in the position of over pursuit. What stuck out to me is that she was the one pushing you away.

Now, if she’s a structured woman, a controlling woman, or a whvre, she’ll try to whip you into shape like a puppy dog. She won’t react kindly to not getting her way. Ironically, her own need for control will also turn her off to you in the long run (if you allow it).

This may have inevitability been nothing but a short term fling. However, by tightening up the game and applying it consistently you’ll be in a better position when you encounter a woman you actually want to keep longer than a couple weeks. Also, this broad was a baby. Sex was all you were ever going to get out of her.