Why Women Don't Respect Male Commitment

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Well, never. It's like asking who has ever come across a mathematical point. The ideal is an idea we always have in mind, and towards which we strive. It's what humanizes us, and makes us ask what the Good Life might be....I guess it now goes by the name of self-improvement.

Any man worthy of the title [rational and self-determined] will examine himself, and then look to better himself by striving towards the ideal. I think most budding Don Juans would agree with this. The disagreement seems to come in our differing views of the ideal....yes, there is always an ideal/idea at work, however 'realistically' it is framed.

I don't think talk of the ideal involves 'pedestalizing' some particular women, but rather involves asking what an ideal relationship might be. And then whether some particular woman could fit into that.

If the "ideal" relationship you have in your head is not rooted in REALITY then you are setting yourself up to be disappointed.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2016
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But my posts are about men getting as much as possible from women while offering them as little as possible. My posts are not about how to be a woman's ideal partner.
I do get your points. I had to add not to elevate to a relationship in that case.


Jun 23, 2014
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So your passion is making money, investing, and working out. That's great.

Here is another question: If you never find a "tag team partner" can you still enjoy making money, investing, and working out? OR are you doing these things in hopes of getting a tag team partner?
No, those three things are my passion because I personally enjoy doing them. I honestly love my career, love investing, and love my workout plan. They really have nothing to DO with getting women, even though, they increase aspects of my attraction which contribute to getting women.

If I never find the tag team partner, my life remains the way it is right now. Right now, everything is pretty much great (besides these damn stomach issues I keep having). Women would just remain as entertainment only (sex/companionship/plate spins) rather than having any structured 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30 tag team partnership agreement setup with one woman in particular.

Life is like a cake and women are like icing. The cake is still good without icing, but icing makes it a little better. However, if you cannot enjoy the cake without the icing.. then you might have to ask yourself if you enjoy the cake at all. Maybe the icing is all you really care about.
I got a better analogy for you Poon King. As a man, we should bake our own cake and create our own frosting. Right now, my life's cake is already baked and the frosting is already there.

The Tag Team Partner is an ADDITIONAL CAKE that I get to eat off of....because the Tag Team Partner should come to me with her life's cake already baked and the frosting already there.

I go from having one cake to eat off of.....to having two cakes to eat off of.

But if I never find the tag team partner, I still have my cake and frosting in the form of my career, money, investing, workouts, plate spins, the ability to travel anywhere I want, the ability to go anywhere I want, and the ability to live life the way I want.

Here is a deeper question to ask
: If you found out you would never have sex again and never be with a woman again.. would you kill yourself? I have asked myself this question and the answer is an EASY "no". However.. if the answer for you is "yes" then you have lost the game.
Well, no because I wouldn't understand how that situation would ever come to pass? If I ever get into a situation where I can't acquire plates, I'll just buy some pvssy lol. If my dyck gets to the point where it's hard to get up, I'll get some Viagra. If I'm too old to fvck, I'll svck on a titty.

Women aren't going anywhere, so I'm not sure how I would ever be in a situation to where I would never be able to do anything sexual with them again? Now maybe if I become a vegetable or something then I guess so....but hell, I would have way bigger problems at that point which might have me killing myself for other reasons lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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@Poon King I think what @Tenacity is getting at is that there is more to life than just spinning plates. I'll use myself as an example.

I want to have children. I won't even entertain the idea until at least 35 years of age, but children is a long term goal of mine. It's about legacy. I'm not on this earth to **** bitches and get money forever. My business and personal pursuits include leaving a legacy in my community and a legacy through my children.

Yes, conceptually it is foolish to commit to one woman. However, that becomes more ambiguous if the goal is children.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Women respect what you can do, and what you can give...

They respect commitment only in that it makes you more WILLING to provide for her if your are committed. A uncommitted man is less likely to provide for her, thus she would prefer to have a committed man who will bend over for her at her whim.


Jun 23, 2014
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@Poon King I think what @Tenacity is getting at is that there is more to life than just spinning plates. I'll use myself as an example.

I want to have children. I won't even entertain the idea until at least 35 years of age, but children is a long term goal of mine. It's about legacy. I'm not on this earth to **** *****es and get money forever. My business and personal pursuits include leaving a legacy in my community and a legacy through my children.

Yes, conceptually it is foolish to commit to one woman. However, that becomes more ambiguous if the goal is children.
Exactly, it's what I said in this post here

To quote from that post:

It seems to me like this should be a guy's journey:

- Age 18 to 40 or 45: You figure out the game for what it is, build up your Sexual Market Value (which includes getting your money right), and spin as many plates as possible so you can fully understand women as well as understand the type of woman you personally would like to do something serious with.

- Age 40 or 45 Until You Die: You only deal with those women that you personally prefer to do something serious with. Note this could just be one woman that you are with from 40 until you die at let's say 75. Or it could be one woman you are with from 40 to 50, another one from 50 - 55, then one final one from 55 - 80 when you die. But you aren't spinning plates at this age, you are in serious relationships until you die.


Mar 12, 2011
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@Poon King

I want to have children. I won't even entertain the idea until at least 35 years of age, but children is a long term goal of mine. It's about legacy.
I think you are confusing the issues. Legacy and children are 2 separate issues. People would likely remember you more if you cured cancer or re-invented the wheel. Can you say Stalin, Mao, Hilter, Mandela, Chamberlain, the Wright Brothers, or Henry Ford did? Can you say if they had children?

I'm not on this earth to **** *****es and get money forever. My business and personal pursuits include leaving a legacy in my community and a legacy through my children.
Children does not necessarily mean legacy. Children means you passed on your genetics to your offspring.

Yes, conceptually it is foolish to commit to one woman. However, that becomes more ambiguous if the goal is children.
Again bro you are confusing the issues. If the goal is children, commitment to one woman has NOTHING to do with it. You can get a girl pregnant and have children, have a mistress, have a girlfriend, and have a wife. One has nothing to do with the other.

Even if you commit emotionally, mentally, legally, and physically to one woman because you want to have children, the woman could still turn a dime, bad mouth you and never let you see your child again.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I think you are confusing the issues.
No, I'm not.

Legacy and children are 2 separate issues.
People would likely remember you more if you cured cancer or re-invented the wheel. Can you say Stalin, Mao, Hilter, Mandela, Chamberlain, the Wright Brothers, or Henry Ford did? Can you say if they had children?
Children does not necessarily mean legacy. Children means you passed on your genetics to your offspring.
They aren't mutually exclusive.

Again bro you are confusing the issues. If the goal is children, commitment to one woman has NOTHING to do with it. You can get a girl pregnant and have children, have a mistress, have a girlfriend, and have a wife. One has nothing to do with the other.
Who the hell are you to tell me how I want to structure a family unit? What a great environment it sounds like to have a baby momma. Look at what I learned on SoSuave today

Even if you commit emotionally, mentally, legally, and physically to one woman because you want to have children, the woman could still turn a dime, bad mouth you and never let you see your child again.
Like hell she can.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
No, those three things are my passion because I personally enjoy doing them. I honestly love my career, love investing, and love my workout plan. They really have nothing to DO with getting women, even though, they increase aspects of my attraction which contribute to getting women.

If I never find the tag team partner, my life remains the way it is right now. Right now, everything is pretty much great (besides these damn stomach issues I keep having). Women would just remain as entertainment only (sex/companionship/plate spins) rather than having any structured 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30 tag team partnership agreement setup with one woman in particular.

So what are you complaining about? Spinning plates is getting boring for you? Then do something that's NOT boring. Simple.

Women aren't going anywhere, so I'm not sure how I would ever be in a situation to where I would never be able to do anything sexual with them again? Now maybe if I become a vegetable or something then I guess so....but hell, I would have way bigger problems at that point which might have me killing myself for other reasons lol.
You could get your junk amputated. It happens.


Mar 12, 2011
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Who the hell are you to tell me how I want to structure a family unit? What a great environment it sounds like to have a baby momma. Look at what I learned on SoSuave today
I didn't tell you. You said your goal was children. I said being married has nothing to do with having children. Now if you said my goal is to fall in love with a woman and legally marry her, and then have child, then that's a different issue.

Like hell she can.
Bro if don't think so, you need more life experience.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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I m not sure u have to throw out LTRs to stay a man. Multiple times I ve ended the relationship and that woman's been chasing me years later. I do find maintaining frame an ongoing challenge. PKs right they do try and chip away. E.g. we are going to a wedding for her best friend today. So she said I'll ring you at 9 a.m. to make sure we are on time. Which of course is a piss take. I said sure babe. And then just didn't pick up the call when she rang. This is what I'm working on pushing back the s*** tests in a non confrontational manner. I ll know I've got there when I deflect without even noticing them. You don't want to lose control of your life but equally you don't want every relationship to be a battle for control.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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No, I'm not.

They aren't mutually exclusive.

Who the hell are you to tell me how I want to structure a family unit? What a great environment it sounds like to have a baby momma. Look at what I learned on SoSuave today

Like hell she can.
I think you missed his point. Kids are not a package deal that come along with a wife and a dog. Kids are just kids.

I might have kids myself one day.. still deciding. But if I do decide to have them.. I will try to seek out a woman with a relatively high IQ, good genes and no family history of mental illness. I see having kids more as breeding than something romantic or amazing. The goal would be to have healthy and intelligence kids. No guarantees of course. I would then be the best father I can be to those kids. But guess what? The job requirement for being a good father has nothing to do with committing 100% to one woman. You can be an amazing parent and a horrible partner/husband/wife. At the same time, you can be an amazing partner/husband/wife and a horrible parent.

You can only control the "environment" a kid grows up in to the extent that you can control their mother. Since you cannot control women, you cannot control the "family structure". How will you ensure the mother of your kids does right by you and your kids? You can't. You can only control YOU. Committing 100% to your kids makes more sense than committing 100% to their mother.

A big part of the red pill is coming to terms with what you have control over and what you don't. The moral of the story is only a fool plans his life around what he expects OTHER PEOPLE to do. You cannot plan around other people because you cannot control other people. Men get married because they assume today's situation will be tomorrow's situation and they foolishly assume they have control over their wife's future behavior.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I m not sure u have to throw out LTRs to stay a man. Multiple times I ve ended the relationship and that woman's been chasing me years later. I do find maintaining frame an ongoing challenge. PKs right they do try and chip away. E.g. we are going to a wedding for her best friend today. So she said I'll ring you at 9 a.m. to make sure we are on time. Which of course is a piss take. I said sure babe. And then just didn't pick up the call when she rang. This is what I'm working on pushing back the s*** tests in a non confrontational manner. I ll know I've got there when I deflect without even noticing them. You don't want to lose control of your life but equally you don't want every relationship to be a battle for control.
The easiest way to "maintain frame" is to be true to yourself and your values at all times.

No one will stand up for what YOU want more than you. So do it with no apologies and don't allow women to use psychological fear manipulate you into disrespecting yourself.

MEN: As long as you always put your dignity ahead of pleasing women you will never lose frame.


Jun 23, 2014
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So what are you complaining about? Spinning plates is getting boring for you?.
I'm pissed off because I set goals and I fight with every FIBER in me to achieve them.

- I hit my college goals with the 4 degrees completion. I am still a CPA Candidate, I haven't sat for the exam because I don't need it but I could take 6 months off, prep for the CPA Exam, and add a CPA License to my resume as well.

- I hit my fitness goals. It happened July of 2015, I finally was able to see my 6 pack clearly in the mirror, take shirtless pics, and have women say how sexy I was. Since I was a kid, I ALWAYS dreamed of that.

- I have hit all of my financial goals every quarter since 2009. This year is on track to be my biggest financial earning year thus far.

- I hit my apartment and car goals, with plans to buy a house here shortly.

I have NOT hit my women related goals. My goals are not to spin plates, my goal is to find a chick that can be my Tag Team Partner and together........we kick a.ss in life, enjoy life, fvck bytches together (because she's bisexual), etc.

I haven't found that chick and it's pissing me off. What does she look like? She's at least a HB 6, with no kids, good finances, education, no weight issues, and with a good personality/attitude. I can't find this chick. Every chick I find is missing some of these criterion, which puts me in a position of having to SPIN PLATES with chicks I honestly....don't even want.

Bytches with kids piss me off because most of the time, the kids are by some Ray Ray and Pookie deadbeat, loser, thug idiot. Then you have the bytches with weight issues who refuse to go on a diet. Then you have the bytches with bad finances, I'm talking about she makes $20,000 a year and signed up for a $500 a month car note which also includes a $250 a month insurance rate because her credit is so fvcked up and she lives in a high crime area.

I keep running into those bytches and it's pissing me off. I'm not even interested in spinning plates nor fvcking these bytches anymore.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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If the "ideal" relationship you have in your head is not rooted in REALITY then you are setting yourself up to be disappointed.
Yes, I agree. And now we have to ask what reality is. ha ha. I think what's going on with 'red-pillers' is they have found philosophy, but only a truncated form of it; namely, modern philosophy. It starts with a purge of doubt, and then looks to rebuild itself, represent the world to itself. We call these fabrications Knowledge, and they spring from the desire to control our environment. And yet man, being what he is, is always free to see the fabrications for what they are.

So we have the 'blue-pillers', who base their lives on experience, and we have the 'red-pillers', who base their lives on philosophy, or, in other words we have the empiricists and the rationalists [the success and power of science perhaps lies in the harnessing of the two]. Of course, there was always the third school of the sceptics, which is the most consistent form of doubt; it throws doubt not only on social certainties, but also on the method of rational doubt itself; it allows for a degree of belief... where ideals themselves are irreducible to some notion of a base reality as explicitly represented to our minds. It creates a healthy distance between belief and knowledge and keeps us from dogmatism.. for there is always that gnawing doubt - am I delusional?

I think a Don Juan can happily say with Socrates 'I know I do not know' and yet still have a vigorous sense of reality. Reality is very much rooted in his feelings, which is why he sees the world in terms of Romance. He is more a poet and a Platonist than a scientist; a Renaissance man against any reduced view of the world.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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But my posts are about men getting as much as possible from women while offering them as little as possible.
That's generally the prime directive for all animals. Reap the most rewards with the least effort.

Problem with a lot of people (men and women) is they EXPECT something for just "being there." As if they were kids, and the "world" is their "mommy or daddy" who have an obligation to provide what they (beta-human) think they are entitled to.

Nobody owes anybody a goddamn thing. Nobody gives a goddamn what other people think they should do.

If you expect something, because you've decided to believe in some "social contract" or "the way things ought to be" that's on you.

And as The Buddha says, "pain is when you realize the world is different than what you expect."


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
I'm pissed off because I set goals and I fight with every FIBER in me to achieve them.


Every chick I find is missing some of these criterion, which puts me in a position of having to SPIN PLATES with chicks I honestly....don't even want.


I keep running into those bytches and it's pissing me off. I'm not even interested in spinning plates nor fvcking these bytches anymore.
Watch out for that perfect girl you will hit ... and when she will drop you.
How about all your goals then?

Relax and enjoy ur life ... without setting goals that need you bring closer to your unicorn. It doesn't exist.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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You realize that it's a philosophy based in pragmatism?

... who base their lives on pragmatism
Hard to reply to those sliced and diced responses. .. ha ha....but I like to think I'm a pragmatist of sorts also. I take it that pragmatists agree in their rejection of ideology/ rationalism, which is really just an extension of the earlier rejection of metaphysics. I think they then differ in what they hold to be of more central concern, or what we most instinctively desire; is it power, knowledge, survival, well-being, happiness etc.? It seems we are a bundle of conflicting instincts, and we seize on one, and then have the world revolve around that. Personally, I take happiness [though I prefer the more manly Greek term, Eudaemonia] to be my central concern.... and there are then very practical elements involved towards achieving this. Knowledge [so-called] can go to hell in a hand-basket if it means I must be miserable.

And then I take all things pragmatically and subordinate them to my rational desire, my Will. But this is an existential choice. And if everyone must make their own choice, then there is no right and wrong way here... that would be to slip back into ideology. No, perhaps things are just arranged on a scale, and one decides at a certain point to proceed along the scale... we grow, we expand our consciousness, we evolve. But we have to see the organic nature of all thought to do this. A pragmatist can never say 'this is how it is, everything else is nonsense'. That would be dogmatic, close-minded, and ideological. Wouldn't you agree? A pragmatist recognizes everything is up in the air, and can not tie it down.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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You are obviously here to be a game-denier, and preach obscurantism.

I won't be expecting any pragmatism from you any time soon.
Not at all. I'm just responding to the dogmatic nature of the thread title. All I'm saying is that there is a time and place for everything [a very pragmatic principle]. A time to game, and then, should you so choose it, a time for commitment. Why not be open to all possible experiences?

As for spending time on a 'gaming site', I'm ambivalent about that as I am with most things in life. This site has certainly helped me with meeting women, but I integrate its insights into my own view of life.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
@Poon King - after reading these posts it's clear your arguing with a young man in his early 20s @Tenacity who thinks he knows it all.

He's yet to grow up and figure out what women are and what they're after seeing as he is still chasing his Disney princess (tag team partner) - LOL.

Where I'm from @Tenacity if you are as great as you've made out with multiple degrees, property, nice car, body etc: then I'm very surprised you haven't shacked up with some blonde HB10 with big tits and a compact arse who would probably fall into your concept of 'tag team partner'

Besides unintentionally putting you down bro, trust me and ask any older red pill man there's no such thing as a Disney princess or anything similar.