Why the rest of the world doesn't accept how attraction works?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
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Even on this message board, we're not 100% sure how attraction works. But many of us have a good idea with some experimental knowledge to back it up. (And a few of us have read some theories about _why_ it works that way... evolutionary biology and such.)

True, we disagree over the importance of muscles or the effectiveness of a particular strategy, but most of us agree on the fundamentals: strong, dominant men attract women and physically attractive women attract men.

Certainly there are all sorts of layers on top of those fundemantals... the issue should not be oversimplified.

But if you visit anywhere else on the Internet (with the exception of other Community websites), or anywhere else in real life, people are living in what anyone in The Community would call The Matrix-- a set of society-created rules that they take to be truth.

Sure, I appreciate "common interests" just as much as the next person, but I never walk up to a woman and think, "she likes the same things as me! That's so SEXY!"

We have to acknowledge that when we feel an "emotional connection" to someone, that is natures way of guiding our mating preferences. It is nature's means to an end in the same way that pain guides us away from things we shouldn't do, and so on.

I feel so... alone... sometimes. Guys, aside from a few professors sitting in Ivory Tower style university positions who never go outside, a couple thousand pickup artists, and maybe another couple million "naturals" on top of that, the rest of the planet has absolutely no clue. They don't even have the slightest inkling of the truth.

Doesn't that creep you guys out?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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I think you might be either selling the rest of the world short, or building yourself up too much. Neither is right.

skills at seduction, like most things, is a continuum. There are a few at both ends of the scale, but most are somewhere in the middle.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
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Because the way that us as either DJs or PUAs have come to look at attraction isn't a very romantic or altruistic one. It's been broken down into formulations/routines/a game/science how ever you want to say. People don't like to think that other people have formulated ways to 'take control' (not literally take control, but I hope you get the general idea) of them, people like to think that they are independent.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Because seduction, like anything else in the real world, is an ugly process compared with the fantasy people like to imagine.

Its the same with anything - from business to "cool jobs". Everything is much more ugly than what people fantasise.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SparkleMotion
Because the way that us as either DJs or PUAs have come to look at attraction isn't a very romantic or altruistic one. It's been broken down into formulations/routines/a game/science how ever you want to say. People don't like to think that other people have formulated ways to 'take control' (not literally take control, but I hope you get the general idea) of them, people like to think that they are independent.
exactly.. btw, we are down to earth... take hollywood for example, their movies express this collective mind, expecting the perfect mate, the common divider or whatevah...

any idea, thought or ideology are interferred by experience, reality... needless to say, we are so powerful that our minds create entire worlds to hide fundamental truths, that may or may not transform our illusions in something we surely wouldn't like...

the human is good deceiving himself

"star wars" reality is better then ur miserable 5 days-8 hour- job

we create science to understand something that doesn't need any understanding, which is human nature itself


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Fvck Yeah!!!

Today's world is over adapted, religion, terrorism, sexuality, eqaulity, money, ethics.
Does anyone here listen or has listened to the band Rage against the machine? In the song "know your enemy" all of this is compounded in it.

diplomatic_lies... I couldn't agree more,

Because seduction, like anything else in the real world, is an ugly process compared with the fantasy people like to imagine.
Alphathree, you have hit the nail on the head.

people are living in what anyone in The Community would call The Matrix-- a set of society-created rules that they take to be truth.

We have to acknowledge that when we feel an "emotional connection" to someone, that is natures way of guiding our mating preferences. It is nature's means to an end in the same way that pain guides us away from things we shouldn't do, and so on.
Burn Society, fully and completly. We are monkeys trapped in cages (or should I say coffins) of concrete and plastic. The values and charictaristics perpetuated by the modern world, are, for the most part, vastly different from our natural human ones.
And our only advantage? our only hope? Adaptaion. We bend, degrade, over interllectulise and ultimatly destroy our nature.

Am I wrong? Please tell me i'm wrong. Please justify all the religious wars, the iraq war, the second world war, ALL (i'm talking most of the younger male population today) the afc's, debt, suicide, oppression, genocide.

Burn Society, fully and completly. Delete the baggage which holds back evolution. <---- Natural game

Right. We're consumers. We're by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty -- these things don't concern me. What concerns me is celebrity magazines, television with five hundred channels, some guy's name on my underwear. Rogaine, Viagra, Olestra.

Martha Stewart.

**** Martha Stewart. Martha's polishes on the brass of the Titanic. It's all going down, man! So **** off, with your sofa units and your green stripe patterns. I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve and let the chips fall where they may. But that's me, I could be wrong, maybe it's a terrible tragedy."

Sorry,a little of topic, but as you can see, this is something which I see everyday, modern day suffering.

Keep macking.