Why the Kavanaugh nomination circus should scare the sh*t out of each and every one of you

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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Correct, I believe they introduced that during the Last administration about 2013 with GOP opposition …
It was called the Nuclear option. Facts matter.
The Democrats did amend it, but allowed filibuster for judicial candidates. The Repubs are the ones who eliminated it for judicial candidates, so they could cram through Gorsuch, the other right wing shill, after refusing to hold hearings for any Obama nominee, in clear and direct defiance of the Constitution...treason to their country, basically, but Obama wouldn't fight back and just appoint a judge. That was one of the greatest failures of his presidency.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Chris Hardwick and Norm MacDonald

Chris Hardwick was hit with #MeToo. His ex-girlfriend accused him of sexual assault. Chris was deleted from the website of his own company he founded while AMC did an investigation. He was exonerated from the charges, the ex wouldn’t even cooperate with investigators. Nothing she said was out of the ordinary of things which happen in a relationship and no evidence was ever provided.

Norm MacDonald was cancelled from an appearance on The Tonight Show for saying,

“It used to be ‘One hundred women can’t be lying.’ And then it became, ‘One woman can’t lie.’ And that became, ‘I believe all women.’ And then you’re like, ‘What?’ Like, that Chris Hardwick guy I really thought got the blunt end of the stick there.”

So here we have an INNOCENT man who is EXONERATED from charges, but that’s not enough.

You can’t come to the defense of an innocent man.
The "Believe All Women" catchphrase/hashtag is maddening. I'm not saying that an accusation shouldn't be investigated or taken seriously. I'm not trying to introduce race into this except to say this: A lot of black men were either tried and convicted, or just plain lynched, because "believe all women." We're not that far removed from those times, except now it's what Clarence Thomas called a "high tech lynching" - destroying a man's livelihood. It's about who has power over whom. I guess evidence and corroboration mean nothing anymore, we just have to accept every single accusation as truth. #Salem


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Wrong again.

You really need to work on your facts and sources. It may explain the irrational statements and arguments you constantly put forth.


"In November 2013, Senate Democrats used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments."

"In 2015, Republicans took control of the I and kept the 2013 rules in place.[59]Finally, on April 6, 2017, the Senate eliminated the sole remaining exception to the 2013 change by invoking the "nuclear option" for Supreme Court nominees. This was done in order to allow a simple majority to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. The vote to change the rules was 52 to 48 along party lines.[60]"


May 23, 2013
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"In 2015, Republicans took control of the I and kept the 2013 rules in place.[59]Finally, on April 6, 2017, the Senate eliminated the sole remaining exception to the 2013 change by invoking the "nuclear option" for Supreme Court nominees. This was done in order to allow a simple majority to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. The vote to change the rules was 52 to 48 along party lines.[60]"
Good reply, but it still does not place any responsibility on the party that started this current Federal sh*tshow…
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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
So you would hire someone who walked into your business for an interview, and their references revealed they may currently have a drinking problem and have had some sexual misdeeds in their past ?
Except that’s inaccurate and it isn’t what happened.... Nice liberal diversion tactic there but it’s not going to work anymore.

A senate hearing AND an fbi investigation proved that blasey Ford was not assaulted by kavanaugh.

Yet you liberals continue to moan. You’re unhappy you didn’t get your way. Instead of using the race or sexism card to assuage every defeat in life you encounter, try growing up and dealing with it.


May 17, 2018
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I fear just the reverse. We are in a period where an ideological tyranny threatens freedom of ideas. Was at a fair today. Many people I said hello to are watching closely. And they are disturbed by what they are seeing (assumption of guilt; treatment based on ideological beliefs, etc.).

The good news is they all vote. The midterms are going to be a bellweather.
Maybe far right fascism would be a good thing for society. Sometimes things are counter-intuitive. Don't you think society was a better place as a whole when the nuclear family unit was the norm and the goal of most Americans?

The United States is far to kind an generous as are white people. We need toook after our own interests as a nation and as a race because that's exactly what other races and nations are doing. For exampledp you think black people give a sh1t about whites? No, that would sell us out in a heartbeat to make their lives better. We should do the same.


May 17, 2018
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Thank God he got nominated. @EyeBRollin there is Zero evidence he raped her. You're ridiculous. Even the witnesses said it did not happen. He has no track record of anything even remotely close to sexual assault or rape, unlike Bill Clinton. You have no foundation for a valid argument. This was an attempt by democrats to prevent a conservative from becoming a Supreme Court Justice and that's All it was and you know it. It's people like you that are the reason I even voted last election. Im happy trump was elected because it horrifies people like you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Maybe far right fascism would be a good thing for society. Sometimes things are counter-intuitive. Don't you think society was a better place as a whole when the nuclear family unit was the norm and the goal of most Americans?
Were we fascist back then? Anyway, if things were better in the supposed good old days, it had very very little to do with government, which only knows how to get in the way. As for your question about black people, that's a question that's to a man. Thinking about groups of people as monoliths doesn't really work.


May 17, 2018
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Were we fascist back then? Anyway, if things were better in the supposed good old days, it had very very little to do with government, which only knows how to get in the way. As for your question about black people, that's a question that's to a man. Thinking about groups of people as monoliths doesn't really work.
literally fascist? No. But many liberals these days would label it as fascism. I think it's possible for there to be to much freedom. When people have as much freedom as they do today (more so social norms being ignored).while media and marketing manipulates them and distorts reality it is a recipe for disaster. Especially look at modern feminism. The result of feminism has been horrible for families, women and men. Feminism went way to far and it was always going to go to far. You think it's ever going to get better?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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literally fascist? No. But many liberals these days would label it as fascism. I think it's possible for there to be to much freedom. When people have as much freedom as they do today (more so social norms being ignored).while media and marketing manipulates them and distorts reality it is a recipe for disaster. Especially look at modern feminism. The result of feminism has been horrible for families, women and men. Feminism went way to far and it was always going to go to far. You think it's ever going to get better?
I see your point and agree on the feminism point. However I think we're less free today, not more, overall. Government has grown and continues to grow, security and police are being militarized, taxes continue to go up and multiply, incarceration rates are astronomical, and speech is under attack constantly. Heck you can't even walk outside with a beer in your hand in this country.

I suppose you could argue that things are better in places like Saudi Arabia (from the feminism standpoint) but living like that wouldn't be my cup of tea.


May 17, 2018
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I see your point and agree on the feminism point. However I think we're less free today, not more, overall. Government has grown and continues to grow, security and police are being militarized, taxes continue to go up and multiply, incarceration rates are astronomical, and speech is under attack constantly. Heck you can't even walk outside with a beer in your hand in this country.

I suppose you could argue that things are better in places like Saudi Arabia (from the feminism standpoint) but living like that wouldn't be my cup of tea.
Believe it or not in Muslim countries the majority of men are treated even worse. It's funny he societies tend to only focus on the plight of women.

For example in Iran women have to be taken care of by law by a male family member, whether it's an uncle, father, brother. More women go to college than men, and they generally get more advanced degrees (but they just can't work). Either the government provides health insurance for women or by law the man taking care of them has to provide it. Little boys can be left to be homeless,and it's only illegal to rape women in Muslim countries. The income gap is even larger and if you're a poor man in these countries you'll never get a wife (premarital sex is illegal). Then you have wealthy men who have more than one wife leaving men with nothing single forever. So in reality, if you look a things objectively as a whole, women are treated better by Muslim societies than men are. In the west we only look at the negative cultural differences and say just because women are not allowed to have real jobs or their husbands can beat them, the men are treated better.

The majority of homeless adults in the west are male, in Muslim countries it's closer to over 90% male. Women have a lot of priveleges in Muslim societies, but these priveleges and protections are different. In the west women have traditional female priveleges plus male priveleges with laws that make it easier for them.

I've had women litterally take care of me more than once. In a Muslim country I would have been completely fvcked and very little chance to get myself out of the situation.

Muslim countries treat women objectively better than they treat the majority of men. The only exception of you're a man who has wealth.


The majority of Men have it less bad in western countries than in Arab countries. Women have it pretty good, in different ways, in both, but ultimately western culture is just better. Remember over 50% of stab countries are inbred which probably explains a lot.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2017
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There is a thing called due process. There are things that are needed to warrant a conviction. Evidence, witnesses and non contradictory testimony are up there on the list.
Yep. But people forget all those citizen's constitutional guarantees when they just don't like the person who is being sued. Law, then, is transformed into direct politics. But if the places were changed, soon they would argue that law is the law and must be respected. Sad but true.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Are those accurate?

70% chance of winning was still quite wrong.

I call bull$hit on that 40% crap too. Kanye has a lot of followers. HAHAHAHA!
No, a 70% chance of winning means a 70% winning.

Derrrrrr it means 3/10 times you will still lose. Do you not understand math?

Of course not - math requires critical thinking.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Thank God he got nominated. @EyeBRollin there is Zero evidence he raped her.
Strawman argument.

You're ridiculous. Even the witnesses said it did not happen.
This one is just called lying.

He has no track record of anything even remotely close to sexual assault or rape, unlike Bill Clinton.
If you think the three women that have accused him of sexual misdeeds are lying, just say so. "No track record of anything" is not factual.

You have no foundation for a valid argument.
You and your ilk continute to argue with false premise - that the abscene of evidence is evidence of abscene. No one put for the argument that there is factual evidence that Dr. Ford was raped, because only two people were in that room. Both of which have different accounts of what happened.

This was an attempt by democrats to prevent a conservative from becoming a Supreme Court Justice and that's All it was and you know it
Not a valid argument. Democrats were opposing Kavanaugh before this was even an issue. The opposed Gorsuch as well, who didn't have sexual assault allegations.

. It's people like you that are the reason I even voted last election. Im happy trump was elected because it horrifies people like you.
Good. Enjoy giving what's left of your money to your fascist Republican overloads.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
A senate hearing AND an fbi investigation proved that blasey Ford was not assaulted by kavanaugh.
They don't prove ****.

A Republican led- Senate hearing and a Republican-ordered FBI investigation from a Republican appointed justice department told Republican Senators that there was inconclusive evidence. Not credible.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Correct, I believe they introduced that during the Last administration about 2013 with GOP opposition …
It was called the Nuclear option. Facts matter.
The filibuster was removed for non-Supreme Court appointments by Harry Reid because Republicans used it in the first 4 years of the Obama administration more than the last 100 years of its existence. Mitch McConnell removed the fillibuster for Supreme Court nominees when Gorsuch was appointed.

Good riddance. The fillibuster is anti-democratic. They need to remove it for legislation also.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I said 70% of winning was still quite wrong, I never said it was because she lost. That was your assumption.
Wrong based on what? Explain.

If you go back in time you would realize the leftists were over-representing left leaning voters in their polls, which is why they got it so wrong.
Nope. The final results for the last 3 Presidential reelections were all with in the margin of error of the popular polling aggregates.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
They don't prove ****.

A Republican led- Senate hearing and a Republican-ordered FBI investigation from a Republican appointed justice department told Republican Senators that there was inconclusive evidence. Not credible.
Cry me a river dude. Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court. Have a wonderful evening
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