Why some guys just have it


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
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Some guys just have it
You ever see those couples were you just sit and wonder how the hell did he get her? So many guys and it seems especially the nice guys just sit aside and just wait for the scraps that fall into their lap. Some may be lucky and they get what they want but many won’t ever realize their full potential. I myself am a nice guy, in the past month I have been reading and paying attention to every social setting I have been around and realized so many things.

First off I wanted to start off with what most girls find attractive. If you ask a girl what she wants in a perfect guy, it will probably start out with, a “nice guy.” What a load of bull**** huh? I really started to ask myself why? Why do they all say they want a nice guy and so many of them end up in the revolving cycle of dating *******s and end up practically hating guys? Let’s look at the key qualities of an ******* first. Most of them when you meet them seem to be nice guys and lead the room. You can tell peoples body language start changing, as their influence increases over the room. I’m starting to think of them as “alpha males.” They are always calm and one thing I have noticed is they always enter a room with a smile and eye contact. One major thing about them is that they think every girl likes them. This definitely has its benefits.

Most nice guys like me however over think the process. Trying to be smooth, but what really ends up happening is that you end up ****ing up consistently. Apologizing too much, explaining to much, not talking enough or sometimes talking way too much to try and impress the girl. It’s depressing; I know the, whole time I’m stuck thinking on how I don’t want to lose this girl and what ends up happening? Yeah it’s a pretty easy guess. That’s one major thing I learned, girls send out so many mixed singles if you are meeting or dating them that it will drive you crazy if you pay attention to all of them! The worst part is if you do pay attention to them you are sabotaging yourself! It starts taking away from your confidence, and takes away from your image as an “Alpha male.” When you find a girl you like you must have the attitude that she likes you or it will be bound to fail. This is just what happened to me, my mood would change as I was picking up these signals, I would wonder if she liked me and it just keep spiraling downhill! If you think that she likes you, guess what you exude confidence, stay positive and relax! One thing I have noticed also is to not to say sorry and not to explain much. Confusing I know, but just stay with me. If you are saying sorry or explaining why you can’t do something it just sounds like a weakness. This lowers your status as an “Alpha Male.” Just say you can’t and let her ask why. It’s these little things that do so much

Have you ever been talking to someone and they just constantly look down, or have bad posture? You naturally get the feeling that you are the leader in the room and have control. Guys really don’t pay attention to this much but girls do. Girls consistently pay attention and react differently to you. If you’re like me, I have girls that really like me at first and then they slowly fade. I just recently had the “let’s just be friends talk,” and somehow worked my way back from it. How? Well first I realized I was being way too nice of a guy and was being not even close to confident. I wasn’t sending out vibes that I was an alpha male and I was doing what most nice guys do, nurturing her. When I say nurturing her, what I’m talking about is caring way too much on what they are thinking! Like saying “is something wrong,” and consistently showing weakness by putting her way to high up on your priority list. That’s why you can be as nice as you want but guess what? They will move on from you in a heartbeat.

The main thing that I have thought up that cures almost all of these, is that you have to love yourself and be happy before they will love you. Cheesy I know! But it really works, when you do you emit confidence and stop obsessing over every little thing they do! Just start thinking hell she would be lucky to have me! I’m a nice guy, and I will love her for who she is and she will love me for who I am.

I am by far not that good with girls but writing this helps me get what I already know more engraved in my head! Any questions or advice feel free to send it! This is my first article I have ever posted or even wrote so any advice would be appreciated on that to..
Alex Czerwinski
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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Very good stuff for a first post bro.

When you ask a woman what she wants in a man, she uses her logic. And as we know, women don't run on logic; they run on emotions.

Logically, they want a reliable man who is good looking and will fulfill all their 'needs'. Emotionally however, women are attracted to men who make them EMOTIONAL. It just so happens that when a confident (not even attractive) male acts not so interested in a woman, she will immediately be emotionally attracted to him.

Logically, their mind is saying : NO! He's an assh0le. But emotionally (vaginally), she wants to conquer this assh0le.

Lots of times women will LOGICALLY start to become attracted to a male, by telling herself that he is attractive and meets her needs. However emotionally, if you aren't tugging at her emotions, she will lose interest as time goes on.

This is the reason why men who hookup with many women, and move on from them, STILL have women interested in them. Not to say that you should be a manwh0re, but women definitely want to 'conquer' men who they can't obtain. In other words, you're that 'guy' that all the girls have been in contact with, but they can't tame you. You're a badboy who isn't needy for women.

On the flip side, there are those men who just think 'Relationship, love, movies, etc' and they come off as needy and completely obtainable. Women don't find this attractive. You could be the best looking dude in the world with a 10' c0ck, but if you can be tamed easily, she'll look for something different.

This is why you find ugly men with hot women, and attractive men struggling with hot women A LOT of the time.

Neediness is the key word here.. the more needy you are, the less attractive you look.

It's always frustrating to us men who don't like this game. Personally, I don't want a female who is hard to obtain. Yes, I don't want the town slut, but I do want a chick who isn't putting me on an emotional rollercoaster all the time. This is where men and women differ.. although there are always exceptions.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
It's true, I was seeing this girl the past month or so and the more I cared the less she did! It was a great learning experience for me. We had dinner plans but before it she texted me and said that she just wanted to make sure and say that we were just going as friends.. Naturally I was deflated but it didn't stop me at all.. I texted her back and said, "well I don't want to make an uncomfortable situation, I honestly don't give a sh!t whether we go out, I just want to go out for some good food." It worked like a charm sending her emotions haywire and sure enough a couple nights later we were sleeping together.
The one thing I have problems with is when there is other people around. My game hits the floor unless I am one on one with the girl. With this same girl the last couple times I have hung out with her family and friends and I haven't been able to maintain her interest. Any advice on maintaining her interest with other people there?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
We had dinner plans but before it she texted me and said that she just wanted to make sure and say that we were just going as friends.. Naturally I was deflated but it didn't stop me at all.. I texted her back and said, "well I don't want to make an uncomfortable situation, I honestly don't give a sh!t whether we go out, I just want to go out for some good food." It worked like a charm sending her emotions haywire and sure enough a couple nights later we were sleeping together.
Yeah, they tell you around here a lot that once you get in the friend zone you can't get out, but I don't find that to be true. Your situation is a perfect example of it. I think that if you're just getting to know a girl and she wants to call it friendship, that's okay. You can just be casual and blow through it.

Maybe she's testing you to see if you will freak out if she just wants to be friends, I don't know. If you don't freak out, you pass the test. But I've had the same experience, a girl starts out saying we'll just hang out as friends but if you keep up a sexual vibe she'll break down and go with it. Now if you have a relationship and then get LJBF'd that's probably hard to recover from.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Its a good post but for christ sake use paragraphs. It is hard to read when you just throw a bulk of text at us.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
zekko said:
Yeah, they tell you around here a lot that once you get in the friend zone you can't get out, but I don't find that to be true. Your situation is a perfect example of it. I think that if you're just getting to know a girl and she wants to call it friendship, that's okay. You can just be casual and blow through it.

Maybe she's testing you to see if you will freak out if she just wants to be friends, I don't know. If you don't freak out, you pass the test. But I've had the same experience, a girl starts out saying we'll just hang out as friends but if you keep up a sexual vibe she'll break down and go with it. Now if you have a relationship and then get LJBF'd that's probably hard to recover from.
Alright, so a girl told me she just wanted to be friends, and she has a boyfriend, but she flirts with me all the time and talks about sex every time we converse...now do I act all like "Right, of course, I wouldn't sleep with you because ____ and I just want to be friends!" and then keep up the sexual vibe, or do I say (obv. paraphrasing) "You're too damn sexy to be friends with, and you know I'm a cutie, we should f*ck!" or what?

I've already told her I want to have sex with her...a very detailed conversation about sex ensued...but you know how girls are, it could still f*ck with her head if I told her I just wanted to be friends.

Oh and I might add that my idiot female friend told her I'm a virgin the moment I met her, so that puts me at a little disadvantage.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
If it was me I would probably go with the flow and whatever you do, don't talk about her boyfriend.. This is were Kino comes into play, whenever you can try and touch her on the arm or something(not in a creepy way but casually) and it will start to ignite emotions in her. From the sounds of it I think that she wants you or she is one big a$s tease. SO think that she wants you! You'll give of more confident vibes and that might push her over the edge. That's the best bet, don't emphasize on talking your way through this.. I would say just get her comfortable and wait for that moment.. I wouldn't strive to have sex right off the bat, just think about making that kiss and see where it goes from there