"Why me" by FJR ---> I do not agree


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Me?
by FJR

One of the techniques I learned as a professional salesman is the "Why did you buy from me?" question that drastically reduces cancellation rates and increases customer satisfaction.

The bottom line is after a deal is signed, right before you leave your new customer's office, you ask, "I was wondering, considering all the competitors you looked at, why did you finally buy from me?"

The guy will then go on about how great you are, how much you impressed him, and how comfortable he is doing business with you.

Since dating is really no different than selling (in dating the product you are selling is YOU), this same technique works very well.

During the first date, when you reach one of those uncomfortable silences that inevitably comes up at some point in the conversation, you simply look the girl in the eye and ask, "I was wondering, what was it that made you say yes when I asked you out?"

She'll then go into how attractive you are, how sexy, how intelligent, successful, well dressed, impressive, etc. She is answering all of her "why not" questions before she even gets to the point of asking herself, "Why not this guy?"

On a subconscious level she will feel more connected to you and feel like she really made the right decision by going out with you instead of some other guy.

I started using this on first dates and found that the rate of women not calling me back after the date has gone down significantly, and that the second, third, etc. dates will move more quickly into touching, making out, and ultimately sex.

Try it - it works!"

This article was on the sosuave main page today. I must say that I don't agree with this article at all. It is dangerous advice. Asking why you were picked can too easily be interpreted as lack of confidence. Why would a confident man ask WHY he was picked!? He KNOWS why he was picked. He was the BEST, simply put.

Asking why you were picked can also be interpreted as neediness since asking why she picked you can also easily be interpreted as you seeking validation from her.

It's like those annoying attractive girls who constantly complain about being too fat or ugly---they are just looking for validation and for some chump to tell her she is so beautiful, etc, etc. Sad thing is that this person actually thinks he is going to get any from her.

Anyways, that is my opinion.



Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Not all this stuff is right on this site, and not all of it wrong.

I didn't agree and would NEVER use it, but you know...it's great if it works for him.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
PAY ATTENTION to his wording.

He doesn't say "why did you pick me?"

He says "what MADE YOU say yes?"

There's a huge difference in the meaning between those 2 statements. The 2nd statement sort of subtley says that you already know she likes you.
