Why many men are refusing to get married.

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Apr 23, 2015
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Trump said:
Not sure how the mods ban PlayHerMan for using some strong language to get the point across, and then posters like Hollowpoints and Pena, who shame, confuse, and argue every point by the top posters are allowed to continue in here.

Its a free country and you can say what you want, but this site is about HELPING men, not confusing and shaming them, and they don't offer any solid evidence to their statements, they just want guys to get married as quick and as fast as possible in 2015.
This site is about unlocking mens potential and deprogramming them from some really bad things.


May 13, 2015
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Trump said:
Not sure how the mods ban PlayHerMan for using some strong language to get the point across, and then posters like Hollowpoints and Pena, who shame, confuse, and argue every point by the top posters are allowed to continue in here.

Its a free country and you can say what you want, but this site is about HELPING men, not confusing and shaming them, and they don't offer any solid evidence to their statements, they just want guys to get married as quick and as fast as possible in 2015.
Top posters? Lol. Top posters are tops in being online. Top keyboard jockeys hating on marriage and society while going nowhere but online with the rest of the mgtow clowns.

MGTOWS do nothing but waste bandwidth


May 13, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
Peñas still trying to nag men into marriage?

Fvcking beautiful women and having kids yes. Putting a ring on it and signing the gubmint papers when the odds are not in your favor no. Unless you're Amish or living in an old school Christian community, Western "Marriage" is now pretty much the sole domain of faggots and low information betas. Sorry sugar tits it's just how it is, but goodluck trying to turn it around lol.

Btw most Western men will statistically not even cross paths with a "beautiful woman" (as in healthy, and traditionally minded) now anyway unless he travels and even then the supply is rapidly dwindling now. That goes 10 fold for millenialls. Your point is literally moot.
What a weirdo whackjob you are (.)(.) The transvestite. Like a ten year old he creates a screen name off womens tits to try and show hes an edgy offensive keyboard warrior to other peanut brained mgtows and the feminists he believes care about him being a keyboard commando. :crackup: (.)(.) spends his days and online talking in manuresphere code language ranting on everything not conforming to his mental paradise as if his own diseased mind is how things should be while acting as if nothing will ever be good enough when he himself is repugnant subhuman trash.


Jan 8, 2015
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Trump said:
Not sure how the mods ban PlayHerMan for using some strong language to get the point across, and then posters like Hollowpoints and Pena, who shame, confuse, and argue every point by the top posters are allowed to continue in here.

Its a free country and you can say what you want, but this site is about HELPING men, not confusing and shaming them, and they don't offer any solid evidence to their statements, they just want guys to get married as quick and as fast as possible in 2015.
You are lying. I can post my views juat as anybody else on here. These "top posters" are shaming and attacking me for my views supporting marriage. These "top posters" are calling men betas and faggots for wanting to be in Long Term Relationships or to get married. That is what is confusing to men who are looking to seduce women, get married or be in relationships being called betas and fags by these "top posters". The advice and words they say are NOT helping men it is turning them away. I have given good advice to help men and called out hypocrites who lie and post advice to confuse men. Everything I posted is solid and backed with facts but they all ignore it before with the 50% divorce rate myth. If they want the facts so bad this time they can look it up on the net themself.

( . )( . ) said:
:crackup: Get your head outta your ass woman. Not to brag but I've got more game in my big toe than every beta cuck who's been unfortunate enough to throw a length into you combined and even I struggled to find a gem in the current mountain of Western turds that was good enough to marry.

I'll say again, most Western men will literally never even cross paths with a woman worthy enough to marry. Take away the cats, brats, fats and tatts and the math just doesn't add up.

Call me crazy but why are you here eye bashing and nagging men to marry with walls of text? Wouldn't that time be better spent rallying and crusading against the actual lawmakers and parasites of the modern day divorce industry? You lazy weirdo. I bet you're fat too.
More shaming from you. You have no game or anything, that is why you are angry posting on here all day long insulting people to get your kicks. People are still going to get married and MGTOWS will still be irrelevant hating and shaming successful men being angry that they can not have it too.
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