Why many men are refusing to get married.

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May 13, 2015
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Alvafe said:
you know using kids as revenge and control tools was always a female thing right? parents divorce, she will always tell her kids he don't love us anymore.
or just kill the kids and herself to hurt her ex, course men do that too but funny the first page is always when a men do that.

also can you please turn down the hate, its showing pretty a lot.

i'm still wondering why so much hate? envy? self delusion? just a troll? a female who hit the wall and is trying to shame others to accept her? tell me why put something here so we can at least think your point of view are valid not just something reaking of a emotional response to something only you know.

btw you do know waht is this blue pill delusion you hate so much? is that thing the dude stay with a girl when everything she does tells the guy she is not the "one" he hope she is, he want to change her, to his love win her over, they love will survive the test of time and they will life forever and ever happy, then reality hits, not a little slappy, but like a damn truck passing over him, everything he did, to make her happy all money spend to make her happy the marriage she wanted, the dresses she wanted, the house she wanted, he worked hard for it, to suport and cherish her, then one day he come back earlier from work to hear her moaning with a dude he never even know (if is it not the cleaning poll boy or the janitor),

Then he goes around and look for what he did wrong (still thinking it was his fault) then he found out he is not the only one, there are several mens around happening the same, they get tired and start to learn on how to deal with it and make use of it then puas show up, have some sucess and use the marxism idea of all female are *****s (since feminism like to preach it), then we have guys who start to screen woman even more and still try to be happy with a female in a marriage (knowing pretty well its a gamble but cover his tracks to lesser the hit if such gamble is a fail), then we have guys who will still have females to date and all that,but never commit to anything more serious then living together, and then there are guys so damn tired of all that sh!t who stop caring with females who don't care and don't want to be draged again in the sh"t storm.

also there is guys who don't learn, they don't want to change to consider then what they did was wrong, they ego don't let then, so they keep goign and going trying and failing.
What kinds of females are MGTOW's marrying that use kids as weapons against them? MGTOW's don't want to contribute to anything but themselves so what are they complaining about? That they should have responsibilities to their kids? Did they ever think MAYBE just MAYBE their wife and or kids will be taking care of them when they're older? Or are they happy giving all their money to the state when they pass away?

MGTOW are full of it. They only use men who date and are married and claim MGTOW to boost their numbers. No one cares if they go their own way. EVERYONE goes their own way no matter if they get married, divorced, live alone, join a convent etc. MGTOW is STILL doing what everyone they claim else is doing. They're going their own way as a GROUP.

They are the EXACT mirror image to feminists. Against NATURE.

MGTOW's run away. That's their "bravery". Like children holding their breath. Worried about feminists? Are they all dating feminists? They date lesbian nut jobs? They care about insane lesbian nut cases? Who cares what those chicks do. MGTOW and feminists are working together to destroy families and society. Then what? Put on black Nike's and drink the Kool Aid to take a ride on the next comet that passes the earth?

Please I know COUNTLESS people who are married and have great marriages. Same with relationships. You can't sit around thinking "Oh I just KNOW they're going to fail! Oh I KNOW they're going to cheat!" That's negative defeatist thinking. Spewing Dogma and self-brain washing as a weak defense mechanism.

A man handles challenges and take risks with knowledge. He doesn't go blindly in and then complain and finger point with zero accountability for himself and then rant about everything and everybody against him trying to create a support group or angry men who refused to use their brains for the sake of securing some pvssy.

And these dudes talk about chicks having hamster brains?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Hollowpoints said:
What kinds of females are MGTOW's marrying that use kids as weapons against them? MGTOW's don't want to contribute to anything but themselves so what are they complaining about? That they should have responsibilities to their kids? Did they ever think MAYBE just MAYBE their wife and or kids will be taking care of them when they're older? Or are they happy giving all their money to the state when they pass away?

MGTOW are full of it. They only use men who date and are married and claim MGTOW to boost their numbers. No one cares if they go their own way. EVERYONE goes their own way no matter if they get married, divorced, live alone, join a convent etc. MGTOW is STILL doing what everyone they claim else is doing. They're going their own way as a GROUP.

They are the EXACT mirror image to feminists. Against NATURE.

MGTOW's run away. That's their "bravery". Like children holding their breath. Worried about feminists? Are they all dating feminists? They date lesbian nut jobs? They care about insane lesbian nut cases? Who cares what those chicks do. MGTOW and feminists are working together to destroy families and society. Then what? Put on black Nike's and drink the Kool Aid to take a ride on the next comet that passes the earth?

Please I know COUNTLESS people who are married and have great marriages. Same with relationships. You can't sit around thinking "Oh I just KNOW they're going to fail! Oh I KNOW they're going to cheat!" That's negative defeatist thinking. Spewing Dogma and self-brain washing as a weak defense mechanism.

A man handles challenges and take risks with knowledge. He doesn't go blindly in and then complain and finger point with zero accountability for himself and then rant about everything and everybody against him trying to create a support group or angry men who refused to use their brains for the sake of securing some pvssy.

And these dudes talk about chicks having hamster brains?

still not explaining your hate, only it looks like you don't like guys retreating a battle they can't win, and sharing they ideas about it.

and like you said men take risks with knowledge, but most of then did't had that knowledge, and they don' question females can cheap or use they kids as weapons, they did, they already did that all on him, hence he wise up and retreat becasue he is not gonna lose his time on damaged goods anymore, females are not completing they life only taking, but here is what you fail to see tehy don't care about securing some *****, they only care now about having a ***** when tehy feel like it, if she push for a LTR he bails, not because he afraid of commitment (trying to shame men again huh? shame on you), but because he is too tired to deal with her stupid needs for showing her friends who have the bigger house or better car, who they husband/BF/lover/whatever you call it paid for, ah and behold the nagging for minimal things its not her way

btw you "so many people happily married", I can tell you they are from a time when woman was still caring, was always there to help both kids and husband, what they take they also give back, old couples, not the playing field today, no my friend, i'm pretty sure they are not young couples you are mentioning, you think the old way are still around and alive, with is not, also one thing you should know by now people love to keep aparences love to look good, they could try to kill each other when alone but when together with other people its all love, "what fighting? no we was just teasin each other"

now tell me for sure why so much hate? dodging the question will not help your case, only tells me you are hating and don't even know with by that means you are evyous of these men, who did make a better choice you can't do be it by ego or by fear of shame, with you do a lot, a lot of emotional out bursts, little logic.


May 13, 2015
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Alvafe said:
still not explaining your hate, only it looks like you don't like guys retreating a battle they can't win, and sharing they ideas about it.

and like you said men take risks with knowledge, but most of then did't had that knowledge, and they don' question females can cheap or use they kids as weapons, they did, they already did that all on him, hence he wise up and retreat becasue he is not gonna lose his time on damaged goods anymore, females are not completing they life only taking, but here is what you fail to see tehy don't care about securing some *****, they only care now about having a ***** when tehy feel like it, if she push for a LTR he bails, not because he afraid of commitment (trying to shame men again huh? shame on you), but because he is too tired to deal with her stupid needs for showing her friends who have the bigger house or better car, who they husband/BF/lover/whatever you call it paid for, ah and behold the nagging for minimal things its not her way

btw you "so many people happily married", I can tell you they are from a time when woman was still caring, was always there to help both kids and husband, what they take they also give back, old couples, not the playing field today, no my friend, i'm pretty sure they are not young couples you are mentioning, you think the old way are still around and alive, with is not, also one thing you should know by now people love to keep aparences love to look good, they could try to kill each other when alone but when together with other people its all love, "what fighting? no we was just teasin each other"

now tell me for sure why so much hate? dodging the question will not help your case, only tells me you are hating and don't even know with by that means you are evyous of these men, who did make a better choice you can't do be it by ego or by fear of shame, with you do a lot, a lot of emotional out bursts, little logic.
MGTOW's would like to believe it's "hate" because the supposedly emotionless MGTOW's NEED to believe others feel emotions towards them because their "going their own way" claim is a farce and they need to "justify" they are making the "right" choice by thinking people care.

Calling MGTOW's out on their own hypocritical nonsense isn't caring. It's laughing at how ridiculous these so-called "men" act. Worse than women.

MGTOW's like to hear their hypocritical contradicting circle jerk echo chamber act as it gives them a feeling of "power". Which is laughably false. It's delusional.

"When the woman was still caring?" WTF? LMFAO. No fool. It's not just "married couples from yesteryear when things were fantastic" it's different couples. People work and communicate in marriage. If MGTOW's are unwilling and don't know how to do that then they should just go and keep on going their own way not wasting their energy hating on something they claim they want no parts of. Makes ZERO sense. Unless they secretly want it but can't get everything their way like spoiled children who feel entitled just like they project on women.

If MGTOW's can't hack relationships let alone marriage then they should stay left behind where they belong. Don't b1tch about something you don't want. You're wasting your time instead of getting going.


Oct 20, 2006
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If the going rate for sex in the US is $400, and you were to have sex once a week for 2 years, you would pay $40,000, and could have up to 100 different women. Many men get married and pay $400,000.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
Often the issue cannot be resolved amongst the parents because both parents want custody.
There is joint custody that is worked out with both parents. It has to be requested.

Danger said:

I have the data on my side to support everything I have stated. Still you only have personal attacks and claims without data to support it. Will your supporting data ever be forthcoming?
More fictional personal attacks as you claim. Your data is fabricated since 47% of women are paying more today than ever before. Look it up on the net. Why do you care so much about this being unmarried fatherless MGTOW?

zekko said:
There's nothing wrong with marriage per se. The problem is that current society is sick. In today's culture, a guy can get married and start a family and be an earnest father. But the vast majority of divorces are initiated by women.

So the poor schmuck guy can have his family - his wife and children - ripped away from him against his will, and he's stuck living in some apartment all by himself while he has to pay child support to the woman (because he's the earner) for the next 20 years to the woman who has custody (because she's the nurturer).

Certainly it doesn't shake out that way every time, but it does in a lot of cases. That's why marriage is a high risk enterprise for men, these days.
I grew up with kids that had divorced parents and they weren't ripped away from their dads. The parents had joint custody and lived with the dad on the weekends or alternate weeks. The dad's had a nice house and didn't pay all their earnings away. Only men who make small wages will have problems or if the man lost his custody by a judge will that happen.

jurry said:
Not sure where you came up with those numbers, I dont see anywhere that it is a percentage of income.

I entered these numbers into the massachusetts (bout as liberal as it gets) child support calculator, and for 500k income for non custodial parent with two children, the custodial parent making 50k a year, it tells me 1800 a month. Thats about 4% of income for someone making wayy more than almost everyone else in the country to support two kids they dont live with. Doesnt seem all that outrageous.

How often are both parents seeking custody?
The numbers are false and Dalrock is biased pushing an agenda with numbers to suport his claim. Anybody can do that.


May 13, 2015
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MGTOW's waste time hating on what others do more than they spend time doing what their own motto is of going their own way.

MGTOW's need each others company and to recruit more dejected men to go their own way as a group online. Do nothings ranting about what they aren't going to do.
Apr 23, 2015
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Peña said:
There is joint custody that is worked out with both parents. It has to be requested.

More fictional personal attacks as you claim. Your data is fabricated since 47% of women are paying more today than ever before. Look it up on the net. Why do you care so much about this being unmarried fatherless MGTOW?

I grew up with kids that had divorced parents and they weren't ripped away from their dads. The parents had joint custody and lived with the dad on the weekends or alternate weeks. The dad's had a nice house and didn't pay all their earnings away. Only men who make small wages will have problems or if the man lost his custody by a judge will that happen.

The numbers are false and Dalrock is biased pushing an agenda with numbers to suport his claim. Anybody can do that.
It all depends upon the state...

In TX it's based off of net income. Or income after taxes are taken out.

They can get up to

15% for one child
25% for two
35% for three
40% for four

Of your net income. They have a cap on net income of $8500 per month.

Worst case scenario of child support in TX is 50%, so up to $4250 per month.

If you have a child you want living with a descent standard of living, $1000 per kid is not "that" much...

Obviously when in doubt a man should seek custody of the children, then he could get child support and decide how monies are divied to support his seed.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
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Hollowpoints said:
MGTOW's would like to believe it's "hate" because the supposedly emotionless MGTOW's NEED to believe others feel emotions towards them because their "going their own way" claim is a farce and they need to "justify" they are making the "right" choice by thinking people care.

Calling MGTOW's out on their own hypocritical nonsense isn't caring. It's laughing at how ridiculous these so-called "men" act. Worse than women.

MGTOW's like to hear their hypocritical contradicting circle jerk echo chamber act as it gives them a feeling of "power". Which is laughably false. It's delusional.

"When the woman was still caring?" WTF? LMFAO. No fool. It's not just "married couples from yesteryear when things were fantastic" it's different couples. People work and communicate in marriage. If MGTOW's are unwilling and don't know how to do that then they should just go and keep on going their own way not wasting their energy hating on something they claim they want no parts of. Makes ZERO sense. Unless they secretly want it but can't get everything their way like spoiled children who feel entitled just like they project on women.

If MGTOW's can't hack relationships let alone marriage then they should stay left behind where they belong. Don't b1tch about something you don't want. You're wasting your time instead of getting going.
A vocal few within the MGTOW movement are teenagers or men who can't find a woman. But there are many, including on this thread, who don't fit that description. Danger, in particular has done an excellent job of presenting the true philosophy of MGTOW.
You can't ignore the fact that we as men are biologically predisposed to seek out women. Primarily for sex. It sounds crude, but nature doesn't care about the nobility of our motives, just that procreation occurs.
Given this tenet, a man in this day and age must do everything to indoctrinate himself against his own base nature. Hence the need to constantly remind ourselves of why we are indeed, going our own way.

I find it hypocritical you can have a no fault divorce, which absolves the parties of any responsibility for the separation, but then have divorce proceedings which ensures the male shoulders the lion's share of the responsibility. With none of the rewards.
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Jan 8, 2015
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DaddyLongShanks said:
It all depends upon the state...

In TX it's based off of net income. Or income after taxes are taken out.

They can get up to

15% for one child
25% for two
35% for three
40% for four

Of your net income. They have a cap on net income of $8500 per month.

Worst case scenario of child support in TX is 50%, so up to $4250 per month.

If you have a child you want living with a descent standard of living, $1000 per kid is not "that" much...

Obviously when in doubt a man should seek custody of the children, then he could get child support and decide how monies are divied to support his seed.
I said that it is based off income. If the woman makes more than the man she will have to pay alimony and child support. 47% of women are doing that today. Look it up. I don't see why people are complaining about paying child support. If you were still married you would have to pay money for the child's food and clothes and doctor expenses anyway. Parents need to be responsible for their kids.

Danger said:
GREAT point and a major logic shiv to the resident feminists who want to male dollars to continue flowing.
Just admit you don't want fathers to have anything to do with their kids after a divorce financially supporting them. That is not femininst, that is YOUR reponsibility as a man to provide for your kids as your natural role. Do you believe fathers should not make sure their kids are cared for?

Danger said:
Both parties have to be open to it, more risk the man must assume or become a walking wallet to raid as the census data shows.
So you are concerned more about your wallet than if your children are starving with no food and no clothes after your divorce. MGTOW says "My money my wallet" and you agree. If you were still married you would be paying for the kid out of your wallet anyway. It is NOT a risk providing for your kids to be cared for. It is a RISK to your kids when you neglect them like you are calling for. If they don't want joint custody don't blame the system
like you do.

Danger said:
The data comes straight from the US Census which I linked. Noticeably again you don't provide any links or evidence for your claims.
It is on the net look it up yourself. 47% of women are paying more today than before

Danger said:
Pena = Big on claims, light on supporting evidence.

We are still waiting for your links and data Pena. On what basis is this Census data wrong?
The data does not show women paying more in alimony and child support since they make more money than some men. It does not show that men are asking women to pay them when the woman makes more like it should be. It does not show that lots of men do not pay anything at all. It does not show that the numbers are not as high as it is. Dalrock is using numbers in a biased way. Look up the info it is on the net.

Why are you worried about child support and divorce when you will never marry or have kids?
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Oct 20, 2006
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Imagine two scenarios:

1) You meet a girl at work and she loves you for you.
2) You meet a girl at a strip club and she loves you for your money.

You are good at reading body language and thus know instinctively that both girls would rate you a 7/10. Meanwhile, both pretend you are a 9, one because she loves you and the other because it makes her life easier. Both tell you how handsome you are.

You enjoy 6 months with both girls, and spend about the same amount of money. You have more sex with one girl, but overall the same amount of fun, same number of magical moments and same brief glimpses of sexual bliss with both.

One day, both girls disappear in an instant, as love often does. Ask yourself:

What is the difference between what you have left with either girl? I attest there is no difference, because a woman will NEVER give you credit for what happened in the past.

Thus, your looks and money are interchangeable. Either way, if you got the girl, you had what it took.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Hollowpoints said:
What kinds of females are MGTOW's marrying that use kids as weapons against them? MGTOW's don't want to contribute to anything but themselves so what are they complaining about? That they should have responsibilities to their kids? Did they ever think MAYBE just MAYBE their wife and or kids will be taking care of them when they're older? Or are they happy giving all their money to the state when they pass away?

MGTOW are full of it. They only use men who date and are married and claim MGTOW to boost their numbers. No one cares if they go their own way. EVERYONE goes their own way no matter if they get married, divorced, live alone, join a convent etc. MGTOW is STILL doing what everyone they claim else is doing. They're going their own way as a GROUP.

They are the EXACT mirror image to feminists. Against NATURE.

MGTOW's run away. That's their "bravery". Like children holding their breath. Worried about feminists? Are they all dating feminists? They date lesbian nut jobs? They care about insane lesbian nut cases? Who cares what those chicks do. MGTOW and feminists are working together to destroy families and society. Then what? Put on black Nike's and drink the Kool Aid to take a ride on the next comet that passes the earth?

Please I know COUNTLESS people who are married and have great marriages. Same with relationships. You can't sit around thinking "Oh I just KNOW they're going to fail! Oh I KNOW they're going to cheat!" That's negative defeatist thinking. Spewing Dogma and self-brain washing as a weak defense mechanism.

A man handles challenges and take risks with knowledge. He doesn't go blindly in and then complain and finger point with zero accountability for himself and then rant about everything and everybody against him trying to create a support group or angry men who refused to use their brains for the sake of securing some pvssy.

And these dudes talk about chicks having hamster brains?

No , cupcake!

This is most certainly NOT just a bunch of lonely bitter men using MGTOW as an excuse for being single. But nice try at attempting to shame though.

This is more than just a few bitter guys looking for an excuse, unless you can prove that marriage laws, divorce, false accusations, male shaming and all the other issues that are going on are just fictional made up stories then what you assert is completely off base.

Let me make this CRYSTAL GOD DAMN CLEAR TO YOU. The marriage laws and old cultural institutions are a joke, feminism and SJW's have managed to make them so toxic that no man with an ounce of brains would even consider going there.

I'm gone I've taken the red pill and I'm off the plantation and unless you have a much better off I sure as hell have no intention of coming back. And I'm not getting shamed into going by a judgmental cupcake like you. So unless you try to force us back (Bring guns then because I'm not going willingly) I aint going back. I've seen too much and know too much and YOU aint going to bullsh1t or shame me into returning


May 13, 2015
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YawataNoKami said:
No , cupcake!

This is most certainly NOT just a bunch of lonely bitter men using MGTOW as an excuse for being single. But nice try at attempting to shame though.

This is more than just a few bitter guys looking for an excuse, unless you can prove that marriage laws, divorce, false accusations, male shaming and all the other issues that are going on are just fictional made up stories then what you assert is completely off base.

Let me make this CRYSTAL GOD DAMN CLEAR TO YOU. The marriage laws and old cultural institutions are a joke, feminism and SJW's have managed to make them so toxic that no man with an ounce of brains would even consider going there.

I'm gone I've taken the red pill and I'm off the plantation and unless you have a much better off I sure as hell have no intention of coming back. And I'm not getting shamed into going by a judgmental cupcake like you. So unless you try to force us back (Bring guns then because I'm not going willingly) I aint going back. I've seen too much and know too much and YOU aint going to bullsh1t or shame me into returning
You haven't or aren't going anywhere you delusional limp wristed tambourine boy. You'll be right here online throwing wasted bandwidth tantrums about something you are too mentally incapable of winning in life. Stop crying about something you impotent MGTOW's have no plans of changing or getting involved in but for whining about.

Get going. You MGTOW's can't even accomplish that.


May 13, 2015
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Danger said:
I already linked the US Census data (here it is again), which shows the aggregate story. If you have additional information beyond just claims, then link them. This is my third request for a link, but you keep avoiding it.


Pay attention here. The US Census data shows...

  • Women get custody almost 90% of the time.
  • When women get custody, they are more likely to get child support paid to them than men are.
  • Women who do get paid child support receive more money than the tiny minority of men who receive child support.

I provide you US Census data to show this. Pena supplies only claims with no data or links.

My goal is for you to be informed so you can balance your own desires against the risks, and to think about how to mitigate those risks.

We are going our way. Our way is to educate others and do what makes us happy....not society, women, or anyone else.
Your little group of misfits is making feminists happy.

Your group is going the way of the feminist.

Educating men on something you say you aren't going to do makes you happy? Have all these men been in a coma like MGTOW unaware of the possibility of divorce?

No wonder you freaks cant succeed in life. You cant get along with women society or anyone else.

Your cult of rejects is bound to fail. Keep pretending not to go the way of the feminist because regardless you are.


Oct 20, 2006
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Hollowpoints, with a triple red star rating after only 32 posts, has to be the lowest rated member in Sosuave history.


May 13, 2015
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bigneil said:
Hollowpoints, with a triple red star rating after only 32 posts, has to be the lowest rated member in Sosuave history.
Go spend your beta bucks MGTOW dollars in strip clubs trying to get strippers to pretend they like you.

Red dots or any rep is meaningless to those who arent mgtow keyboard cowboys. You mgtow are nerd birds.


May 13, 2015
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Danger said:
Liberal tactic #1. Insult to avoid the facts.

My life is great, because I am educated on these subjects. I want other men's lives to also be great, so I share the wealth of knowledge with them so they can make the right decisions for themselves.

The real question is how happy can you and pena truly be if you keep resorting to insults?

MGTOWS insult. Grow up.

Keep going the way of the feminist and pretend you arent. Dont get married teacher no one cares. It still wont cure the mental trauma you and other MGTOWs suffer from.


May 13, 2015
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Danger said:
I'm not insulting, but you still continue to do so. As I said, my life is amazing and I only want to help other men by providing them the knowledge to make/keep their lives amazing.

Liberal tactic #1. Insult to avoid the facts.
Overcompensating with the "amazing" mr. Mgtow. If it were so "amazing" it wouldnt need to be said to strangers on the net.

You mgtow are going the amazing way of the feminist like good trained hamsters.

you mgtow do care so stop lying. If you didnt you wouldnt keep trying to "teach and educate others". Mgtows are hilariously ridiculous. Cant even lie right. Cant even go their own way. The title itself is idiotic as everyone goes their own way in life and mgtow tries to make up a title for their own way yet none are doing anything different than everyone else nor their own group. Hell mgtow cant even leave like their title. Mgtow is only going in circles online. The way of the feminist.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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As an accomplished, professional, divorced man in his 30s, I can confidently say that while not ultimately opposed to the idea of marriage...I have to be convinced that it's well worth the risk.

I love and enjoy the company of women, but I don't need their company. I have plenty of amazing sex, and have had some incredibly hot women since I've been divorced. But none of whom I'd marry. For whatever reason, their ages, their sanity levels, their drama...they've all eliminated themselves.

Then there are those women who are entitled to the point that they expect me to chase or pursue, yet when I have (before going red-pill), they've spurned my advances. They either don't understand themselves and what they respond to or were playing by rule books. Not interested.

I've read in the last year that as the number of professional women grows and becomes the majority, two classes of men become defined: high-status eligible bachelors living the quality lifestyle of abundance, and low-status men. The single professional women don't want to settle for low-status men, but the high status eligible bachelors don't see the need to settle down, giving that they are in high demand and low supply. They feel that they can continue being promiscuous and unattached as long as they want.

I'd make every attempt to make yourself into one of those high-status eligible bachelors and enjoy life. If a woman convinces you that she is worth the time to (a) date, then (b) date exclusively, then (c) after extended exclusive dating, live together, then (d) (i) get engaged with assets kept separate and a firm premarital agreement or (ii) ideally, live together, have kids together, and provide for their educations but never marry. Like old black and white movies, women should be looking to LOCK YOU DOWN and MAKE YOU HERS by convincing you that she's worth it rather than the other way around.

You need to make abundantly clear to a woman through your actions that you are completely fine with walking away AT ANY POINT. Never accept any treatment below your standards because that line of scrimmage will keep on slowly moving down the field as she tests your boundary.


Oct 20, 2006
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35 posts, and 300 uses of the acronym mgtow by Hollowbrains.


Oct 20, 2006
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Danger said:
False dichotomy. You accuse me of having a $hitty life because you know your argument is worthless and the idea of men walking
away from commitment triggers you into a rage.

The unrequited love of my early life, who I loved from 1988 to 1995 (having sex with her exactly once during that time), was recently criticizing me for the photo of the 21 year old who she saw on FB. She tried to take the angle that people will think I'm a child molester if I date a girl that young. Note that this girl got pregnant at age 15 and had an abortion, then went on to have 3 kids by 3 dads (her first at 18), divorcing them all.

I reminded her that in 1992, when she was 20 and left the first guy whose kid she had (to go on welfare and move into a project), she bypassed me for a then 37 year old man. At the time she rubbed it in my face how hot older men were. How his salt and pepper hair drove her wild. She would tell me what kind of cologne he wore, and how the fact he was married turned her on. She was 20 and he was 37. Now I had a few dates with a 21 year old at age 44 (and I look 37 according to a poll I conducted with 100 beautiful women).

So does she see her hypocrisy? No, she said "He was only 10 years older and he wasn't pushing 50"!

Let's look closer at the deranged mind of a former beauty queen and lifelong bipolar: "He was only 10 years older" - she rounded him down by 7 years, making him 30 (he was 37).

"He wasn't pushing 50" - she rounded me UP by 6 years! So she fudged the numbers to create an additional 13 year age difference out of nothing.

I reminded her that (when she got pregnant again in 1995 and I disowned her) she obviously underestimated me if I've been dating women as hot and young as she was then for the past 20 years (a span during which I bedded some 30 girlfriends).

She then said "How do you like your life? You can't insult me because you insult yourself every day" - so she tries to say I'm worse off anyway for not taking her back now.

In other words, women feel that as men we simply must put up with them, or there is something wrong with us. They want to be ho's in their 20's and are washed up by age 30, and want to lecture us when we're 40 before hitting 50 and turning into a different creature altogether. No thank you.
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