Why I quit game

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
This is going to be a long post but I promise you it will help you.

There was a guy in this community once called Prodigy. I looked up to him a lot; he was really good at game. Probably the best in our age bracket. He had sex with more than 80 girls by the time he was my age now and I respected that immensely. I saw him as an inspiration in game.

Then one day he just denounced game.

Needless to say I was shocked. At the time I was in the peak of my obsession with game and the middle of year 12. I was hooking up more weekends than not, I was pushing myself and approaching 9/10 times. Back then I was searching for external validation. Some things offer more than sex, like climbing Mt.Everest or winning a competition of some kind. But sex is real validation, it's being completely and utterly accepted by a girl. I thought it should make me feel complete.

I craved it. There's a lot of reasons. Single parent home, traumatic childhood and the rest of those factors they say lead to sex addiction. Or any addiction actually. It really wasn't a physical thing; I felt better after a great workout. It wasn't sex for sexes sake, it was sex for my ego and I thought it was sex for my soul but that isn't true. Sex doesn't cure you. Sex is not the cleansing spring I once thought it was.

There are a lot of reasons for this but the most important one is the law of attraction. You tend to attract people of similar energies to yourself. Violent people attract violence. My neurotic, desperate and promiscuous sexual behavior attracted needy girls, sluts and emotional vampires. By being manipulative, I attracted manipulative girls and ironically the girls I wanted were repulsed. The girls who might have actually offered "salvation" didn't want to.

So I got better at game. Then I got better at game. I had sex more, I filled the void with ***** and lips. I hooked up with more than a hundred girls in 9 months, more than 30 of them in the space of 4 days. My ego reached a new high.

Then I came crashing down. With every high comes a low and mine hurt a lot. I felt alone so I dated a hot girl for a while. If sex with strangers didn't make me feel good, then maybe dating a hot girl would?

Fast forward and it falls apart. I'm even worse than I was before this last-bid strategy. But now I'm 18, so I go to bars and I go to clubs and realize something:

Game is a grind and you don't get better at it

I know that's controversial, but it is true. I never got better at game. I got better at two things from game:
1) Knowing when a girl is into me
2) Pulling the trigger and making a move

That's it. Game doesn't make you more attractive. I back tracked and talked to all (that I could contact) the girls I slept with and asked them about me. Here's what I discovered:
1) They all knew I was "playing the game"
2) They mostly saw that as an unattractive quality but looked past it for another reason*
3) They mostly felt used and dirty by me and eventually had to move on

Meanwhile I knew guys pulling harder than me with no such problem. Girls loved them. They kept loving them. So I looked to RSD, I looked to the All Mighty Tyler and then I discovered it.

*Girls are not attracted by game, they're attracted to you.

That is so freaking obvious yet it evaded me and it evades nearly everyone I can see in this community. A girl doesn't care about your game, she just wants to connect with you. Some techniques "create attraction" by mimicking this, but they are shallow and work best on girls of the same nature. The reality is this: If you want good girls, be a good person.

So I dropped game and I haven't looked back. I've become more sincere and more attractive by far. I may not be able to spin 50 plates at a time, but I have 4-5 real friends that are girls that hang out with me when I want. We cuddle and don't ****. Yeah, I'm friendzoned and I've never been happier. Then they introduce me to their friends and I don't run game, I just talk to them as one human being to another. They like me. I get a new friend.

The beauty of this is, a lot of girls are attracted to me. I work on myself, not on my game and because of that I have substance. When you get good at game you have to game girls all the time. When you become a better person, you talk about your interests. Game comes and goes in cycles, there is nothing new. Calling a girl "DOG" or "SLUT" is just a neg. It is an industry that wants to keep you inside and they rely on the superstar principle to do so. You will never be better at game than the inventors at it, but you can always be better at being yourself.

Abandon game and just develop character. It is infinitely more attractive, less draining and more long term. You don't burn out. You don't have to go out for 30 nights straight. You just have to improve yourself in the ways you choose.

The final nail in the coffin of game for me was when I discovered it was popularized by a group of internet scam artists called The Syndicate, of which all the major PUAs from Mystery to Tyler are a part of. Yes, they are associates. The same group also markets penis pills, the juice diet and Paleo lifestyle.

This is the TL;DR from above:
Really attracting people (meaning making true connections that will stay with you for life) involves making yourself vulnerable and interacting on a real level with no pretense. Confidence isn't even in the picture; we evolved to communicate with our own species. Approach anxiety is made up to make you think you need a way to get past it. If you know you are a good person, why would you feel scared of talking to other people? It doesn't take any skill, it just takes improving yourself.

Not everything in game is wrong, but the overall theme of it is. Basically, be sincere, look for signs a girl is interested and make a move when you feel she is. You will be far ahead of the curve.

What is the point of "learning" game when you already have everything you need? Yourself, a language and biology.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Having talked a lot with and worked with Prodigy myself, I am a tad surprised. He was a super smart guy with great intellect. Father being a PUA and him taking revenge was always the narrative. Last thing I heard is he went off the map because he went crazy.

I love you Jaddy.

Im having the same realizations, Im just having a bit more trouble acting them out.

We should hang out, so we could cry together yo. It's like watching the Blueprint all over again. Reality shifts.

Mind elaborating on the last part? That intrigues me. Shoot me a message on FB if you want.

Life truly is great. Share it with everyone.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I feel like from within the community, leaving it full stop looks crazy. I know you can see that, you're smart. What do most of the guys think about someone getting married? Or marriage in general?

Prodigy left, in my opinion, because he realized what I did. I've been reading through his journal and I've found clues, more and more towards the end. I don't think he went crazy. I think he realized that this is crazy. To quote Tyler/Owen "There is no glory to being well adjusted in a maladjusted society."

We can talk about the other on Facebook, the same goes to anyone else, because I don't want to complicate this any more than it has to be.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
You were doing it wrong. You tried filling your void with girls, which wont work. Women should not be your complete focus, the thing about PUA is that it creates a giant ego.

Being a Don Juan involves being a man in the process, and you may be at that point.

Edit: i misread the first time, i think i know where you're at.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Frayzer said:
You're doing it wrong. You tried filling your void with girls, which wont work.

Women should not be your complete focus, the thing about PUA is that it creates a giant ego. Sounds like to me you never really knew real cofidence.

Being a Don Juan involves being a man at the same time, you failed to develope that part i see.
Congratulations on missing the point entirely.
Also, you've only been here for a few months and don't have the experience to say such things. Once you've actually experienced them, then you can make those comments


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
DanZy said:
Congratulations on missing the point entirely.
Also, you've only been here for a few months and don't have the experience to say such things. Once you've actually experienced them, then you can make those comments

Abandon game and just develop character. It is infinitely more attractive, less draining and more long term. You don't burn out. You don't have to go out for 30 nights straight. You just have to improve yourself in the ways you choose.

After rereading it, i missed this paragraph. Im on mobile so sometimes i miss a sentence or two. But you should always be working on yourself and not on "game." From what i've learned so far is that working on yourself goes a more longer way rather than a persona.

That part made this post more clearer, but if im getting the wrong message then please explain.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
This post is excellent!


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
it seems more like your problem was that you were trying to plug a void with something external when anyone could tell you only you and/or your psychologist/psychiatrist can plug those voids, and then blamed it on game.

more importantly though, I notice that as soon as you stop using game in the story you start being vague about your success with women, I wonder if that means that your ability to get women went down siginificantly?

also, no s*** women won't have kind words to say about the ex-bf who dumped them, go ask any guys you know about their ex-gfs(especially those they got dumped by).

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks guys, I'm glad most of you have gotten something from this because this realization really helped me.

devilkingx2 said:
it seems more like your problem was that you were trying to plug a void with something external when anyone could tell you only you and/or your psychologist/psychiatrist can plug those voids, and then blamed it on game.

more importantly though, I notice that as soon as you stop using game in the story you start being vague about your success with women, I wonder if that means that your ability to get women went down siginificantly?

also, no s*** women won't have kind words to say about the ex-bf who dumped them, go ask any guys you know about their ex-gfs(especially those they got dumped by).
I see that in most guys in game. Famous or not, Mystery to A2D1DM1R, to all the posters in this forum. To different extents but more or less; not enough love, a lot of regrets.

Have you ever noticed the guys who are best at cold-approach are the worst at social circle? The guys who are best at social circle usually get laid more, always have more fun and are almost always mediocre at cold approach- ie game. The guys I know and know about who get laid a lot aren't in game. Why should I be? It's boring. I'd prefer to spend my time learning a new skill, not one like talking to people or walking up to people. Really freaking easy, why bother to learn it.

These aren't ex-girlfriends. These were one-night stands who knew what was up, friends with benefits for extended periods and actual friends I have at the moment who I entered at some stage. My ex girlfriends won't even talk to me, I never got the chance to break up with them, it fell apart when I couldn't keep gaming them.

The only girl I've ever authentically dated is still one of my close friends and we fool around from time to time. The only one I didn't game...

You can ignore the evidence but in my life dropping game has done these things:
1) Made me care less about others opinions- because it's not me doing a good or bad job, it's us communicating.
2) Made me connect better with people- authenticity. I never have to do leg work for friendships now, like cutesy texts, constant chats or party invites. We can not talk for a month and still be tight.
3) Made me more "confident". I literally don't understand how you could be nervous talking to a girl now. This is after ~4 years of game and overcoming AA. AA is a lie. I haven't had it even one day, hour or minute since. We are human beings, not players in a game.
4) Made me invulnerable to manipulative girls. I no longer have to "beat" them at a game and risk ego-pain, my ego is not in the picture. I'm sincere, if they try and play games they're just going to feel more and more awkward as I continue to not take the bait and shrug it off.
Example: I know this girl, 9/10 easily and very popular. Dancer chick, goes to a heap of parties, is loved by the guys in the most popular band in my city. We are obviously attracted to each other but she just loves to play games. Last time I gamed her, she refused to even give me her number. Flirty as ****, wouldn't do it.
Next time we spoke she was all over me and I ended up saying "I'm not interested in girls who play games, it's immature."
5) I'm attractive to genuine girls now. Theory of attraction, you attract what's in your heart. Violence meets violence (look at your life for evidence), desperation meets desperation (again) so what do I have to do or be to get the best quality girls? The most manipulative guy ever? OR the most genuine.
I'll give you a hint, I don't like *****es.
6) I have more free time to learn cool things like guitar, parkour and yoga.
7) Girls chase me; I went on three dates last week and I made one phone call for each.
8) My social life is sorted. People just want to be around me, so I don't have to do any bull**** trolling around the city or a shopping centre hunting for gash; I can just say to one of the friends coming to visit me "Bring a friend." I've had at least one girl in my bed every weekend since I came to this realization. Previously I was lonely.

If any one thing is proof it's this: I used to have to chase girls to hang out with me, overcome ***** shield, overcome resistance, repel ****blocks and destroy last minute resistance.

Now I answer my phone.

I'll admit it, I have sex with less girls than in the peak of my 9 months ago. I also enjoy it a lot more and they keep hanging around. I also only put in 20% of the effort. Sounds like a certain Pareto principle to me...


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2010
Reaction score
Jack Wealthy said:
This is the TL;DR from above:
Really attracting people (meaning making true connections that will stay with you for life) involves making yourself vulnerable and interacting on a real level with no pretense. Confidence isn't even in the picture; we evolved to communicate with our own species. Approach anxiety is made up to make you think you need a way to get past it. If you know you are a good person, why would you feel scared of talking to other people? It doesn't take any skill, it just takes improving yourself.

Such a huge point man. Glad you came to that. I've been making myself more and more vulnerable and its taking me places I would have never felt when gaming.

I have some bad news about Prodigy though as you probably know he wrote for the site for a few years. Talking to him and people in his real life we knew we found out he was a fake. He was brilliant and could write like crazy but nothing like he said he was actual real life. After we called him out on it he dropped off the map. I think he's just doing his own thing now and has moved away from game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
eastcoast15 said:
Such a huge point man. Glad you came to that. I've been making myself more and more vulnerable and its taking me places I would have never felt when gaming.

I have some bad news about Prodigy though as you probably know he wrote for the site for a few years. Talking to him and people in his real life we knew we found out he was a fake. He was brilliant and could write like crazy but nothing like he said he was actual real life. After we called him out on it he dropped off the map. I think he's just doing his own thing now and has moved away from game.
Really? Gotta love the interwebz...


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
He had sex with more than 80 girls by the time he was my age now... Then one day he just denounced game.

Single parent home, traumatic childhood and the rest of those factors they say lead to sex addiction.

You tend to attract people of similar energies to yourself. Violent people attract violence.

I hooked up with more than a hundred girls in 9 months, more than 30 of them in the space of 4 days. My ego reached a new high.
BS!! BS!! BS!!

Some of what you said about "game" is correct, namely that it is practiced by validation seekers who "change" who they are to try and impress people, rather than improving their true selves and being content with that. But you did not bang 30 women in 4 days, if you did I hope one or two were doctors. Also, post what penis pills you were on at the time.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Vekhematu said:
Some of what you said about "game" is correct, namely that it is practiced by validation seekers who "change" who they are to try and impress people, rather than improving their true selves and being content with that. But you did not bang 30 women in 4 days, if you did I hope one or two were doctors. Also, post what penis pills you were on at the time.
I agree with some points the OP made. But the banging 30 women in 4 days strains credibility to put it mildly. Without a very plausible explanation of this claim how can anything the OP says be taken honestly?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Vekhematu said:



BS!! BS!! BS!!

Some of what you said about "game" is correct, namely that it is practiced by validation seekers who "change" who they are to try and impress people, rather than improving their true selves and being content with that. But you did not bang 30 women in 4 days, if you did I hope one or two were doctors. Also, post what penis pills you were on at the time.
Let me just start by pointing out that you call BS on most of this and proceed to claim what is correct. How are you in any way more qualified than him, or any of us, to say what is correct? You are simply filtering his writing through your beliefs. Your beliefs are not necessarily correct.

Hooking up means different things across different cultures and ages. In this sense, it means to make out with, not have sex with.

D Wolfgang

Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
I see NorwegianDJ also re-posted Jack W's post at www.simplepickup.com, so much did he like it. (The posters there called Jack on the BS too - nothing goes as it should, right?) His last post here confirms that he has taken up Jack's cause as his own. No arguments whatsoever, just this: "How are you in any way more qualified than him, or any of us, to say what is correct? You are simply filtering his writing through your beliefs. Your beliefs are not necessarily correct."

Um, yes, Norwegian, that is what is called an opinion. People "filtering" what they observe "through their beliefs", or rather through their experiences and knowledge. Your "argument" against that is essentially: "You don't know that you are right, so don't write that!"


Moving on.

eastcoast15 said:
I have some bad news about Prodigy though as you probably know he wrote for the site for a few years. Talking to him and people in his real life we knew we found out he was a fake. He was brilliant and could write like crazy but nothing like he said he was actual real life. After we called him out on it he dropped off the map. I think he's just doing his own thing now and has moved away from game.
How much do you wanna bet Prodigy and Jack are the same person? And of course Prodigy was fake, most people who brag like that are fake. Goes for Jack here too.

Jack Wealthy said:
I hooked up with more than a hundred girls in 9 months, more than 30 of them in the space of 4 days. My ego reached a new high.
Hilarious. I think you forgot that you claim to be 18. Your writing style is obviously not that of an eighteen-year-old. And no eighteen-year-old would have sex with "a hundred girls" in nine months. Muscleman, whose writing is far more credible, has had sex with about fifty women. You would have had sex with twice as many? What a load of BS. And thirty women in four days? I think this one will be a classic! An example to use when we talk about lying about one's "conquests".

It will go something like this: "I don't know if I can believe that, but hey, it's not like the 'thirty-women-in-four-days' story." :cool:

You reached too far, Jack. Sorry.

Now, as for your attack on game, which seems to be more about you than about game. (In fact, your whole post just reeks of navel-gazing.) You falsely describe game as some sort of evil way of deceiving women. To everyone else here, "game" is: work out, get your house in order. Learn how to dress and act more mature. Learn how to get out more and find new social venues. Learn how to approach a girl and to stop being nervous. Learn how to keep a date and conversation interesting instead of talking about yourself the whole time. Avoid common mistakes like chatting with her for hours on the internet, sending her lots of messages, calling her too soon, fawning over a girl you've just met.

Wow, such evil deceit, right?

Jack, your rambling post has little to teach any of us who actually step outside the door and meet women, because we know your misconceptions and false description of game is a load of BS. It has nothing to do with us, so sorry, it doesn't affect us. At the most you will manage to make some amateurs feel ashamed for trying to improve by coming here. I guess that is why you put this in the high school forum, even though it has nothing in particular to do with high-school life, instead of in Don Juan Discussion. You know that more experienced readers would call you on the BS, so you were hoping only teenagers would see it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
That's a great post Jack...

Have you ever noticed the guys who are best at cold-approach are the worst at social circle? The guys who are best at social circle usually get laid more, always have more fun and are almost always mediocre at cold approach- ie game. The guys I know and know about who get laid a lot aren't in game. Why should I be? It's boring. I'd prefer to spend my time learning a new skill, not one like talking to people or walking up to people. Really freaking easy, why bother to learn it.
Definitely. I almost feel like the game kind of made me less human in some ways.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Vekh, no I didn't bang 30 girls in 4 days as Norway explained where I live that means to make out with.

While your argument was incredibly persuasive, I am also going to have to call BS! on you. Namely, what authority do you have to say most addiction isn't in people with traumatic childhoods and single parent (especially mother) homes? Especially when the science disagrees with you http://www.ccsme.org/userfiles/files/A3 OBrien Addiction+Trauma.pdf

Google "trauma and addiction" if you're not convinced.

The law of attraction is bull****? There is just too much in my life that says you're wrong here and I'm sure most people would agree; evidenced by the success of Tony Robbins, The Secret and classical self-help. Sure it can't be proven scientifically. Oh except in those studies where they had people look at the faces of members of the opposite sex and rate them as attractive, where they rated their closest counterpart (computer generated gender opposite) in terms of look to be the most attractive, due mostly to perceived compatibility based on personality. You know know what they say... If enough people believe in something it becomes true, so even if the law of attraction was bull**** it isn't now because most people instinctively believe in it. Which is literally what the law is anyway... So I guess that's pretty conclusive, it's not bull****, except to the extent of say Murphy's Law. Which is to say, not bull**** but rather there are exceptions like in any rule.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Mindgamez said:
That's a great post Jack...

Definitely. I almost feel like the game kind of made me less human in some ways.
You've become really good at approaching, but I spent two years doing that with only mild success. The only time I became "good at game" was when I put it on the back-burner to focus on social circle. In reality, my game stayed the same, I was just getting put into better scenarios. That's the most evident fact for me: Game operating at 100% but limited social circle, made out with 4 girls in a year. Social circle constantly growing, game limited gave me nights where I made out with more girls. Social circle huge+lots of game was actually less successful and got me into ****, as evidenced by the few of my later journal posts there are.

I feel like we should encourage social skills and networking here, not game. Game in life is pretty defective. Anyone who has ever met up with the people at a local fraternity/PUA hive can tell you they're 95% losers and undesirables. It breeds loners who don't care about other people. In high school the exact opposite is who is successful. Be the bridge between people, that will be the key.
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