Why Cool Guys Are So Unflappable with Girls


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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I've probably brought this up before, but since this guy, "Chase Amante", has slept with 10,000 hot girls and has 10,000 more hot girls begging to sleep with him, thought it would be worth another mention.


In this article, he is saying "Why Cool Guys are So Unflappable with Girls",

Chase Amante:

Over the years, I have been noticing men taking women more and more seriously. The result of this is that men and women alike are both becoming angrier and lonelier.

It might seem counterintuitive that women would get angrier and lonelier from men taking them more seriously when women themselves are the ones demanding to be taken seriously. At least, it would seem counterintuitive – IF you were taking women seriously.

I’ll explain. When a woman says, “You need to take me seriously!” if you react to that in a serious way and say, “Wow, I guess I’d better take her seriously,” you are already taking her seriously, and she is only going to get angrier, and lonelier, and so are you.

The right way to respond to a woman doing something emotional is to interpret it as her being perturbed in some emotional way, possibly related to what her actual words are saying, but most likely not. Any relation that does exist is likely to be tangential or superficial, with the true motivator for her emotion left unvoiced.

Often this is not your problem to solve, but hers. Though you can help her. But NOT by taking her seriously!

Guys who take women seriously take on this huge burden of trying to figure out exactly what women are so exasperated about, then adapt themselves to whatever they think women need, so that they can do the male thing and ‘solve the problem’, based on what the women are saying,
as well as whatever they can guess about what the women might actually possibly want, which usually doesn’t actually get them to the real root problem at all, frustrating both the women and themselves.

Cool guys do something different:

They let a woman’s emotionalism roll right down their backs
, with the result being that women are much happier around them, much more at peace, feel much more secure, and do not feel the frustrating isolation they do around men who are taking them seriously.


My thoughts:

OK Chase, I don't have the experience you have with the hot girls and I'm not the 6'1 Alpha Dog you are. But let me ask you,

if a girl says: "I've had it with you. I'm taking you to Court and suing you for half your assets and company." Do I take her seriously there?
if a girl says: "I've been sleeping with your best friend behind your back for 2 months." Do I take her seriously there?
if a girl says: "I've been recording our conversations for the last 2 weeks and gave them to my lawyer." Do I take her seriously there?

I don't know Chase, I'm confused about how to attract girls.


Your thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Your thoughts?
My thoughts? 'Chase Amante' is a fraud. When you apply a little common sense to his braggadocio, you see that he can't have been with 10K women. And if he feels the need to boast about something like that, he's just selling advice to adolescents who might still be impressed by his fantasies. Only the immature are impressed by his 'lay count'.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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My thoughts? 'Chase Amante' is a fraud. When you apply a little common sense to his braggadocio, you see that he can't have been with 10K women. And if he feels the need to boast about something like that, he's just selling advice to adolescents who might still be impressed by his fantasies. Only the immature are impressed by his 'lay count'.
Dude claims 10k lays in 30 years. Lets math; quick google search says he been active since '94 and he was 11 years old. So he's been a Don juan for 30 years .

365x 30= 10950. That is almost one lay a day for over 30 years!!!

Now we probably get backlash because we're not "positive and over analyze his claims".

By the way ,I have a brigde for sale in London, and I prefer crypto payments.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
My thoughts:
OK Chase, I don't have the experience you have with the hot girls and I'm not the 6'1 Alpha Dog you are. But let me ask you,

if a girl says: "I've had it with you. I'm taking you to Court and suing you for half your assets and company." Do I take her seriously there?
if a girl says: "I've been sleeping with your best friend behind your back for 2 months." Do I take her seriously there?
if a girl says: "I've been recording our conversations for the last 2 weeks and gave them to my lawyer." Do I take her seriously there?

I don't know Chase, I'm confused about how to attract girls.
Those all sound like girls you've been involved with, so what went wrong?
Most likely that you didn't respond to her drama in the right way.

Does Chase know how to be cool with the ladies? I doubt it, but his advice can (at most) be applicable to ONS, because Chase knows nothing about how to handle a woman in a relationship (he's too busy getting a 10K lay count).

You can take women seriously without being affected by their drama, but you have to be able to sell that you're indeed unflappable and you don't need to be a stoic in order to deal with her drama.

Just be grounded and make sure that 'her' drama is not 'our' drama.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dude claims 10k lays in 30 years. Lets math; quick google search says he been active since '94 and he was 11 years old. So he's been a Don juan for 30 years .

365x 30= 10950. That is almost one lay a day for over 30 years!!!

Now we probably get backlash because we're not "positive and over analyze his claims".

By the way ,I have a brigde for sale in London, and I prefer crypto payments.
Hi Gamisch,
Yes this guy is vastly exaggerating....One of my favourite authors the creator of "Maigret",was the Belgian George Simenon,in conversation with Fellini the Famous Film director he claimed to have slept with 10.000 Ladies, over 60 years activity......A Journalist interviewed,both his Wife and his long term Mistress,they agreed on a figure of 3.500,I think that is about the best score you might achieve in a lifetime.