why cant i ever be the other guy?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
in the past year i have lost so many girls to other guys. if you check out this thread http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=139867 i finally found out what happened. A friend of mine (without my knowledge), was talking to her best friend on yahoo earlier and found out that she met another dude. I guess she was seeing another guy at the same time me and her met up and fu*ked that night. Well she picked him. Anyway, I texted her today sending her a quote from her favorite movie pretty much saying "Ill see you around", and she asked me where i got that quote from, and if i was watching that movie. Well we started a convo, and I told her to hit me up when she broke up with the new guy, she laughed and said it might be awhile. (yeah, shes been with him 2 weeks, funny how girls think things will always work out so well). I told her I hope things work out, and get a hold of me sometime if she wanted to go out and get a drink. She said she would.

So my dilemma lately is this. In the past year ive dated a sh*tload of women. I would say probably half of them end up hooking up with another guy right after me. Literally within a week. Then they are with them for a long time. 6 girls i dated in the last year are now engaged. Weird thing is, most of these girls i only dated for a week or 2, then boom they are with someone else and then it seems to work. So its not like they were scared of commitment (which i never brought up anyway).

Why cant i be the other guy? Ive never been the other guy. Well, maybe like 3 times. :whistle:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
nope, I dont ever fight. Im too laid back. Plus i am very influential and get the girls to take my side without having a sh*t throwing contest. Lately ive been really picky and have been calling it off. The problem im having is with the ones im actually interested in, they seem to just stop calling or whatever and then i find out a week later from a friend shes seeing someone else.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Haha, it sounds like that movie "Good Luck Chuck" is your autobiography. Lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
dude seriously, ive seen that movie a couple of times and im living that fu*king movie! Its insane. I dont have to sleep with them though, I can just date them for a week and they meet the person they'll marry, hahaha. Oh well. I need to modify this thing so that they have to sleep with me first. Might as well get something out of the deal :yes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Sounds to me like maybe you get attached too early? Like the previous poster said, don't treat these girls like your girlfriends.

Whether they're hos or not, most women don't like to be stalked even after you bone them. Do your dirty work and leave them alone. If you are landing that many chicks and not chasing after them afterwards, the common response is that most of them will eventually come back to you for more attention


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Sounds to me like maybe you get attached too early? Like the previous poster said, don't treat these girls like your girlfriends.

Whether they're hos or not, most women don't like to be stalked even after you bone them. Do your dirty work and leave them alone. If you are landing that many chicks and not chasing after them afterwards, the common response is that most of them will eventually come back to you for more attention

Maybe i do get attached and dont really realize it. Its like the girls I dont want, always want more, and the girls I do want bounce. So i must be putting out a vibe to the girls I do want thats different from the ones I dont want.
This was the answer I was looking for, points well taken. Thanks bro.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
jamescr73 said:
Maybe i do get attached and dont really realize it. Its like the girls I dont want, always want more, and the girls I do want bounce. So i must be putting out a vibe to the girls I do want thats different from the ones I dont want.
This was the answer I was looking for, points well taken. Thanks bro.
There you go. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to grasp. For nice guys like us it's tough to push women who we like to the side. It feels as if you're going against your natural instincts.

Don't misunderstand me; I'm not saying ignore these women. That's what a coward does. A man focuses on his goals in life and knows he can have a woman when he wants it. He doesn't beg for it and he doesn't wait around for it. Eventually you'll get to the point where you know when it's the right time to go for a girl. Eventually you'll see that only when she shows attraction, you'll be willing to show yours back.

Best of luck