Why bother getting married anymore??


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Whats the whole point of marriage anymore?

It just seems like a horrible deal on the guys side...

1. No more sex with other women

2. Steadily decreasing sex life with wife

3. High chance of physical deterioration (both you and wife...how often do you see a hot older couple?)

4. High chance of divorce....with almost certainty you will lose half your assets to child support, alimony, etc, regardless of pre-nups

5. Must devote life to family before yourself. Say goodbye to your freedom and dreams.

6. Onus is on you to make marriage work...because its always the man's fault if the marriage does not work out. :down:

Sorry....but no kids and no wife for me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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It seems a lot of men have an irrational desire to have children. I do not understand it, myself. I will be a bachelor all my life, barring the offchance that some millionaress provides me with the opportunity to be a gold digger.
Mar 2, 2009
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forget marriage, what is the point of ever having a girlfriend??? its almost like marriage, only less damaging

the ONLY time I would advise getting married, is if it is to a totally cool woman who knows whats up in terms of your personal freedom, and also make sure $$ is 0% a factor - and make sure the highest possible degree of love is there on both ends

with that said, 99.9% of guys do get married for the wrong reasons, and those get screwed


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
oh wow, i never would have guessed you would post in this thread logical player.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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something that hadn't occurred to me prior, is that getting married apparently saves you a lot of income tax.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
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I love my life and freedom too much to marry for the wrong reason. I believe in marriage, so much so that I dare not do it at this point in my life.

There have been times where I have honestly feared dying a "lonely old man." I wonder if I get sick one day, who will take care of me? But what I fear MORE is marrying "the one", only to have her neglect me and my needs, nag me to death, cheat on me, leave me, get custody of our kids, take the house, boat, and half my ****.

As men in today's society, we simply have way too much to lose by making the wrong decision in regards to getting married. And it seems judges are clearly on the side of women when it lands in divorce court.

I'm not interested in learning how to bang a thousand *****es in the next 48 hours. I'm interested, in becoming the man that I envision myself being. The more I grow personally, the more concisely I recognize what I want and don't want in a partner. You can't be resolute in your requirments of a wife, without being patient and content with your life as a whole.


This is something I can relate to. It seems that anytime I sense a girl is thinking about marriage some kind of natural instinct kicks in and I run for the hills (she gets kicked to the curb).


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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You guys are correct there is no reason to marry....AN AMERICAN WOMAN OR WESTERN WOMAN!

marriage is a beautiful thing if you can actually find a real woman, a traditional woman that was raised traditionally in the belief that men are #1 and will treat you like you deserve to be treated, like a man! However to find such women unfortunately you need to go to far away places (asia, russia etc) + have the resources to be able to meet them.

So unless you find one in your country (and traditional girls in western countries are almost as extinct like the dinosaurs) I would never consider marrying so I don't blame you guys. We have to look out for ourselves and unfortunately the women in our countries from our generation are corrupted to the point they are no longer suitable as long term partners like women of past decades.

Western women are only suitable for short term relationships and 1 night stands and for your own good remember that.

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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piranha45 said:
It seems a lot of men have an irrational desire to have children. I do not understand it, myself. I will be a bachelor all my life, barring the offchance that some millionaress provides me with the opportunity to be a gold digger.
An irrational desire to have children? Reproducing is a base instinct. I cant think of a more natural desire.

I come from a large family. One that is close and one where gender roles played a key role. I want a family of my own. The relationships I have with my own family have been instrumental in my life.

People marry for thr wrong reasons and they commit to the wrong women. Marriage is not the problem. Its the people getting married who are the problem. One has no testosterone, the other spent to much time ****ing the football team and watching Oprah.

With marriage and children come responsibilities. Sure. But I think that responsibilities are also a driving force for self improvement and they come with their own rewards too.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Its not even about Western women vs. foreign women. The legal system provides an incentive for any women to up and leave without even trying to work things out.

The whole concept of marriage now is a big joke...if it was such a respected institution why are the courts so willing and eager to grant divorces because of "unreconciled differences" or some other bullsh*t.

I understand if the man cheats or abuses his wife...but just seeing those "uncontested divorce" billboard ads on the highway makes me never want to get on my knees for ANY woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I don't see a point to marriage at all. The simple fact that I haven't had a single relationship in my life makes the thought of being committed to one woman for the rest of my life, absolutely ridiculous.

But who knows maybe someday 5 years down the line I'll run into the most amazing beautiful loving woman in the world and want to marry her. No matter how "perfect" she is, you bet your ass that I'm going to have an iron-clad prenup. If the bitch betrays me, she will get nothing.

"But honey, I'm going to love you forever, we don't need a prenup."
"Babe, if you're going to love me forever, then why do you care?"


Oct 22, 2006
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Because not everyone cares about the same things you do

that being said, i dream of one day marrying a wonderful woman who loves me and commits to me and my family and will be my best friend and lover for the rest of my life. who will help me achieve my dreams and she achieve hers. it will happen some day God willing.

screw fvcking other women.
screw divorce.

People fail. not marriage

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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Raikojo17 said:
Because not everyone cares about the same things you do

that being said, i dream of one day marrying a wonderful woman who loves me and commits to me and my family and will be my best friend and lover for the rest of my life. who will help me achieve my dreams and she achieve hers. it will happen some day God willing.

screw fvcking other women.
screw divorce.

People fail. not marriage
DEAR GOD! This is AFC talk, guys! LTR is totally not DJ and is totally AFC!

But I agree.

This forum is brainwashed.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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It's OK, we all grow out of that "The One" fairytale when we get older.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Hooligan Harry said:
An irrational desire to have children? Reproducing is a base instinct. I cant think of a more natural desire.
I think wanting to have sex is a base instinct. Big difference. It doesn't necessarily have to result in pregnancy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
1. No more sex with other women

Unless you're the guy with the "my gf wants a 3som" thread, but then everyone in that thread looks down upon 3som girl as being a ho.

2. Steadily decreasing sex life with wife

Then you picked the wrong wife. The girlfriend I have now is a nympho, and some piece of paper from the courthouse is not going to change that.

3. High chance of physical deterioration (both you and wife...how often do you see a hot older couple?)

It happens. That deterioration is worse for people who just give up. At least married people have one other person to be accountable to.

4. High chance of divorce....with almost certainty you will lose half your assets to child support, alimony, etc, regardless of pre-nups

Divorce is no big deal if you don't have kids. And the only assets you lose are half of what you created together while married - for most people that is next to nothing.

5. Must devote life to family before yourself. Say goodbye to your freedom and dreams.

That is more about kids than about being married.

6. Onus is on you to make marriage work...because its always the man's fault if the marriage does not work out.

I have never heard that one. My ex-wife is the one who divorced me, and now she feels horrible about it. She has told me several times. She took my current girlfriend and I out to eat the last time I was in Florida.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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This forum is rife with absolutism.

I guarantee you all these guys who slap the label of 'never' on marriage, kids, girlfriends, etc are the ones most likely to fail in such endeavors because they are so stalwart in their absolutist views that when they finally DO meet a woman who they really jive with, they will automatically have to assign her the magical "exception" status to their long-held views and place disproportionate time and emotional energy into the relationship, or in simple terms put her up on a pedestal.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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you sold me out, colossus... sold me out.... :(

I'll have to remember not to go to you for pep talks.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Colossus said:
This forum is rife with absolutism.

I guarantee you all these guys who slap the label of 'never' on marriage, kids, girlfriends, etc are the ones most likely to fail in such endeavors because they are so stalwart in their absolutist views that when they finally DO meet a woman who they really jive with, they will automatically have to assign her the magical "exception" status to their long-held views and place disproportionate time and emotional energy into the relationship, or in simple terms put her up on a pedestal.
Meh, you make it seem as if my rant is motivated by some belief that "all the good women are gone" or some bitter crap like that.

I just personally find marriage to be a raw deal regardless of who it is you marry. When you have an anti-male, anti-father legal system, and then you see the vast number of divorced and unhappily unmarried couples...I could care less if the woman was an angel sent from heaven.

If she believes that "eternal love" can only be legitimized by the authority of the state, then I am running for the hills.