Why beta males cling to Disney fairy tale LTR's

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
LTR's primarily benefit the woman as women are naturally inclined to exploit male resources for themselves.

Then the question becomes WHY do so many beta males seek security in LTR's with women when such arrangements actually provide no security whatsoever due to female hypergamy?

The answer is perception. Society goes out of its way to convince beta males that LTR's benefit them more than staying single. This is done through social and family pressure to "settle down" along with famous claims like:

  • Happy wife happy life
  • Behind every great man is a great woman
  • You will die lonely and miserable without a woman
  • Married men live longer (correlation does not equal causation)

The false nature of these claims is seen when women say "I don't need a man" in one breath yet find it unsettling when a man stays single for too long.


ALL humans lose incentive to do something when perceived pain is greater than perceived gain. There are no exceptions.

By using fear tactics and social pressure to make the beta male "uncomfortable" with his freedom.. you create a situation where the beta believes LTR's provide him more gain while staying single provides more pain. In reality, women need men more than men need women. Therefore, its important for men to BELIEVE they need women.. otherwise women lose all their power in relationships.

Men "need women" for sex and reproduction. Nothing more. Men who know this enjoy much freer lifestyles and their relationships with women are much more enjoyable as they are not "fear based".

Wake up men. Always check yourself to make sure you're not making FEAR based life choices. Letting fear dictate how you choose to live is gay. Follow logic instead.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
I think a-lot of people do get together based out of fear, whether it is the fear of being lonely, the fear of not following their life's plan that they originally thought they would (i.e. I'll be married and have kinds when I'm in my 30's), fear of missing out on regular sex with someone they know and are comfortable with, etc.

I think all of those things make people stay together or pursue people for relationships that they otherwise wouldn't instead of taking care of their own business, finding some type of work they find meaningful all the while still going out and trying to date and meet people. This approach would require patience until you find someone you are actually compatible with.

I do, and this is just my personal opinion here, think this forum is a bit too extreme in the lines of thinking that men don't really need women for anything other than sex and production. That may be technically true but I really do think human companionship is very important to one's overall health and mental well being. I think a long term relationship with a woman who you are really compatible with and who really admires you and accepts you as the leader in the relationship is incredibly beneficial to any man.

So while I agree that you don't need women or anybody else in your life for that matter, finding the right types of people you're compatible with and forming long lasting, strong relationships with them is very important, too.

*sits back and waits for Poon King to call me a beta ;)*

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I think a-lot of people do get together based out of fear, whether it is the fear of being lonely, the fear of not following their life's plan that they originally thought they would (i.e. I'll be married and have kinds when I'm in my 30's), fear of missing out on regular sex with someone they know and are comfortable with, etc.

I think all of those things make people stay together or pursue people for relationships that they otherwise wouldn't instead of taking care of their own business, finding some type of work they find meaningful all the while still going out and trying to date and meet people. This approach would require patience until you find someone you are actually compatible with.

I do, and this is just my personal opinion here, think this forum is a bit too extreme in the lines of thinking that men don't really need women for anything other than sex and production. That may be technically true but I really do think human companionship is very important to one's overall health and mental well being. I think a long term relationship with a woman who you are really compatible with and who really admires you and accepts you as the leader in the relationship is incredibly beneficial to any man.

So while I agree that you don't need women or anybody else in your life for that matter, finding the right types of people you're compatible with and forming long lasting, strong relationships with them is very important, too.

*sits back and waits for Poon King to call me a beta ;)*
Getting into a LTR and believing you NEED one to be happy are two different things.

Notice the very last sentence in my posts says: "Follow logic". What does that mean? It means, when its truly beneficial to be in a LTR then do it. But don't do it out of fear or societal pressure. Do it because it serves you in a positive way. Once it doesn't serve you, leave. This is why marriage is idiotic. It takes away your ability to leave when you need to.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Getting into a LTR and believing you NEED one to be happy are two different things.

Notice the very last sentence in my posts says: "Follow logic". What does that mean? It means, when its truly beneficial to be in a LTR then do it. But don't do it out of fear or societal pressure. Do it because it serves you in a positive way. Once it doesn't serve you, leave. This is why marriage is idiotic. It takes away your ability to leave when you need to.
Especially modern day marriage. Which, funny enough, is still only beneficial to women. The woman can leave at any time with very little to hold her back. The man, on the other hand, is dragged through the beta family courts where he is battered and bruised then forced to pay alimony and child support payments for a very long time.

My cousin just got divorced by his wife. She now has custody of their four kids and has to pay for all sorts of things including paying for HER OWN lawyer to divorce him. He used to have a Hummer, Lexus and BMW X6. He now drives a Civic because he had to sell those cars.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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Happily divorced. I'll honestly admit here that I'm still very beta, yet I'm in no hurry or rush to get out there and get remarried.

Given what I know about red pill logic and female sexual hypergamy has me reticent to jump into a LTR with a woman, especially here in the states. I realize I have to successfully transition my career, internalize leadership qualities and display it consistently without effort before I can command respect from a quality main plate in a stable LTR.

I'll know the tables are turning when I start to see interest level maintained in plate spinning. Until then, I got my DJ homework cut out for me.

Id rather have zero plates, then spin plates with low-IL women or be another woman's orbiter out of scarcity/fear while she hooks up with alphas on the side. Just not worth it.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Here is how I see it: Men seek the enslavement of LTR/Marriage because of conditioning from childhood to adulthood first by mothers and weak fathers by praise and criticizing; praise when done something the opposite sex or society approve and criticizing when done something the women and society disapprove
the save a Ho mentality; the belief in fairy tales that women are weak and victims and need saving and you can see this in this site by the amount of the excuses guys make to hide or rationalize the stupidity and the games women play either consciously or unconsciously.

so you get an EGO problem, when praised your ego is inflated, when criticized you feel like sh!t and try to compromise and seek the women's approval because of your scarcity mentality and enslavement loving attitude.

and let's not forget that most people are afraid of change and like the conformity of their known situations and lifestyles and having an abundance mentality or having a lot of experiences with women that will enable you to see the true faces of things in life and how women's strategies and games are different than men's and women aren't how you perceive them to be require a bold attitude and an appetite to experience new things and always finding yourself saluting change regularly.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Men get married because that is what society has conditioned them to believe is the right thing to do. That is why I got married in my late 30s.... I figured I had to do it. I was not really in love with her, I just got along great with her... she really was my best friend and thought I could just make it work... I couldn't and didn't, and that little social experiment cost me, and continues to cost me more money then you would believe. I got two great kids out of the deal, but you don't need to marry for that.

Men want LTR because we want to be comfortable... We like the idea that we have a women that we can relax around, be ourselves, and just have fun.... Truth is, you can NEVER FVCKING relax with women... NEVER. They are biologically conditioned to always be looking for better options and to want as much as you can give her. You marry a chick who spent her whole life in a trailer park, and you might think she will be happy doing better than that... HA!!! not a chance, give her a couple of years in a suburban home with a two car garage, and she will be wondering why you haven't been promoted and aren't making more money. Why SHE STILL has to work and can't focus on Bon Bon eating and child rearing. Women are NEVER completely happy with their condition unless they are absolutely convinced that they can not do better....

But guess what... as soon as she really believes she can't do better, that is when she turns into a miserable fat shrew.... and she will start pushing your buttons until you've had enough.

The ONLY way to be with women is to be the best you can be, and not let her stupid mind games get to you. The SECOND she behaves in a way that is not fun and does not make you happy, walk the fvck away. She has to know that you will NOT put up with her BS, then both of you will be happy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Marriage is a great human tool for creating healthy young men. It was designed for far different kinds of society that the one we have. Marriage makes no longer sense. You see it every day on both sexes: women want polyamorous arrangments (beta bucks, alpha ****s), bull-cuck situations, multiple marriages on a couple decades; men want to stay free, to have multiple girls that are monogamous with them, etc.
Both sexes are returning to their natural sexual behaviours, women hypergamy, men polygamy. Good for us I say, bad for society!


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
LTR's primarily benefit the woman as women are naturally inclined to exploit male resources for themselves.

Then the question becomes WHY do so many beta males seek security in LTR's with women when such arrangements actually provide no security whatsoever due to female hypergamy?

The answer is perception. Society goes out of its way to convince beta males that LTR's benefit them more than staying single. This is done through social and family pressure to "settle down" along with famous claims like:

  • Happy wife happy life
  • Behind every great man is a great woman
  • You will die lonely and miserable without a woman
  • Married men live longer (correlation does not equal causation)

The false nature of these claims is seen when women say "I don't need a man" in one breath yet find it unsettling when a man stays single for too long.


ALL humans lose incentive to do something when perceived pain is greater than perceived gain. There are no exceptions.

By using fear tactics and social pressure to make the beta male "uncomfortable" with his freedom.. you create a situation where the beta believes LTR's provide him more gain while staying single provides more pain. In reality, women need men more than men need women. Therefore, its important for men to BELIEVE they need women.. otherwise women lose all their power in relationships.

Men "need women" for sex and reproduction. Nothing more. Men who know this enjoy much freer lifestyles and their relationships with women are much more enjoyable as they are not "fear based".

Wake up men. Always check yourself to make sure you're not making FEAR based life choices. Letting fear dictate how you choose to live is gay. Follow logic instead.
Wait. I thought society was dominated by men?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah. Behind every great man there is a woman screeching about what she wants. Every time I see a woman driving a big SUV I can't help but think there's some poor guy busting his
ball$ for it.

Or, for every beautiful woman, there's a guy who's sick of her sh!t.
More than one guy sick of her crap


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
I know it's cr4p! Give me a real love story...oh wait!


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Wait. I thought society was dominated by men?
It is dominated by the top 0.0001% or whatever the real percentage is. It's all about the money. I've said this before (credit given to tits who enlightened me who is now banned) and I will say it again:
It is all about the money and control.

Feminism first started because the top corporate owners wanted more money and power over the people (feminism was originally funded by the Rockefeller Foundation after all). By allowing women to work, they are allowing a duel income into families which means that they can raise the prices on everything and thus make more money. The government was okay with this because they are also allowed to tax more because of it. Not only that, but it was the beginning of the breakdown of the family unit and meant that stay-at-home moms were a thing of the past. Kids needed to go to school at an earlier age and as such learned to rely more so on the school (which is controlled by the government/society) rather than their families. This means that they seek help from the government/society more instead of their family which allows society to take control of the people more (say you need some money, instead of borrowing from your brother or dad, you borrow from a bank who charges you interest that you cannot pay off and spend the rest of your life working for them). In doing so you lose all your freedom.

This fairytale Disney BS is simply a way of making men less desirable by women too, porn became big because it was essentially virtual sex, and anal sex, abortion, and contraceptives were all about limiting the population. Why? Too many people = loss of control. Loss of control = loss of power. These people don't want to lose power. You can find out more about this stuff if you Google or search on YouTube stuff about the Rothschilds and feminism. It gets into some really sketchy stuff the gives you goosebumps and probably places you on a higher watchlist by the NSA too haha.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Then the question becomes WHY do so many beta males seek security in LTR's with women when such arrangements actually provide no security whatsoever due to female hypergamy?
This forum is so fvcking toxic. This anonymous "internet hero" gets cheered on for making post after post (saying the same shyt) when all of his substance is one dimensional and "extreme" as fvck.

The anonymous "internet hero" says that getting into relationships with women provide no security WHATSOEVER, because women are always practicing hypergamy?

- Then explain the 75% single mother rate in the black community, where black women are dating, fvcking, and producing babies with men who have no job, no car, no shelter, no nothing?

- Explain why in many cases the woman pays for dates and is the breadwinner of the household?

- Explain why complete and utter fvcking losers can spin plates with multiple women?

There's no way in hell in 2016, that the vast majority of women are practicing hypergamy, the FACTS just don't align with that shyt. But of course you guys will continue to cheer on the bullshyt that Poon King keeps saying in thread after thread.

I can sum up Poon King's posts in one sentence: Spin plates forever with women or you're a beta fag.got.

He's the "king" of "poon" but never posted one pic of any "poon" he's getting. I will bet money that Poon King is most likely an old, bitter, man. I doubt he's 31. I bet you he's in his 50's.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
He could be a homosexual
His stuff does provide motivation for a guy wanting to get into the swing of "successful dating". It's how it's done. Now if you want LTR's and the such he is not the right one to listen to.

But as far as building up your dating stock and experience the plates system is unbeatable.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
And "poon king", in some of our systems we identify good companionship and good puzzy. That if we find it, that we don't like swapping it out and if we can we will have puzzy in the house so we can get it every day without having to fight thru schedules, other daters, etc. Some of these women are also an asset to our lives and will help us, where as most of the women we would plate are not, they would not help us. So that's why we do it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I see, so pushing hatred of women and dogging them all out and damaging them. Anyways no matter if he's gay or not the impetus does put a guy into the realm of multi dating like many women are doing us.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Getting into a LTR and believing you NEED one to be happy are two different things.

Notice the very last sentence in my posts says: "Follow logic". What does that mean? It means, when its truly beneficial to be in a LTR then do it. But don't do it out of fear or societal pressure. Do it because it serves you in a positive way. Once it doesn't serve you, leave. This is why marriage is idiotic. It takes away your ability to leave when you need to.
Yes, on entering a LTR, whether from monk mode, or from having spun plates, it should not be motivated, ideally, by fear/ security, but from a desire for a fuller, or more abundant, mode of being.