why are black people so rude?

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Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Berlex said:
why does the OP like to generalize?
It's easy because it's all that they see. That could be because it is all that they are looking for but what do I know...


Dec 22, 2006
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I didn't want to cause any havoc here. But if you want you can lock the thread.

AFC Savior

Nov 20, 2007
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i can smell the loser mall-shooting trolls comeing outta hiding on this one LOL


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Obsidian said:
I do think it's pretty sad that even well-adjusted black guys often feel the need to adopt a stupid gangster persona. They seem to think that if they're not acting like a thug, they are not cool.

very un-DJish, imo

White people sometimes do the same, with hilarious results. Yo yo, bling. Lol. All y'all. Snicker.


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
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Slavery....Black people act rude toward white people because in the back of their mind they see their great grandmothers and great grand fathers who had to struggle. They see that it pisses them off, and they hate white people for it. God damn just deal with it...WHITE PEOPLE JUST DEAL WITH ANGRY BLACK PEOPLE... Our ancestors had to go through slavery and you have to deal with angry black people...JUST DEAL WITH IT... YOU GUYS HAVE IT EASY...

I'm black...I go to a college in Iowa with 500 black students... out of 10,000 students. In most of my classes I'm the only black person... Do I cry about? no I deal with it. Do I cry when I get pulled over for no reason? no I deal with it. Do I cry when a white person does some racist s h i t to me? NO I DEAL WITH IT(actually I f u c k them up if they do it on purpose). Do I cry when I meet a white person up here and the first question they ask is "what sport do you play"? NO I DEAL WITH IT. When I walk around campus white people look at me like I crazy. Some are even spooked by me because I'm black...

DEAL WITH IT... N u t the f u c k up and deal with it...
If I killed every white person that did some racist s h i t to me i'd have a wrap sheet longer than Osama Bin Laden.

Do I hate white people?? NO
Do I hold it over white people and act like the "Angry black man"??? NO

There are @$$holes in all races...I guess I'm weird...I judge people on how they act individually. Not on what race they are and how they are expected to act.

Not everybody is as smart as me though... SO JUST DEAL WITH IT.

Would it kill you to put yourself in someone else's shoes?

So let's put you in a 17 yr old black kid's shoes. Let's say he's from Chicago (hey I happen to be from there)

Wake up in the mourning...
Take the long way to the bus stop so the black stones don't jump you...
Get to school, oh the metal detector's broke, wait in line for 30 mins....
Get to english class...Your the only one with your homework....
Everyone makes fun of you and calls you a nerd because you actually give a damn...
Its 3:00 time to run again so the vice lords don't jump you...
Get home....The power's off...Looks like your mom couldn't afford to pay the bill on time...
Your best friend now sells crack and wants you to join the business with him...You'll have money in your pocket but your not sure...
You walk to the corner store to get some chips...
Chicago PD squad car sees you...They flash their lights and stop you...They degrade you search you and ask you "where's the drugs"
They slap you around for a little bit then let you go...
You get home and your dad is beating on your mom...
(Yea all this s h it happened to me in one day...true story)

Thats the day in the life of a black kid living in the hood...

You wouldn't be mad????

Sorry if this post is confusing to people...DEAL WITH IT

Maybe if you guys stopped worrying about black people and what we're doing wrong(YES WE'RE DOING A LOT OF S H IT WRONG I KNOW) You guys could be getting more @$$ from females...

I swear I can't wait to graduate from college. I'm going somewhere , where I don't have to deal with STUPID PEOPLE(And thats from ALL RACES)...Anywhere but america
Oct 15, 2007
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All races got pricks. I meet cool black cats in up state new york as well as cool whites dudes. People look at black dudes bad cuz they listen to hiphop and dress in baggy clothes. Judging off music preference and dressing style is boggus and we should never judge a book by its cover. With that being said peace out to all in here.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
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Good post, Mr. Stabaho.

I'm black and I go to a 4% Black school. People talk **** and look at you strange all the time. You gotta just sack up and deal with it. Those were the cards fate dealt you, so w/e.

On topic, OP is obviously an idiot. Let's leave it at that and close thread.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2007
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What is the point of this thread does it in anyway relates to seduction? Genralizing black people is cheap yes there are some obnioxus blacks but there is also some obnioxus white people aswell thats life we are all individuals.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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Futureketekun, instead of "Why are black people rude?" it should be "Why are CERTAIN black people rude?" or "Why are people rude in the first place?" The answer is the way they're brought up. All races are equally rude. Wolf is just being a troll, nothing more nothing less. Brett012, regardless of trying to save face....even those guys who follow the stereotype to an extent shouldn't be shot. Its like different races playing their stereotypical negative music LOUD and jamming to it. U want them to be shot too? C'mon man. But LostAnd, i understand where ur coming from. When i was growing up, people kept saying "Why do you talk white?" or "Why do u like white girls?" I felt that same pressure and really wasn't considered that cool image till i said "**** it" or "Yea and?" and never got questioned it again.
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