Where do I practice?


New Member
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
Hey, guys!

Look, I understand that Pickup/Seduction, just like any other skill, requires practice. Problem is, it is a skill to practice which you need... you guessed it! Women.

So, my question is... where do I practice? Note: As a beginner.
First, a lil' bit about me. I am a school student (11th grade). There are plenty of markets around my home. Which I'd like to avoid for initial practice so as not to gain unwanted attention from people (many) who know and may tell, my mother :p . Can't help it guys... India! But the closest malls that I can go to are 10-15 mins. away from my house on bike (bicycle). As for school, I don't wanna begin there because unless I have developed myself and my skills to a level at which I can say with a certain surety that I WILL get the girl, I might just end up crashing and burning. In any other scenario, with strangers or whomever, crashing and burning is fine by me but at school it'll only lead to unwanted, negative attention and awkward, weird confrontations.

So, whaddya' think? Thank ya, Kudos!