Where could I have gone wrong (been given a fake number)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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Not so much that it bothers me, more that I am curious as to where I could have gone wrong. To the best of my memory, here is what happened:

I went to my girl A's house (the one that gave me a fake number) with girl B (my friend) and another male friend, C. I was basically lifting both B and C, and C was working early the next day so we had to leave roughly at 12:30am.

So here's how it went, let me know where any mistake could be.

I got to the apartment, we had some small talk about whatever (us four), school, work, etc. Then after 20 minutes-ish, we went on the roof to smoke some weed (that was the initial plan). Already on the roof I could see some IOIs. She was kinoing, getting her face closer to mine when she talked to me, had some pretty heavy eye contact, etc. I kinoed back a bit and she was responsive. I didn't take it further at that point.

Fast forward a bit, we went in the living room and watched some funny videos off of youtube, I was sitting next to her computer and she came to sit next to me (strategic placement, I knew she'd go for her computer :D). We started watching videos and the kino got a little more serious. At first I did a few tests, such as my hand on her lower back when saying something to her, my arm around her waist, etc. In a span of 10 minutes, I went from that to my hand rubbing her ass, and add another 20 minutes I had my second hand running up and down her thighs.

All while this was happening, obviously she didn't turn me down once, she also encouraged me from times to times or rubbed my hand a bit, etc. All in all, madly responsive.

I gave her my cell phone so she could enter her number while we were watching a short documentary, which she did.

Now the one thing I think could have gotten wrong: I didn't try to kiss her, but then again my two friends were there.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
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I'm kind of confused. You feel comfortable grabbing her ass / rubbing her thighs while your friends are there, but not kissing her?

You also never said how long you've known this chick , if it was the first time meeting her etc.

I think you skipped some steps in the escalation process and it might've weirded her out and she didn't want to make it akward by rejecting you , so let you have your way.

Either that or there's always the possibility she entered it wrong. But I think my first guess is more likely.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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joverby said:
I'm kind of confused. You feel comfortable grabbing her ass / rubbing her thighs while your friends are there, but not kissing her?

You also never said how long you've known this chick , if it was the first time meeting her etc.

I think you skipped some steps in the escalation process and it might've weirded her out and she didn't want to make it akward by rejecting you , so let you have your way.

Either that or there's always the possibility she entered it wrong. But I think my first guess is more likely.
Well the grabbing part is more subtle, while kissing is more "in your face", that's why...

And it's the first time I met her, although she's far from a prude so that's why I escalated fast, I didn't think it would bother her much or throw her off guard


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
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BannedGod said:
Well the grabbing part is more subtle, while kissing is more "in your face", that's why...

And it's the first time I met her, although she's far from a prude so that's why I escalated fast, I didn't think it would bother her much or throw her off guard
I think that's it then TBH. Think you went to quick / missed some basic attraction building steps. Dudes are generally the ones to get excited by sight / touch more easily.

I figured it being more subtle. Was just trying to make a point.

The only time I did the ass grab and stuff first was in some pretty extreme situation. Was at this Jimmy Buffet party at a hotel. Was gaming on a chick while her boyfriend was there, and was just a whole crazy scenario all together.(EG. Walked in the girls bathroom to talk to her) You should read my field report, was pretty cool.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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BannedGod said:
Well the grabbing part is more subtle, while kissing is more "in your face", that's why...

And it's the first time I met her, although she's far from a prude so that's why I escalated fast, I didn't think it would bother her much or throw her off guard
False. Groping a girl is something that comes AFTER kissing. Read Vin DiCarlo's escalation ladder, you have the steps reversed.

If you have a hard time kissing a girl, use David DeAngelo's "kiss test" to test how receptive she is, and also try to set it up so that your face gets near hers and you can't help yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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Ok this sounds about right, like I explained in this case the reason why I reversed the steps is that I was uncomfortable kissing her in front of my two other friends.

However, it it really made her uncomfortable, wouldn't she have moved or something? Instead of encouraging me and guiding my hand more towards her inner thighs?


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
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Vice said:
False. Groping a girl is something that comes AFTER kissing. Read Vin DiCarlo's escalation ladder, you have the steps reversed.

If you have a hard time kissing a girl, use David DeAngelo's "kiss test" to test how receptive she is, and also try to set it up so that your face gets near hers and you can't help yourself.

Ya, come to think of it. The situation I was talking about the chick did kiss her hand and put it on my cheek before I did my ass grab. But ya dude like I was saying you went too quick. It's a rookie mistake most of us have probably made.

I lost a hot chick quick once doing it before. Just met her and tried getting her to watch a movie / lay on my futon with me almost immediately XD lol Needless to say she got pretty uncomfortable.

You gotta realize chicks brains are wired differently for attraction then dudes are.

Ya, I suppose you would have to be pretty socially retarded to not notice someone getting uncomfortable. But then again, if she really was receptive of it, why would she give you a fake #? Why didn't you "F" close? Since you went immediately to that direction. You skipped some steps dude, that's gotta be it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
BannedGod said:
Ok this sounds about right, like I explained in this case the reason why I reversed the steps is that I was uncomfortable kissing her in front of my two other friends.

However, it it really made her uncomfortable, wouldn't she have moved or something? Instead of encouraging me and guiding my hand more towards her inner thighs?
Okay, that makes more sense, I didn't read the part about your friends being there, I thought they were in a different room.

You should have isolated her, gone out for a smoke/walk/showed her something "cool" outside, especially if she's guiding you to those places!

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
I'm thinking she may have put it in wrong made a mistake....you'll have another opportunity again