Where can I meet High School girls?


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, before any of you assume i'm an old pervert, I want to point out that I am a freshman in college.

College (so far) has been great, and i've been partying and hooking up like no other (though i partied alot in HS too).

but here's my gripe: at parties, the girls i meet and hook up with are almost all interchangeable. As pathetic and as gay as I might sound, they are all the same shallow, slutty, and materialistic (though hot) girls. i was tlaking to some of my close HS friends recently, and aside from the guys who have been in long term relationships, it really seems as though everyone is in the same boat (granted i'm the only one who is getting tired of it).

In college, all the intelligent girls seem to be in LTR and i realize how different college and HS are. in hs, of maybe 5 hot girls, only 1 was in a relationship. in college, everyone is looking for mates and of 5 hot girls, only 1 is single (and theres a good chance she's a slut).

anyways, before turning this into a rant, where can i meet high school girls (preferably seniors, though juniors arent that bad)? As it seems liek, HS (before I get any older) is the best place to find attractive single chicks, who arent sluts.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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You're outta your mind, dude.

College girls range across the board from hot horny druken slvts to cute girls that are trying to get into medical school that aren't slvts and spend most of their time studying. And everything in between.

And now you want to head back to high school with social cliques, 10pm curfews, living with mom and dad, and trolling the high school parking lots in oder to lure under age HB's with candy?

You must be out of your mind. You are in candyland right now my friend. You have so many different girls from so many different walks of life, it's not even funny. You just need to open your eyes.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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you really think so? granted i totally forgot about curfews and stuff, as that totally slipped my mind; but in all honesty, the girls i hook up with at parties are all the same. the girls who i can atually see myself getting into a ltr with all tend to have bfs already. maybe i'm too narrow minded. I do tend to be attracted to the same "type" of girl (an old gf made me watch "the hills" with her once, and the girls in that show are my idea of perfect -minus the being totally spoiled part).

i will admit, that i'm pretty shallow. While being attractive isn't a hundred percent of what i look for, i most certainly dont bother at all with girls who arent attractive. I'm not mean or anything, i just dont talk to them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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venser said:
Ok, before any of you assume i'm an old pervert, I want to point out that I am a freshman in college.

College (so far) has been great, and i've been partying and hooking up like no other (though i partied alot in HS too).

but here's my gripe: at parties, the girls i meet and hook up with are almost all interchangeable. As pathetic and as gay as I might sound, they are all the same shallow, slutty, and materialistic (though hot) girls. i was tlaking to some of my close HS friends recently, and aside from the guys who have been in long term relationships, it really seems as though everyone is in the same boat (granted i'm the only one who is getting tired of it).

In college, all the intelligent girls seem to be in LTR and i realize how different college and HS are. in hs, of maybe 5 hot girls, only 1 was in a relationship. in college, everyone is looking for mates and of 5 hot girls, only 1 is single (and theres a good chance she's a slut).

anyways, before turning this into a rant, where can i meet high school girls (preferably seniors, though juniors arent that bad)? As it seems liek, HS (before I get any older) is the best place to find attractive single chicks, who arent sluts.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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my logic might be totally flawed but my thought process is, that as most girls (that i'm interested in actaully dating) i meet in college are taken, they must have been taken between now and HS.

tapping into HS (before they are taken) just seemed obvious to me, I definately do see your [motown mack] point about all the troubles that went along with HS girls though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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You want a drama queen who is stuck in this MTV "I'm a princess" mentality for a LTR??

Go for a girl who's a little older. Trust me. You don't want a g/f who's in high school if you aren't in high school. You'd be better off being single.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
i guess your right. I might be partially bitter also because as I'm currently a freshman, alot of the freshman girls go for older guys. i guess next year will be better. i suppose, i'll keep myself occupied with all the sorority sluts til then.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
one of the best examples of how interchangeable these girls i hook up with are though, is just a month ago i was doing this girl in her bedroom during a party at the sigma nu house and when i turned her over so I could do her from behind, i realized that I had fvcked this same girl almost 6 months ago in september becuase of the tattoo i recognized.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
i suppose you might be right.
Honestly, bud, I feel sorry for DJs in highschool. It's like a prison that you can't escape from, where your reputation follows you around for 4 years. And I didn't have a bad high school experience either, and I still am glad I am not there.

To all my little homies that are going through this death march now, for 99% of you, it will get WAY better and easier (the 1% is the jock who seems to be gettin some, and it might be downhill for him-but even for most of them, it will get better too).

I am not saying finding girls in college is a picnic either, but at least there you get to meet some diverse people from different upbringings, that are outside the box you lived in for so long.

Besides man, you are too young to be thinking about an LTR right now. Work on building some skills and confidence with women every day (sounds like you're doing fine if you're getting laid-I am not sure what you are so concerned about that you would even consider such a drastic move). The great thing about that proving ground, is your rep probably isn't gonna follow you around forever, whether it's failures or successes.

Each day is a new one. Get out there and experiment.

I'm not mean or anything, i just dont talk to them.
LOL. No comment.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
MotownMack said:
Get out there and experiment.

will do. i think i'll make it a goal this year to have a 3-some or something; somehting i've always wanted to do.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
venser said:
Ok, before any of you assume i'm an old pervert, I want to point out that I am a freshman in college.

College (so far) has been great, and i've been partying and hooking up like no other (though i partied alot in HS too).

but here's my gripe: at parties, the girls i meet and hook up with are almost all interchangeable. As pathetic and as gay as I might sound, they are all the same shallow, slutty, and materialistic (though hot) girls. i was tlaking to some of my close HS friends recently, and aside from the guys who have been in long term relationships, it really seems as though everyone is in the same boat (granted i'm the only one who is getting tired of it).

In college, all the intelligent girls seem to be in LTR and i realize how different college and HS are. in hs, of maybe 5 hot girls, only 1 was in a relationship. in college, everyone is looking for mates and of 5 hot girls, only 1 is single (and theres a good chance she's a slut).

anyways, before turning this into a rant, where can i meet high school girls (preferably seniors, though juniors arent that bad)? As it seems liek, HS (before I get any older) is the best place to find attractive single chicks, who arent sluts.
Sh!t, I don't know what you are talking about. I know a bunch of single hotties that go to my college.

I go for the band geeks because they are a lot like myself.

Actually just off the top of my head, I can name 10 single hotties.


EDIT: btw when I was a freshman in college, I was getting with senior girls.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
venser said:
one of the best examples of how interchangeable these girls i hook up with are though, is just a month ago i was doing this girl in her bedroom during a party at the sigma nu house and when i turned her over so I could do her from behind, i realized that I had fvcked this same girl almost 6 months ago in september becuase of the tattoo i recognized.

Hahahhahaha, this is FUNNY.

OP, did you ever think that the reason these chicks are interchangeable is because you are meeting them all at house parties... and maybe you are going for the ones that make it easy for you (aka they are EASY).

Maybe you should start meeting chicks in class and at the library. Join a group. Get a PT job.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
I have to agree. There's just something more innocent and attractive about high school girls. Most hot high school senior chicks have had sex with maybe 0 to 2 guys. Then they graduate, go off to college away from their over protective parents, and really let loose. Not all of them. A lot of them though. My best advice is to find out what the local high school hang out spots are. Just don't date any if they are under 18, and be very respectful to the parents. They get antsy when their kid brings home a college guy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Hahahhahaha, this is FUNNY.

OP, did you ever think that the reason these chicks are interchangeable is because you are meeting them all at house parties... and maybe you are going for the ones that make it easy for you (aka they are EASY).

Maybe you should start meeting chicks in class and at the library. Join a group. Get a PT job.