When it comes to paying the bill

Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
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Alright, here's one that has been on my mind a bit lately.

When you are taking that lovely young lady out to a posh restaurant, exactly who pays for what??

I mean this has probably been covered before, I'm sure, but just for the record... say you have finished a lovely meal and the bill arrives. What do you say? 'It's OK, I got this one'.. or 'great, that'll be only $30 each!'

With the latter I get the feeling the girl would be almost offended. Why? 'Because that's not the way its done' she will say... or something along those lines. Yes, it's common practice for you to pay the whole bill, spark most of the conversations, listen eagerly to all her jabbering... and still face the possibility of rejection later on if she decides you weren't worthy.

So must you always pay? Or split the bill always? Or just sometimes? It's a difficult one.

I have a friend who is now engaged to be married in three years time. They have a great relationship, but whatever they do, wherever they go... HE PAYS FOR BOTH OF THEM. ALWAYS.

I mean please... he seems happy to do so, and admittedly she has a child and a much lower income than him... but sometimes I feel like grabbing her and screaming 'it wouldn't f***ing hurt for you to pay for YOURSELF once in a while y'know!!' and then screaming at him 'stop being such a CHUMP and let HER pay for once!!' but so far I have resisted the urge.

So any ideas guys?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
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You pay for a girl she thinks your a provider. The provider is the type of guy she wants to marry and she will gold out on having sex with him.

You dont pay then your the guy who seduces her and gets sex right away.

So between seducer and provider i would always pick seducer. You get the sex and have to spend less.

When i take a girl out to dinner a lot of the times when the bill comes i:

Me: Ill pay

Her: (thinking im going to pay) no no no dw il pay

Me: Ok thanks

Her: (shocked look) um ok (shes stuck she has to pay)

HaHaHaHa i love doing that.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
It depends on who is taking who out. If you called the gurl and said "have diner with me" you should pay for it, after all you did ask her to meet you there. If you ware out on a date and she is the one that suggested you grab something to eat, then it's half and half. If the bill is small enough (pizza....), you may stick her with the bill. Also, if you got all $20 bills and the bill is like $28.66, tell her you don't wan't to brake a 20 and then carry bunch of change in your pockets, she can pitch in if she has the change in her (bottomless) perss.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
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South Africa
Ye, at your age that's the way to go, like Macky said.

If you're a teenager/student, though - just split the bill. Especially if none of you work. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
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Well I dont usually take a girl to a posh restaurant on the first date, but I learned an intersting concept today. "It's the person that did the asking that pays". If I ask, I always pay for the first date. I say something like, "You can get the next one." Then on the next date, we split (it's usually an action date at this point).


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
This all depends on what you could want from the girl. If it's just sex you have like no business being at dinner with her.

If you're in get a gf mode then...

Girl pays for herself or has the understanding that next time she pays. Why set a precedent that you pay for her? What she's all special and doesn't have to support her own weight? You pay $20 for her and then she decides she can blow you off when you call for another date without even a respectable "sorry, i'm not interested." Bah, she establishes herself before you start throwing down the benjamins for her. Now if you get ice cream or something cheap don't be retarded and demand $2 from her but $10+ i'd expect her to AT THE VERY MINIMUM offer to pay for herself... then i accept. I've never had a date not offer to pay her way.

My gf just throws down her part with no discussion... once in a while i pay for whole thing and she'll say "i got next time" and then she does pay for next time. I have no idea if it ends up being equal but i don't care because i make more money than her.

I've had discussions before come up about it where girls (and exgfs) and afc guys say guys should pay where i'd say "ok i'll pay every time but we'll go out half as much." The gfs will then be like "nooo" and no more questions of me paying for them (bribing them for future sex) are mentioned.

In short, girls when you first start seeing them usually offer up money. I'm not sure what to say if they don't. I've never had that happen.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by spider_007
If you called the gurl and said "have diner with me" you should pay for it, after all you did ask her to meet you there.
I think your underestimating your worth just a bit, doubtful she has anything better to do. Spending nights being the centre of male attention is what chicks live and breath for, not to mention spending a night with a real life MAN/DJ she should be paying you.

This is covered countless times and the general consensus is you dont take out chicks to posh restaurants who have yet to prove themselves to you, in other words what has she done for you lately? Has vagina, kindness, gifts, femininity, honesty, respect and non flakey behaviour been offered to you from her to warrant such a reward from you?


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
son, its pretty simple
you dont do anything expensive, and thus pay for all the **** like coffe or whatever, until you know its serous (youve had some intimacy - ps high schoolers holding hands n hudding is not intimacy....)
when u know its serious u can pay for the bill, what kind of a loser are you anyways when u dont got cash? maybe dont do expensive things then !~!:woo: