When does Marriage go wrong


Sep 6, 2011
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goundra said:
aw, your po lil lizard brain wants to reproduce itself, you can't BEAR to get a vasectomy like a smart man, so you set yourself up for ruination and have kids. tough stuff. I got one decades ago, cause I saw how stupid it is, at least, until you are a millionaire and mostly, kids PREVENT your ever becoming one.
Why would I have wanted to get a vasectomy? I wouldn't trade in my 15-month-old daughter for all the money or anything else in the world. You don't understand this because you're not a father. I never fully understood (if at all) the true magnitude of love (that dreaded L-word here on SS) a parent can have for his or her child until I saw my baby girl for the first time, just minutes after she was born. I still pull up and look at that first minutes-old pic I took of her at the hospital, and I relive that moment in my mind often. If that makes me a "poor lizard-brained beta," then my only regret is that I didn't act on my "poor lizard brain" beta instinct sooner. The more time I get with her, the better.

How old are you? No offense, but your post above doesn't read like that of someone who's old enough to have gotten a vasectomy "decades ago." Usually, someone that old is mature enough to understand that most people who have kids are not millionaires, yet not all of them struggle to make ends meet, and that many of them do in fact still live comfortable, fulfilled lives. I know I do. Then again, I'm a spiritual man, so my motivations might be vastly different from yours -- and that's ok. Not everyone finds fulfillment in the same things. If all you want to do is make a fortune, and you feel that having kids will get in your way of that, then you're right...don't have any because you will likely be a resentful, sh!tty dad. To write off any non-millionaire parent as "stupid" for wanting to have a family is myopic and immature. Ask any of the non-millionaire dads on this forum if they regret having their kids, and how they feel about them...then get back to me.


Oct 20, 2012
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I'm 60, and I know FAR more about this than you, son. you'd damned well BETTER love her, once you have been responsible for her APPEARANCE here. that is NOT the same thing, however, as preventing a pregancy in the first place, and the fact that you confuse the two tells me all I need to know. there is ZERO difference between a kid with your genes and all the millions and millions of kids who need adopting and are ALREADY here. Nobody needs to be making things worse by adding to the overpopulation problem.

The human race needs to SKIP an entire generation, then 10% of women, by lottery, are all that should be allowed to have kids, for about 60 years, and get the world's population stabilized at a number that will provide for all to have a decent living, without using up the Earth.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
I agree that a lot of people have kids for the wrong reason. They just want to continue their gene pool.. which is almost identical to everyone else's gene pool. Even two different races of people are 99.9% alike genetically. Most people don't know this.

If you can afford kids and you believe you have the wisdom and resources to bring them up as a highly productive member of society.. then have at it. But don't spawn mini-me's just to prove you can do it or for retarded social status crap.. which is the main reason MOST people do it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 20, 2011
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speed dawg said:
What the anti-marriage guys here don't realize is that it's not 'marriage' that's the problem. That's just a symptom of the real problem, which is the pussification of males in general. Confident men don't often get divorced.
This, in a nutshell, is what the problem is. The majority of "men" in our society have pussed out and become pandering clowns, subservient to the most mild forms of beauty or fatness. They're tools in the fembot's arsenal. They may as well be gay because they sure aren't getting laid by women.

They'll flame & blame you for wanting to "keep women in their place". They conveniently malign your efforts to retain your masculinity through subtle put downs and other passive-aggressive tactics. They'll openly mock the "dbag" who mouths off to bratty girls and gets laid for it, they'll try to undermine you in front of women out of their blistering insecurities when you are strong and confident. They tell women what they "think" they want to hear, and all the while they end up with nothing but a turned off woman and a space in the friend zone.

You all know the guy I'm talking about. This is why we have divorce, and this is why marriage is a bad deal for men. I won't even get started on feminism.

Burroughs, you should link that video of that poor fellow in CO who went to jail, whose wife was given the choice to have him imprisoned or not. Women are now judge and jury, and we have the male enablers to thank for all of this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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origin138 said:
Women are now judge and jury, and we have the male enablers to thank for all of this.
Exactly. Because it's politicians (mostly male) that pass the unfair laws and then the police force (mostly male) enforces them. Policemen can be brave in one sense (when facing danger) but completely whipped p*ssies when it comes to dealing with women (catering to women's senseless or ridiculous demands, trying to impress them with their badge, etc.). Simply a microcosm reflecting the macrocosm.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2001
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Columbus, Ohio
When you stop communicating, you've heard it before.
Communication. Communication. Communication.
People grow and so does your language. You just got to keep it the way it was when you first met and grow.
Now there are uncertain circumstances, you can't control that.

Outside of that, just grow with each other and if all else fails..... da butt. :)