When a Girl Ignored you...


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2006
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**Title meant to be 'When a girl ignores you'

So I know you guys are just there thinking: when a girl stops talking to you, it means she's not attracted anymore. And I agree with this, but I still have a problem, so i'll explain.

I met this girl, we were chatting loads over the net etc. She seemed pretty into me. We went out together once. Then suddenly we stop talking. She's never online/talking to me anymore, so I guessed she was no longer interested and I just messed up.

Oneitis kicked in.

Now I'm guessing the best move here was to move on, which I'm in the process of doing. But I still want this girl. We are still gonna meet at a club (not nightclub, language learning) every saturday and I'm afraid it'll just be awkward.

So instead of moving on. What would you guys do to a girl who ignores you, but used to be interested - and if you are still interested in her?

Is it worth the effort?



Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
are there going to be other girls at this club event thing if so use your attraction skills on them for a while build up you social and reproductive. value then try to reopen her if shes still cold then forget about it theres nothing you can do and move on

PS. stop using the net to talk to girls if you really liked this girl you should of built some phone game about once a week with her and ignored her on the net. Net game is No game in my book a good way to talk at first but you already met up with her did you not get her number? to have an active relationship with anyone you need phone game to an extent.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
there was some phone game, not loads but some. and yes there will be a few other girls, so i'll try some game on them - in fact i've been thinking about this one and about trying it on the best friend of the girl im interested in :p


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
right mindset but remember never limit yourself to just one female, part of attraction is a girl knowing your preselected by other females. Also befriend some guys in there and show your a leader of men to your target if your showing your preselected by the females then guys will follow your lead cause you have something to offer and these guys offer you social value to your target also
its just like a cycle dig. not sure what level you think your at but hope this helps you out alil bro


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
frisco said:
right mindset but remember never limit yourself to just one female, part of attraction is a girl knowing your preselected by other females. Also befriend some guys in there and show your a leader of men to your target if your showing your preselected by the females then guys will follow your lead cause you have something to offer and these guys offer you social value to your target also
its just like a cycle dig. not sure what level you think your at but hope this helps you out alil bro
Great advice. Couldn't have said it better myself