What's your oppinion on DocLove? Is he right as he thinks he is?

May 17, 2004
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I'll tell you how much practicing Doc Love principles and teaching would help men out there:

year 2001 sept 7, after getting out of a long period of life inside a religious sect, I was just starting to read the DJ Bible and this forum. But I wanted to get some "serious" book that could give me a framework I could SERIOUSLY WORK ON and be good with the one thing I was so ingorant about, WOMEN. So I purchased the System.

That same day sept 7 2001 I was back home on the public transportation after a long day in college. After reading and rehearsing the doc love principles on the bus, I was feeling so good to have such a good advice with me. Well ,..while getting off the public transportation bus that takes me home every day, I noticed that an extremely HOT babe was about to get off the bus in the same place as me.

she's today a model in Argentina( the first two pics)

I did it too and thought "if gets off the bus the same place as me I'll talk to her"..and so I did. I got her email, cellphone and home phone number.

I waited a week and called her and she said to me that day that she would leave for a week on vacation to the caribbean but I should email her cuz she wanted to know about me. anyways I did it ..brief short , funny and uplifting as doc love teaches. She responded.

A week after that I called her again to ask her out, she said ok. Called her on monday for a wednesday.
Two hours before she cancelled and told me she would call me.
I said to myself "her loss"
didnt call her on the weekend and just waited for her call. Well she did call me exactly a week after that, same time same day. We met on wednesday for a short coffee...
after the first date I didn't close for a kiss cuz doc love teaches he wants her dying to kiss the man ...(challenge) she gave me very strong buying signals and all so "I was rising her interest I thought" (If I stayed with this forum at that time instead of doc love, I surely would have banged her )

a week after that I called her again asked for a date and she agreed ...we went out all went well and I kissed at the end of the second date...

third date a week later and she agreed to the third date but didnt show up. I went to her house since she lived close to mine...
we chat for a while and this is what she said:
"people knew we were hanging out and since you call me so few and a guy at college was interested in me I thought you would probably call me or may be stop calling me, this guy at college asked me to be exclusive with him..." :confused: "I met you walking down the street and I don't know you that well, you would have call me a little bit more I wouldn't have so many doubts... "
So I decided to be "friends" with her and hang out with her on and off when the BF was not around as a friend and she agreed. The Bf lived quite far at that time.
On a weekend I asked her out , she agreed and I wanted to practice challenge on her and wait for her to touch me on this date. since "men do the picking but women do the choosing" challenge wouldnt fail on this chick... so we went to the east coast together... all night ...I waited and waited and I kissed her .... she just kissed me back ...and that was IT ...
back together at her home she didn't give me a good night kiss or the famous smooch (doc love) ...
and I wondered what the hell happened ... I would never in my life forget something like this... never
May 17, 2004
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what happened after that? ..she never returned my phone calls.... who cares about challenge and mystery, and self-control, confidence and all that when all you want is f ..v ck her ?

who cares about challenge and mystery, and self-control, confidence and all that when all you want is f ..v ck her ?


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
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Doc Love can be very good - for a CERTAIN type of guy.

(I'll try and be brief!)

Me - I am 35 years old. I am 6' 4" and weigh about 150 pounds. Reasonably average guy. Blondish-reddish hair (the worst color hair to have) and blue eyes. Plus, I am a computer geek. Bad combo for picking up women. The worst. I have NEVER been hit on, and had only a few girlfriends. Big loser, huh! ;)

Anyway, after getting out of an eleven year marriage with a ***** and being totally demoralized, I bought his "system." (By the way, how many of you bought it? He doesn't tell you everything on his site, so be wary of judging his stuff by his site.)

His system was PERFECT for someone like me - broken, beaten down, and who has always had a hard time meeting women. I learned why none of my relationships worked out, I learned what to look for and what to avoid. I learn - quite literally - to be a man. His system literally taught me self-improvement and I credit him with bringing me out of a deep depression with myself and my skills with women. And most importantly - I learned what I had been doing wrong with women my whole life.

About a 6 months of reading later, I was meeting more women, getting numbers, and - get this - turning women down who did not meet my criteria. That's a first! :D Me, turning DOWN a woman! Who woulda thought.

I am not a big Don Juan. I do not go for one night stands or cheap sluts. I am looking for a quality woman. Doc Love was very instrumental in helping me with the BASICS that I never knew.

Now if you are good looking, accomplished at meeting/banging women, all that - lucky you! :) Sure, DL won't work for **** for you! But if you are an average guy, shy, lack confidence, he might help.

What I learned - among other things - from Doc Love:

Hold your head up
Eye contact
Be a man. Don't take crap from women.
Don't be a doormat. If there isn't something in it for you, don't do it.
How to recognize a gold digger, or any woman who is just using you.
Talk less, listen more, judge her, find out who she is.
Ditch loser chicks.
Learn from your mistakes (a BIG one for me.)

There are lots of things, really. I finally gave my system to another pathetic guy like me, and I sincerely hope it can help him. This guy was just like me - broken, beaten down, and that just sucks.

So bottom line - Doc Love is a great starting point for those guys who are on the bottom looking up. But once you're up ... well, look where I am posting now! :)


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
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Oh, I should add, I met the perfect woman for me. If I had not learned everything I did from DL, I probably never would have asked her out.

We've been together for almost a year now, and that is exactly what I was looking for. If I were just looking to sleep around, I would probably pursue the DD book, but that is just not my style.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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Hold your head up
Eye contact
Be a man. Don't take crap from women.
Don't be a doormat. If there isn't something in it for you, don't do it.
How to recognize a gold digger, or any woman who is just using you.
Talk less, listen more, judge her, find out who she is.
Ditch loser chicks.
Learn from your mistakes (a BIG one for me.)
Listen, don't get me wrong, I'm happy that his System changed your life, but everything you just wrote down is either common sense, or information that you can find on any seduction site (like this one).


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
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Originally posted by MindOverMatter
Listen, don't get me wrong, I'm happy that his System changed your life, but everything you just wrote down is either common sense, or information that you can find on any seduction site (like this one).
I *agree* wholeheartedly. But it is *not* common sense for everyone. If it were, this site would not exist, now would it? We'd all be dating studs, naturally! :D

And yes, you could find it here, but - believe it or not - I did not know this site existed!

One other thing - Doc Love seems to focus more on quality of relationships, not quantity. Many sites simply make men pick up artists. I was not looking for one night stands, and he focused more on meeting the right woman - not just any woman for the purpose of screwing her.

So he serves his purpose well, IMO, for men with little or no self confidence, poor self control, with no common sense (like me!), and men who are not into one night stands.
